Why am I having so much fun hitting a cow for hours?

why am I having so much fun hitting a cow for hours?

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because simple is almost always better. runescape is objectively the best mmo on the market

Autism and you're probably a ayy lmao.

How miserable does your life have to be to enjoy runescape?

The immersion is very high. You feel like you're a part of the world.

runescape is the most boring shit of all time, i don't know how i even tolerated it as a 13 year old.

Beats me. I just buy preleveled accounts to wildy pk on.

You were either fucked as a kid or never fucked anyone as an adult.

you have really good taste

because u have the autism
this lmao imagine liking cookie clicker the game

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>tfw RS2 is the ultimate cookie clicker

not even u atleast click in cookie clicker
rs2 u just let the game play itself
lmao cookie clicker is more of a game

Lately I've begun thinking that ARPGs and many MMOs are really just advanced clicker games.

But for some reason, Runescape's grind feels rewarding. I drop D3 a few hours after I get my setpieces, I drop retail WoW as soon as I realize level cap is stagnant. PoE is just a little too much, but I respect it.

I'm just over here juggling Stardew Valley and Runescape and my autism is appeased.

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>The game the game

I lost


thisguy isnt me i dont know why he's respond to pretending to be me ok it isnt me

ur not

Because your life is empty and you have nothing to work for, nothing to hope for, nothing to expect from your future.

So you do it, you waste your younger years "hitting cows" for hours in a digital video game toy since your life has become so meaningless.

this hit rallie deep OwO i cri :((((((

>picks up bones, but not cowhides
nigga what the fuck are you doing with your life?

What's wrong with grinding some numbers in a game on time off?

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I can't believe we get to fuck dinosaurs in the next update

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Runescape was fun when young because of all the new content, but in this day and age, I can't even really manage it anymore. I've seen too much of the game now and all I can see now is grinding skills and items. Sure there's still a ton of new content I haven't seen, but it'll take like a whole month of play to get back to that spot.


I didn't feel like running back to the bank. I'm training Prayer and Strength.

If I'm doing it wrong let me know

its like literal slave work besides just bot it and sell the gold thats what most people do because no one cares how many max stats or gold u have because everyone just bots because they know how boring it is

Who here /nightmarezone/

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>training prayer on anything but dragon bones + on gilded altar

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PoE is a lot of fun, I consistently kill Shaper every league. However, lately I've been quitting after that. I guess I've gotten too """"""good"""""" at the game, because back in the day I used to make a league starter character, farm for items, then make my "real character"

Nowadays I just make a league starter that can farm currency and then just spend it to get more than strong enough to beat shaper. Sort of takes the fun out of it.

I've thought about botting, but I think once I did bot I'd lose interest in the game in general. I actually enjoy the grind, and without that... I guess it's just an idle game rather than a clicker game.

Don't listen to him, you can use the time you saved by not picking up cowhides to make actual money

your doing it ohh so fuking wronmg annon take the hides to the bank if ur guna be a brainlet and "hit cows" at least dont waste ur time go to the bank annon go to the fuking bank

>Playing with a cheat client

absolutely soulless

because it shows u doing it urself is meaningless and a bot can probably do it better and more efficient anyway

Because it reminds you of simpler times

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Yeah, if you're not in p2p you're pretty much just wasting time.
I can't give real advice for f2p because literally the only things you do in f2p is rush bonds so you can do p2p.

It's okay when you're first starting the game to just passively bury bones as you're killing shit.

Most f2p money makers require startup cash. Judging by this dude's gear he has none. It wouldn't hurt him to pick up a few invs of cowhides because training at his level isn't fast or efficient. Realistically, he's wasting time by not questing out easy exp rewards.

like you said its not worth doing anything in f2p lol

based retarded retard

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i dont think you know how bad the grind is 100+ hours at peak efficiency for 1 99 hmm
costs money you need to take that will also probably take 50+ hours at peak efficiency

this lmao just buy like 3m from a chink site for like $2 lmao why would u even bother with f2p
>it is when ur just starting the game
why would u ever bury bones all early prayer is from quests
dumb idiot

For me it was fun watching other people do their own things while you were mining or running between areas or hitting cows.
Runescape felt alive. You might even say it had soul

>complete restless ghost and get level 10 prayer
Okay I guess it's time to go back to burying bones again because you're stuck in f2p.

