Literally my ONLY complaint about her is that her tits and belly aren't bigger / don't bulge out further. Discuss

Literally my ONLY complaint about her is that her tits and belly aren't bigger / don't bulge out further. Discuss.

Attached: 1560140758677.jpg (720x798, 353K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Would people complain if she got jiggle physics?

Maybe some faggots would complain, but personally, I'd fap uncontrollably

Attached: 1558360168955.jpg (886x886, 50K)

The dyke face ruins it for me, would fuck otherwise.

Name a worse combo than fat chicks and rockabilly

what the fuck is in that things hair?

Nah, even as a fatfag I have standards. She needs an entire new head to even be considered fappable. Not to mention her design leaves her with stubs for arms and legs.

Attached: __spas_12_girls_frontline_drawn_by_spicy_moo__528b28deb535665abd5a023e9b78f09e.jpg (612x1000, 332K)

That and the prosthetic limbs.

>even as a fatfag
>Posts a sticc

Fix her stupid fucking hair and I'll roll with it.

Just the right amount of thicc, I love it

I enjoy the slow gluttonous journey to fat

Attached: 1553640083201.jpg (1110x1111, 451K)

KYS fatfaggot.


Attached: thicc.gif (706x695, 956K)

Are there biological benefits to a women being chubby

Attached: ur opinions.jpg (283x447, 16K)

Plump, juicy, soft, and squishy, that's what

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-07 at 6.47.14 PM.png (800x1200, 996K)

Attached: colossal_faggot.jpg (902x1028, 248K)

Ah, one of those theads. Wonderful.

Attached: The Architect.webm (960x960, 2.93M)


Attached: 1530729867819.jpg (868x1228, 176K)

Attached: 73735153_p0.jpg (620x906, 620K)

God, I want to fatten Erufuda up and grab and jiggle her jelly belly like it's dough

Attached: delicious_curves.png (1490x1268, 2.19M)




Attached: 1536570036847.jpg (1440x1728, 296K)

That was a good one, the one with the creepy depressed mom by the same artist was also god tier

you're dumb and gross. discuss that

>ywn give Erufuda all the fries she could ever want
>ywn grope her love handles as you make love to her soft body
>ywn feel the weight of her body push on you as she asks for seconds

Attached: 1531945313946.jpg (960x626, 46K)


They stay warm which helps in cold climates.(And they make my PP very fuunny.

Attached: gain_for_the_top__by_jeetdoh_dczin4a-pre.jpg (1000x799, 127K)

I hail our new surrealist robot overlords!

Her navel doesn't look like a fat navel and I hate it.

Is that because you want her to look like she's your twin sister?

Attached: 17652572357.jpg (480x360, 17K)

Thicc is hot and cute !

Attached: DC9229D9-1F48-4FAB-BAA8-12625548B3FB.jpg (750x926, 827K)

I think it's heroherotom.

Love those thick fatty arms. Imagine how much she sweats, ha ha. I bet she doesn't even bother with deodorant.

There are parts about this that I like, but the hair is absolutely fucking horrific. Literally the worst hairstyle in existence.



Attached: perfection.jpg (1320x1815, 144K)

tfw they based this design around that GoT chick

I want to be that tree, God damn it

Attached: 1558467053218.gif (314x232, 1.15M)

Pos game will bomb hard. Nobody gives a shit about hero shooters

forgot my face

Attached: sophie-turner7-glamour-7sep16-getty-b.jpg (1020x1530, 118K)

Attached: EE8F383E-4ED8-49A4-9E6E-57C990F87459.jpg (221x286, 24K)

Fat cosplayers are the best, it's like looking through an alternate reality where the characters let themselves go. Any good fat cosplayers to follow?

Attached: Realization.jpg (1333x1920, 690K)

Are those the ball bearing things you put in skateboard wheels?

Is that supposed to be Yennefer?
Good lord man she's gonna break the stuffed unicorn.
What world have I stumbled into here.

based and piercepilled


*better combo

It's only a matter of time before Naoe gives in

Attached: naoe_has_given_up.png (966x1210, 2.4M)

What kinda faggot would choose the tumblrwhale over the wrench wench?

Attached: Bleeding Edge - Gizmo.png (679x1000, 964K)

>Good lord man she's gonna break the stuffed unicorn.
She can ride me as much as she wants

Based, architectural thread.

I'm not into starving chicks


Attached: 1558355482399.jpg (2048x1463, 512K)


Attached: C0731CC1-2A27-458F-BADD-C91AACBDD5EE.jpg (750x743, 746K)

Fat Goths.

>Thicc Ciri


I want to grab a handful of her belly fat

Attached: 1560997078879.png (638x960, 697K)

Attached: 1538044499220.png (854x1079, 147K)

Can't delete them forever

Attached: 1527364677652.png (820x778, 439K)

Attached: 1540874117225.png (1311x1732, 1.31M)

This guy gets it. I have no problem with skinny/average/overweight/fat woman. But the feminist/dyke/problematic look is just a complete hate inducer.


Alright, you got me there.

Its not a hero shooter. Its supposed to be like Anarchy Reigns.

I was embarrassed asking for her picture but god damn it

Attached: 20190526_122704_1.jpg (3024x3285, 2.74M)

Absolute legend

Attached: DEoQvdSUwAA7vlD.jpg (1583x2048, 236K)

I'm actually going to vomit. Fuck you creepy bastards.

bless you

Attached: F49ECBDD-830F-494F-98FE-A4D954014C91.jpg (750x928, 858K)

>fat person actually looks like a fat person


god i wish that were me

u wot m8

Attached: i_dont_like_sharks.png (600x1875, 830K)

Attached: 1536390026926.jpg (1920x1080, 540K)

>fat means you dye your hair in problematic colors
>fat means you shave half your head and make le quirky problematic hairdo
>fat means you get feminist tattoos
>fat means you plaster tons of makeup on everything
>fat means you dress like a turbodyke
End yourself my man.

Attached: 910BE7BA-6E00-439F-8B24-84A5DF0848DB.jpg (750x763, 626K)

That shitty looking cartoon navel ruins it for me. Also that hair is retarded.

Guys I'm a bit of a chubby chaser but this is fat. And yet... why does she look so perfect but fat? God I have a raging questionable erection.

