You hype?
You hype?
Other urls found in this thread:
>playing pedophile weeb trash
>I don't want to play XIV
>I want to play a game like WoW
>XIV would be better if it were just like WoW
>but I don't want to play WoW
>don't tell me to play WoW, I want to play XIV, but only if it were more like WoW
show of hands!
>when you started playing
>number of commendations
>He's going to keep posting in this thread too
WoWchads rise up!
So uhhh...
Anyone notice how there are shit tons more blizzdrones here than there were a couple days ago?
Didn't their patch just launch? Why aren't they playing their game?
xiv is already like wow, when yoshi made 2.0 he said
>I played wow since it was really big at the time and we took inspiration from that
I don't play wow but i do shill it
I just started Stormblood this week.
I'm still doing fucking Heavensward MSQ fuck me this shit takes forever
Cause they are already done with what little content isn't timegated.
>xiv does something stupid like only having 4k houses per server
>say yoshi should have more houses
I just don't get it
Literally 3 hours of content. Think Heavensward 3.1 levels of nothing.
They're already done.
Reminder that all potatoes need to go into the fryer
More fun to shitpost in an xiv thread than it is to play wow
But no one who comes to these threads to complain about housing.
>BFA dies
>ffxiv mysteriously goes from 400k players to 1 million
>hmmm where did all these wowfags come from, why are they here
oh boy I do wonder
Why play the game if you can watch Asmongold stream it in one screen and shitpost in FFXIV threads on the other?
Well, on the good side, you'll be able to go through SB as the new jobs.
>implying Light is good
>implying Dark is bad
play FFIII.
Realistically? No. If you check WoW threads and XIV you will notice same pattesr of falseflagging. In WoW threads user posting about XIV. In XIV threads he posting same shit but about WoW. Even writing style is same.
>82 days, 22 hours, 24 minutes
>End of Heavensward, about a month before Stormblood. On this account at least.
>233, i dont play healer or tank
I complain about housing all the fucking time and people just go
>lol houselet go back to wow
and you know what, it pisses me off. JUST ADD MORE FUCKING HOUSES
No wowfags complaining in these threads, I mean.
Square smells the blood in the water. The end comes.
3.1 literally had more than 2x the content of 8.2
Im not at my computer to get playtime
I started in 1.0
Like 1600 commendations
>I still need 1400 more for the Parade Chocobo
Kill me
That documentary is great for the interviews and insider info but god damn did the actual production values piss me off. Its so manipulative with the soundtrack. Part 1 has this true crime murder music for the first half before going into rom com music when Yoshida shows up. Its so amateur and manipulative.
>all this money spent on advertising
I can see now why they can only afford to voice 5 cutscenes per expansion
63 days, 0 hours, 6 minutes
November 2018
429 commendations
help me
Why are you on an overpopulated server
There are shittons of free plots on pretty much every server that isn't gilg, mateus, balmung or a legacy server
Based schizo Christian LARPer.
lol houselet go back to wow
>I wish I got skills earlier on, my class is boring at level 20
>I wish they'd revamp ARR, the quests are boring
>Deterministic gear is boring, I wish they'd do away with tomestones
Honestly a little cringe. Where is this? I hope normies don't make fun of us.
>65 days, 6 hours, 55 minutes
>Sometime before 2.1 dropped.
I have around 480 and I've only been playing since March. Just play healer or tank if you want comms. Or stop giving a fuck because met
it's literally not my fault
shut up shut up shut up!
They're really going all out with their marketing.
>the same guy keeps repeating himself in another thread
Also, sorry to disappoint, but I just want another Ragnarok Online. WoW clones (FFXIV) can fuck off.
I meant help regarding playtime desu
I'm a tank main but I stopped doing a lot of commendable content recently
commends in savage when
When Yoshi made the housing system he just genuinely didn't understand the amount of players that would want a house, it's pretty clear he's not super experienced with mmos or the whole thing would've never come to this
mentor status is a sign of a bad player.
I'm on Behemoth and when SE banned all those gold sellers last month there were multiple open plots in every ward. Most of my FC went from homeless to having a Home over the course of a week. Kinda sucks desu.
Crafting has its own storylines, rotations and shit.
Hardcore endgame depends on crafting to a massive degree.
basically crafting is you sell all your free time and your soul so you can become a huge jew and sell cosmetics on the market, or rakasha ilvl 380 gear which is relevant I guess
They're probably an atheist falseflagger
t. devout christian who can unironically enjoy this stuff, like 90% of christians, but for some reason atheists like to pretend we're the modern age puritans
What's the Yea Forums server? Also what's the best way to get money to buy a house?
Food and relevant statboost potions are always relevant during raid. HQ crafted gear sells like hot cakes too since not everyone has the savage gear or full tome gear to jump into raiding day 1. On top of that you have orchestrion rolls, furnishings, etc.
