Are switch owners going to be fucked? The first game is already plagued with frame drops and stuttering in certain areas and it was a launch title for the console. I don’t want to be forced to by an upgraded Switch just to play this game smoothly, but knowing Nintendo they won’t care.

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You realize the first game is a WII u game that was technically ported to the Switch on the last minute? Basically it wasn't optimized properly for the switch

You’d think if it was an optimization issue they would have patched it by now.

which they did

They didn’t though even in handheld mode on lower resolution there are still some issues

So you're saying Xenoblade 2 was optimized for the Switch?

they did patch most of the issues, performance drops are extremely rare

XC2 looks a million times better than BOTW, though.

Kakariko and Rito village seem to have always had issues same with korok forest but they are tolerable

never had a problem in kakriko or rito, only stillget issues in korok forest undocked

Particle effects seem to consistently bring the Switch to its knees, in my experience.

>The first game is already plagued with frame drops and stuttering in certain areas and it was a launch title for the console.
-Was a WiiU title
-Also those laggy areas were fixed in a patch
Shitpost harder next time.

such as?
there aren't really noteworthy particle effects present in kakariko nor rito village

that's no excuse for not optimizing a game
portable mode looked like dog shit

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In all fairness that’s only in docked mode, which is a shame because it seems like the perfect portable game.

I was talking about Korok Forest, which seems to have the most stuttering of any area.

that's more due to the lighting and use post-processing and alpha effects in that area

supposedly the engine was unfinished/rushedto release, it does look and run a lot better in Torna (which uses a newer version of the engine)

You're anecdotal evidence is bullshit. The only noticable frame rate drops are in the korok forest.

I hope Yuzu runs it decently.

>started playing botw on cemu
>just occurred to me botw 2 will not only run worse, but won't let me turn off that breakable equipment shit

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took about a year for cemu to run botw well

I hope we won't have to buy a "NEW" Switch Pro to play this game

>turning the fps down to 30 for thunder ganon

I can't believe people played the whole game like this. Sequel won't be worth playing if you can't emulate it.

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im going to buy an upgraded switch if the battery life is better regardless of how this game is released

framerate hack fucks up the physics though

>only run worse
Considering that it's running on the same game engine, it should effectively run the same or better with the time they've had to tweak it.

I feel like they wanted 6-12 more months before BotW was even released for optimization but were already on a 5ish year development.

Plus it was kinda just higher ups saying "Hey, port this game to the new system. Now." when the team had no plans to do so, basically being a rushed/cobbled port. Turned out pretty well to be honest.

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Thunder ganon was the only issue I had, pretty much everything else physics related worked as intended as far as I could tell.

>as far as I could tell.
if you never played any other way how would you know anything was wrong?

we dont evewn know if they will keep breakable weapons in the new one its one of the things even the normies made a huge fuss about

>they would have patched it by now.
I can't say for the switch because I played it on wiiU but they patched all the framerate drops on the wiiU.
Kakariko village still ran at a lower framerate than any other area though.

Are you saying that BotW was designed to run at 30FPS solely because of Thunderblight Ganon?

Throwing some predictions just to unearth it years later.
>It'll have the same gameplay, same graphics, same performance issues unless a new Switch model is announced
>DLCs will also be the same format like vanity, skins, bunch of shitty challenges, and locking away a horrible difficulty mode
>only difference between BOTW and BOTW2 will be just puzzles and items but it will play the same thing
Only way they could at the very least make it look like a sequel is 2-player mode or some time-event like Majora's Mask

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Seeing other people do parts of it before I played it. Playing stasis golf and pushing boulders for korok seeds and things of that nature seemed the same, and nothing went blasting off into space randomly or did anything I would call strange.

Switch is still underpowered

I don't know, twitchy ragdolls, stasis launching things into the stratosphere, boulders and balls not rolling too fast or not fast enough, fire not spreading correctly? That's just a guess as to what might happen with broken physics.

Maybe the horses are kind of finicky about what surfaces they'll run on? Epona's always been a fickle bitch about that sort of thing though, so it's nothing new.

personally I noticed issues with some animations stuttering, ragdolls not interacting correctly, and enemy AI not responding correctly (rarely); I also noticed if I launched something using stasis far away it sometimes wouldn't stay persistent or render after a certain distance, despite that being one of the few cases where the game keeps objects loaded.