Have you thanked your yurobros for saving gaming today?

have you thanked your yurobros for saving gaming today?

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Attached: stadia.jpg (2100x1052, 407K)

Why, are burgers more interested? I wouldn't think so since they have worse internet than us on average.

>singlehandedly keeping ea alive
t-thank you

Because Amerifats love paying for everything. I mean why would they pay so much for a simple hospital visit otherwise ?

>europoors are not interested in technology

what's even the statistics on burgers?

why do you believe that they are

Almost makes up for them saving EA's skin year after year with FIFA sales

i am purposefully disinterested because its jewgle
t. eurocuck

For example, they happy their fat overlord increase gaming console price

Honestly could have stopped at the first panel

tell me which country you live in so we can look at your consumption taxes

Way too high. They probably added the 1.

What a useless statistic, it's not even available yet so most dont know how it works. I'm sure Netflix didn't have much interest cause why would you stream a lower quality image when you can buy the blu-ray amirite

Attached: 12gygye7dp631.jpg (569x750, 57K)

especially when netflix does nothing but lose content and act as a dumping ground for movies that couldn't get screened in even one theatre

>streaming service
Pick one, Joshua.

you dont have to use it for 10 years to know that having 0 ownership over your games and gaming device plus paying a monthly subscription (and still having to buy $60 games) is a fucking terrible idea.

Sharia doesn't allow you to play vidya gaem

Didn't need saving, the online infrastructure in America will kill Stadia alone.

Think of it this way: Stadia for Google is basically the same as when 2K asked Belgium players to beg their government not to get rid of lootboxes, except now they're begging their customers to get mad at their ISPs enough for them to improve the framework and remove datacaps.

Gonna be the same outcome as Belgium too.

>soak up the bandwidth I'll so desperately need
>complaining about not enough badnwidth in the household in 2019

Nigga there's zero reason to complain about this unless you're somehow still stuck on dsl or your bandwidth cap ges hit which is rare unless you're autistic enough to download 4k bd rips every other day

streaming is the biggest cancer and I hope it never takes off, not now or 20 years from now. paying $60 for games you never have access to unless connected to big brother google is terrible. not to mention storefronts remove games all the time for stupid reasons, like how you can't even buy the proper baldurs gate 1/2, duke 3d, alan wake at all, etc.

we lost the rights to this music so your favorite game is gone haha but we have the latest installment of the franchise for sale for $60