Play a JRPG!

Play a JRPG!

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Stop posting unethical vidya girls user

Shadowbringers comes out in a few days and after that I'll have 3 Houses to keep my autism contained for a good amount of time

I haven't seen Reisalin on the catalog all afternoon. I was started to get worried.

Only if you tell me which one is best to get on sale on steam right now

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So can I get context on this? What article did you chucklefucks take out of context for a meme this time?

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Tales of Vesperia

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recommend me some non mainstream/traditional jrpgs

If it doesn't need tits to sell you the game, it's not mainstream and it's actually GOOD.

Xeneptunia Chronicles brought steam masturbators to Yea Forums
What a disgrace. I hope Nintendo bakrupt

Reminder that XBC2 was so awful that Etika killed himself after beating it.

Square Enix released a statement that Tifa's sports bra and spats were a result of their Ethics department so it's the new "core values" meme to make fun of snoy censorship

I just finished MGQ paradox, and now I’m just milling about until I do a NG+ and side with Ilias this time


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I just did. Finished Xenogears the other day. It takes me months to get through a JRPG and I need a long cooldown period before I start another one however.

You’re overrated

I am. I just got Erdrick's Armor in Dragon Quest 2. Pretty fun game.

My love Sophie is superior to Ryza

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I only started playing JRPGs this generation but from this generation I only really liked Dragon Quest 11 and Xenoblade 2.
Final Fantasy 15 didn't click with me.
Persona 5 wasn't bad but it was too nu-weeby. I don't like contemporary settings.
Ni No Kuni 2 looked nice but I thought it was boring and painfully easy.
Ys 8 was too easy and clunky.
Octopath was visually ugly (I like retro graphics) and the story wasn't what I wanted it to be
Trails of Cold Steel 1 was genuinely embarrassing to play through.

What are some JRPGs from older generations I can try, other than Dragon Quest and other Xeno games? Maybe in the vain of both? I like the timeless classic vibe of Dragon Quest 11 and the 90s shounen vibe of Xenoblade 2
I don't have a problem with Japanese things/writing since I watch a lot of anime, if that helps.

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ffx is pretty much mandatory for you

Suikoden 2, Trials of Mana, Grandia, FF6, Chrono Trigger are the best JRPGs

If you liked Xenoblade 2, you should like Xenoblade 1 and maybe X.

Legend of dragoon

can you xenofags please stop lumping the rest of the genre in with your shovelware? thanks.

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Imagine being such a fucking loser you complain about Xenoblade while posting trails of cold steel holy shit talk about the pot calling the kettle black x1000



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rean would fit right in with xenocringe.

>want to try Xenoblade 2
>autism prevents me from doing so since I’ve never played the first one

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Ironic coming from a Kisekifag when Kiseki's writing staff worship Xenogears and cite it, along with Suikoden, inspired Falcom to start writing Kiseki in the first place.

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Just do it user, there it literally only 1 moment in the whole game that just slightly references the first game.
If it's such a problem though just get Dolphin and emulate Xenoblade 1, its hella easy

Also Sen literally turns into bootleg Xeno circlejerk by the second half of the arc.

They're completely independent games, going into more detail is full of spoilers but Xenoblade 2's plot developments and "twists" are actually better hidden if you go in completely blind thinking it's just a standard fantasy JRPG

Just emulate it, then?
The games are standalone anyway.

So what the stories are not that heavily connected? I’m already sorta spoiled on XB2 and I think someone told me that the game shows the first one’s crew around at the end or something yeah?

Xeno is an umbrella franchise the same way different Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest games are. Again it's super spoilery to go into any more detail, go into Xenoblade 2 thinking it is a standalone fantasy steampunk airship JRPG with no prior knowledge and you will get the "intended" experience through plot reveals actually being new information

Actual fucking spoilers incoming you hear one character from Xenoblade 1 say one line of dialogue through a dimensional rift near the end of the game, all this does is prove the games are part of the same multiverse and happening simultaneously to one-another, but you can experience either's story first so it doesn't really matter which game you play first.

Even Xenoblade 2 isn't that low brow, to be honest.

I'm okay.

But which one though?

Xenoblade 2's story deals with shit like unrest from poorly assimilated refugees and black market sex slavery

the kawaii ugu anime aesthetic is a cover for legitimate ennui and introspection like a proper xeno game but people just see silly one off skits posted and shit talk a game they haven't even played, as if other JRPGs having silly and stupid shit in them NEVER happens (ff7 being the most obvious example)

You know what. I think I fucking will. I think I'll try one more time to get into Xenoblade 2 while Jade Empire downloads over my incredibly slow internet connection.

>play xenoblade 2
>can't move on with the main story until I finish with every sidequest that is available

Fuck my autism, fuck those fetch quest.

Who would you want to give anal and then have the other taste it from your cock.