I keep trying to get my house but every plot is always swarmed and clicking for hours and hours just to have someone relocate to it makes me want to die
300 hours
It's the most popular MMO in the world right now. They can and will ignore those regulations to get XIV on their platform.
Yfw the shitposting stops and it was xbros doing it all along
It's Ultros. Stay away from it if you've got any wits.
It makes you a stupid amount of money if done right. A buddy of mine is really into it and throws around millions casually. He was lamenting that he's down to 15 million for ShB.
And yeah, you can craft really great stuff. He had a set of HQ Rakshasha stuff, which is about only about 4 away from BiS gear ready for me when I hit max level.
It doesn't invalidate looting, but it's extremely practical.
The best way to get money is via crafting or selling clears. But that's honestly the easiest thing about getting a house, the hard part is actually finding an empty plot for sale
A reminder that carfitng will once again be relevant once the new raid cycle starts up again.
Play the market.
Nigger, I'm on Exodus, we used to be a midpop server now I have login queues at fucking NOON ON A WORKDAY.
Yes, crafted gear is a viable alternative to raid or welfare gear. It's not as strong but it has more slots for melding (gem slotting for you wowfags)
are there any worthwhile currency dumps? what are you gonna do with a ton of money besides buying that gear you crafted yourself anyways
The best way to actually get money is to sneak into guilds and then clear out their banks.
buy a house.
Crafting itself is fun. There are rotations, skill procs and an actual chance of failure. Crafters have their own gear, stats, currency and end game that is separate from raiding. Basically, its just as complex and deep as a combat class and everyone I know that starts FFXIV always remarks at how much FUN crafting is. Of course, thats when they are sprouts starting at lvl1 before they find out about the importance of cross class skills and the grind really sets in, but still, at its core its more complex to craft an item than most WoW class rotations are.
Total Play Time: 475 days, 0 hours, 47 minutes
August 2013
>FFXIV is literally a wow clone
>"hey uh maybe we can get some abilities at earlier levels so we aren't literally pressing 2 buttons for 40 levels"
>haha wow wtf are you stupid bro??: just go back
>hey, what if we made raids part of the main story again like in ARR so people can actually learn mechanics instead of fighting ezmode meme primals
>haha you fuckin raid tranny just go back to wow lololol??????
you are a cancer
>tfw made it HW
Holy fuck this game just got a ton better
The only currency dumps are housing and a few sellable mounts that you can only get from annoying content. Other than that if you're a jew crafter you'll pretty much sit on more gil then you would ever be able to spend
I've been playing FFXIV off and on for years. I always casually play for a bit and then stop. I just recently beat ARR for the first time as a Samurai. I'm almost to Heavensward. I already own Shadowbringers but I'm probably another 5-8 years away from being there at the rate I'm going.
>one regulation is that players with different platforms cannot chat with each other
bullshit, Fortnite is on fucking everything and that has voice chat just fine.
>cross class skills
didn't they remove those a long time ago?
When? Again, I never skipped anything. What exactly happened to demonstrate this ability? What patch?
I never lie. I'm legitimately unclear on this; what happened to explain this?
teleporting without aetheryte tickets
I wish MMO's would die.
Its probably the best crafting system in any game ever. Seriously, is there any game with crafting that is more in-depth and full of content than XIV's? I'd love to be proved wrong
>bland OST
>linear progression
>main questline
tree of savior is nothing like ragnarok
Its expansion hype. Behemoth wasn't congested when I started back in March but it is now. Apparently its always had a rep of being high pop though. Maybe you shouldn't have picked the server that has a name that describes WoW refugees.
74 days, 15 hours, 43 minutes
Started on Jan 11, 2019
>beat ARR as samurai
how??? you can't get that quest unless you're level 50 and have access to a stormblood area iirc
That's fine. Take it at your own pace. Whatever makes you happy and keeps you entertained.
Housing, buying exotic gear that makes for good glamours, and stocking up on quality food. It can actually make a difference in raids.
FFXIV fags are worse than smashfags. Go to /vg/.
Not for crafters.
Patch 2.2, Through the Maelstrom, before the Leviathan battle. A sahagin priest uses the echo to body jump after being killed. Ascians do the same but in a less clear way (Like how lahabrea survives just fine after getting driven out of thancred). Zenos has an artificial echo.
Apparently not. I did the Samurai quest before I beat ARR.
84 days
closed beta ARR
You just need to be level 50 and have stormblood
I don't think you need to have acess to the sb areas, you just need to own the expansion and have a character at 50
You just need level 50 you don't need even need to kill the Ultima Weapon.
t. got red mage shortly after reaching Coerthas thanks to preferred world bonus
I wish (You) would die!
