Why is pixel shit so popular?
Why is pixel shit so popular?
It looks pleasing to the eye
This is from someone who liked Homestuck - stop. Your spam is going to get us banned from yet another board. Learn patience young one, and wait for an excuse such as another text adventure side game (since Act 2 is never coming) before posting another thread on Yea Forums.
I like the way it looks. I imagine most others that enjoy pixel shit feel the same. People that don't like pixel shit tend to complain that "the dev was trying to emulate retro hardware limitations, and I find that to be pretentious", which is disingenuous and objectively false.
You freaks need to fuck off back to tumblr, you don’t belong on this fucking website. I hope the mods send you to hell like they did on Yea Forums
>this shit again
Are jannies fucking asleep? Why are mods so fucking worthless?
Ironically, Homestuck makes constant jabs at Tumblr and makes fun of them, but tumblr grasped onto Homestuck so aggressively people like you actually think they belong together.
They've got video game related threads to delete and e-celeb shit to sticky, give them a break
It's easier to make look decent for us artistically challenged.
Check this 4
The concept of Sburb is actually cool, but it never lives up to it's full potential in the webcomic and it just turns into pure shit not even halfway through.
Now delete your thread.
I don't even know what homestuck is desu
What’s going on in this thread?
Mainly because we never see what an actual, complete and sensible session of Sburb looks like. Halfway through it always goes apeshit or hussie skims the details to move the plot along because it's already a fuckmassive webcomic.
>Your spam is going to get us banned from yet another board
WHy does it matter? The real general moved to /homosuck/ a long time ago.
It's a webcomic pretending to be a text adventure game about kids playing a game and also the universe gets cancer.
>Mainly because we never see what an actual, complete and sensible session of Sburb looks like
Consider this: Nowhere does it say the Sburb session is even meant to go "according to plan".
being a karkat fan is suffering
fuck off, go suck the dick of that faggot you have as a father.
The whole theme of everything being pre-determined is really fucking depressing because the characters have no choice but to go through the motions of "the narrative" or risk dying in a dead-end timeline.
I love homestuck!
I wasn't asking for an explanation. Sounds gay as fuck anyway
>Trolls fuck up their session and "implant" something in the birthed new universe.
>New universe is "pregnant", beta kids attempting to create another new universe.
>Kids responsible for moving through their universal frog to birth a new new universe.
>Constant allusions to "incestual slurry".
Hussie is a fucking genius and nobody cal tell me otherwise.
>Almost every single one of the Alpha Trolls was a direct jab at tumblr
>They were too dense to notice
This is now a Mark Henry thread
>Hussie gave up and made almost everyone gay in an "ironic" hateful gesture.
>Tumblr still doesn't get it.
When you parody something so perfectly, I guess it wraps around to seem genuinely like that thing.
It's cheaper
Anypony in here want to erp?
>When you parody something so perfectly, I guess it wraps around to seem genuinely like that thing.
>tfw he planned it as yet another layer of irony
u tell me
the absolute madman
I mean, when the very people you are mocking start throwing cash at you, it's kind of the ultimate parody.
Hussie is some kind of autistic savant of irony.
It's a bit disconcerting.
>the epilogue nuked the fanbase
>there aren't even cosplay groups at anime cons anymore
>mfw i liked it
Did it end in a big middle finger? I quit following the comic ages ago. It's such a slog of text.
Same. The epilogue made perfect sense, especially Dirk becoming a villain.
It ended it such an anti-climactic and "oh"
kind of way that the fanbase utterly imploded.
Boos of wheels here
>caliborn got everything he ever wished for
>all the gay kiddos end up growing into deadbeat adults
>the responsibility of saving the world falls on john, the sole straight
also, hitlerstuck was based. hussie has changed, but he's proved he can still dance gracefully unscathed through controversy like a majestic gallette
You know I can tell that you really don't care about quality discussion when you pull an image straight from the catalog.
i just finished reading canwc today
To be honest, Hussie sucks at tying things off. It's one of the weaker points of Problem Sleuth too. He had all these threads and tying them off was almost mathematical and calculated, not very thrilling.
Villain Dirk was the best thing to happen desu
>The universe is stuck between having Jane "GenderswappedHitler" Crocker or The Condesce 2 as a ruler.
Everyone dies the end.
I can't hate Dirk even when he's taking a huge shit all over everyone's lives.