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The games occur simulataneously in alternate dimensions but you don't need to know 1's story to understand 2's

Well shit that’s good to hear. Thanks lads. Guess I’m getting the game tonight.

it's not worth it man, if you really have to come back and do them on NG+

Japs need to start making more unique jrpgs. They can add some life simulation into the mix for example.

The earlier Trails games had some pretty heavy content, too. Trails in the Sky 3rd had story bits about parental suicide and child prostitution, and Zero and Ao went into organized crime, political corruption, drug dealing and abuse, human experimentation, and other stuff. Cold Steel is when the story really became sanitized and character development got more and more facile as time went on.

No, jrpgs are practically non-games

I'd rather play with my penus weenus if you know what I mean :)

This image makes no sense. Logy is a lolicon.

Live-a-Live is pretty good, if you read the manual.

I'm playing FF7 on PC. I've yet to finish Shining Resonance

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Play an ARPG, then.

Lufia 2

I know it's "2" but it's a prequel

Tales games are all garbage except for phantasia

Xenoblade 2 was such high-quality waifushit I'm having such trouble replacing it. Why can't more games have such a mix of cute anime girls that aren't just their cliches, charming male characters, and an underlying game that is really fun to play?

Post her feet

>the kawaii ugu anime aesthetic is a cover for legitimate ennui and introspection like a proper xeno game

I just wish it didn't last so fucking long. I've stopped on chapter 4 twice because there are so many little things that bug me, the combat isn't near as interesting as people say (it's okay, but pretty mindless) and many of the cutscenes seem to copy from bottom of the barrel anime. Then there's also the fact that the writing just doesn't seem good. The first chapter had me interested, it shows nuggets of an interesting story occasionally, but I think they made a major mistake making the first 40 or so hours of the game not representative of the rest of the game. I mean, I like when things start one way and change drastically, but it just goes on for way too long in XC2.

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Strange Fake is honestly too good for Fate. Hopefully the deadly Japanese cold doesn't take Narita away from us before it's done

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saga games

If only she were wearing boots.

thanks aceman

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If you're still in chapter 4, you're absolutely correct that the combat hasn't opened up yet. Aside from the obvious flaws with the QoL stuff and the gacha mechanics, the pacing is really glacial and self-indulgent for both the story and the gameplay. At least half of the driver skill tree should have been default mechanics they give you immediately. XC2 is a great game with deep, deep flaws, and I'll always wonder how amazing it would have been if Monolith hadn't had to split their attention with BOTW and the remaining crew hadn't tried to stretch the game so thinly.

The only thing I can say is that it really does get better. Most JRPGs the beginning has obviously had the most effort and polish put into it while things trail off in quality as the game goes on, Xenoblade 2 almost feels like Monolith made the game in reverse.

Chapters 8, 9 and, 10 are pure kino but the game really begins to pick up around the half way point, the early exposition and world building is often a lot but I can promise it will be relevant later and isn't just WORDSWORDSWORDS for no reason

>VN Gil kills lolis
>F/SF proteccs
The true AUO we deserve

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Is it worth bothering with?

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To be fair, F/sn Gil had some Angry Manjew shit going on.

Nah it sucks dick, Shining Force 2 & 3 are the only good Shining games.

I got to the capital city? and got sidetracked because of too many fucking sidequests and daiting sim mechanics. The combat system is ass, almost if not as bad as Idea Factory's battle system. Play it for Hayamin and Nana Mizuki though

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I tried the Switch version. It feels very much like an early Japanese PS3 game where they were struggling to figure out HD development. It's enjoyable enough in the beginning, but at some point you realize how limited everything actually is. A feeling of "is this really the whole game? For the next however many hours?"

Maybe it gets better down the line, but up to where I got to it felt like a lifeless series of small rooms, with some reasonably charming cutscenes and character moments here and there. Maybe I'm just not a dungeon crawling sort of person.

strange fake gil is also the only time we've seen him genuinely happy and able to go all out because it's such a goddamn America fuck yeah shitshow that he gets to fight against Enkidu and one of the fucking Horsemen of the Apocalypse


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What are some JRPGs with actually good combat? I've never been able to get into them because I'd much rather just play something shorter with good gameplay.

Rocky wastelands are awful but I really like sandy dune and oasis zones especially if they have matching music, dunno what it is but it's always maximum comfy

but how else will they include the desert mirage level where you wander around lost for the next 5 hours?

.hack//g.u. Last Recode is an HD remake of a very good ps2 game. It comes with some extra stuff and new QoL changes.

Look into the Tales Of series, those are really well rounded. Skip Zestiria because it's shit, the others are all ranging from good to great.

Dragon's Dogma, the Souls series, Nier: Automata are all popular ones everyone's played and don't realize they're JRPGs too.

Digimon Cyber Sleuth is pretty good if you have a ps4.