> tfw still haven’t decided what to lvl first
On one hand PLD has been ma boy since ARR but even though they got nice tools, it’s just more paladin
Gunbreaker look like complete fags tanking in trench coats but the thought of a new class is exciting
DRK is right between both of them, tank in plate with flashy skills and the job has been changed so much it might as well be brand new
You pick up SAM in Ul'Dah. Only requirement is that you have one War/Magic class at lvl 50 and the SB expansion itself. So he could have gotten something like a Paladin to 50, picked up SAM, and finished the story as it.
When the Sahagin priest who summoned Leviathan was killed and possessed another Sahagin because the Echo allows people to cheat death by stealing other people's bodies.
XIV would be good if it was literally XI pre-abyssea HD
Only HW jobs need access to their expansion's zones
SAM and RDM are in ul'dah, need stormblood installed and a level 50 job
GNB is in gridania, needs shad installed and a level 60 job
DNC is in limsa, same conditions as GNB
>2 buttons for 40 levels
You could at least try to be believable
You *did* get your tranny marble before it becomes literally impossible to get, right?
Smashfags have quadruple the amount of threads.
Can someone give me a brief summary of all the classes?
god koji is such a hack
I spend way too much time collecting Triple Triad cards.
4707 hours
The game started getting better the moment you met Midgardsormer.
XIV should be its own thing
But I wish SE invested in a project like that
Presumably his false Echo allows him to jump bodies, but I dont know if he did it intentionally. Still, I wouldn't put it passed them to make it something stupid like hes a quarter Ascian on his grandpa's side or some shit.
>tranny marble
I'm ready where my Yea Forumsros at?
oh shut the FUCK up you absolute fucking mongoloid, literally no one NO ONE outside of these threads, defends ARR leveling, it has been such a popular request that Yoshi has acknowledged and said "we'll revamp it"
thank fuck they don't listen to you thoughtless retards, pull your head out of your ass for five fucking seconds
text chat though?
>Want to fanta to Elezen because the benchmark made me realize they have the best expressions and actually look amazing in armor that isn't their shitty starter set
>But also don't want to change my character that I've played through the whole game with
>literally pressing 2 buttons for 40 levels
Name one job. You being a retard and spamming uncomboed Rage of Halone doesn't count.
I just need one more clear for the 10 clear achievement. Going for it with the final group tonight.
Heh, dude I actually started on Leviathan, went to Excalibur to play in a hueg legacy guild, then when the guild drama got to me in HW, and the upper guild leadership started trooning the fuck out I left to Exodus because there was a small chill group of people there, and the community at the time was a nice mix of casual and hardcore.
Man, I kinda miss the game being the "good wowclone" but WoW being its own separate thing with not a lot of crossover.
>caring about the story after 3.0
Also on Xbox you need to pay gold to use online services and that's a pretty big nono for Yoshida. PS4 you don't need plus for mmos/f2p.
yeah, nobody uses it but it's there in the pregame lobby
>Smash never has less than 3 active threads at any time, often has around 6 and frequently reaches more than 10 simultaneous threads
>XIV has 2 threads back-to-back on the eve of an expansion launch
>XIV is the problem
take a shower
>it's an user thinks he knows better than someone who helped save the game and assists with lore episode
I hope it comes to Xbox. I enjoy more people playing
OH YEAH. Okay, yes, I had completely forgotten that. Thank you for reminding me.
Well, that should work for the WoL, then, right? And didn't it say they could form the new body to fit their desires, or am I mixing that up with the Auracite from Ivalice?
So we can theoretically be killed and keep going. Same for Arenvald and Krile.
red mage
black mage
white mage
Almost 4000
Late HW
>absolute meltdown after having their lie called out
ARR leveling is trash but calm the fuck down.
>caring about 3.0 story
Mmk there wardie.
What’s wrong with my server boi ? close, we made it through shitty stormblood
There's no Yea Forums server, there are /vg/ FCs on ultros
Get into full-jew crafting
I just don't understand how people can enjoy the MSQ when their characters look so hilariously out of place. Its so distracting to have a dumb bimbo dressed as a cock-crazed slut in what should be a serious cutscene.
>retard shill doesn't understand hyperbole to underline a deep flaw in the leveling that literally everyone hates
only brainlets defend the state of pre 50 jobs, have you tried playing lancer or blm early levels? it's awful
You only need 3-4 million to get a house. Very easy to do without a lot of crafting. All you need are ventures, which you can buy with GC seals. Send your retainers out (you did level them, right?) and make them farm anything you can sell for 500-1000 or more gil. Do this regularly and you can make a million a week just from retainers alone.
What should I be doing now to prepare?
>not caring for the continuation of violence in a war-torn nation that knows nothing but misery
>not caring for the rise and fall of Nidhogg, spirit of vengeance
>not caring for the griffin's false-flag paramilitary operation
maybe you meant 4.0 but post-HW is excellent
That game was so disappointing. I heard it got better but I’m still bummed about the start.
