How do you design anthropomorphic/beast-man races but not make them Dumb unga bungas but also not pondering to furries

How do you design anthropomorphic/beast-man races but not make them Dumb unga bungas but also not pondering to furries.

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You cannot.

You don't. The idea that any race except for Humans should exist is awful. The world is for Humans, everything else is in the way.

What about aliums.

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>not pandering for furries
Define pandering. Freya (FF) doesn't pander a bit for furries and yet furries love her.

Races better than humans in some logical way are good. Dwarves are great when they're presented as being physically stronger and better builders, but elves usually suck because they just "live longer", for instance.

Elves are usually shown as having a greater affinity with the arts and magic than humans, though.

Basically making the character someones MC.
Or making the race a special snowflake race.

just make them as a race that lives mostly alongside humanity and share culture

And gnomes are behind the global banking conspiracy.

That's a disgusting word and only used by the Enemy.

Why are humans so racist and make them unga bungas all the time? They just look different, they're not stupid.

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Leprechauns are the best!

and faster, healthier, more resilient, more intelligent, and better senses.

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What kind of animal is she supposed to be?

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fuck off elf


you just know

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This show sucked.