JRPG desert areas are bad when they're just deserts but great if they're 1001 Nights ripoffs. Put in bellydancers, genies and a magic carpet, some nice sitar in the soundtrack for atmosphere, and maybe pyramids for no reason, and you have a 10/10 generic area.

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>good combat
Its either shit and stale or over the top broken anime my nigga. I did enjoy Resonance of Fates combat due to its broken anime gun mechanics

Golden Sun did deserts well. Shame that it's mediocre.

They're only really bad when they try to pull a Breath of Fire 3 and make you wander around the same landscape looking for the right star to follow.

Tales of Xillia 2 has some of the best JRPG combat I've ever played.

that really depends on what you're looking for. The World Ends With You has a very unique and involved combat system

Dragon's Dogma is Japanese and an RPG but I wouldn't say it's a jrpg, it has killer combat and a very very fun climbing mechanic

They're just visually ugly. Just muddy brown/yellow as far as the eye can see, always devoid of any pleasing features at all. Bonus points if it's way too fucking bright.
Deserts are unpleasant by definition. You can't make them look 'comfy' or enjoyable to play through, even with the obligatory oasis area.

>It's not a JRPG because it's not turn based!
Fuck you. It's an JARPG. It's still a JRPG.

1 is good too though.

I can't really argue that at least. In almost of the JRPGs I've played, I can't think of a Desert area that stood out visually.

Bloodborne is Japanese and an RPG too but I also wouldn't call it a jrpg.

Stop lumping atelier shit with an actual good game

It's definitely straddling the line but Dragon's Dogma absolutely embraces all JRPG tropes hardcore. It even has set classes.

Aceman, how do you have time for this? Do you have Pixiv or something? Is that how you get all your stuff?

Recommend me jrpg on the snes.

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Persona 5

Boorus, Twitter...pixiv. Just the usual places.

I don't always go there however. It's more of a "When I like gathering art" phase.

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Lufia 2

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I don't need to play the first one?

>I liked DQ11 and Xenoblade
Play more games in those series, to start with. DQ5 and 8 will scratch the same itch DQ11 did. The older Xenoblade games such as Xenosaga on the PS1 will probably be right up your ally too.
Try Final Fantasy XII, it has a similar combat system to Xenoblade and the story and graphics are absolutely stellar for a PS2 game.

Holy shit you just made me go back in time with that single pic, user.

>Dragon's Dogma, the Souls series, Nier: Automata
I mean they're RPGs and they're from Japan but I wouldn't really call them JRPGs, more like action games that have RPG elements.

>first thing Judith does once she takes off the Dragon Armor is try to casually seduce Yuri
>Yuri NWF's the fuck outta here

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It's a prequel. It's not needed to play the first (Hell the first game literally shows you how the prequel ends at the very start) you could play the first game if you really want but it's rather average.

>I mean they're RPGs and they're from Japan but I wouldn't really call them JRPGs,
I'll come to your house and fucking slit your throat and watch you bleed to death but I wouldn't exactly call you dead because you're more of a carcass, just a body without the life elements.

>as Xenosaga on the PS1

don't you mean Xenogears?

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Ok I'll check it out scout.

I get the feeling by JRPG you mean something with anime, turn based combat trash, random encounters and lots of useless grinding, so no


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What is it with people refusing to admit that JRPGs aren't exclusively turn based?

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call me when romancing saga 2 is under $20 canadian on steam


because they aren't? also zoomer are brianlet that are allergic to menus and optimization that isn't done for them automatically.


I mean it is technically an RPG from Japan but it's not what people think of when they say the term.

JRPG isn't a genre but there are a loose set of guidelines that the country tends to adhere to with their RPGs. Linear story, premade protagonist and party, menu based combat. Dragon Quest copied it from Ultima 3 and the nation has used it as a base ever since.

I'd still say Souls, N:A and Dragon's Dogma are too different from the formula to be called JRPGs even if they technically are.

But user, I'm playing Wing Commander 2.

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If a game requires you to play for 45 hours before the combat gets decent then it's probably a bad game.

Didn't the Summer sale just start?

>Fucking retards don't understand that JRPGs aren't exclusively turn-based so we shouldn't call them JRPGs anymore.
fuck you for letting braindead casuals dictate what is or isn't a thing

yes and it's not under that price

Why have I been seeing these two together in the same drawings recently? I looked up their seiyuu, and they have different seiyuu, which is the usual reason why non-related characters are usually drawn together.

they're both jrpg heroines with short hair, wearing boyshorts with skindentation and more voluptuous than most nintendo girls

That's it, it's just a wave of fan art

>it isn't turn based so it doesnt count :^)
Fuck off

FF12 and Xenoblade aren't turn based either but I'd still call them JRPGs.
I just think that action games like Neir and Dark Souls are too far removed from the idea of what a JRPG is.

Dark Souls is closer to a Metroidvania than an RPG.

Come on m8 I have not played either of their games and even I can tell why. The two of the recent booty queens that shares similar clothing? Use your eyes son.