Nothing. Please keep having retarded market sellers undercutting each other to fuck so I can make mad jewmoney on your server too.
someone? please, I need you
Solus says that he can morph any body he possesses into his own visage, we don't know how freely it works. I think it has to be done with fully conscious knowledge that you're going to body jump when you die, but maybe Zenos did it unwillingly due to the more erratic nature of the Resonant compared to the Echo.
WoL never dies so who knows.
story went to shit after 1.0 unironically, say what you will about the rest of the game but the plot was kino and it had soul
Just watch mr happys videos with ad block off
I made about 5 mil from market bullshit and selling vendor trash.
Make a post on what jobs you want to play and roll in the thread with the post number
>Xbros getting into the game
>master chief mch glamour
Xbros where you at
/vg/ infests it
If you can avoid them good on you
Alrighty then
Time to work on a edgy or totally white glamour
Ascians are basically people without true physical forms, once they "die" their personal aether retreats to their homebase and just reforms
95 days, 22 hours, 35 minutes
Early June 2017
The dub is so fucking bad holy shit. Asahi loses nearly all of the crazed, mocking tone he had and Yotsuyu sounds way too angry instead of resigned. I generally don't mind western voice acting when it comes to western games but for whatever reason the voice actors seem to go full retard when they hear the word "anime" and think that they have to overact every line
tanks: blue dps
healers: green dps
melee dps: cucks
ranged dps: fags
spell casters besides blm: niggers
Black Mage: Based
The only mount I need is my chocobo
Also, don't listen to
You don't even need to go half jew. There are plenty of things you can make before level 50 that will make a ton of money. On my server right now, Aldgoat Leather NQ sells for 1000+. Thats like, a level 30 recipe or something. Natron is something that also sells for 1000+ each and all you need is Effervescent Water and Rock Salt, the latter being a vendor item and the former being mined at around level 20. You can make a shit ton of money and be in ARR if you know what to make.
I only play tank so here
3 hotbars worth of buttons, skill floor 3/10, skill ceiling 10/10
literally turn your brain off, skill floor 1/10, skill ceiling 2/10
obnoxious OGCD spam makes this the perfect job if you're the kinda retard that bitches about "2.5 GCD", skill floor 7/10, skill ceiling 10/10
>saving anything
If you need some help I can tank for you in dungeons.
86 days, started on 2.3 but this particular character was made at around 3.4. The 2.3 character is still stuck at level 50 and never even got to HW.
true, they made a lot of retarded decisions on the story past level 57.
none of that means nothing when nobody except a literal who or two dies
Talk to the Aetherite attendant in Ul'dah and presumably other towns. He straight up tells you that if you die, your body will be reconstructed at the nearest Aetherite. Death is canon.
Total Play Time: 716 days, 23 hours, 44 minutes
Commendations: 6338
Seriously compare it to the Japanese voices, everyone sounds so much more neutral and natural, except for Asahi who sounds accordingly batshit
It's just conjecture, but it seems to basically be end-stage mastery of the echo, not something unique to ascians.
We'll see though
Somewhere over 200 days
August 2013
>final day
Consider playing any other job, it'll help you form actual relevant opinions about tanks
Genuine question:
How is leveling in this game? Is it nu-wow no chalange Im hero ride or dose agro on 2-3 mobs means gopd chance of deh?
I love having retards undercut each other and pass the savings down to me.
>literal who
no u
>assists with lore
>no viera or hrothgar names until after official launch
Bros what the fuck
I thought Koji was a literal god but he can't even come up with naming rules for two half races.
I think I seen ZR people around and they haven’t disd anything.
>minfilia, technically
>the WoDs
>hundreds of ala mhigans
literal child tier reasoning "NONE OF THE MAIN CHARACTERS DIE SO IT'S NOT GOOD" go watch game of thrones nigga maybe the boobs will keep your attention away from picking your nose bloody
Helion or Lost?
>DRK's main combo has sadly been reduced to 1 2 3
>GNB utility is just a worse version of PLD and their invuln sucks
>WAR is still just a a retard proof fell cleave meme and got the least amount of new skills for ShB (Blue fell cleave, reused PVP action, target bloodbath with mitigation and steel cyclone with an explosion)
Just stick with PLD user, best utility and you'll be the dungeon king with 4 AOE's to use.
>Impulsive Drive
Siiip... those were the days
You don't fight mobs to level
You do tedious quests
Gonna be invalid in a couple of days with the Shadowbringer changes but it's a very good summary of each class
>Level 57 Dungeon, The Vault
>Haurchefant dies in a cutscene after it
>Level 67 Dungeon, Doma Castle
>Gosetsu "dies" in a cutscene after it
Brace yourselves for the level 77 one boys
It's the Yea Forums server. It even has the Yea Forums fc. That should make it extremely obvious what's wrong.
