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I love my Wii U!
Chase Williams
Other urls found in this thread:
Jacob Price
Good man
Carson James
I just bought a Wii U
Never played Nintendo before
Eli Robinson
You mean the hackbox?
It's quite good to run everything else except WiiU games.
Brandon Gomez
30 minute battery
Connor Fisher
That's why you keep it on life support
Gavin Flores
Brody Flores
God tier console
Bentley Davis
gamepad batter is unironically longer than my dualshock 4
Aaron Taylor
I got one recently to play the games that haven’t been ported yet. I got
>Paper Mario Color Splash
>Wonderful 101
>Mario 3D World
>Smash 4(idk why I got this)
>Monster Hunter 3U
>Yoshi’s Wooly World
So far I’ve played about 20 minutes of the Yoshi game. It was 3 months ago when I bought this thing. I’ve come to the conclusion that I enjoy buying video games more than actually playing them. Thanks for reading my blog.
Oliver Wood
It's a fantastic machine for my parents' house. When we're all sitting down on the couch, they can watch something on TV while I'm playing a game on the gamepad with headphones. And when they want me to set up Netflix for them, I can get it queued up on the gamepad while they watch something else.
I'm having problems with my gamepad though. Mine is a launch model from 2012, it's mostly held up fine over the years, but recently it's like the signal is weak or something. It does connect, but only if there's absolutely nothing between the console and the gamepad. If I even just hold up my hand in front of the gamepad, the connection starts dropping out. What's going on, and can I fix it? Also why would the signal strength just permanently drop for no reason like this?
Tyler Lopez
how heavy is the wii u ?
Landon Perry
I know this feeling and I hate it so much
Carson Thomas
You should hack it bro, it's super simple provided you can read and follow simple instructions
Kevin Davis
Gamepad or console? Either way, a simple google search would answer your question
Gavin Cooper
This is my first day here. I'm still trying to figure out what a video grame is.
Luke Sanders
>enjoy buying video games more than actually playing them
Jaxon Gomez
I love mine too :)
Angel Russell
Brody Richardson
Is it not grame? I thought it was called a video grame.
Nathan Young
Only for small video grames. For larger ones it's video grounces, then video grounds.
Noah Bell
i don't have google
Robert Robinson
i'll break your wii u over your teeth, it's not a good system
Cameron Wright
friendly reminder that pic related is the best game on the Wii U
Christopher Wright
Have they ported Bayonetta 2 and Fatal Frame to the Switch yet or will I have to go out of my way to pick one of these up?
Charles Edwards
That’s on other systems though
Daniel Foster
>multiplat is the best game on the Wii U
Oh no...
Landon Diaz
Xavier Peterson
I guess I don’t really have one, just saying..
Eli Bennett
not that user, and zombiu is mediocre at best, but the ported versions barely play the same since the point of the game was how it used the gamepad gimmicks. It was literally built around them.
Adrian Ross
>softmodded mine
>Wii U, Wii, and GameCube games
>N64 games on VC modded to remove the dark filter
>SM64 with widescreen and 60 fps patched and runs flawlessly
>every other console through emulation
>all in handheld mode if desired
It's pretty comfy
Lincoln Gutierrez
zombi u is shit in other platforms
Isaiah Jones
how do you remove the dark filter?
Xavier Morris
I installed mocha. Perma hax.
I have a shit ton of games and never play.
However, I always get that itch to play Bayonetta 1 and 2.
Also, Just Dance 2020 better be uploaded for Wii since they skipped the Wii U version.
Adam Fisher
Meh. I’d rather play Mario 64 on my Nintendo 64 on my CRT
Christian Hall
Just recently hacked mine, it's pretty cool.
Carson King
Zombi U was excellent albeit a bit short, I have no idea why anons here shit on it.
Jonathan Wilson
Recently hacked mine and use the wiiu usb helper thing to inject gamecube games onto the menu. It works fine but is there a way to use dualshock 4s or usb gamecube controllers cause the gamepad is not comfy to hold and the screen is annoying while the tv is also on
Samuel Morris
I still havent figured how to get wiiu gaymes
Chase Hill
Hunter Bell
Congrats, you wasted money on Nintendo's only bad console
Ryan Evans
The multiplayer in this was a fucking blast
>player one on the TV controlling the human
>player two on the gamepad placing different types of zombies in strategic spots
It's a shame that type of asymmetrical multiplayer died with the Wii U
Joshua Rogers
>Wii U
>Nintendo's only bad console
Shh... quiet zoomer. You know nothing.
Jace Johnson
The ONLY game to make clever use of the controller
Managing shit on the little screen while being attacked in he main screen added another layer of tension. I miss it so much
Nathan Harris
>they named it Wii U
How stupid can they be
Jaxson Robinson
>The ONLY game to make clever use of the controller
Caleb Brown
What the fuck was Nintendo thinking with that dark filter? Shit was not cool
Levi Hughes
My collection:
Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival
Game & Wario
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
NES Remix Pack
Nintendo Land
Paper Mario: Color Splash
Pikmin 3
Star Fox Zero
Super Mario 3D World
Super Mario Maker
Super Smash Bros.for Wii U
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD
The Legend of Zelda:The Wind Waker HD
The Wonderful 101
Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Yoshi's Woolly World
What am I missing?