Nier is more of a Yokovania.

Metroidvanias are basically sidescrolling ARPGs though. The platforming is generally pretty forgiving and incidental compared to regular platforming games, and in Dark Souls those pure traversal moments are limited to a few per game when not counting shortcuts.

A jrpg is an rpg made in japan now go fuck yourself

2 >> 3 > 1

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Giving CS a chance, 20h in. Combat is alright in hard, I moderately care about the story (bigger and in game) Nord zone quests are boring. Does it get better or worse?

It's JRPG, you nitwit. It's a JAPANESE GAME where you PLAY the ROLE of the Chosen One

I got gifted Atelier Rorona and Atelier Suelle. How do they compare to eachother? I want to see what new features are in Suelle but I'm mid-way through Rorona and dont know if I should abandon it.

How much of an improvement is it over the first one? I had figured it was the same more or less.

Persona 5, World or Final Fantasy, or God Eater Resurrection - Which I shitty game should I play?

Playing CS2 right now
I still have Persona Q2, Octopath, YS VIII in my wait list so there is that

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World. Maybe the chibi will distract you from how shit it is?

God Eater Resurrection - This is more of a Monster Hunter clone than a JRPG but it's pretty solid

World or Final Fantasy - best Single Player FF game released in years that is not a re-release. Also is this the base version or is it Maxima?

Persona 5 - okay, long as fuck, and there are some slow points.

God Eater Resurrection > WoFF > P5






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This is literally the only reason to play Lulua.

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I can't decide if I should play Wild Arms 3 or Rogue Galaxy next


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Go Yuri, Estelle, Rita, Raven
Keep your party members back and have them spam spells that don't knock enemies down like Grand Chariot, Negative Gate, Stone Blast, Eruption, and Air Trust
Keep Yuri on the front lines and make sure Alexei is fully focused on you, guard or use Ghost Wolf to avoid Alexei's attacks
When Alexei goes into overlimit make sure he targets you, run around him to have him look away from your other party members and focus only on you so that his Mystic Arte will miss hitting your entire party, either use Overlimit Level 4 to keep yourself alive from the Mystic Arte or just take the death and get revived from another party member
Use Azure Edge and Azure storm from a slight distance to safely stop his Guardian Frost move
Don't be afraid to use items for I-Frames or heals if needed

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If it's an RPG and it's made in Japan then it's literally a JRPG, you fucking idiot. What you think of it and your feelings of what a JRPG "is" are irrelevant. You absolute dunce. Goddamn shit-eating moron. How the fuck does this basic concept elude you?

He's just memeing you.

I'd rather have sex

Instead, you'll post on Yea Forums and have neither.

Bloodborne is my favorite JRPG

if you don't enjoy it drop Rorona. But I doubt you'll like any Atelier better since it's one of the best. Suelle came out when GUST's game quality was very low.

Just called an escort to my apartment :^)

I would but I am waiting for DQ XIS and the mana collection

I just beat XB2. Should I play Xenogears or Valkyrie Profile first?

Or maybe Torna and Xb1?

I am currently going through FF15. I am loving it so far.

Torna since its short and has a lot of neat things that make it different from the base game
XC1 after because its really good as well

Playing FF 15 and hating it. Played it in 2016 and hated playing it in 2019 and hate it more.

>I am currently going through FF15. I am loving it so far.

that's going to change very quickly.

>XC2 comes early
>play chapter one in English, VA iskinda weird but tolerable
>hear pyra's voice
>hear Rex's autistic screams of anger
>change it to Japanese immediately
>don't get to hear Nia's voice
Fuck man, what the fuck happened with the english voice acting? why is it so shit?

I'm playing Pokemon HG/SS right now

I wish I had a gf like this

I played XV in 2016. By god it was a mess.

I was going to wait until the season pass went on sale but
>Royal Edition had more DLC that was not on the pass
So I decided to wait until Royal Edition was on sale
>A second season pass was announced
So I decided to wait for the version that had both Season Passes, Royal Royal Upgrade, and any new DLC that they would throw in that is not tied to any pass
>Season Pass 2 got cancelled
Square gave up on this game, that means I should also give up on this game being good.

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I think I have to drop DQ11 because it keeps putting me to sleep. I've been waiting for it to pick up but I just got to the casino town and I don't care any more. It doesn't help that it is extremely easy even with draconian options turned on.

Play Wild Arms 3. We can start it together user.

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I've been doing nothing since playing JRPGS since summer break started. I've finished Persona 5, Okami, Nier Automata, and the entirety of the Neotunia franchise (except the leaf one) in a bit over a month. I've been binging through "Trails Of" franchise recently. Beat the entire TiTS trilogy in 2 weeks and currently on chapter 3 of Zero no Kiseki.