I require your largest thighs.

Attached: 1559057386968.png (1500x1125, 910K)

Poison Trunk

>ywn take her out to fancy dinners
>ywn ask for multiple entrees to feed her
>ywn see her dress strain as she cleans each plate
>ywn take her home to squeeze and love
>ywn feel her new weight on top of you
>ywn hear her ask for more food as she crushes your pelvis with her weight

Attached: Lilly_Classy.png (2072x2681, 2.72M)

My thighs are too strong for you, traveler.

Attached: 1551351480457.jpg (540x955, 89K)

Attached: IMG_1075.jpg (659x645, 51K)

>Anything less than "morbidly obese" is starving.

Attached: 1402891075019.png (356x256, 200K)

have sex

That's right. The ladies need to be absolutely engorged until they can't even stand or sit up straight.

Attached: stuffed.png (1554x830, 933K)

She's already fat, did they also have to give her a manjaw?

Based bigcuties poster

As someone who likes big girls, you feeder spergs disgust me to no end, shits creepy.

You mean like THIS!?

Attached: 1555958746808.jpg (731x827, 331K)

her haircut and her being a quadruple amputee are basically the only design flaws

Attached: 1539351522124.jpg (2248x1920, 2.28M)

Cope. Women should be stuffed, lazy, greedy blobs

Attached: pej2qwKxzy1xdvem5o1_1280.jpg (1280x574, 179K)

>Alien parasite makes girls extremely hungry
>Slows their metabolism
>Female only space station has a breach, slowly one by one they get infected, and fattened
>The parasite makes them enjoy it the larger they get
Someone please write this

There are reports about some very obese women not even noticing they are pregnant and they then pop out a healthy baby and are surprised.

Chub women are ideal for breeding.

Attached: pregnant thicc.webm (640x1052, 949K)


revolting, but i mean weve had fat fuck males forever (lmao fucking pudge) so Why are all the ham planets never grossly designed????? really ponders ones noggin

I don't like this

I just don't care for her hair

Well you should

That's exactly reinforcing what user said

>Fatfags can't like average women
What a fool you are.
Not all of us are into "Blobs" as you say.
Some of us, have gone beyond our limits and like slim and muscular women

Attached: 1450412668964.png (241x230, 97K)



Attached: 392bc4cc0634556b3cb02a70902682d6.jpg (447x735, 315K)

Americans are fucking disgusting. Your people need to stop stuffing themselves instead of trying to normalize obesity


Love me some visible Areola more than nipple


Okay, Abdul

Attached: DDBIaCZVoAIFULu.jpg (868x1228, 187K)

>Body is actually kind of hot if you're into chubby girls
>Face is ugly and hair is fucking stupid-looking
Might as well just find some fat Zarya fanart instead.

Attached: 1472848235074.gif (192x200, 1.41M)

Attached: puke.gif (356x400, 2M)

Chonky Chunky.

Attached: 1559055592057.png (456x441, 87K)

Fat girls are disgusting.

Attached: xHN7vAh.jpg (3000x2000, 265K)


Attached: 1561159122451 (1).jpg (1024x1024, 148K)

Haha, yeah, they're totally disgusting. So, gross, in fact, that I'd appreciate it if you posted more of that one in particular... So I can... Laugh at how gross she is.

Attached: 1560141593581.png (691x597, 16K)

Attached: 9b764a4f53ac8e36252948335b3e22a7.png (1060x1500, 631K)

t. starving nigger

Attached: 89a2e569b6e15a26df9a78faedf70c1b.png (706x1200, 779K)

Is this game supposed to be like a for honor clone mixed with DMC or something?

What the fuck made me a chubby chaser? I used to find fat bitches repulsive as a teen and now I can barely get hard to a girl that doesn't have a bulging belly.

Attached: 1553246274376.png (677x605, 270K)

Quit calling flabby bitches, thicc, you dumb Pigskins.

Ever hear of Anarchy Reigns?

Wouldn't it make your life easier though? I mean they're cute but also positive sometimes.

Attached: b2b43e101cde44a965a70b87771f00ae.jpg (900x1200, 123K)

Sounds to me like a truckload of testosterone hit you all at once. Congrats, user. You're a REAL man.

Attached: 1556993141611.png (1876x2880, 1.66M)

Based and greenpilled thread.

too much onions, you are attracted to michelin bodies as the powers that be want. They don't want peole to be attracted to healthy distinguishable bodies, that would improve birth rates.


Or he's desperate, it can be either or. Don't forget that

>ywn get a gf like this

Attached: 061344DC-A378-4FB0-95BF-2317B23F2DE3.jpg (1269x630, 98K)

Nah. He's high-test

Attached: 3432424.jpg (510x612, 15K)

Thats fine, I want gf who's nice and sweet that cares about and loves me as much as I do to her.

Attached: 1555896311736.jpg (1203x1310, 78K)

Attached: 7654352.jpg (300x481, 21K)

Attached: 34432543.png (800x1097, 277K)

Attached: 1554128280290.png (1024x1281, 1.17M)

I came.


I want a big fat mommy gf

Attached: 1551262367705.png (871x918, 561K)


Attached: 1554703372135.jpg (1448x2048, 313K)

Good Luck.

Attached: 1541611734724.png (650x600, 229K)

I fucking love it when a fatty can’t stop herself from eating more even though she know she shouldn’t.

Attached: OP.webm (640x800, 805K)

And there's her favourite cock

Attached: 1561593810781.jpg (1000x1967, 139K)

And now the crazy feeders have invaded. Back to trash you go.

>Someone please write this

You already wrote it, it's written

Thanks Ninja Theory for enabling fph threads on Yea Forums

Attached: 1548306710116.jpg (800x1131, 153K)

Ya'll have superior tastes.

Attached: _raffle_2__magilou_by_justanotherfatartist_dd0vlh6.png (2369x3444, 3.24M)


Attached: 1471531657823.jpg (1190x1680, 261K)

Attached: P0.jpg (1279x1280, 271K)

>Dankii's gotten bigger

Attached: 1543491623973.png (519x605, 658K)

As do you,my brother in arms.
You're welcome.

Attached: 1480832521775.jpg (721x1062, 586K)

Not bad, but she could be bigger

Attached: 1558222593236.png (720x603, 407K)

I need more please!

