Fighting games will be dead in 10-15 years

Fighting games will be dead in 10-15 years

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It's not gonna take that long user

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They're dying now, people don't want to jump into a game where veterans pound them into the ground.

Will hack n slash make a comeback? Games like
>dynasty warriors
>ninety nine nights
>kingdom under fire
>hyrule warriors
>warriors orochi

god I hope so

dynasty warriors was a fighting game

fighting games shouldnt be full priced games if they dont have a story/arcade mode

Undeniably true here.

Please kill yourself

God, I fucking hope so if they continue to shit out TurdFighter IV and V clones. That's what has truly ruined fighting games in the last two decades and I don't want any of it.

>bronze league quotations

>They're dying now, zoomers don't want to jump into a game where veterans pound them into the ground.

Fixed that for you.

what workout is that?

tekken (and smash, if you consider that a fighter) will never die

god I want her to shit in my mouth

Hopefully so will I.

Competitive games will be dead in 10-15 years because zoomers don't have the cognitive abilities, motor skills and attention span to get good at them.

Fighting games need to find a way to bring in casuals. The answer is not making links easier, its not giving dumb burst options that have no downside or negligible downside, Its making robust tutorials and teaching people terms.

To this day I haven't seen a mainstream fighting game that introduced players to concepts as well as skullgirls did.

Street fighter is at the point where making dumb guesses is better than trying to punish the opponent. It doesn't matter if links are easier, if there's comeback mechanics, it just makes the game less fun to play and at the end of the day better players also have the same options.

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tekken is kusoge and already dead, MK11 sold more in under a month than kekken did in 4 years

>Fighting games need to find a way to bring in casuals
No they dont, casuals can fuck off.

This. Zoomers are like niggers in that the more you capitulate to them by lowering difficulty (welfare), the more entitled they will get down the line for more handouts.
try betting on it, so it stings when you are again proved wrong you faggot.

SF5 was probably the worst combination you could have for a fighting game, barely anything useful to teach new players how to properly play then the game for people who understood was shit because the neutral game is so fucking bad where every normal is stubby and its just fish for crush > 50% combo

He's not saying a game should dumb itself down to only be about casuals he's saying there should be more information to get them into playing seriously. A game doesn't last long without new blood.

That, and wagies don't want to go home after a long day of corporate slaving and struggle to learn mechanics in a fighting game.
Same reason why Riot and Valve have hopped on that casual "auto-chess train". Gotta give Joe Everyman a quick game to play since he only has 2-4 hours of respite after work.

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also just continuing, players need to understand that getting bodied is part of the learning process. Just getting bodied isn't enough though, record your matches, find out why you lost and apply changes.
Maybe casuals is the wrong word, but the FGC can not subsist if it doesn't focus on bringing in more fresh faces.

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i don't know how good skullgirls is at teaching but unist seemed like it had a pretty good and comprehensive tutorial

MK sells because "muh epic gore omg fatalities!!!!!!!!" that's literally the only reason people even buy it.

Yeah. I wish we could go back to how it was in the early 90's when no one had obligations other than getting good at fighting games.

Fact: the greatest fighting games of all time were released when the genre was "dead"

It (skullgirls) turned my sister who had never touched a 2D fighter into a decent player. It teaches mix-ups, how to do and block them, and way more. Plus it doesn't make up its own terms they just use FGC terms.

this kind of applies to me.
i mean maybe if i had some friends to play with. but I don't. i want to get smash bros, but what's the point? I'm just going to be playing against the CPU.

I don't see much innovation. i mean the PC games are trying new things, like absolver, chivalry, and for honor.

Delusional tekkuck

>Ninety nine ni-

Skullgirls pretty much teaches you what every term is, difference between links and chains, what a hurt/hitbox is and shows you them in game, and stuff like moves being safe or unsafe.

I thought the game was shit but it really does have a good tutorial for people who want to get into fighting games.

There's more competition for people's leisure time now compared to 2 decades ago, and its all more convenient to access.
Why try and play video games when you can binge-watch Netflix? Hell, why go out and spend money on a fighting game when you can play that new-fangled "Fort Night" game you heard about? Or, why play video games when you can just watch YouTube until you have to go to bed?