I am burning out. Playing through the game feels like a chore. Trails is a really slow burn, especially when you're autistically talking to every NPC after a story event, just to see what they have to say. Zero's slow even when i used Cheat Engine to add a turbo button. Atleast it has fucking fast travel.

I easily binged through Neptunia since it constantly gave me a drip feed of "lol so random anime/vidya references" and I fucking love the dub.

Do you JRPGfans also burn out?

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>summer break
underage b&

Gotta break it up every once in awhile. Play a different type of game you enjoy.

You've played quite a lot desu

Go outside

Try playing them to learn Japanese if you want to really feel them becoming a chore.

>Your parents faces when

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I'm playing Parasite Eve and Threads of Fate now.

No you're not

>2 trash games


I literally do nothing but play Yea Forumsidya for ~15 hours a day. I especially like JRPGs since they're Skinner Boxes that create this illusion of progress whenever your level goes up or when you pad your stats with new equipment. It feels as if I'm constantly moving forward, unlike my life.

Which is why Trails has been frustrating for me. Constantly talking to NPCs to see their reaction isn't very rewarding. Yes I can just ignore them and I don't have to do every single request, I can just go straight ahead and do story missions, but if I don't it'll feel like I missed something. I'm probably autistic or something.

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It would be a good idea to drop Trails. If only just because you won't burn out too fast

torna then XB1

may as well get the full experience before moving on

What is college which gets out in May. And most HS just got off two weeks ago. It would be pretty impossible to complete that many games within that length of time.

because tetsuya takahashi is a special kind of madman

Absolutely based. Will anything ever top this battle theme?

This but unironically.

I am finally on vacations so yeah, i am playing long ass JRPG's.

Finishing FE11 and then moving on to SMT:IVA and maybe replay FF7 since E3 got me hyped for the remake

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I am, though. Doing Four Job Fiesta, just got to the merged world.

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I'm at castle Bal with monk blackmage bluemage chemist, shit's way too easy

I've had some really hard walls, especially the 4 Crystals boss. After I labbed that out I've hit a decent party setup though. Summoner with DrgnSwd can cast for free, two-handed Dragoon gets good damage from Jump, and Ninja with the Dancing Blade can do Sword Dance twice for more than 5000 damage if RNG lets them use it. Thief is just a discount Summoner but considering the Summon ability gives them Summoner's magic and max MP, it still puts in a good amount of work. This is my first FJBF and I'm glad I don't have an unuseable team, even if the inability to heal outside potions is crippling against some bosses like 4 Crystals.

I love Pyra!

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Play The Last Remnant!

one thing to keep in mind with your party is that scroll damage is based on magic power. Give throw to summoner or give summoning to ninja = sick scroll damage
iirc scrolls only target the enemy, otherwise you could heal yourself with Flame rings

I agree with the sentiment, but it's not always bad.

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Chrono trigger
Secret of Evermore
Secret of Mana
Seiken Densetsu
Super Mario RPG

Thanks for the advice, I've been ignoring throw ever since my melee started outdamaging shurikens. I might give 2-handed dancing blade to my thief and try Ninja with Summon.

that ass is way too big

Do you like it? Most people don't, but it's one of my favorites. The writing is so good but so sparse.

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this one was pretty good

I forgot, pretty sure that if the summoner wields a Fire/Lightning rod while throwing it's another 50% boost for the respective element.
His most powerful area attack in the merged world however is Syldra with the Air dagger
the last one is a borderline game breaker

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Yes. I like it alot, I don't get all the bitching about the art or graphics either, they look fine to me. Archanea and Jugdral are my favorites followed by Elibe and Tellius

>Syldra with the Air dagger
I honestly expect the last section of the game to be easier than the middle section just because I have all my characters near max for most of the jobs with several characters having several jobs mastered, and because I have more summon tools now (even Exdeath was so much easier than 4 Crystals just because I had Carbuncle). I'm mainly just worried about if I can beat the superbosses, since last time I played FFV I really had to cheese both of them.

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>4 Crystals
FUCK that boss. I remember getting really irritated at them as a kid. In the end I think I cheesed it with summoners, had them cast Float on everyone and spammed Titan and whichever highest damage summon I had.

Nobody likes a thot. I mean nobody likes a thot. They just sit around acting like a whore and being so shitty to hang around. The two girls in your photo,Pyra and literally who,are just made so that the chinks could get virgins like you to buy their game. The literally who in the pic is probably a non-important character in the game. These characters have absolutely no soul in them and could easily be replaced by someone else. People like you are probably the worst kind of people because you ARE the definition of why gamers get mocked.

So fuck off.

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I beat it this run by casting Golem so bosses could only damage me when they hit critical HP levels, chipping them as close to said levels as possible without reaching it, and then zerg rushing them while trying not to use Summon magic (because all you have at this point is either weak or multitarget, and I can't survive having two or more bosses use their critical attacks at once). Dancing Blade took out two of them, almost died to the other two, especially the Earth Crystal because I couldn't just spam Titan on it. It felt so FUCKING good to win though, and with Jump as the last attack so there was a forced anticipation on whether I'd kill it or not.