Attached: 1561159214796 (1).jpg (2253x3355, 266K)

More ass?

kipteitei being posted means we can go crazier with, no? here's your new tifa

Attached: 1553131111142.jpg (1086x1200, 140K)

I meant fat in general but I would also appreciate Big Butts.

Attached: 83eb294ffc902931843ee8d2e0a75da2-imagepng.jpg (893x894, 82K)

Attached: 1559996509909.jpg (3188x4370, 729K)

"user, we need to talk. Why do you keep leaving gallon tubs of ice cream on Mei's desk?"

Attached: 1559507689444.jpg (646x700, 60K)

Attached: 1555959610049.png (1089x613, 464K)

Is this vore?

Attached: 1551927872080.jpg (3780x2835, 581K)




Attached: 1546452226657.png (1000x1045, 503K)

>dreams being used for thicc posting

no, I don't think so

I'll show you Dobson, user

Attached: 1544762462238.png (865x793, 238K)

You gotta diversify your portfolios and give musclefat a chance.
A dream come true in a sense.


Well damn.

Attached: 1551928146185.jpg (988x1200, 69K)

>size difference chub

Attached: 1543750719436.jpg (546x395, 25K)

>sofia rose was the woman that got me into fatties
>fluctuated back and forth in weight, was still hot
>got a tummy tuck two years ago and now she looks unnatural and repulsive

I can respect losing weight but that route just looks disgusting

Thank you.

Attached: 1559688543153 (1).jpg (823x924, 60K)

>big belly and tits but muscular arms

Attached: 1537544633131.png (380x400, 88K)

not straight up dissing it but abs like that only appear t around 14% bf. also fuck man, they butchered by yordle

>that outline of the abyss
oh yeah

No problem, friend. We're all in this together.

Attached: 1516315695620.jpg (637x825, 243K)

She gets her power from eating ice cream right? That's how it works right?

Whether or not that's the case, you know I'd be feeding her more of it by the tub-full, right?

Attached: fat_mei_by_fatadmirer92_db3edv9-fullview copy.jpg (800x1016, 88K)


Is that Mysterydad?

Attached: 6b3a9d10300bb4220801b3c044674d3e.jpg (832x1000, 87K)

Anymore huntress or artificer?

SPAS isn't fat, she's perfect.

>The picture of her in the fishnets, showing her bra under her sweater
I must marry this woman

I have no idea, but I'm gonna look it up just in case.

Attached: 1551929393972.png (900x1440, 1.14M)

>tfw I somehow managed to find a girl with both of these qualities and loves to tease about her size

Attached: 1557283766282.jpg (1149x1431, 287K)

I'm happy for you though, congratulations, Champion of Chub.

Attached: 1549414705942.png (1058x1488, 707K)

She's a lesbian and she deleted all her pictures because she didn't like the attention. Sad!

Living the dream.

Attached: vGJCl5r.jpg (735x1200, 551K)

Thanks my man. Here's hoping you other anons can be just as fortunate, y'all deserve it.

Attached: impa_by_eishiban-d77lthn.jpg (851x939, 80K)

It's a good feeling, isn't it? I found one too.
We've been married for almost ten years now.

Attached: 3229255dr.eggmanwily.jpg (977x670, 241K)

I'll find my chubby GF someday

Thank you anonymous man.

Attached: 1545005247891.jpg (1142x1213, 136K)

Was meant for

Attached: pqPf7B7.jpg (758x1200, 629K)

kill yourself

I like fat chicks but I'm picky about the fat distribution, can't be full ham planet tier, needs a decent face. Regular chubby girls and fit girls are better, but slim girls are best.

Attached: __deborah_dragon_quest_v_and_etc_drawn_by_pon__91abb38145687a91e912bfc70d0044e9.jpg (669x900, 340K)

Anons, ignoring that dyke-faced Buttercup, are there any cute or sexy chubby or pot belly vidya girls?

I know of absolutely none and it is a disturbing lack of canonically chubby girls. How do we convince devs to give us what we want on modern games?

Can't even make cute chubby girls in most character creators because how distorted a lot of them are when it comes to tummy sliders. It always makes them look like the chub is broken (i.e. see Soul Calibur VI).

In a perfect world, we get a gal in AAA vidya with a body like pic related with jiggle physics all over

Attached: dd8iz71-6668cd7b-10da-4a86-8e90-1cb8479157ae.jpg (994x689, 213K)

Good thread, despite the lack of Isabelle.

It really is, in multiple ways. That's fantastic to hear though, I hope you two have many more ahead
Thanks dude, 'preciate it.
Honestly? Not really. You could almost consider Fat Princess a little cute even at the smaller stages of her "fatness," but there is a strange lacking of that body type.

Attached: 1446631292069.jpg (882x906, 128K)

>Feel nothing the entire thread
>See this
guess thats another fuckin' thing to add to the list

Attached: 1455597039557.jpg (2432x2584, 2.29M)

Bacon Man has Lard Lass which is most likely exactly what you think. And Dragon's Dogma has a good character creator for making cute fatties, and it affects your stats and being a bigger taller hevier character is actually fairly good way to play it.

Attached: 97100dce88a584cdb4d9687bfd4146b9.png (880x1200, 1.19M)

Yeah stages 2 or 3 Fat Princess is all I can think of. Shame she never got a new game on PS4. (Fat Princess Adventures doesn't count. I mean gameplay wise).

I've seen Lard Lass but I just don't like the gameplay style. And what is Dragon's Dogma exactly?

same here

im glad the sjws forced developers to include porkies in vidya now. i fapped to german porky in wolfenstein for a long while.

It's a third person class based adventure RPG. I enjoyed it.

Attached: 1559252867159.png (564x657, 260K)

Bitch so thicc, ya need that no clip.

I do like me some third person. I'll look into it. Especially if it means cute chubs

Guys what do you think of Toroboro

Is there any good fat princess games on vita or just bad ones?

Attached: 1539324037044.jpg (755x1057, 51K)

Pfff, that's nothing

Attached: thiccc.gif (706x695, 1.11M)

There's Tina from this doujin fighting game called E's Laf (or something like that) that might be up your alley.