I prefer the Helions for the face marks and the less creepy eyes
Lost, don't be a beta orbiter.
I honestly feel bad for wow players that been around a long time just to see a game they love and enjoy go to shit.
god it's gonna be so much funnier when classic knocks this game back to 200k players and the pedophiles here have to justify how their game totally isn't dead
Don't forget the level 47 in which (You) die
>Y'shtola "dies" but not really
Piss easy but you actually have to do group content instead of just turning in boar asses.
same writer is doing Shb that did HW
>You only need 3-4 million to get a house
Wait, for real? I thought buying a house was a 30+ million ordeal. I own a solo FC and I never bothered to try buying one because I only ever had 4 million at once.
188 days, 11 hours, 26 minutes
First day of ARR
/vg/ play on crystal retard
>WAR takes less effort then PLD
what the fugggg all ive been doing is doing the retarded aggro rotation and popping the buff/debuff skills when needed on my PLD how is it worse then this do they just spam cleave?
I'm excited for those SAM changes. The AoE moves refreshing your buffs is a godsend. Thank you based Yoshi. And thank you for the extra nukes.
Not all of Yea Forums is bad ya know? I been in a lot of Yea Forums guilds and only have a few spergs.
Wheres GNB and DNC?
It varies. Even 2 mobs can be a death sentence for jobs that can't heal but the majority of your EXP that you'll get in your first job will be from Main Scenario Quests, which is a mandatory attunement chain that unlocks everything in the game and is literally hundreds of quests long that is fairly easy. After you beat the MSQ, leveling side jobs is a bit easier and you can just stick to instanced content since world EXP gives jack shit. So even though the world can be dangerous for someone who isn't geared (and even if you are geared but still not max), its not really a big problem because you aren't doing world content for exp.
I'm fairly certain somebody here is confused because this is quite literally what Sony was doing, how is Microsoft getting the blame here? Or is this just 'nuh-uh we totally wanted to but THEY wouldn't let us'?
it doesn't matter if people die. what matters is the risks being high and there being consequences. there's literally no consequences in the entirety of FFXIV's storyline. your character is a walking solution to everything
destiny 2 shadowkeep comes out in september and will rape this glorified visual novel
>>DRK's main combo has sadly been reduced to 1 2 3
>implying it wasn't already
>implying 1 2 3 1 2 4 is any better
Stopped reading there.
> maid skeleton
oh nonono
WAR is far less retard proof now, it's very easy to fuck up and lose resources. Meanwhile it's now impossible for requeezycat to not hit the entire window and DRK has no risk of lost potency as long as you don't use >TBN.
>someone managed to make face1 not look gay as fuck
We'll get there. Yoshi has been dropping hints about wanting to move on from XIV and whoever fills his shoes will likely ruin everything.
bro seeing the massive cope WoWtards are going through right now is hilarious enough
>2.5 GCD
You know pa looter shooter and mmo are completely different types of games right? Also Warframe is better and free.
>>DRK's main combo has sadly been reduced to 1 2 3
I mean, that's hardly any different from now, where you open with maybe 2 Power Slash combos and then spam SOULEATERSOULEATERSOULEATER for the rest of the fight.
>over one million concurrent players again
keep yucking it up, you'll all see. Bungie will be king again now that they're free from actijew
>>literally no consequences
>several people die, as previously mentioned
>>no consequences
>the Reach gets fucking annihilated because the WoL ISN'T a walking solution to everything and Zenos cums right on your face
>>LITERALLY no consequences
this is me hiding ur retardedass post
What the fuck does that even mean
you did powerslash maybe once a fight
477 days exactly when I logged out
some time around 2.0
>warframe is better
no, it isn't
>your character is a walking solution to everything
We did everything right!
We did everything that was asked of us!
And still! Still it came to this!
Cleaned my HUD, what a great way to end the expansion. If only the simplified RDM balance gauge was vertical and not horizontal so I could switch to that for an even more cleaner look.
Until we get to that point I’m going to enjoy laughing at WoWfugees
Yes it is
it's more of an Yea Forums fc t b h
Didn't see your post due to a dungeon but it sure is.
Yeah it is bro
Now even the same genre you idiot
It means every other face 1 Hrothgar I've seen besides that one looks extremely homosexual.
I dont need level by grind What I want is dangerous world, if kiling quest mobs is easy its hard pass for me. Kinda shame.
no, it isn't
>25 mins in the burn
>only at the second boss
Somebody kill me
it is retard
The servers on Crystal aren't dead. They aren't locked because everyone is just guesting only Balmung. The DC pop is actually highest.
i want to change my layout up but itll have to wait til after launch
Have a (You) for using fresh bait
wrong, bungie recently declared d2 an mmo, it's the same genre now
They're Hrothgar. They all look gay.
you type like a homosexual, fuck off
yeah still it came to you being the jobber that fixes everything
do the old expansions go on discount.