I fucking love Final Fantasy V. Really need to play the Bravely games at some point.

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I said "most powerful" but of course bahamut is more effective against Wind-immune targets.

As for the bonus bosses and cheesing... if you had a chemist like me, Bacchus wine berserks them. With your party I'm not sure, but perhaps you could overcome Shinryu with coral rings and Golem/Image.

god I love pyra

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last story
pandora's tower (more action)
the last remnant

try the essentials, xenogears is a more heavy xenoblade 2 with cool mech fist fights and a visual novel disc 2 because GOTTA FUND FF7 ECKSDEE

There aren't enough good ones with actual gameplay though.
>Secret of Mana
>Tales of meh
>The Last Story

What else is there?

they are fully unrelated except for the last 1% of the game where people who played the first go "AWWWWW SHIET NIGGA" but I believe that effect than be retroactively experienced once you play the first game and get to "that" part

Uncharted Waters: New Horizons.

Just finished an Earth mode run in Star Ocean 2. Well, its first play so theres no way I'm abandoning my 30+ hours of grinding and crafting for a difficulty change. Its fun to destroy Iseria Queen using your own star spray everytime you block her star spray, which will produce star spray of your own thanks to the Archangel Bracelet. Its a near endless star spray battle unless you got dazed from the last hit of it.

I'm interested to try some underrated JRPG like Shining Resonance Refrain (also has a messy crack against DRM) if not for the fact that I only got a mid power laptop. The last one that I've played is Agarest Mariage.

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Only The Last Story has gameplay here.

That's my favourite pic of Pyra, it's just so fucking sexy

If you haven't played it, play Dragon Quest 8 right now.

For me, its Jessica Albert

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I want to fuck her tits so bad

That would be highly unethical

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She shouldn't be showing them off constantly then
There's no way she didn't expect attention from perverts like me, so she should just get on her knees and submit her tits for some paizuri.


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how can an artist put that much detail on even the smallest of creases on their clothes, but their faces look exactly the same with no discernible difference?

I could not stop beating myself off to her erotic costumes when I played the game the first time, she's too damn sexy. Just like right now, actually.

Sadly it's a common thing for anime art. Looks weirder when other parts of their body has lots of detail. Being a fitfag doesn't help.

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maybe the narrative of the stereotypical asian only being able to replicate was/is true

yes especially her brapper is glorious from that angle

I think its time to replay DQ8

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Should I?

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I think the implication is he wanted a good game.

I'm a newfag to the genre but I've played Persona 5, Xenogears, FFVI, VIII and X. I really want to play more JRPGs but I struggle finding games that have the tone and setting I'm looking for.

dragon quest 8

Given how creative jrpgs can get I would say no

I am.

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>Given how creative jrpgs can get

Terrible bait, take a lap

well what are you looking for?

Yeah, English voice acting is a no go for me.
Prefer non-fantasy settings with a darker tone. I don't mind a little levity here and there, but a lot of JRPGs I've tried to play have this lighthearted shonen anime feel that I'm really not into.

>non-fantasy settings with a darker tone
Yeah jrpgs aren't for you then

Bummer. I really like Xenogears and FFVII.

Recommend me one that's actually good and doesn't rely on fanservice/waifubait to hook you in and I'll gladly play it

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There are tons of those just don't play compile heart games

Is edge of eternity any good?

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try compile heart games

>darker tone

>early access

I apparently have one of those SAO rpg games
Worth playing?

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Not to mention
>But it's by a french indie studio

Doesn't mean it has to be bad though

>Yeah, English voice acting is a no go for me.
Its literally the best english dub in a japanese game. You're missing out on one of the greatest RPG's of all time.

Only if you want to cuck Asuna

Bruh, literally every other JRPG I've played is frontloaded with wacky hijinks and goofs. It's darker by comparison. I'm not necessarily looking for Lain: The JRPG.

FFVII is wacky as hell though
>Aeris dies

>compile shart

>no wacky hijinks and goofs in ff7
Did we play the same ff7? ff7 is way wackier than pretty much any other jrpg i've played

>literally every other JRPG I've played is frontloaded with wacky hijinks and goofs
And FF isn't? In what world?

Koudelka maybe? Its English VA in the Japanese version as well.

FF7 starts with you helping a terrorist organization bomb a power facility. If I was talking about FFIX I could see your point as there might as well be cartoon sound effects playing throughout the first hour and a half.

So what you meant to say is you like edgy shit and dislike games that are tonally consistent

And then later Cloud wins a wig off some gays, gets sexually assaulted, then puts on a dress and tiara to sneak into a pimps mansion

>FF7 starts with you helping a terrorist organization bomb a power facility.
So like every other JRPG?