Attached: tumblr_p4xiyoBRiE1un9v43o1_1280.png (1280x1687, 1.49M)

Never owned a Vita so not really sure. I just played original on PS3 and a little bit of the shitty Fat Princess Adventures.

I do hope the trend continues. If gaming is going to be more diverse with characters, having chubby/fat girls needs to be more widespread.

Attached: 1556674488101.png (530x900, 837K)

fat people are disgusting and should be eliminated

Jinako is pretty chubby.

Attached: 3ABF319E-801F-4C94-9479-51B7FB559B06.png (350x294, 132K)

More like Butter-cup

Cute but seems underaged/loli

Thanks anyway.

Under rated.

>fat belly
>fat tiddy
>fat face

Fat people are delicious and should be fed and fattened up further

Attached: it_ain_t_too_much_for_me_to_jam_by_theamericandream_dar0qly.jpg (1876x2400, 579K)

I have a subfetish for poorly done 3d fats

She’s a thirty year old NEET

Attached: 34433D03-2706-46CA-A1EB-C9DE0E9E2043.png (774x1033, 1.24M)

That's not fat

What about the feminist tattoo in her breast?

I'm with ya. We need vidya girls that appeal to the good stuff

Attached: 1545838232706m.jpg (683x1024, 55K)

Yeah I can see she swallowed a big cup of butter

Attached: 1558759091696 (1).jpg (797x1200, 506K)



Attached: 1541903918597.jpg (894x894, 84K)

ok ive ejaculated, good bye

Then buckle up, mate. WE CAN GO BIGGER

Attached: thicccc.gif (706x695, 863K)

Attached: 1541897296829.jpg (879x909, 142K)

Athletic girls who are fattened up are my fetish

Thread Theme.

Attached: FAT.png (850x1200, 98K)

How can people find this thing attractive

Attached: F9A64FE2-48E6-4DAF-84ED-99BEFAEED80C.jpg (352x334, 37K)

>Not "Fat" by Weird Al


The human mind is a strange thing indeed.

What game is she from?

By having testosterone

>anything coldsteelj does

Attached: yek.gif (300x206, 989K)


it's been ages since I've seen a Modern Family gif/image here
is that show still running

Attached: 101118_curly.png (189x255, 14K)

Why is her bush so long though?

hot damn

>No sweet adorable landwhale gf to plow in tight, enclosed spaces

>No sweet adorable landwhale gf to plow in a tight, enclosed space

Attached: need_the_boat.gif (720x310, 3.3M)

Are there more of the artificer?
Life is cruel sometimes, isn't it user?

Attached: 1550541778188.jpg (1280x960, 165K)

I like chubby girls but I really can't find the attractiveness in some of these absolute landscapes and literal blobs. Like k hope you people posting THAT shit realize it isn't normal and a fetish

Pretty sure most of us do. I enjoy blobs and the like, but it's more of a fun extreme to see in 2D. I'd never want to see that done in reality.

>Not "I Wanna Be Fat" by Go Go Girls
step it up senpai

Attached: 46BB9A49C9BC4FDABA58FCD80BC104C9.jpg (910x1360, 153K)

>the things I don't like aren't normal
k thnx

Attached: orly.gif (500x281, 1.77M)

Fat Italo mind

Dumbest post on Yea Forums

>Not liking literal blobs
Get a load of this pleb

Attached: JcAAajBzc7MwOV7FnclHmb0I.png (1228x868, 397K)

Do you get off to those videos of people stuck in their homes that are a thousand pounds and look like they have tumors?

>3D problems

Metal Slug actually gave me a fat fetish

As well as Totally Spies

This thread ain't dying on my watch. Alright lads, what vidya characters that are skinny could use a weight shift, from just a bit chubby to full obesity?

Attached: 1560902772869.png (2823x2480, 975K)

The idea of turning Tracer into the fastest person on Earth to the fattest and robbing her of her speed is very erotic.

Attached: overweight_overwatch__tracer__cel_shade__by_candlebars-da6gczg.png (912x1506, 739K)

Shantae. She's a belly dancing genie who needs meat on her bones! Give her a nice plump pot belly and muffin top from all the things of meat she eats on her journeys. It'll make her belly dancing 100x better

Attached: shantae_gals_by_kafekafei_dbhx5pf-pre.jpg (816x979, 77K)

Lady from dmc and Aigis from perusona three

Attached: 062636dc67a5734f66772147b3d8707b.jpg (720x960, 216K)

Attached: Firekeeper_DS3.jpg (640x905, 81K)

Passionlip, large enough to make her bust look proportional.

Attached: Passionlip1.png (512x724, 303K)

Renamon getting addicted to human fast food and neglecting physical training as a result.

Attached: Renamon Chub 1.png (850x1050, 571K)

she would look better if a jap studio designed her instead. ninja theory is garbage at designing characters and games

Attached: 1440380082874.png (955x536, 217K)

>she would look better if a jap studio designed her instead

Attached: uuuu.jpg (1280x720, 48K)

I don't get why the made her so gross.

Also a vampire girl, overindulging in blood and basically being a big sloshy fatty would be nice.

Attached: 1553221814353.jpg (600x596, 112K)

Attached: 1541546081888.jpg (1200x1200, 186K)

More vidya should have grotesque characters.

Holy shit, shes so fucking hot. Yeah, bigger boobies would seal the deal OP.

Smug cat queen getting bigger and fatter as shes pampered by her loyal servants.

Attached: 1552060535942.jpg (2888x3510, 845K)

Honestly they just need to fix the hair. I don't know why companies keep pushing that style, it always ruins designs. Just look at Zarya, she looks 100 percent better with the lion mane look. Hell, it's probably suit Buttercup better as well.

Attached: e65.jpg (915x762, 291K)

Anons, it isn't every day mods let a plump thread stay up this long. We can't let it die

Attached: fries__thighs__bellies_and_boobs_by_cookies_cat-dcebsbh.jpg (1024x717, 102K)

They can't make her TOO conventionally attractive, or people will bitch. Beauty is problematic.

Attached: 1548819868292.png (585x828, 261K)

The hairstyle is intentional to try and also get a "diverse" playerbase. They would argue that lions mane is too appealing to the male fantasy, like barbarian chicks.

God fucking bless teckworks.