So who was Zezima anyway

>being f2p
yiu know bonds are like 3m right and thats like $2 on a chink site
why bother with f2p when it has like 10% the content


First player to get 99 in all stats if im correct.

I'm not talking about myself cunt. Why are you so fucking self-righteous? The person who clearly needs help in this thread is f2p. Holy fuck, everything is some petty argument for you isn't it? This is why you're never going to have friends.

Runescape uses a leaderboard system that tracks player EXP, and for the longest time Zezima was on top, especially during the golden age of runescape.

Can you die in cookie clicker?

>Getting the 3 main attack stats to 99 of all things

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how is any of that self-righteous u fucking sperg
and it costs like $2-3 to go memebers whats point of being f2p when 90% game and lot easier to lvl and get money as members....?????
why bothrer spending your life grinding away for like 3m in f2p which take way more time when its like $3
more like helping them you fucking retarded faggot
>projecting this hard
not everything is an attack you fucking sperg
it's more like

i get the same way when i use cheats in video games

bc its fun to do
try doing it irl

>faggoty and argumentative
>along with 0 reading comprehension
Enjoy being alone forever.

theres that one option in the wilderness that lets you unnote bones quick at that one altar

>projecting again
heh bet ur just upset you wasted like a month getting money for bonds in f2p when you could have litteraly gotten it in a second
>imagine being so poor that $3 sends u into an autistic rage
litteraly just telling them its pointless to do f2p and get money there for bond when gold super cheap and f2p gets boring after like couple hours anyway
your the one who will be alone forever your the one getting defensive and crying over someone giving basic advice so they dont waste there time idiot

>91 magic

It's a shame I'm not on atm OP, but join the OSG clan chat, it's the /vg/ chat. I might be able to help with a bond later tonight, but I'm sure if you introduce yourself someone will most definitely give you a bond. Also, it's a damn shame, but 9 hours of prayer training can be done in four minutes due to gilded altars and a sub-100k investment. If you do get a bond, look into dragon bones, or ask around on the clan chat (cc) later - if I'm on, I'll recognize you and hook you up with a few to get your levels up.

>projecting this hard
how nice of u to post your home board go back sperglord

This game makes some good reaction images

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dunno what that is havent played sense they added grand exchange that kinda killed it

I fucked up a link
Here you go

He has a really cute kitty.

>meme personality test
for what purpose???? all I did was give them basic advice dunno why your peeing yourself over it never told them they had to do it just something i did when i made last couple of oldscape characters sense it costs like snack money to get memebers that way and you can easily get 3-4m in 2 weeks from fresh account on members

>he's too autistic to look at a photo
user... I...

i know what the meyersbrigs test is
has nothing to do with anything your the autistic one? why are u so upset about this? are you seriously peeing yourself over someone spending $3 to get gold to buy bond with it instead of grinding life away in f2p for no reason to get that money
retard is you

You're either underage or too retarded to read. Either way I'm done with you. I'm going to play video games with my friends. Bye bye sweaty.

good goy keep supporting the chinese

I have 52 fishing. Instead of training combat skills, should I just be farming lobbies and selling it for the dosh?

I'm thinking about buying p2p. Fuck.

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Don't play MMOs alone. Only play with friends. I did a few months last year after returning after a decade to the game, and I felt like those months were totally wasted.

