Chaos or order??

chaos or order??

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Octoboys where made for cock.

I think I'll pick Chaos


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Order of course.

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Order, so I can overthrow it later


Order has inherit chaos, as anyone who has dealt with bureaucracies can tell you. Might as well have actual chaos where you can have as much or as little order as you want.

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I will follow Pearl and Callie to the depths of the ocean.

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>worshipping a corpse

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Chaos all the way

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>Worshipping demons and not the Imperial Truth

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All the kids will pick Chaos which means an easy victory for Order. Splatfests are so predictable. Too bad all these snails I got are worthless.

Pearl canonically searches for marina lewds

>implying popularity hasn't determined the winner since CLOUT changes

There's no neutral path so I'll just choose the world Marina wants.

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Order. Happy both best girls are on the same team

I bet she has a ton of it saved

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How do you think that boy would react to me dicking him.

You’re assuming that beurocracy is order manifest, which it isn’t. Beurocracy is of no use until a society/organization/etc is too large/complex for any given individual within the system to understand on their own. Beurocracy exists to outsource the cognitive labor of navigating a complex environment into a series of systematic algorithms and procedures

Me in the middle

I am also a midge

You really think you'd be the one doing the dicking?

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Same here

>Beurocracy exists to outsource the cognitive labor of navigating a complex environment into a series of systematic algorithms and procedures
unironically have never looked at it this way before

Imagine being a chaosfag in this day and age.

You guys can have fun with your tranny assrapes and demon slave work, I'll be over here chilling with the angels and humbly tending to my farm.

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I am picking Marina's side

Neutral path is going to be Splatoon 3.