Like hell it'll die. I had to step away for a little bit. But
are visionaries the others are good but I have no history/familiarity with some of the characters
Especially the cat queen, dear lord that's an ass

>wagecuck thread deleted
>this still up
Okay jannies, which one of you are here.

I will lurk no longer, this thread needs more cuties!

Attached: cm___dancer_by_cozynakovich_dcwqn8y.png (1075x1374, 544K)

Chubby girls in my experience always always want a to go for a baby as soon as they can. Should i be worried

Exact opposite in my experience, so take that as you will. Might be luck of the draw.

Attached: XRqWd8U.jpg (694x702, 70K)

Blessed thread


Attached: winter_weight.png (1280x1408, 577K)


Attached: 1545573294937.jpg (397x669, 33K)

I'd do anything as long as it mostly went into that ass

Attached: 1561432663249.jpg (845x1200, 106K)

That's what I was hoping you would say cause I want that butt bigger too.

Attached: 1559363321134.png (1000x1500, 398K)

Yes but how much bigger? I'm thinking at least a quarter of her total body weight

Nah, 37%.

One Word...Unlimited

Attached: Liz Butt and Boob ex.png (3000x2500, 1.81M)

Not bad, that'd be an ample bit of ass. I bet she'd be all high and mighty about it too. Maybe allow you to squeeze it for a bit after a particularly good feeding.

They can be weird sometimes when it comes to threads like these. Like that one time a thread about fat lolis lasted an entire day while they only deleted like a handful of pics on it.

It is better to die peacefully of old age, surrounded by friends and loved ones, than to be coldly removed from the world before one's time.
This thread will pass, but we will remain.

Attached: IMG_20180922_094951.jpg (565x811, 43K)

Pathetic. This bitch is a sticc. Get her a hamburger. Or a hundred.

Needs Spring, Summer, and Autumn weight too.

Attached: 1550021997370.png (700x1720, 151K)

Fat Rosalina is a blessing.

Attached: _art_trade__rosalina_and_lubba_by_superspoe-d9yfvbe.png (3000x2700, 2.42M)

>The Hack is almost done

Attached: D-CTOmsXYAIKc-X.jpg (2496x2936, 550K)

Attached: huge_princesses_by_princespookycakes_db1g1up-pre.jpg (1266x631, 78K)

I bet more than a few Fire Emblem royals would gain a bit

What hack?

God that looks terrible and stupid.
This is the first time I hope Nintendo actually gives someone the C&D

Really hoping we see some of Dorothea

Someone is making a super mario bro game with peach with as the design despite it looking nothing like her and basically being an OC with someone a different character name attached to it

I want nothing more than a chubby Eirika


this but fattening up Camilla nee-san

Sweet Jesus

I think they funniest shit about this design is they've intentionally left the more repugnant aspects of being a fat bitch out of that design.
He navel shouldn't be perfectly round. Obese people's navels are an oblong slit of fat folds bulging against each other. Also an obese person would 1000% irrefutably be sloppily bulging out of those hotpants, and lets face it would most likely be covered in spilled food, beverage and SHART stains.
While i'm thinking about it the gut should also be riddled with stretch marks and fat pock-marks.
Unrealistic beauty standards? That harpoon-bait hamplanet IS an unrealistic beauty standard.

My wife Nagato is looking cute!

Attached: 1130.jpg (989x1400, 287K)

this nigga has not gazed into the abyss of 3DQT fats for long if at all

You seem awfully into it, going to such lengths to describe all that

So is this the Thursday thread?

Attached: 1463719141843.png (1260x1963, 863K)

Pre-Thursday. Gotta warm up after all

what is this thread


Imagine the weight

A miracle.

This your first time in a THICC thread?

Attached: c1c.jpg (461x1600, 140K)

kill yourself kike

Not him, but this ain't my first rodeo and even then this one's a bit ballsier than usual.

I'm okay with these types of characters, as long as her stamina bar is like 1/60th of the size of a normal character's and if she runs too much, she just collapses and dies.


Attached: jiggle.jpg (827x705, 92K)

Is it just me or are the fat threads getting more frequent? not that I'm complaining, of course.

Attached: risky_rains_by_the_fun_police_dd3uo1l-fullview.jpg (1280x851, 102K)

Attached: 1453665378043.png (700x880, 215K)

I like the ballsiness, it's spicing the thread up a bit.Bless that Egyptian cat poster from earlier. Anyone have a name or more of her? Because my dick really likes it.

Well now that Skullgirl threads are pretty much dead now thanks to that one autist they gotta go somewhere. Thankfully Buttercup came around the same time.

>complaining about unrealistic stamina bars in video games

That's some good art.

>more frequent fat threads
>more variety than having to start with the same bunch of skullgirl pictures
>webmfag too busy furiously masturbating to hitbox data and only waiting for Thursday to spam while not actually doing anything to support skullgirl threads
>no pics of Buttercup beyond the OP so there's no TADtier art of her to sift through
FatGODs always win, baby

Attached: DanganronpaAkaneo.jpg (714x1105, 204K)

Curly Brace could definitely use some extra poundage
Ankha, from Animal Crossing

Attached: cs anon curly.png (1040x1104, 300K)

Attached: 1548530784231.png (882x1023, 338K)

Ah. Well it could be pretty neat if they go all out on it, like giving her jiggle physics on the sprite.

Post more Kip stuff, I don't wanna pay for his Patreon but I love his stuff

Hell yeah, thanks. I'm going on an adventure for more cat ass everyone, wish me luck

Attached: ed7.jpg (300x168, 7K)

>go to anime con
>half naked chubby qts everywhere I look

Attached: 1560361163521.webm (930x1050, 2.32M)

Attached: tali.jpg (436x613, 69K)

Attached: tumblr_p9n8d1biA71ti2keko1_1280.jpg (1280x1445, 318K)

You fat chasers are are alright.

Attached: a8b4622e9a8cdc883876e2c4071a5fc328f938c2f9a5564034774e24e6c48e20.gif (347x512, 2.05M)

Be off with thee to the party of yiffe

Attached: 1480444670888.png (631x800, 284K)

>Mister man has a twitter now
Nice. the fact that the vanellope pic isn't in the stash of old shit he posted makes me chuckle.

