
Spyro thread.

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PC when

It's so strange how they got Bianca right but not Elora

After Switch.

People like bunnies/Rabbits more.

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Just finished 2 via the Reignited Trilogy this morning and taking a break before I get into 3. What should I expect?

>reminder that all anthro women are built for human cock

The best one

I would fuck her brain out.

I'm usually not a furryfags but bunnies are the only thing I'm willing to make an exception for.

I have a hard time imagining how Spyro 4 will look compared to Crash 4. The only thing I can think of is taking concepts from later games and making them more in line with the original trilogy, like Malefor and Cynder.

Did Space Jam do it to you? It did me.

Not that user but yes. Bianca planted the seed but Lola spilled it.

There was aparently multiple divisions for each game handling different parts like character design, the enviroments ect.Would explain just how the quality seems to fluctuate so wildly.

A nice return to Year of the Dragon, glitches aside (though I think some of the worst were fixed). They even added some nice changes The massive endgame whirlwind in Midnight Mountain, for example

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Looking forward to it then, I'm glad I finally got around to these games since I've had them since launch but am only now playing them

Why the fuck would they do that

It's so idiotic to have multiple teams handling designs

Crash was a huge hit and they wanted to strike while the iron was hot.

I mean, it's three different games, all in HD
Did you see the credits? It's like a small country worked on this collection

It's weird too, because the same guy who redesigned her also did the fauns from Fracture Hills and even Spyro himself, who not only are almost completely faithful to the original but got into the game exactly as he drew them. They must have been modeled in the game by separate people.

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Almost makes me wonder if they just wanted to add a unique flair to Elora and were unsatisfied with her original design. I was fine with the unique aspect for the dragons, but I feel like they really screwed it up on Elora.

They had to get 3 games worth of content out in a relatively short timeframe, and unlike Crash which has like 6 or so level themes per game each Spyro level is almost entirely unique in terms of assets.

Can't wait for the PC version and all the mods

Crash got made by a single team, but you could get away with that because Crash is comparatively smaller and limited in scope. You've got corridor levels and 2.5 levels and one or two in the 3rd game that mix it up as little, the plane and jet ski stages and such.

Spyro is way bigger, each game has 20+ full roaming Banjo-Kazooie style 3D levels. There's a way bigger cast of characters, even more than there were in the original because they decided to give all the dragons from 1 and NPCs from 2 and 3 totally distinct models, not just reuse one model or swap their palettes. Reignited was announced in April, was supposed to come out in September, and got pushed back until November. When it came out everybody brought up all the bugs and shitty load times and such, it's obvious Activision wanted the shit out by Christmas. TFB would've had no choice but to outsource, hiring other teams to do the gameplay and hiring individual freelance artists to design and model characters and levels.

Hopefully we'll get a SOUL mod

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I doubt anyone will go this far but small shit should be feasible. Like reducing Kresta's dress, changing Spyro colors, changing colors in general (not talking about reshade), etc.

>Reignited demake
I'm intrigued. Was already going to double dip for Switch, but hell I might triple dip if the mods turn out worth trying on PC.

And hopefully they improve the graphics because the characters looking like plastic toys is garbage. Crash's recent remakes at least give the characters fur (PS4 version anyway). We should see more of this detail like scales for dragons at least so they look visually like How To Train Your Dragon which does detailed scales but it still looks cartoony.

Really hate how Activision went cheap for Spyro while Crash got a better developer. Well Crash got TWO good developers actually.

>found old PS1 A/V cables
>playing Spyro 2 right now
God, I forgot how much I fucking love this game's style. I just about cried the first time I heard the first hub world's ambiance again for the first time in so many years. I could've emulated, but I went for a warm, fuzzy CRT with the colors sort of fucked up and it brought me back, man.
thanks for reading my blog.

I hate that shit so much. You can clearly see scales on the textures in the original, but that's not cartoonish and whimsical enough for them, so instead they've got bigass splotches on Spyro himself and all the reptile characters. Those lizards from Glimmer look like burn victims.

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holy fucking shit it's andrew dobson

The game was made by obvious furries, just look at their comments on the buff dragons.

Holy that DOES look bad. Just like you said, a burn victim. Spyro definitively needs better modelers at the bare minimum. Its hard to be impressed by Spyro's current gen game on visuals. But it's going to be even harder to be impressed if we get more of these inferior visuals come the PS5. Whether people want to admit it or not high end visuals do bait newcomers much more to a game.

They're almost definitely going to use Cynder again, she's basically equal to Shadow and Vergil in terms of relative fandom popularity. Though she'd probably be tied to the Sorcerer from Shadow Legacy this time, since that was the canon last game so far and basically their version of Malefor.

Glad I chose the rabbit as a kid. Bless TfB/Sanzaru.

>36 posts
>8 images
I am honestly baffled. Is this some type of miracle?

Bianca doesn't even look that good and perfect in-game OP's is a pre-render

What do you mean?
Toys For Bob clearly likes having Cynder around based on her immediate inclusion in Skylanders, plus the credits tease in Reignited. I just hope they change her character up to be less dull.

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He means every Spyro thread here has a 90% chance of turning into a dump of scaly bara fatshit "art."

Ah yeah, that.
What's funny is it used to. Then the bara scalies came crawling in once the remake started showing off the dragons and all sense of comfiness and discussion was lost. This thread's been pretty nice so far though, in all honesty.

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I just want more scenes of Spyro and Elora together.

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Grey DeLisle still looks pretty good though

Those kids that played the LoS games are now 20-somethings making art on Furaffinity or whatever. The amount of Elora fanart has like quadrupled, but her Reignited design isn't really super attractive to begin with. Not sure why Bianca didn't catch on with the normalfag artists too, but she did get a little more. They both at least have more than the pink dragon girl from Hero's Tail.

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Is this from the 3rd game? I definitely don't remember seeing it in 2 and haven't started 3 yet

Pretty much all of the pre-Reignited threads here were just waxing nostalgic over how good they still looked and how shitty it was that Skylanders killed the series off. If we get any indication that they might make another sequel now that interest in the series has been revived there'd be more to discuss.

Why all deleted

Now that CTR is out, hopefully we can get some hints next year of a new Spyro.

I hate her redesign so much

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I just chalk it up to Elora being handed to a less-competent modeler. The concept art was really solid.

God Cynderfags are pathetic.

If theres anything they got right, it's the Dragons.

>credits tease in Reignited
You mean where they had her face on a broken plate, implying that she was shit?

>everyone complaining about lack of Elora and Bianca
>no one ever brings up Queen Finny

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End of 3rd

What it could've been....FUCK

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