Fighting games dont need to do shit. They just need solid gameplay and that's it. Fighting games are going to be a niche genre no matter how you cut it.

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Having a job doesn't determine how good or bad you are at a game. I work full time and pretty much school most people in every competitive game i play. But I get why autists like you need to work full time on getting good at a game. I mean your not functional enough at life.

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It's hard to say, They will loose steam but their community is so into them and they are pretty much bare bones budget titles as far as resources go on most of them its hard form them to not make a profit.

>people are lazier and have the attention span of goldfish

all you had to say.

Fighting games are already dead, GGPO should be an industry standard 10 users ago but we STILL have shit delay netcode as the norm in 2919

RTS are long dead and you can still heard the bitches moan about it.
I doubt FG are going anywhere soon.

>I work full time and pretty much school most people in every competitive game i play.
Because you play against garbage casuals. Big deal, faggot.

of course we will princess, and it's all Trump's fault for repealing Net Neutrality

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The solution to bringing casuals to fighting games is very simple and it all boils down to the IP. There's a reason that DBFZ was so popular. All it would take for fighters to have an immediate and profound resurgence is for Riot to hire Arc System Works or French Bread and make a multiplat with crossplay. As for your point in regard to simplyifying and casualizing fighter that is indeed not the way to keep people around. A robust fleet of features, ample tutorials (Like UNIST) and a solid IP that everyone can relate to (LoL,DBFZ, MK) is what will keep players and around attract new players.

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Find your local scene, go play. Play friendlies, get your ass beat in bracket, play friendlies after bracket, learn your local meta, thats how you get better.

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All you have to do is pay attention to half the threads in Yea Forums to see it. According to the zoomers on this board
Hard game = bad
Easy game = good because I play the game for the story

Same goes for JRPG/hack and slash players. They talk shit about competitive and hard games because theyre not good at them.

What fighting game doesn't have an arcade ladder?


This except for riot shit. Riot can fuck off and die. Normalfags are attracted to IP like flies to shit. It's the only reason why smash is big.

honestly its not so much this as they just don't have the grit

Zoomers are sore losers. They seriously cannot fucking STAND to lose. It's why they gravitate towards sim games and team games. In the case where they prefer team-based games its easy to shift blame to others when you're fucking up.

Any Zoomer here can feel free to prove me wrong, but from what I can tell after trying to play with you kids its seriously like you guys are a bunch of babies with no grit. You can't muscle through the loss and strive to improve. You're low testosterone and weak. It's sad to see.

To be fair, there's a decent chance we'll all be dead in 10-15 years.

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ok :0

i just hope i don't have to play with stinky blacks and mexicans

>t. spic

you know how those veterans got good? Not by playing CPU. Not by playing with the same friend over and over and developing bad habits. They hop into a random online match and get pounded 59-1. Few more of those and you actually learn enough to take some W's. Play more and who knows you may be the one stomping people. Point is the only way to git gud is to keep getting your shit rocked until you understand why it's happening

3 out of the 5 smash games actually are fun to play, though. It's also been proven that Smash has gotten people into other game series. The chip on your shoulder is evident. Relax guv. One day your favorite series will appear in the legendary crossover too.

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And yet you're still an utter failure at the only game that matters. The game of life.

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>fighting games need a way to bring in casuals
Unless you have a huge story mode like Blazblue or Mortal Kim at, that is NEVER going to happen because casuals are not interested in the basic foundation of fighting games: Finding satisfaction in learning how to get better. As long as fighting games require the player to actually think and improve, people that think they "deserve" a win will continue to drop these games within a week if they buy them at all.

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They said the same thing 10-15 years ago

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It's the FGC's own fault for pushing people away.

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Casuals need more than a robust tutorial they need a single player adventure that really teaches them how to play a character. Make them learn concepts in order to defeat enemies, not just combos. Teach them to get past a zoning opponent, teach them to defeat a blocking enemy with a frame trap, teach them how to answer the different common situations they will find themselves in. Instead what we have is super easy single player modes that make people view the game as button mashers.

