Do you ever attempt to recreate real life events in a video game?

Do you ever attempt to recreate real life events in a video game?

Attached: ded nigga.webm (1280x720, 2.61M)

I saw this on Reddit and upvoted it XD

haha i too am a connoisseur of dark and "edgy" humor op! ill be sure to share this with all of my friends at study hall tomorrow! upvoted!

edit: wow three upvotes, thanks guys!


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Based. I grabbed this off my favourite facebook epic meme group

edgy fucking garbage

Based. I saved it from ifunny

SEETHING nintendies

No, I'm not mentally retarded. Anyone that does deserves to be gassed.

Is this related to anything?

Damn... Why did he get professional help? If only we had socialized health care in the U.S. he would still be alive right now. Damn.

I don't think I've ever seen people seethe so hard at real life deaths before. Fuck, not even TB had this many people crying at memes when he died. Why the fuck is Yea Forums filled with redditors like now?

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I'm convinced it's all a big joke with hordes of people crying about a random person nobody knew suiciding and even mods joining it.

I don't get it.

Wasn't he in a psych ward after his public breakdown?
If he was this fucked and they didn't see it, the blame can be put right on the systems in place.

>Uhh.. that's like.. so disrespectful???? Why don't you care about based black man??? don't you know he liked nintendo??? so edgy.. baka.

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Hah, yeah, imagine if they actually felt this way... but it all has to be a fluke, right?

Attached: 1560286226412.jpg (688x513, 38K)

Yeah, but on the down side you wouldn't have so many lulcows like CWC and Terry Davis making asses of themselves.

Did he drown himself or did he die just from falling into a harbor?

Probably died on impact.

Just look at the video, he's instantly dead when ht touches the water.
You can't swim anymore.

>This severely mentally ill person is acting out of the ordinary when they have no meds? LMAO WHAT A LOLCOW!

I feel nothing but pity for Terry Davis. There was a brilliant mind and potential to accomplish great things for that man, but he was severely hindered by his mental illness and wasn't provided proper psychiatric care.
May he rest in peace.

Terry Davis is not a lolcow you fucking mong.
He was /our guy/ and we failed to save him.

Fuck off moralfag

Contrary to popular belief, most people who jump off bridges do survive the impact and are awake. The thing that kills them is the impact breaking all their bones so they can't swim even if they wanted to and they drown.

Someone post the edit of etika reacting to this

Chris-Chan is fair game, leave Terry alone

>the video
Just got home from work. Mind posting it?