So who was in the wrong here?

so who was in the wrong here?

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Chibi obviously you fucking retard. What a dumb cunt thread

>I would really prefer if you'd secure a place for our people and a future for white children
What did he mean by this?

Dark Energy Moon Collar

>Initally along with Chibi's tone-deafness, shitty, forced attempts at humor, and overall lack of self awareness.
>Eventually reaches his autism tolerance threshold and politely confronts Chibi about his constant stream of idiocy.


based /ourguy/ chibi triggering the speedniggers

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It was a different time.

aquana is my fav streamer bros

Jesus Christ how about actually playing games for yourself you dumb fuck. Are you incapable or something?


Caveman. He's a faggot and a bully.

Both. Chibi was an annoying little shit and Caveman was too beta to tell him to leave earlier.

>so who was in the wrong here?
Both. Chibi is an autist with 0 social skills or self awareness and Caveman is a pretentious faggot.

I would really prefer if you would be quiet.

Yea Forums in a nutshell

Literally neither. Chibi tried to be entertaining, Caveman tolerated it for as long as he could. Caveman made a firm, level-headed request for silence and Chibi relented without further comment, and it all just stopped right there. No one shouted, no one got punched, no one was kicked out or banned as a result, and the event proceeded just fine. A perfect example of acceptable ways to handle a disagreement between two adults.

the one who lacks self-awareness and refuses to shut the fuck up even for a second because silence is deafening to him

Honestly Chibi is a literal fucking autist and i just can't bring myself to hold people with that degree of mental illness accountable for most of their actions, not that i blame caveman, i'm just saying i would've been more tolerant considering the circumstances.

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>.....but yes you are correct

Both were autistic. I could have easily defused this situation and made it more enjoyable

>have you ever noticed how pigs are always the villains?
>name the games where that is true
>lists 3 games
>thank you for the list of games

Should have just been like "Yeah just like in real life" or played along and been like "Yeah that's a weird thing. Why do they always get the short end of the stick?" Instead of just being a total sperg and wanting him to literally list the games.

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all of them are autistic if they are speedrunning a video game.

i can't help but feel sorry for these autists

gib cunny

its ok i haddv big cum on caveman face for vengence

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the manchild thinking speedrunning toomba is any more mature than how chibi was acting

it's not about it being mature or not, he was trying to focus and Chibi kept pestering him for too long. it's not like he was just talking to him he was also expecting replies/comments on whatever dumb shit he would say which is very distracting.

Me on the left

Caveman. He played along with Chibi's autistic bullshit for too long before finally telling him to shut up, so it made the situation more awkward than it would have been if he was just upfront about it from the beginning. If there's an annoying shithead on your couch making stupid jokes, don't fucking give them ammo to keep making stupid jokes.

Caveman unironically could have done it in a more polite way (and people who say he couldn't are people who like to fuck others over), but his response wasn't overblown either. I'd say no one.

>and it all just stopped right there

Not really. Donators were egging Chibi on after Caveman told him to be quiet and they had him do jumping jacks which disrupted the speedrun and resulted in Caveman getting annoyed and snarky. Plus he was talking mad shit about Chibi after the event, not that I blame him but it was hardly peaceful between the two.

You think Chibi had some condoms in his pocket during this run, just in case?

both, speedrunners are subhuman

Neither. Chibi is just autistic as fuck but wasn't being malicious. Caveman reached his boiling point and tried to be as polite as possible.

Caveman's response was fair if a bit too harsh, but no one really did anything wrong. But the community's response to it unironically made me realize a lot of people have this weird resentment towards people who don't understand social cues and actively enjoy revenge fantasies where they BTFO the autistic person. Really strange if you ask me.

OP for making shitty threads.

Guy on the left. Annoying cunt.

>a lot of people have this weird resentment towards people who don't understand social cues and actively enjoy revenge fantasies where they BTFO the autistic person

I think it's because deep down, everybody knows they have awkward cringeworthy moments and have an innate desire to disassociate themselves from that as much they can, so their response is to bully the socially retarded kids to make themselves feel superior. Kind of a shitty thing to do but that's the internet for you.

chibi is a turbo autist and caveman is a gentle autist, they actually compliment each other quite well and they know it

sounds about right

Sitcom of them sharing an apartment when?

you literally made me come back to this videos after years of staying away. This shit is too awkward!

>caveman is the most boring person on the planet
>chibi brings the bants
>saves this literalwho from yet another "who cares what's next" speedrun
>caveman acts like an internet tough guy despite having a pedophile mustache
>both get gloried although we know who the michaels is

oh yeah and forgot to mention Chibi has a HUGE dick

He said that??

frasier already exists

did they fucked?



Can't believe I laughed at this terrible garbage
>when he farts after entering the apartment
That's good shit

Autism doesn't mean he's no longer repsonsible for his actions. There are autistic people who are cool and autistic people who are cunts. He invited himself onto the couch and was generally being obnoxious. You have to take the autism into account, of course - he was only annoying and crossed social boundaries because of his autism. If he was a normal guy who did this he would have likely been tolerable with his jokes and such, but still kind of a dick. My conclusion is that he was in the wrong and should be held accountable, but you can't blame him for being annoying or sitting so close to Caveman.
I agree with you on Caveman's reaction, though. He should have been gentler, but I can't fault him for getting annoyed. That said, he should have said something to Chibi after the fact and he's an asshole for still bagging on Chibi during streams after the run.

Why did they make this? Who has this much time on their hands?!

NEVER doubt the powers of autism


The Traveller. He wasnt strong enough for the potions so he needed to go grind up.

Why the fuck is Chibi on the fucking couch

He wasn't even invited on there

The fact anyone's framing this as anything other than Chibi's fault is a laugh.

Autist invites himself to couch for a stranger, literally doesn't know anything about the game, doesn't provide any insights, and just distracts Caveman the whole time. Yes, Caveman should have asked him to leave far earlier, but this is an autism event, so 'do not engage' is likely the mantra to avoid issues. It's only by Chibi's own self-importance and idiocy that the situation existed at all.


Caveman literally didn't know him and Chibi didn't know anything about the game.
Chibi's in the wrong.

but playing along wouldn't have made him shut up and caveman wanted him to shut the fuck up, there's no way to make that happen without it being awkward
he didn't even stop until he straight up told him to be quiet

>there's no way to make that happen without it being awkward
He didn't need to single out Chibi, he could have just said something like "I'm going to need to focus for these next few segments, so no-one say anything for a bit" instead of bringing him to a full stop out of nowhere.

>Literally can't fucking discuss Tomba 2 online because of Chibi
When will that faggot fucking kill himself

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>but this is an autism event, so 'do not engage' is likely the mantra to avoid issues

That's a terrible excuse because squatters get told to leave these events all the time. Caveman has nobody to blame but himself for the autism he experienced that day.

They're both in the wrong.

You can't discuss Tomba 2 online because nobody cares to talk about it. Barely anyone played it, and among those that did, only half of them actually liked it.