I want to play Red Mage.
It's 21;9 right? I have a similar hud to yours that i took off reddit because im a brainlet when it comes to customizations
Okay but this is extremely cursory and may not apply at endgame
>Paladin doesn't take as much damage and proteccs best
>Warrior never dies and is almost a DPS class
>Dark Knight, I don't really know his niche besides being edgy
>White Mage has high heal values
>Scholars give shields for preemptive damage reduction
>Astrologians give regen for high efficiency
Melee DPS
>Monk is extremely mobile and fast and involved
>Lancer has high mobility but has a tendency to get killed because its attacks lock them into animations
>Samurai is relatively simple but has an extremely high DPS ceiling if played well, but almost zero group utility
>Ninja is more complex with a lot of utility, but lower DPS
Ranged DPS
>Bard is extremely mobile and has a ton of buffs. Fairly complex and has high DPS potential
>Mechanist is currently a meme and I don't know much about it except that it revolves around shoving all your DPS into a 10-second window and making that window come as often as possible.
Magic DPS
>Red Mage is the simplest job in the game by far. Can heal and revive other players, melee, and ranged magic. Jack of all trades, master of none.
>Summoner, I don't know much about. Seems to be somewhat complicated and has a high ceiling for DPS.
>Black Mage is the DPS king of the game right now. It's probably the least mobile of all classes; since you have to stay still to maximize damage. So good BLMS have to know the fights well enough to position themselves where they won't be killed for the next 20s or so.
If you buy Shadowniggers you get the other expansion packs for free.
>Gonna wait for release so the price can drop somewhat to buy because i spent all my money on gunpla
It hurt
To you maybe, but as an actual gay furry: I can safely say both of those are straight as an arrow.
but you're wrong, d2 is literally better than warfarm in every way
and also, come september when it jumps to 8 million players and steamrolls all these other meme games, I'll have the last laugh and you'll all be incels
when it comes out you can just buy shadowbringers and get all the old shit right? someone correct me if im wrong
Literally how
Who Dancer here?
Just get shadowbringer and it comes with all the other expansions
I think it's kinda funny that they cropped the ears on the Viera in the ad
Please stop forgetting about Blue
I really wish Warframe would start adding more meaningful content. My friends and I started playing it last summer and we managed to do the whole star chart and then ran out of things we actually wanted to do.
what'd you get user?
i am tired of seeing white lions already
Man, i love expansion releases. You can feel everyone's energy even in these threads, everyone is so hyped and looking forward to playing, and when you log-in on day one you can also feel that in the players all around you. It's a really unique gaming experience that only happens every once in a while but that has quickly become one of my favorite things ever.
How are you going to choose your dance partners while leveling, user?
That sounds like horible game, rly why would they make world you dont want to explore? I fucing hate that "end game" shit.
Honestly justifiable
Karma's a bitch, innit?
Tranny Janny can't help you Wow scum, thread delete mean nothing to us, we're immortal
Got my Bartz cosplay ready and everything.
If you buy shb you get all the previous ones too, it isn't like wow that you have to buy every single expansion (i don't know if it's the actual case because I saw on bnet they had bunch of expacs for wow that u can buy separately)
>too lazy to log in and check
>like 200 shy of parade chocobo
Well, the devs would have to actually care about it first.
>Meanwhile it's now impossible for requeezycat to not hit the entire window
Having to move for a mechanic or dodge AOE's can fuck up your window easily, slidecasting isn't always effective.
Im mostly just waiting on new story but at its heart it’s a lootershooter and that’s all about that grind. But the frames and and guns are nice to play around it from time to time. I love me some nidus.
based wholesome bro, have fun in shadowbringers dude
>tfw my first time playing during an expansion release for any game ever
I'm so excited, I hope it's as magic as everyone suggests it is
So basically you're saying Ugly = Straight. I can see that.
>tfw I don't even like XIV but expansion hype is a great feeling
Not buying it, but I hope you lads all have fun.
shame the crossposting bait between WoW and XIV will never stop.
I did a run of Ghimlyt Dark yesterday that took 40 minutes because of a 1.5k DPS BLM that stayed alive for less than half of every boss fight and a new healer. I was on RDM so luckily I could at least keep the healer up to heal the tank but goddamn.
Try a WoW expansion, everyone's dreading the removal of gameplay systems, class spells and other content.
Two months ago
Around 120, mostly play melee dps
Sounds like you have good taste anyway. fret not my dear user
It's not even in the game bro. What are you on about?
6600 hours
A little under 2000 last I checked
Is the maintenance SERIOUSLY going to be a full 24h?