Attached: 1551080913071.png (1206x740, 57K)

Attached: 1546550812.trinityfate62_isabelleandcherry_re.png (5000x5000, 3.99M)

You'd be surprised how many of them are DTF, too. Sometimes more.

come join us for some vidya related embiggening

wtf I need to go to an anime con now

Attached: 1558886320652.png (1047x1462, 586K)

too bad I'm an autistic permavirgin

Attached: 1560360794731.jpg (900x1200, 187K)

cringe m8

Attached: 1533308257605.jpg (1976x1975, 2.93M)

>All the chubby girls in ill fitting clothing
>Showing off their muffin tops and pants
>The ones in tight body suit that show off their fat belly's form

Attached: Anna is so hard.jpg (500x590, 50K)

>Tfw no courage to even interact with them
Most I can do is ask for a picture

Attached: 1449354400075.jpg (317x279, 23K)


>all these people trying to even speak with fat cosplayers
>getting to date a fat cosplayer already
Git gud

multiple mistakes have been made

What's it like user?
She have /vidya/ related cosplay?

how much does she weigh?

It's pretty freaking great desu. Especially getting to play around with her belly, 100% worth it
No vidya related ones yet, but I'm sure eventually she'll want to try one. She's mostly into anime


how do you do it

~260 lbs. Mostly ass and thighs.
The honest truth? Pure luck of being a total freaking geek and winning her over with Pokemon knowledge.

Attached: 1559509841402.jpg (3288x3296, 2.56M)

down to fuck

I was an inept virgin at one point too and that didn't stop me. here, take a guess where we first met.
You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Anime cons are places for like-minded autists to come together and bond, so don't be scared to take a few chances and chat a few people up. You never know where it might lead.

down to fuck

Attached: 1445797617418.jpg (224x257, 48K)

My only complain is that the game doesn't come with a bottle of fermented flowers and pig fat so you really can feel her smell when you play her

Do Touch Fatties

Attached: 1554156114213.jpg (2046x1447, 201K)

You got any pics?

thats huge. how much do you weigh?

Dude to Female

>Mostly ass and thighs
You lucky bastard

Attached: 1456985059222.jpg (285x249, 15K)

>Kind of like girl's personality.
>Think she might be into me.
>She's overweight, and doesn't seem to be getting any skinnier, despite supposedly dieting and exercising.
>See picture of her skinny, and she's way cuter.
>Start thinking if I could convince her to take her diet seriously and lose the weight.
>Realize we could never work, because I'm already disgusted by her fat, and she doesn't want to change.
Anyone know this feel?

Attached: 1468586446578.jpg (1070x1840, 284K)

I literally have never had any sort of romantic relationship or contact in my life
just working up the nerve to even ask for a picture is fucking impossible, I usually see them and then spend several minutes trying to work up the courage and usually do a lap around the building coming back to them before I eventually do and then I just fuck off completely

even without women I'm this way, there was one guy I met there waiting in line for something and we talked a lot and seemed to click pretty well but then I never even got his full name before we split and now I'll never fucking see him again

I don't know why I'm like this and I have no idea how to fix it. I cannot escalate any sort of conversation to show that I'm interested and have no idea how or what it entails exactly. The thought of doing it fucking terrifies me so much I don't even want to try because if it didn't go well I would never be able to forget it and it honestly might make me suicidal

this is the part where literally everyone in the thread says "no"

Attached: Baiken.png (3496x4961, 1.65M)

Not available in my current situation, sorry my dude.
I'm like 150, about 6'. I'm a lean freaking dude.
I've been quite pleased by my fortune, to say the least

Attached: 407.jpg (792x825, 322K)

What an odd place to ask that question.

Attached: d3bd60b4d5b0c0553676df51fed2694c-imagepng.png (2160x2160, 1.36M)

down to freak

Oh come on. At least some of you must have a dieting fetish.

Remember kids, all fatfags are irredeemable degenerates and deserve the rope.

Attached: Green Biker Dude.jpg (606x479, 49K)

Thanks for the reminder, Green Biker Dude

Attached: 1554179410197.png (556x656, 153K)

Ah well, was worth a shot, hope you and your gf stay together bro, best of fortune to you.

Fatfags think their fetish makes them unique. Kind of like those fags that pretend to care about the random green dude from Mega Man X2's intro.

No, I strictly want to see girls get fatter and lazier. Not the opposite.

Attached: Ayan Before After 8.png (3264x1994, 3.98M)

>no pics of Buttercup beyond the OP so there's no TADtier art of her to sift through
I'd give it another week or so, you just know TAD's going to make one of her sooner or later.

My weakness. Fat goths are best. Especially with big pale tits


Attached: 1556485164908.jpg (1634x2706, 1.37M)


Thanks man. If she keeps up the cosplays I imagine I might share them in the future, especially as the quality goes up

>Kind of like those fags that pretend to care about the random green dude from Mega Man X2's intro

Attached: line.jpg (166x231, 6K)

Seefood diets are pretty rad for a waifu

Attached: 1485609278674.png (622x800, 159K)

god I wish I could impregnate her

>tfw know a girl who likes to lose weight occasionally just so she can enjoy gaining it all back again
Positive thinking, user.

I'm enamored with the idea of all the Overwatch women becoming gigantic fatasses and the game having to be patched and rebalanced to accommodate them.

Attached: Sombra Overwatch exponential atomic mass tumblr_phu6u6troT1voe17ro2_1280.jpg (1280x853, 190K)

>I usually see them and then spend several minutes trying to work up the courage and usually do a lap around the building coming back to them before I eventually do and then I just fuck off completely
>Tfw did this with a cosplayer and just felt like you came off creepy by the end of it
It didn't help that she even said I looked familiar and like she's seen me before.

Attached: 1452694168476.png (956x538, 656K)

Just gotta cosplay yourself so that they can't recognize any facial features

I came here to look at tummies, not to feel

Attached: 1545099159955.gif (300x300, 2.46M)

Ironically I do have a cosplay idea that would do just that

You heard the man
Post tummies

Attached: a294a8e6bde80a51abe49266b138a342-imagepng.png (713x698, 178K)

Sydney's dress breaking when?

Wish granted, my dude

Attached: thunder_thighs_by_jaykuma_db2u36c-pre.jpg (805x993, 88K)

Fat+short is a god tier combo.