Then you harass a guy taking a piss, fight a house, and ride down the highway on a motorbike

Which is then followed up within an hour by Cloud gathering dresses, a wig and makeup to crossdress for the purpose of pleasing a businessman and getting lost along the way in a hot tub room with a group of gay bodybuilders in swimsuits who proceed to grope the shit out of him.
FF7 is a goofy game dude.

The fuck are you seething about? Are you a dubfag or something?
This is still not starting the game with a tearful goodbye to your mom as your first party member acts like a retard.
Epic dude. Did I mention it's my first day on Yea Forums?

>Which is then followed up within an hour by Cloud gathering dresses, a wig and makeup to crossdress for the purpose of pleasing a businessman and getting lost along the way in a hot tub room with a group of gay bodybuilders in swimsuits who proceed to grope the shit out of him.
How the FUCK are they going to do this in the remake

>dubfag or something?
I assume you're talking about Dragon Quest 8? Its not a dub, those are the voices, and its incredibly well done.
But no thats got nothing to do with what I said, you just sound like a teenage anime fan going through an edgy phase.

quick consult the ethics department

>Prefer non-fantasy settings with a darker tone. I don't mind a little levity here and there, but a lot of JRPGs I've tried to play have this lighthearted shonen anime feel that I'm really not into.
You might as well try to look for JRPGs not being mentioned most of the time.

How about the Dept. Heaven games? There is NO good ending on each games after Riviera so take it if you like.

I cant see them putting in those rooms from the brothel, some of that was pretty weird

Its also the first time you see cait sith

>I agree with the sentiment, but it's not always bad.
So pic unrelated? Mor ardain is the second worst area in the game with Tantal being the worst.

Why do westcucks always resort to "this is not anime if I like it"? It's always the same shit. Final Fantasy, Fire Emblem, Ys, whatever, almost every fucking discussion is about how a game they liked is oh-so-different from the rest. Hell, even Atelier Iris and Mana Khemia are somehow not anime and not goofy and shit if you read this board.

Good guess dude, I'm a 29 year old early heisei tokufag. My favorite anime is Samumenco. Sorry to buttblast you into oblivion by insulting your shitty dub.
How can you not like this KAWAII shit
Can any bongs tell me where this accent is from?

Does story of seasons count? Cause im playing the first though i already got the second one and the dlc for it. So i wonder is it worth my time to keep on playing the first on or should i just move on to the second? And if i do go to the second one how hard if it all would it be for me to go back to the first?

So a 29 year old edgelord, thats not better..

Because they are incredibly insecure about liking japanese things or anything that might be socially unacceptable.

You being a manchild does not make me an edgelord.

The irony

but none of them have any gameplay and the story is trash and the only draw is fap-bait girls bouncing around with particle effects. The worst kind is where the combat is turn-based and the story is light novel slideshow with shitty art.

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They're not. They already confirmed that the Honeybee Inn will be toned down, in the same interview where they confirmed the ethics department shit.

Don't worry, I'm sure your favorite VA will pretend to like you if you buy their $50 headshot and like their posts on social media.

Hey fuckhead, if you want people to recommend you games maybe dont act like an entitled retard.

Literally what are you even saying at this point? Imagine getting angry at people for answering your question, what a fucking tool. No wonder you're only 1 year away from wizard status. Stop replying to me manchild.

We need more Ryza feet art in this world
>toe ring

What recommendations? These autists jumped down my throat for acknowledging JRPG conventions.

They called you a dumbass for thinking ffvii of all things is dark and non-fantasy

>acknowledging JRPG conventions
acting like an entitled retard*

I honestly wasn't even expecting a response. Unfortunately I won't be attaining wizard status, either. I'm sure you'll figure me out eventually though, keep trying.

Trails in the Sky is a great series
So glad I randomly decided to get them on steam, there's something about those old games that is mega comfy

This is a pretty blatantly wrong interpretation of my use of the word fantasy. Your second party member has a gun for his arm, that's not sword and sorcery in a medieval European inspired environment.

>sword and sorcery in a medieval european inspired environment
You're not very smart are you

OK but I'll play an actual good JRPG like Wild Arms and not one with virgin fapbait waifus.

Yeah, it's sword and sorcery in a slightly more contemporary setting.

>well I was using a different definition!!!
You're just embarrassing yourself

Did you get it recently? if so, have a good time!

I got FC and SC about a year ago, but this thread reminded me of them. I want to replay them and then play the third chapter which I haven't played yet (cos i dont like that green haired guy)

Look at any Tales game and tell me it's not a JRPG.

Define what you think fantasy means right now, and all you'll prove is that you have autism. You are willfully ignoring what the term 'fantasy' means in regards to fiction.
>contemporary setting
Perfect. Exactly what I'm looking for. What was your point exactly. I figured that would be implicit from me mentioning Xenogears as well.