>not afking

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Lobbies are shit money and you'll pull out your hair before you do anything practical with the money you make.
Look up some guides on f2p bonds starting a new account and just go from there. If you decide to just pull out mom's credit card and buy f2p I suggest you get a list of quests you should do first when starting p2p to give you really easy levels.

nothing in f2p makes money fast enough to buy a bond in less than a month
>inb4 i flip 10bill an hour form gp with p start
no you dont
>just kill green dragons annon

i am because i would rather pay chang $3 than waste my time spending like weeks getting that myself in f2p no way fag besides i dont even make it through the 14 days before getting bored and quiting i cant imagine actually grinding out like 3m in f2p
cringe faggot

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So long as you don't bot or AFK excessively, that's fine

I have no sympathy for botfags getting banned. If you don't actually enjoy the game, then don't play it

Shit, I appreciate it. I got hit by a taxi while riding my bike the other day, so I figured I have some time, might as well grind some stats in RS. I'll hit OSG up

> dosh is cringe now
Sad, how'd that come to be

I'm going p2p, fuck it.

>bored for some reason feel like playing runescoopes
>doing tutorial
>Okay this kinda comfy
>play for like an hour
>remember i already did this stuff like 10x
>decide to bot because realize roonescope is antifun
>bot until i just kinda stop and forget or get banned
i dont blame them game is least fun as possible i wiould set up a gold farming bot thing if i was smart enough and had it in me to constantly keep it going

Oh boy I sure do love the chinese

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>playing rs3


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it always was
imagine saying dosh in like actual life unless your like some retarded annoying frat boy or a wigger

OP here, I joined the clan chat, asked "why is this game so fun", and immediately got banned

This game is sick.

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If you don't like it, that's fine, just don't play it. Normal people don't play games they don't like.

Goldfarmers have a shit load of VPS' that automatically create accounts and trade wealth to mules since they get banned within hours. It's not an easy thing to set up by any means.

Besides the fact it's fucking lame and ruins the game for everybody else.

>imagine saying dosh in like actual life unless your like some retarded annoying frat boy or a wigger

Isn't that the meme though? You see "based" on Yea Forums all of the time.

except i don't realize it i already am like a few hours in after getting members
>tfw getting 93 hunter legit is the top of my rs experience
shit game besides i only get feel to play it like few times a year
i only do bot because i have like 12 days and might as well use it somehow

only faggots say based
i dont really dosh as a meme word because its something i could see annoying fratboys and wiggers saying to thing there kewl or something while no one would ever say based irl

>thinking gold farmers care
they are just using it as a way to make money lol they don't care how much you seethe about it nerd

>tfw have a 2.1k ironman
I stopped playing once I got 99 slayer because maxing is too much time commitment. But god damn osrs is honestly a great game
The problem is that the player base is becoming much to casual and the mods just browse reddit and implement random op shit into the game and soon osrs will just become rs3 lite

Other than shift-dropping and left click "X" in bank what have they really done recently that was dumb and OP?

>joining a /vg/ anything ever on any game in any plane of existence

Farm cowhides then move on to smithing gold bracelets or alching.

Yeah, PKers will also quickly unnote your bones for you.

I haven’t played in almost 6 months but from what I remember. Also coming from a primarily Ironman perspective I do have some bias about things also becoming too convenient
Farming guild is blatantly op in every way
Seed bank again is op
Range is the meta for practically everything between the tbow and bp and then you have the dhcb which makes things like vork and olm even easier
Shayzien tier 5 in slay helm

imagine doing this.....
just give change $3 so you can actually access the game so you can realize how borring the rest of it is well its not worth slaving away hours of your life for like a dumb bitch
your not so poor that $3 is to much right faggot?

i feel like most of those only really count for helmies, though i guess i see where you're coming from. Still doesn't seem all that bad from what you listed, and i don't agree with the seed bank. Fuck limited bank space

I've got plenty

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Git gud

OP just save yourself some time and don't bother with this shit. It's literally just a number generator and maybe 5 quests are good and memorable.

It's all nostalgia


>doing yews for money
biggest joke here

You only need to make enough money once for a bond then the next time you can use the money you made from member's.

3m is quite alot at low levels. srs just pay for memb untill you can do vorkath

This is why I play rs3

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4m is alot to make in members if ur just starting out and clueless but 4m in non memebers thats gunna take awhile i dunno why anyone would bother doing that