Game has several factions

>game has several factions
>only one is actually well developed while the others are two-dimensional bad guys

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so, i shouldn't read, then
got it


Does manga count?

>deshaun reading more than cleetus
we all know neither of them read a damn thing

racism isnt funny
have sex

I hate literaturefags
Most of them read books about fictional characters and act like that makes them smart, especially fans of russian literature
Some of the most pretentious cunts you'll ever meet

>niggers reading
Top lel

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the simple fact of the matter is that there are definable racial qualities
also, no, i'd rather sleep

Seems rather fair to me. A nice, even coat of hate.

racism is just a buzzword for honest

>All the nigger book are closen



My hatred is egalitarian and every race has it's version of nigger. Niggers just haven't sorted their shit out yet like the majority of Europeans and Asians.

If Racism isn't funny then how did Carlos Mencia and Dave Chappelle build their careers off it?

Also, The Boondocks is hilarious.

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racist is a code word for seething incel

fallout new vegas
"racism" does not exist

>white male viewers make up the majority of porn consumers
>the most popular interracial genre is black male/white female

why do white "men" love watching women fuck black men? pic unfortunately related

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as in, you using the word racist and that makes you an incel, or that accusing someone of such makes them an incel
really, you could have worded that better

Seething incel is codeword for im a tranny shill

technically the most popular genre of a niche fetish could be propped up by groups other than the majority, especially if the majority group "opposes" said niche

I think I have read more books than all the niggers I know.

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no that just means you are ESL and can't understand english

99.9% of cuckolds are white men.
cuckolding is the whitest fetish there is.

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Blacked has gone bankrupt 3 times
i haven't checked up in the like last 5 years, so it's probably higher
also, highest interracial porn consumers by area are areas in the South with the highest population of nonWhites, at least according to Pornhub
no, no
you really could have worded that better
it's okay, take the L and use it to learn

no, no you are ESL
learn english yurotrash


yurotrash invented english, tard.

just not how that works, my guy
i get it, you're mad because you've been had
it happens to the best of us

You're reading by being here

racism is funny
its also bad

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white culture is fucked. furryism, cuckoldry, trannyism, ffs.

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i love you too, bby

Nice statistic schlomo


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>we all know neither of them read a damn thing


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>>game has several factions
>>only one is actually well developed while the others are two-dimensional bad guys

Sounds like Fallout 4.

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it keeps coming back because its not about making profit. its propaganda so as long as it does its job the people that own it dont care

based nigger

yeah, that's kinda apparent

new vegas has that problem but Yea Forums still thinks it's well written and "deep"

>racist is a code word for seething incel

>This term I use pejoratively is actually a code word for another pejorative

Your statement literally makes no sense. Read a book nigger.

white "men" sure do love being cuckolds

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No I'm not and you can't make me.

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I guarantee that you are a self-hating white male, which is pathetic and worse than any man of any race.

cuckolding, it truly is the thinking man's fetish

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That's not fair! Some white men love being the woman.

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>implying i dont have siri reading everything for me

i use screen reader and talk to type

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>Making it about race
Fucking niggers

And incel is a code word for seething ResetEra/Redditor


how lucky is this one guy?

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>implying niggers can read

based and Sesamepilled

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The women look like they feel luckier. Look how happy they are, and imagine how disappointed they'll be when settling with your pathetic ass.

it is tho
how was the boondocks racist nigga

>racist is a code word for seething incel

"Racist" is a word without real meaning.

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>how was the boondocks racist
Every single scene with Uncle Ruckus is golden. Every scene with gangstalicious or "nigga moments" is golden.

they're also pretty racist according to left-wingers. i dont really give a shit. its hilarious

>when you finally found the perfect bull for your wife

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>"I'm ready to settle down now user, my wild days are over".

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This is a real pic btw. Not porn.

now post the one where the big fat white guy sits on top of the dumb nigger beating the shit out of him until he's braindead

you won't, because you're a fag that saves cuck shit

>ignores the racebait picture and actually comments on the post
Is it possible to learn this power?

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here you go m8

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Agreed. New Vegas is a fucking mess. Everyone always goes on about how just they needed more time to flesh out the legion, even the devs admit they are little more than unambiguous bad guys, but the NCR is equally poorly portrayed. The whole faction can be summed up with that stupid conservative catch phrase "The government is bad at everything." New Vegas is not a deep political discussion, it's propaganda for technocrats and laissez-faire capitalism.

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Buy it, use it, break it, fix it,
Trash it, change it, mail, upgrade it

>meanwhile in reality

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imagine having this saved

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