I can't survive a full day without ERP
Pretty much: yeah.
Tank is doing something worse than respecting the content, is trying to pull single mobs and refuses to understand he will always end up pulling in groups
>A few nameless NPCs die because Zenos gets bored and just leaves without killing everyone
you end up exploring it when you do hunts, FATEs, sidequests and beast tribe quests, plus the main story takes you everywhere in the world so you ARE seeing it and exploring it. they also added the sightseeing log so you can find the highest spots in the map and get vistas for screenshot and exp purposes.
Got my EBA glamour ready to go.
My main problem with it is that it's so easy to break the game over your knee past a certain point and there's nothing in the game that really catches up to the crazy shit you can do, making getting new gear and frames largely pointless outside of aesthetics or just mixing up how you want to nuke everything from time to time
I really wish I could forget about it.
post the real one
Yeah. The servers shit themselves and you get to actually play around 20 hours after the release.
People actually tried to form a line to combat the issues back in Stormblood's release.
They now have instant cast
mamma mia what a lionchad.....
Why do they need an entire 24 hours to add shadowbringers when literally any other MMO can implement expansions without even taking down the servers?
>Blue Mage is a joke or possibly a cruel trick
It's totally a gundam, fed-senpai
when niggerbringers flops hard, everyone is gonna return to the one true mmo
Genuine fucking brainlet.
Nips never learned to code
Link it I want to see.
I just finished the 4.0 MSQ. On the good side, we're going to buy ilvl390 gear with poetics.
Enjoy the Royal Menagerie when you get there user, I know I loved the fight.
Name one MMO other than GW2 that has updates or expansions that don't require taking down the servers.
GW2 is run by black magic.
>Oh yeah, there's also this class that's basically seen as a joke by the devs and players alike and isn't allowed in content newer than 4 years old.
Here ya go.
woah, who is that cutie
I cant believe the trannies won bros...
I wish Rift got big again somehow
Are there any school boy/bancho coats in this? I am not a jojofag.
197 days
Do you know where you are?
This is why I play tanks and healers
Does somebody have an image of that SB preorder minion description that says something like "hope this helps you forget about Blue Mage"?
What the fuck is this image
181 days
ARR launch though technically a bit earlier cause i played 1.0 for a little bit
>hey cool, MCH has all these high potency moves and can now force a 100% crit and dhit on a move
>whats that you want to use them as often as possible?
>bitch you better wait for that NIN to use TA to press those buttons
Delete Trick Attack
Not for 2 more days, I was speaking in current terms. Thank fuck for that though, was one of the few changes I wanted for PLD.
Now that I think about it, every problem I had with PLD got fixed with ShB.
You do want to explore it, you're just not exploring it for EXP for your alt jobs. That MSQ I mentioned mainly takes place in the open world so while you are getting to cap for the first time you are doing nothing but exploring the world. There are plenty of reasons to be out in the world in end game and even more so in Shadowbringers because FATEs (world quests) have unique currencies tied to them. Leveling up alts is tied to instanced content but the actual end game involves going out into the world to do things like hunts, FATEs and daily quests.
>tfw didn't actually know that
Don't know if I should world visit the new EU server now and log out there. There's a chance that I don't have to sit in a queue for hours but knowing Square Enix, there's also the risk of my character ending up stuck inside a limbo.
They'll give it out just like they did with the Pegasus.
Fuck wrong thread
Beginning of heavensward
3122 commends
>Marks defeated in the new areas will also yield Sacks of Nuts, which can be exchanged for various items.
>dancer has to sit there pressing "dances" for 4 gcds while doing 0 (zero) damage
epic one
Thank you.
Aw. I thought maybe I could just get Stormblood since I'm not interested in any of the Shadowbringers classes and it'll take me forever to get to the content
is there any way to still get the red mage minion
Elezen players wish their characters were even half as cute as this
They're mudra gcds. So 4 seconds which isn't that bad.
t. convicted lalafile
Reasons like this is why people are going to drop DNC and leave us true DNCs playing.
>why is the support class supporting
you need to go back to WoW, refugee bitch
>4 gcds
>Dance steps are 1 sec cooldown
Nigger what kind of GCD do you plan on having?
Free stuff is free, what’s the problem?
I'm pretty sure the GW2 trademarked the method they use or some shit
He's ready.
>all races but roes look like 16 year old girls and there is a literal toddler race
Why don't those earrings work goddamnit? All I want is to forget.
2.5 is actually bad tho, too bad it has to stay like that or sonybabs can't keep up
>Reassemble is 60s cd
>Trick Attack is 60s cd
It's the exact same as it's always been, bandwagoner
>Dancer job has to dance
Wow what the fuck was Yoshida thinking?
>The amount of seething in the wow thread
You can't make this shit up bros. We're winning. Wow is dead.