Attached: mini.png (1077x748, 181K)


Attached: 1559585422747.jpg (769x1113, 266K)

With rising rates in obesity, soon nearly 1 in every 2 girls will be plump and soft. Atleast here in America.

Attached: skullgirls_thread.png (1051x1200, 818K)

May I introduce you to the elder god, size difference combo of Fat+Tall?

Attached: lazorchef_1118303732809310208_20190416_200241_img1.jpg (939x1669, 284K)

yes please

Attached: BmCTAMxCEAAblSD.jpg (989x1400, 293K)

You sir, are my nigga

Attached: 1547474944310.png (846x1200, 197K)

Fuck I need more
I want a fat girl to pin me with her ass and demand I cook her more meals

Attached: BtjWLndCIAAHvCz.png (600x600, 499K)

>going home and fucking this next week
I made it, bros

Attached: hj9.png (1080x1920, 1.77M)


Attached: _bulking_up__by_reallyfatpost-dbnqml3.png (1024x1526, 242K)

blessed, boys. Thank you

Any plans on expanding?

Attached: brosnan.jpg (1064x1390, 201K)

>tfw no fat girl that forces your hands to be her bra for the day

Attached: you will never be T admiral.jpg (1061x1500, 379K)

If by "dieting" you mean "feeding her nonstop" then sure.

Attached: mei_s_sub_zero_snacking_by_the_kappass-dbzq11f.jpg (818x976, 82K)

Her waistline

that top panel might me me and a coworker if things keep progressing.

Once overwatch's player base dropped, it was easy for them to let themselves go

Attached: 1501695035340.png (1124x1729, 615K)

holy shit that GUT

what is this? a /trash/ thread?

post more

Attached: 519857612948612409892347548920.jpg (358x447, 23K)

Good luck dude

Attached: March_5th.png (3038x4265, 1.43M)

I need more buttons popping and clothes ripping.


Bought the game just for her.

Attached: 1555661776342.jpg (1920x1080, 156K)

Listen to this man, for he is my nigger

Big guts drive me nuts

Attached: 073046608a0bbf6a80d75de8f49bf54603a784f5.jpg (688x792, 53K)

Lucky for you, cosplay is something that makes it much easier to talk to people. You're all there because you enjoy the same sort of things, which means you don't have to pussyfoot around trying to find a comfortable topic. Ask people about their costumes, ask them how they built a particular prop or piece of their outfit. Don't just blindly say "I love what you did with such-and-such" because, while that's nice to hear, it doesn't really spark conversation. Talk about things, ask questions, be a good listener and let the person finish. People naturally love talking about themselves, so capitalize on this. And whatever it is you yourself like, own up to it. It's an anime con, by nature everyone is going to be into nerdy weird shit (within reason, don't open up with kinky or private subjects, obviously). My first bonding experience with my wife was putting together Super Robot Wars waifu figurines together in the cosplay creation station. Be proud of yourself, your interests, and your accomplishments, however obscure or insignificant you may think they are.
You'll have to teach yourself not to hesitate, either. Learn from your experiences, and next time you mesh with someone, ask them if they've got X or Y social media or some other means of contact.
And lastly, understand that this is something that will get easier with time. It's scary at first, because it's a new world, but the more you put yourself out there and the more you do, the more experiences you'll have, which will give you more to draw from when you talk about things, regardless of whether you succeeded or failed in the past. You just have to try. Your missteps might haunt you at first, but those feelings will pass if you just keep putting one foot in front of the other.
If I can make it, user, so can you. We all can.

Attached: 15129190978850.png (2894x4093, 1.83M)

My passion for cooking is purely filled by the desire to make women bigger

Attached: 70161023_p1.jpg (840x1280, 464K)

thanks. i didnt know i wanted this until i started getting vibes at work. before this, i always kept my chunky interest in 2d.

Attached: 53577103_p0.png (1110x1629, 453K)

What about armor bursting?

Attached: ce6a4677075c8966850f38940672c8ec924a82c8.jpg (2500x3492, 2.5M)


Attached: 61779584_2256714544567752_4953437427165538160_n.jpg (1080x1275, 107K)

Attached: 1553386719156.gif (500x281, 753K)

She's always cute

Attached: 1549589808640.jpg (680x904, 237K)

That's pretty wholesome and good advice user. I wasn't the user you replied to, but I feel him. There is a local anime con coming to my town this September. This post gives me hope.

Attached: tumblr_pe8cmu2VU41w4fuo2o1_1280.jpg (700x717, 79K)

>gets lipo to lose weight
>still eats uncontrollably and quickly growing it all back

Attached: com-very-hard-29690165.png (500x526, 98K)

Blessed post, my man

The cutest!

Attached: 1477676747266.jpg (753x1040, 78K)

you ok?

Attached: 1555948439092.png (400x400, 109K)

>ovular/spherical bellies in 2019

>Explode in popularity, because you're thick as all fuck.
>Make all other cosplay thos jealous.
>They try to take you down by accusing you of stealing.
>You only become more popular.
>Charismatic black man tries to take you down for being fat.
>You only gain more weight, and become more popular.
>Half of the cosplay community conspires to condemn you as a molester.
>The bitch SwimsuitSuccubus, and her potato girlfriend make a full scale production video trying to ruin your reputation.
>You only become fatter and more popular.

Blimps are bellies too

Attached: 1444357549636.jpg (717x1012, 215K)

The key is finding the middle ground between sphere and formless blob.

>tfw no fat cosplayer gf to molest you

Attached: 1561003955413.jpg (700x800, 63K)

>amerifats will like this tub of lard

How to not give a single fuck 101

Attached: cm__roobiboobi_by_itaohs_dd9v7hk-pre.jpg (1125x711, 62K)

Cutest boat and biggest boat

Attached: 1559700942586.jpg (745x1400, 160K)

>This thread has been up for 8 hours
I ain't complaining, just surprised.

Attached: tharja___expansive_bride_by_kawaiidebu-dcdlemz.png (1280x1707, 2.64M)

It's a shame she got lipo, her belly will never be in sync with her arms and legs. Imagine how much would pooch over her swimsuit right now if she didn't get it.