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this. I like fighting games in part because with fighting games, you can FEEL yourself improve. I don't just pick random characters and mash buttons. I pick a character and try to actually learn what he or she does well and what they do poorly.

It's high time we accept that Fighting games are for chads and that's just how its going to always be.

ok that's true, i don't particularly care about gitting gud tho, but that is good to know

And fighting games went through a long dark age until SF4 came out.

What do you expect from a generation that was raised on their mom's ipad, told they're special and were deprived of going outside and having social interactions. They're so inept most zoomed don't even play games they watch millenials play games on twitch.

A race of winged horses will be discovered in about 70-80 years.

My evidence?
Dude just wait and see

You’re almost right. Lots of fighting games (guilty gear xrd, blahzblue, unist, even street fighter 2 hd remix) have GREAT tutorials that explain things well and give intuitive scenarios to demonstrate and practice them, and people skip straight to getting bopped online anyway

The answer needs to be a real single player campaign, with minor enemies or level design or something that also demonstrates these same things in the context of a video game. The “watch cutscene fight guy in cutscene because of reasons” formula for single player content just doesn’t work. Some real ingenuity needs to happen to fighting games’ single player content if the genre is going to survive. The mission mode in guilty gear AC+R and the like is great. We need fun, creative shit to make the game worth playing offline, and I don’t know if current fighting game developers are creative enough to make it

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Why did she take her shoes off?


dynasty warriors 3+ and Kingdom under Fire The absolute Kino of it all

was vitrua fighter good?

they get too smelly after she’s been sweating in them all day

any chance of seeing capcom vs snk 2 on switch?

that was one of the funnest games i ever played

After guilty gear got its classic collection on the Switch, anything is possible

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I think we should discuss the Chun Li and her development as fap mater- I mean character.

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>being proud of working full-time and beating a bunch of mediocre players
Congrats, you're still a faggot.

Fighting games have been dead since the arcades closed.
they're getting a resurgence of normies with evo and ceo picking up traction and dbfz being full of retard casuals.
itll go back to being an extremely niche subgenre like it always has been or it will thrive, either way me and all my friends will still play them at my local tourney and ill still go to evo every year to compete.
Normies can either join the hobby or fuck off and let it be niche but either way im still going to improve myself and try win a major.

Gaming will be dead before then

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>tekken is kusoge
Retard alert

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fuuuuck i hope so then. imagine a capcom vs. collection. with CvSNK, CvMarvel, CvTatsunoko

i would actually buy it


Fighting games are actually doing good, hell even on fucking Switch they are selling enough to justify a new line of fight sticks from horii
They're street fighter branded despite Capcom not supporting the platform but they look nice.

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They need to embrace SonicFox. in other words, Furry Street Fighter

god i hate udon, shittiest artists ever

>fighting games are for chads

Pretty much this,

Look at this chad

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The only thing I'm upset about is they have better art but its used on the mini sticks.

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His 15 seconds of fame for constantly mentioning he's gay are over though

>pic related

It's you.

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Isn’t that the character select art from 3rd strike

fighting gamers get mad pussy if they win consistently because big tourneys have big money.
When I went to evo every time I saw a pro japanese player I saw 10 cheergirls rubbing all over him.

>street fighter II

I want to smell Chun Li's sweaty butt

Street Fighters giant feet make my penis hard enough to slice diamond

Yeah, I'm not sure why he brought up udon when they didn't work on 3s

Are you shaped like the fibonacci sequence, no?
As I thought, you're just shaped like a faggot.

Thats Cammy, I thought the same at first too.

haha what do you think they smell like haha just kidding

Even if you design the best tutorial for a fighting game, it will be a miss, Skull Girls is an example of that.

The problem is that fighting games on the surface look too simple, you hit each other and they hit you and health goes down and one wins, that's what it looks like to casuals and they don't ever expect it to be any deeper than that. So when they pick it up and realize they have to learn spacing, motions, combos, matchups or some amount of frame data it all looks like too much effort for a simple side scrolling game with two characters.