Carter Long
Probably for people with seizures and shit I guess since people didn't really give a shit about that when they were making older games.
Joshua Barnes
thanks user
Evan Lewis
Based. Grew up on the N64, but now I have far more hours on the WiiU. I love the dual screen functionality, works wonders when I'm tired and want to lay on my back while I have people over watching. Also great virtual console selections. (at least on the JP version)
Elijah Wright
New Super Mario Bros. U + Luigi U
Bayonetta 1 & 2
Donkey Kong TF
Captain Toad (better controls than the Switch version)
Joshua Barnes
I'll eventually get the superior version of all these on the Switch. You said the WiiU version has better controls? Switch version has more content though.
Bentley Martinez
>Super Mario 3D World
>Paper Mario: Color Splash
>Xenoblade Chronicles X
Are these games any good? Be honest.
Luke Torres
>Super Mario 3D World
>Paper Mario: Color Splash
>Xenoblade Chronicles X
Don't know, I just own it. Haven't played it.
Luke James
Switch has no good D-Pad (even the Pro’s D-Pad is shit) so NSMBU & DK are better on Wii U.
Andrew Thomas
DK:TF looks much better on the Switch though, that shit ran at 720p on the PU. Runs at 1080p on the based Switch, much bigger improvement over the controls imo.
Henry Jones
Literally nothing unless you are a faggot who can't carry a console that even kids can
Aiden Ross
The VirtualBoy existed fucking zoomer
Cameron Sanchez
Motherfucking Xenoblade Chronicles X.
Wyatt Smith
>More content
Captain Toad: Literally only oddysey levels and multiplayer (useless since the game is single player experience)
DKTF: literally a fucking easy mode disguised with a new character
New Super Mario Bros U:same as DKTF and there's deleted levels in the game so they didn't even tried with this shit,the worst part is that it works so the "new" games are doomed like pokemon
Bayonetta 1/2:no difference at all
Wii U ports are a example of how lazy was Nintendo with the Switch
Logan White
>3D World
Yes, switch fags who hate the game UnIronically want a port of this game after all the Wii U ports now
>Paper Mario Color Splash
No, boring gameplay/the same shit of SS in HD and memes instead of a fucking story
>Xenoblade X
Decent and better than Anime Chronicles 2: Japanese humor edition
Jeremiah Rogers
>Bayonetta 1/2:no difference at all
Stop spewing fake news, kike.
Jaxon Roberts
We are talking about content fucking idiot
Jaxson Gray
I wasn't, I was talking about everything, overall.
Adrian Hernandez
>and better than Anime Chronicles 2: Japanese humor edition
Henry Clark
So basically you just care about paying 40$ extra for no content?, that's fucking stupid user
Jeremiah Harris
As do I user. It deserved better.
Aaron Green
I can't find my gamepad charger.
Logan Lee
>that yellow Mario Maker spine
Absolutely heretical. What were the madmen at Nintendo thinking?
Isaiah Adams
75% of these games are dogshit. Why would anyone buy ME3 for the WiiU, lol? That Ubisoft shit, yikes.
>Lego city
Caleb Price
Damn. Nice collection
Tyler Hughes
The red Wii one for New Super Mario Bros is also horrendous
Juan Howard
I care about owning the superior version. I'm not a poorfag nigger user, unlike you.
Dylan Powell
It's gimmick was only any good for Mario Maker. I actually think Mario Maker 2 might be a little more annoying since I hear the controller controls for editing are pretty shit.
Other than that, I just let the gamepad go dead and used a Pro Controller whenever I could. I fucking hated having to plug it in just for a shitty puzzle in BOTW.
Jose Davis
What region are you in? Why is your Mario Kart 8 not in the red case?
Christian Murphy
>Muh generic waifus
Aiden Foster
I loved FE# and XCX
Austin Sanders
It's the Wii U's Golden Zelda cart
Robert Scott
I only had a Wii U for the longest time, got a PS4 Pro day one though and now have over 300 games for that also.
Adrian Edwards
>over 300 games for PS4
Benjamin Adams
You sound like a guy who never played Deus Ex Human Revolution on Wii U.
Isaiah Clark
Thanks man
I'm in the UK, it only came in a blue box in Europe as far as I'm aware.
Evan Powell
Ayden Allen
Hyrule warriors is pretty cheap right now. I could also recommend the Wii U version of Dark Siders if you haven't played that yet.