Attached: 94efa168fe496c9bd66908bd037b4180.jpg (750x1000, 347K)

i love blobs

God fuck I want to sleep on all of her
bed size best size

Attached: CZNXZaFWQAMKbB5.jpg (950x800, 105K)

this. You want that nice inbetween. semi-realistic

Finally, a man of culture

Attached: Z778bCqj6aDVbEPHiTGYtF7Y.png (1187x922, 524K)

I can handle the fat, I mained Roadhog in Overwatch. Fatties are fine. But why is she dressed as if she's a sexy girl? Why is her face so ugly?

This is the same body type as an overweight man

Attached: pepecat.gif (343x338, 15K)

Thank you! I have more bed-sized pics but they're furry, so best not get the jannies riled up.

I mean the con I go to is only once a year and I really don't have another way to even interact with women besides that
I'm just so deathly afraid of shit going south if I try anything especially with the current culture, and most girls are usually in groups at this sort of thing anyway
it really all boils down to the fact that my number one fear is honestly being judged by other people, it's strong enough to be almost crippling and it takes a whole lot for me to ever feel comfortable around other people and I burn out really fast
trying to express interest to a girl does the exact opposite of anything I could ever imagine that's comfortable to me

You've probably gone and jinxed it now.

Attached: 1559013281773.png (1024x1305, 672K)

A fleet on her own

Attached: 46324971_p0.jpg (2300x2450, 1.23M)

I've got enough for the both of us, don't you worry

Attached: UTF1xlAyTeSbUTmdmp8M9dlo.png (1290x1280, 695K)

post the masked brown abs girl

Based BetterWithSalt poster

Attached: beach_bound_bbw_by_better_with_salt_dcx0gcp-pre.jpg (941x849, 61K)

A thread I can understand

Attached: 1557124475042.jpg (912x876, 111K)


Attached: cm___weeb_by_cozynakovich_dd7oerd-pre.jpg (1078x742, 52K)

He's a great artist who pretty much appeared out of nowhere one day.
Also we're like ten images away from the limit so I guess the fun's over soon anyway.

Attached: 1550059975359.png (1706x2728, 1.69M)

I wish I could be that lucky.

>manlet friend has TWO fat girlfriends

Attached: 784367464.jpg (1000x879, 36K)

I wish Trinity fate would come back

Attached: 1472623233695.jpg (640x800, 485K)

Attached: 1548838789231.jpg (1280x872, 214K)

Aren't they just magical? Don't you just want to dive right into a blob's blubber?

Attached: c47dccb572019bf6bb3715ebef4806b9.png (1280x905, 165K)

arent they still posting?

Cheers mate! Fun was good while it lasted!

Attached: heavyweight_kickboxer_by_better_with_salt_dd7e0yl-fullview.jpg (1280x1075, 145K)

Attached: 1538137294230.png (1600x1396, 475K)

>those pictures of her with black lipstick and gothicc style
She's like a thiccer Larkin Love, my god

If you're into furs... check FurAffinity. He's gone full furry now.

He decided he was bored of doing "normal stuff" and has been doing exclusively furry stuff. He might as well be dead to me now

Attached: 1531948073465.jpg (1195x1129, 108K)

This fucking picture, man. It's on par with those Gardevoirs Trinityfate did in that I could bust nuts to it forever.
>that long red hair
>those cute chubby cheeks
>that smile
>those soft arms
>those head-sized+ boobs
>that absolute cleavage
>that side roll
>that perfect, inviting navel
>that bikini bottom tie peeking out the only thing that could be removed and still improve the picture
>the sheer width of her hips
>the sheer width of her thighs
>even her knees are cute how the fuck did that happen
>those calves
>not even into feet but those are pretty hot too
>that utterly casual and content attitude at being basically naked while people watch
Somehow despite being fetish material it makes my heart go dokidoki, just a little bit.

Attached: 1467856961535.jpg (2300x2400, 2.02M)

Are you unironically trying to shill this shit the day before the technical alpha starts, OP?

Good thread, now it's time for me to go be late for work.

Attached: 1538420100755.png (845x1589, 1.05M)

Fine with me. Even got my fursona drawn by him. Still kicks ass at drawing ass.

last for burps

Attached: xVU2mOu.jpg (2974x1827, 1.68M)

except most of it is now hyper ass shit

Actual last for Nagato-sama!

Attached: 1473739953934.jpg (753x1040, 310K)

It wouldn't be so bad if his furry shit wasn't an objective downgrade from his previous works.

>makes my heart go dokidoki
I know that feel man, this tharja makes me feel the same way

based nagato poster

Well, gentlemen. It's been a fun ride.

its so shiny and weirdly textured

Based thread, boys
It has been an honor

Same, this is the most fun I had on this board in a while.

You're gonna carry that weight.

>we had a fat thread hit image limit
>No intense autism
>Only the occasional "ew gross posts"
>Even some blessed anons helping others
Today was a good day

How fucking long has it been since we've had a fat thread run this long?

inb4 any and all threads on Thursday are cursed

proof fatlovers are on a higher level

>This is a 10/10 in 'Murica

Everyone knows these threads are on Thursdays, including the anti-fat autists. No one expects a THICC thread the day before, so no need to deal with that.

She would be with a better haircut.

Not a bad idea

Lads when is Tifa going to get a flood of fat fanart

Pushing us a little bit closer to 500

Sometimes our fellow fat fags aren't so bad, well done boys.

She would be awesome if it wasn't for that fucking hair style.

Fatbros are the best fetish posters on Yea Forums, prove me wrong

seriously what the fuck is that shit


I wish we had more posts so I could talk with you all more and pass on more wisdom, but we're in autosage now. But I love me some big girls, so I'll be around, and I look forward to crossing paths with you again.
Keep your chins up.

Eh, it can work really well depending on the artist and if they're going for stuffing more rather than fat. But yeah, more realistic bellies are the best.

We'll be back. We always are.Hope to read you on our next thread, friend

It's not fucking fair bros she can draw better than me and shes cuter than me

Honestly, I enjoy the blobby/saggy semi-realistic landwhales that Munimuni draws

yeah if its to imply a full stomach, then its good. but if its a full O then no

link to page so I can see their work?

I want a chubby gf that I can whip into shape lads

Like a couple days ago

Such as a larger, rounder circle.