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>implying the situation is much better for the PC master race these days
God damn cryptoniggers. Those dirty console peasants are playing at 4K and I can't REEEEE.

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Ok falseflagging consolefag

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>president fucks up everything
>all retards care about is how BTFO their "enemies" are, celebrating the destruction of their country and hobbies for stigginit

>videogame consoles are made in china
>"d-don't tarrif prease..."

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Gotta love how lefties think that protectionism is bad now.

Who's he "protecting" from what? All of his stuff is made in China and Mexico.

suck chinas cock more

>who cares that China is an economic and environmental parasite on the planet and Trump is the only man in a generation with the balls and opportunity to put them in their place, I don't want to pay $5 more for my soistation!

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You people are obsessed with gay sex acts, ironic.

I love traps, I cant deny that fag

And just how far back into their place has he "put them"? He doesn't even have courage or balls to fire someone face-to-face.

Why do you support a political party that only wants to make a very select group of rich people even richer

I don't really feel like arguing about this in a thread that's going to get DELET desu.
I just think it's very interesting how people who claim to be leftists have assimilated wall street talking points just because orange man bad. The left used to be the ones opposing globalization and the international free flow of capital.

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Tariffs are taxes paid to private companies instead of a government. Trump is too corrupt with Chinese money to do anything to try to “btfo” them

Gotta love anons that know jack shit about economics. Free trade is better than this high tariff shit in 95% of instances, it's literally taught in econ textbooks.

>corporations literally begging trump to stop tariffs and he wont
the only bootlicker here is you

I don't support the democrats though.


Maybe grouping anyone who doesn’t think the exact same as you as a “leftist” means you’re getting mixed messages

Do you think the DNC is propped up by individual donations and not corporations? Hillary pulled in more money then Trump for a good reason.

>Tariffs are taxes paid to private companies instead of a government
It sure is summer isn't it?

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>consolefags and pc scrubs
Have fun with your dying platforms, cunts. Mobile's the future, either evolve or die.

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You support corrupt rich people and you’ll never see a cent of their benefits

stop manufacturing in china

exterminate all bug people

Sony and Nintendo are Japanese companies, why the fuck would Trump help them?
He should give Microsoft a break though.
Cheap Xbox would also assure their dominance in the next phase.

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This. Trump is based and redpilled. Everything he does is bigly smart. I love Israel because of him.

I might have just assumed in this case, but it's very very widespread. The situation isn't looking good for the so-called """left""". They have effectively abandoned economic issues (even arguing for free trade now) and only focus on their cultural war. Pretty depressing desu.