Mario maker 2 scored higher

than death stranding will ))

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fuck off falseflag

Death stranding will be trash sony movie))

Take of 10 points for the Switch Bonus and 10 pints for the Mario Bonus
Yikes 69 is a bad score. Game's a flop, I give Nintendo a few more years before they file for bankruptcy and go 3rd party like Sega.
Screencap post

and the Littlebigplanet games outscored it!

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i didnt know russians like mario


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Mario Maker 2 has a score of 69.
Take off 10 points for the Nintendo Bonus and 10 points for the Mario Bonus.

Oh I see, you're retarded

DS will get like a 97+, because of both the Kojima and Sony Bonus. Think of how fucking bad MGSV was, and that still got an amazing score

>below 90
mario bros...

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not that one, THIS one

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>higher than a Kojima game

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Still seething so hard that you have to use mental gymnastics just to come out on top


dude 69 lmao

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74 without the Nintendo Bonus

LBP3 was rated correctly though, hard to believe the first two are above 80


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Mario Maker 1 was boring as fuck unless you only get off from watching streamers play your level, 2 isn't gonna be any different. They barely added anything besides a butchered 3D World skin and on/off blocks.

How do you not have friends to enjoy stages with

I feel bad for xbros.

cope harder

>hard to believe the first two are above 80
because they had polish, something 3 lacked