RTA Japan vs GDQ

RTA Japan's mascot VS GDQ's new mascot. Which is better?

Attached: RTAJapanvsGDQ.jpg (1906x800, 767K)

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the loli looks like a fucking basking shark but the shitty sonic OC with neutral pronouns looks like woody woodpecker's and the road runner's autistic child

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The boob drawing of the right one is something I would nut in till I blew smoke and passed out.

I like the one on the right more. He's more unique looking plus i like that he's holding a controller.

I'll take a poorly drawn loli over a nonbinary they/them furbait character any day of the week.

Left's eyes are too far apart and it looks weird, otherwise unremarkable.
Right needs to keep their gender identity to themselves and play video games.

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I respect the animefags but for once I'm in the tranny side, I like exotic stuff

I'd fuck both honestly.

They both look amateurish as fuck but at least the right doesn't look like generic anime loli

Both look like shit, but the right one is probably worse because it looks like something drawn by a furfag on deviantart

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I'm a furfag so i'd rather fuck the right one

the anime looks like it has down syndrome


Left is far better, not even close

>sonic OC
>holding a nintendo controller
more offensive than the gender bullshit honestly

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That's supposed to be a raptor? Looks more like a phoenix to me with fangs

i think its supposed to be one of those gay feathered dinosaurs
dinosaurs do not have feathers and pluto is a planet FUCK YOU SCIENCE

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It's supposed to be a raptor, of the shitty feathered variety.

Surely the RTA mascot has more flattering fanart than that, right? Does she even have a name that isn't "RTA-tan" or some other equally lazy name?

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I'd probably say fire-Sanic even despite the added snowflake bullshit, since generic weebshit does even less for me.

>everything is completely superior except for the potato face that fucking ruins it
goddamn it japan, you're better than this

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Get better pictures.

I wouldn't say it's superior, GDQ's design at least has hints that its a speedrunning character with the sneakers and how it looks like fire. That's just generic anime girl with uguu face

Woah there you fucking bigot, Velocity prefers the pronouns it/them.

dogshit level edit but even a couple of pixels over looks leagues different

Attached: shit edit.png (1280x720, 1.7M)

The anime one is about as generic as you can get. Doesn't help that her face looks like it's melting off with how far and low her eyes are.

Just looked it up for myself, "RTAちゃん" was exactly it. There's some mildly better fanart but for the most part apparently the potato face is a "feature".
>pic related
Honestly, I agree. Johnny Test dino is far better if just for having a better trashy speedrunning aesthetic.
>reading comprehension
RTA-chan's fanart is more like this, it does look better.

Attached: Zi7u5NpN_400x400.jpg (400x400, 28K)

That's legit cute.
Looks like a Yoshi, only with the round features actually toned down to a reasonable degree and looking more reptilian (despite the feathers).

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that gorilla is a better mascot for virtue of his eyes not being on the the fucking side of his head
honestly a bootleg donkey kong would have been a cute concept for a mascot

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>reading comprehension
Looks like you could use those skills too.

She's even got key chains, apparently.

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this looks better, not GOOD, but it does look better
honestly the eyes are so bad it looks like it was done on purpose as a shitpost

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anyone that says right takes gray market hormones

Why do you have my Twitter avatar with the same exact file name in-tact

>ugly child vs cute dinosaur girl
why even post this?

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whether pluto is classified as a "planet" or not is not a matter of "science"


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umm xhe's nonbinary you shitlord, she doesn't conform to your bigoted standards for gender

Right will have tits next year


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That is the second ugliest anime girl I have ever seen, only losing to your waifu.

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Holy shit the RTA mascot looks like shit from a how to draw anime book, you weebs are retards

that is borderline Sonic OC, you are saying this is a mascot?

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Potato faces are cute.

I honestly thought she would end up the favorite.

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