Imagine playing tic tac toe, but you had to draw a realistic horse to mark an X and a realistic donkey to mark an O. The feeling would be exactly "fuck that, why would i learn all this shit just to play a game as simple as tic tac toe? what a waste of time".

I don't think that is a problem we can fix really.

>tekken is not kusoge
Retard alert

You fucking shitter. All smash games are fun to play and Brawl was easily the best smash. But that's all there is to the series. Just for fun without serious competition. I'm serious about the characters being the sole appeal of the series. 90% of the players don't fucking play the game for the gameplay. If the audience for smash actually cared about gameplay games like Rivals of Aether or Slap City wouldn't have died the moment smash on switch dropped.

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>tekken is a game
Retard alert

*eyes pop out of head*
*heart bursts out of chest*
*jaw slams on the floor*
*tongue rolls out*

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Pretty much this, joe casual isn't going to spend his friday night learning mixups or 1 frame links when he can just play some baby shit like autochess or fortnite. Casuals are called casuals for a reason, they don't like to work to get better at something they just want to play for an hour a day max with their friends to fuck around and hop off.

But a lot of fighting games other then SFV are growing, and all it will take for Street Fighter to come back is SF6.

the game...

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>zoomers can't git gud
>want their participation awards

Sounds about right.
The next generation is afraid of losing. That should motive you to get better.

don't even play it lol. go back to your "muh epic gore" game that'll only last half year in the spotlight.

>Faggots like this play fighting games

This is why no one plays them. People would rather not play fighting games if they have to sit next to this guy

MK sells because normies think its fun.
MK isn't even that special these days when it comes to gore.

hmmmm, I wonder why you edited that out???

It is bloody roar fag posting the MK stuff. He probably doesn't even play MK, but is just shitposting.

If arcsys makes a JoJo game, I personally would learn and play it competitively, and I'm a meleefag

>Justin Wong
>Is married
>has a child
>gets to sponser lolis in fighting games

I got this one, it's a nice mid-tier stick

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Trumptards are like the Barneyfag. Jesus christ what the fuck are you on

just play hftf, no reason to wait for ArcSys to make it when Chadcom used to make the perfect JoJo games.

The gameplay of RoA and Slap City is not as good as real Smash games.
The visuals are nowhere near as good.
The music is nowhere near as good.
The polish and animations are TRASH compared to Smash games.
They have a fraction of the content, even if you completely ignore the giant singleplayer modes.

IP might have a lot to do with it, but so does everything else.

Awww. Poor baby got his feeling hurt. Im sure mummy will make you some chicken tendies to make it all better.

MK is the least embarrassing fighting game to be caught playing

Shit is still that bad 900 years from now? Fighting games truly are dead

SF4 IS 10 years old dumbass

how do the casuals feel about samsho

That's what I was wondering.

>me shitposting means my feelings are hurt even though I'm not even the guy you originally replied to
So this is your brain retardation.

I'd be surprised if they've even heard of it.

Normies love MK.
It's one of the few fighters you can break out around normies, and they will all play it.

>Brawl was easily the best smash

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They probably don't even know it exists

fighting games were made for ARCADE, it was fucking awesome go to local and challenge random people

tournaments "fake" that arcade feeling, but the internet will never be good (latency) for online play, theyre doomed to only be played as tourneys

What exactly do you guys mean by casual, it's poorly defined. I buy and enjoy fightan games but don't study frame data or compete or anything, where is the line drawn?

>has to explain his feelings aren't hurt

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people that mostly play single player or beginners with no fundamental knowledge

Most casual take I've heard is that everyone moves too slow.

Casuals have no clue what samsho is

>Its making robust tutorials and teaching people terms.
stopped reading right there
Guilty Gear Xrd literally teaches you shit like what's a Reversal, Option Select and even a Meaty and I really mean 100% explicitly. It literally has the sentence 'this is called a Meaty' highlighted in the turorial lesson. Yet it doesn't pull off the same numbers of players a something like Tekken 7, which LITERALLY has no tutorial.
fucking retard

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The only people who play samsho are casuals, its not really fit for competitive play

>actually thinking this


You are buggin my guy

Samsho2 still has tournaments to this day