Joseph Bennett
>want to play Wooly World
>it hasnt been ported to the Switch
>Crafted World is worse in every conceivable way
God damn you Furukawa you hack
William Parker
>Hear about Deus Ex Human Revolution Director's Cut on Wii U
>go to preorder it at gamestop
>they have no fucking clue what I'm talking about and I look like a retard
>buy it later and play it for like 30 minutes before dropping it
I played it
Jeremiah Edwards
Just buy a Wii U and hack it. You have no excuse. You'll have access to all of the Wii U's gems plus a quality emulation box
Jackson Powell
Then why don't you marry it XD
Connor Perry
I own a Wii U but I cant be assed to drag it out, let alone purchase a game for it
Luke Collins
>Hyrule warriors
Will eventually get it on Switch.
>Dark Siders
looks like shovelware trash.
Landon Stewart
going to try this tonight as I found my sd card adapter... Do I have to launch the internet browser every time I want to use my Wii U homebrew now?? Can't I just install a channel?
(I don't want the virtual wii channel homebrew because I want to use my Wii u Pro controller)
Lucas Diaz
Looks like shovelware trash huh? Well, looks like you got it all figured out then.
Jason Brooks
I have haxchi, all I have to do is open the channel whenever I start the wii u to access the homebrew stuff
You can coldboot right into it but if the haxchi channel ever gets deleted accidentally you'll brick your shit, so I just play it safe and start it manually. It's not like it takes much time
Nathaniel Cook
bluetooth module's dying it sounds like.
Brayden Bell
The gamepad's actually pretty light.
Josiah Scott
Play Ellie's game! Don't forget the uncensor patch
Ian Watson
You mean Tokyo Mirage Sessions? I played it for like an hour and got to a battle and decided it was a gay clusterfuck and I hated it
I remember being hyped for a Fire Emblem and SMT crossover lol
Benjamin Hughes
Well here's one shelf, got another downstairs and a crap ton of digital.
Adam Scott
PS4 games are so cheap, retailers practically give that shit away for free. Nintendo collections are the real deal.
Zachary Jenkins
It got a 3DS port you dingus, and a yoshi editor. I made the dark blue yoshi from Yoshi's island that way, shit was tight.
Gabriel Williams
It gets better and harder later on.
Ryder Rodriguez
That doesn't make me want to play it, they really fucked up making it an idolshit game
Logan Kelly
Well then! Here's my Switch collection, minus digital
Adam Scott
This is wrong, it made me harder from the start.
Joseph Foster
And an out dated 3DS one, this pic bothers as obviously I've got more since and tons of them out of order for some reason
Luis Hill
>stacking games on-top of each other
Impressive nonetheless.
Ryan Cooper
But 3DS games are ugly and I'm lazy
Michael Davis
More games than the switch.
Xavier Cox
I haven’t played any of the xenoblade games. I don’t even know what kinda games they are. Are they good?
Jaxon Bell
>Are they good?
Yes dumbass.
Henry Davis
Bayonetta 1&2 is on switch as a bundle as well as separate purchases on eShop
Samuel Mitchell
Or you could just buy the retail version that has Bayonetta 1 included with it as DLC.
Liam Reyes
Which is what I said you retard
Eli Phillips
>Physical Fatal Frame 5
You lucky fuck
Xavier Collins
my bad, I read that wrong. s-sorry bruv.
Levi Robinson
Fuck you jerry I didn’t know. Sack of cuck
Benjamin Rivera
Just turn 18? There was literally Xenoblade 2 threads fucking daily for an entire year after it came out.
Blake Ortiz
>virtual boy
You are the fucking zoomer here. Stop falling for memes made by shitty JewTubers.
Isaiah Perry
well shit... i can't even get internet for my wiiu because I got a new modem since I packed my wiiu away and I don't have a working gamepad to even go into the settings....
Liam Bailey
Yeah? What’s your fucking point? Yea Forums talks about plenty of shitty games just because they have waifus with big boobs in them.
Angel Russell
Brody Parker
Not playing Wii u games with cemu in 4k 60
Nathan Hughes
seething zoomer. I'd seeth too if I were apart of the cuck'd generation.
Jayden James
I’m 21. I’m basically a boomer. Chill out you old fart
Ryder Young
the first game which you can get on eshop is legit one of the most amazing game i've played in a decade, so i'd highly suggest that one.
X is okay, never bothered to get into 2 because it seems to have strayed a lot from the original material.
John Robinson
I am a North American gamer, but I imported that Bloodborne Game of the Year to play on my NA PS4. So I guess you could say I'm a pretty L33T gamer.
Samuel Foster
Get the classic controller
Jaxon Baker
Hey bros, just got my Wii U a few days ago and I'm going to start working on hacking it. Where do I get my hands on the VC games to inject/install/whatever them? I want to start with getting a bunch of GBA games.
Grayson Watson
>I'm going to start working on hacking it
There goes its retail value. These things are going to be worth a pretty penny in tens years but not if you hack it you poor stupid nigger.
Leo Jackson
Who the fuck cares? I want to play Mega Man Battle Network, go eat a dick
Ryan Sanchez
>I’m 21. I’m basically a boomer.
21 is zoomer territory, if not outright zoomer.