>Define what you think fantasy means right now, and all you'll prove is that you have autism. You are willfully ignoring what the term 'fantasy' means in regards to fiction.
Are you aware that Star Wars is fantasy user?

Maybe you'd like Trails in the sky?

Giant robots with super forms isn't fantasy?

The first Dragon Quest isn't even that linear

Compile heart is better than any AAA Western developer. They actually put effort into and improve their mainline games. Look at the very first Nep game and then look at Nep VII. No Westcuck dev could ever improve that much in 5 years.

>Compile heart is better than any AAA Western developer
That's still a pretty low bar, user

Is this a serious question? So everything that isn't mundane is fantasy in your eyes?
It's a sci-fi film that employs fantasy tropes. Are you really going to make me argue about Star Wars?
I've been thinking about trying that, thanks user.

Fantasy is absolutely not rigidly defined as european sword and sorcery

It is also not rigidly defined as "any fiction that has elements that can not occur in our reality"

>it has horrible UI and inventory system

Fucking chinks cant get anything right. Just muh consoles.

Is this the pinnacle of JRPG credits themes?
>end franchise that's been around since the 80s for good
>credits track is a medley of all the memorable themes throughout the entire series while a montage of scenes throughout the series plays
Starts at 1:53

Have you seen a wrpg UI like ever?


>whytepeepo be like

Dub was rushed out the gate to meet the worldwide release deadline, they didn't bother re-recording lines, Rex's VA is a neophyte and the voice direction was either shit or straight up non-existent.

bikibutt is better but gunslut is pretty good too

I played first xenogears and it soo shitty. Plot is shit, xharacters desigh is shit. Just look at that dude, is that 10 years old kid? Are you kidding me, hes already bald. Gameplay is shit, you have to jump on platforms while random battles fuck you ass. I drop that game on final boss, when you had to push trouh dungeon with bunch of random battles, so you you lost all you fuel and dont have enough for boss itself.

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>non-fantasy settings with a darker tone
Xenoblade Chronicles X is full sci-fi, no fantasy with a few dark sidequests.

I'm waiting for Riza's game to come out desu

>Rex's VA is a neophyte

I'm going to get Valkyria Chronicles during the Steam sale.

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To vidya acting. It's obvious he had no clue what inflection and tone to read most of his lines in and doesn't know how to give a convincing hotblooded anime protagonist yell.

That pretty much is the definition, although it usually contains folklore elements and spirituality

So urban fantasy in a contemporary setting is not fantasy, correct?

Victory II is the only Nep game that has actually decent gameplay. It only took them like what, 7 years and half a dozen games? Compile Heart is one of the better devs though.

The irony here is the Kiseki franchise is oozing with inspiration from the Xeno~ games.

So Stephen King is a fantasy author then? Gimme a break dude, I've never seen some stretch a definition this hard.
Urban fantasy is urban fantasy. I can't do this anymore. You desperate retards are acting like we live in a world where the "Fantasy" section of a book store isn't wall to wall dragons, elves and wizards.

Playing berseria, fire emblem fates, parasite eve.

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Well, yeah, westcucks can't into interesting settings and just reuse older tropes over and over, more news at 11.

West of Loathing

I want to play Ryza's game!

That's oddly nostalgic, I'm such a zoomer

there's a merchant right in front of the final boss room, you know.

The Last Remnant

>pic related
Fuck this enemy. True, I killed him on 1st try, but I spent so many herbs on healing and revive. I probably should've waited until I get a bigger team... but 30 000 gold is 30 000 gold.

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God they are so fucking FAT


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I want to bap her cunny

Chrono Trigger and FF VI

Who's the artist ? Pija ?

its been years im still fucking hear

If you're gonna play a shit game for the waifus, why not just save yourself 40 hours and play a gacha game

I haven't played anything but jrpg for half a year
In fact my most anticipated games are jrpgs
I think i have a problem

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I am.

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Is Atelier Lulua a good entry point to the series?

For you


No yakuza k3 announcements
Kill sega/atlus plz

Because even playing the worst JRPG is better than wasting time in this shithole

Which one should I play though? hackers memory or mary skelter Nightmares?

Oh I forgot God eater 2 rage burst


You owe us the best character in your franchise

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you honestly think he knows that?

It makes perfect sense. Sophie simply that much of a sexual deviant. I mean you know what she does with all those books she has lying around in her atelier right?

>Implying they would make K3 when 3 Remastered was just done.
You make no sense.


give me some recommendations

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Playing Octopath Traveler right now

Good god, I wish she gave me some of that as well

are there any lewd ones that are good? I wish more good lewd games existed, it always ends up being an excuse to make a shit game

also no chibishit allowed

Is Tokyo Xanadu any good? Worth 15ish dollars ?

it's overrated within a niche community.

Pija is a shitty tracer and his art is hot garbage.


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Not only is Sengoku Rance the best eroge JRPG, it unironically runs circles around most regular JRPGs.