I was hoping I could get Stormblood for like fifteen bucks instead of paying for much more for Shadowbringers
SAM Chads rise up
>even Square wants you to ignore BLU
>this looks like a 16 year old girl
>literally the entire community yelled so hard at yoshi to add lolis that he had to tell them no
>despite this lala are still in the game and are literally just toddlers
>giraffe elezen and viera look like 16 year old girls
Whatever you say dude.
Your gcds but with a recast timer don't line up with anything
You need to reach level 50 before starting Red Mage anyway, which is actually 10 levels and a ton of story quests before Stormblood.
Oh boy! I can't WAIT to buy an expansion and pay a monthly fee so I can press buttons in order and avoid circles with random people!
they get high potency attacks to make up for the time spent not doing damage, you big baby
what armor is this
I played wow recently and even with the lesser gcd it felt slow as fuck in comparison
Not really. There are a few long coats and a couple hats that can work, but nothing specific.
What are the disadvantages of a small house compared to a mansion? Aside from space; I don't really care about playing dollhouse I just want the facilities like gardening and whatnot.
>highlanders look like 16 year old girls
>elezen look like 16 year old girls
>viera look like 16 year old girls
wtf bros i wanna commit a crime now
>all races but roe look like 16yr expect roe
What the fuck do u expect from a japanese game?
>Toddler race
they're just Jewish midgets
I'm DPSing for a reason. I'd be tanking if I had dpsbros.
And yes, we just wiped because I had to rez the tank could not stop dying and the healer would not refuse to move away from AoEs
final tranny 14 babies btfo
Me too user! What's your favorite job?
>Expansion content is probably planned two years in advance
They knew.
You had the chance
mediums and mansion have more gardening space available for when you wanna get really fucking filthy
There are maybe 5 felezen and 8 femhighlanders total. Viera don't exist yet.
what class did ya play? I used to play dk a lot and compared to that the game feels much slower
RDM sort of comes close to the feeling though
>he doesnt have any friends to play xiv with
yikes and cringepilled
Would refuse* to move away
Your fictional dick is smaller since you're a pussy with a cottage and not a chad with a mansion.
you didn't need gold for ffxi
But its not. You have oGCDs to make up for that. Your actual GCD is around 2.3 or lower, plus you are weaving in 1-2 ogcds between that. Add in positionals and you still have a much higher action per min than WoW classes do. RDM is the "simplest" job to play in FFXIV and you still have to press more buttons than any caster in WoW.
2 (67%) less garden plots
Not nearly as exclusive
less garden plots and overall furniture spaces
same but unironically, I love the feeling of having an AOE circle pop up beneath me and having to scramble the fuck outta dodge
and I love pressing buttons because it's better than watching cutscenes, that said the cutscenes in this game ARE really great!
but I don't do it with random people, I have friends. do you have any friends, user?
>finally reach 60 WHM
>literally nuking mobs with Aero 3, Holy and Assize
This is beautiful
say goodbye to aero 3
And yet every WHM I see insists on only casting Cure II and never pressing the 5000 potency assize button until all the mobs are dead.
Fuck this shit.
Lalafells are classic FF chibis you secondary faggot.
That was because microsoft wanted them japanese games and it was allowed. Nu-xbox no exceptions (yet).
Aero 3 is removed in a few hours for good
Well, in less than 24 hours you're losing Aero 3 but at least you're getting an even bigger (900 potency) nuke to make up for it!
I see. And can you own 1 house for yourself aside from the FC house?
Damn... 4.6k on the mist dragon
You almost look like you know the basics of your job next to those absolute retards
No, I am not retarded.
>basic bitch cat,lizard midlander trys to talk shit about someone else's choice of race
every fucking time
>4.6k dps
You fucking wish lalafells looked this good.
Well all those healers just got a big thumbs up from Yoshi P saying we don't want you to feel obligated to ever push a damage button.
how is she so cute bros...
Its overall the best tradeoff of the healers.
>Lose Aero III
>Gain strongest filler and DoT
>Holy now uses half MP and normalized casting time with equalized damage
>Get some gimmicky AoE at 76
>have to go back to individually smacking everyone with Aero
You should play healer in that case since you're doing good SCH levels of dps.
Anyone know how to retain settings (hotbars, UI, etc.) from PS4 to PC? My brother now going to be using PC starting ShB.
I like the one with the flashy effects! LOL!
and then we'll all get new hats!
and do it again for some shoes!
A nuke you have to cast 3 gcd heals to get which you may not want or need
nice action figure retard
Good luck getting a mansion by the way
Not him but mist dragon damage can vary a LOT depending if you killed him before or after mist phase. I've done more than 8k when killing before mist while after mist I usually go down to 6 something or sometimes even 5 if I'm didn't do so good.
Assize has 400 potency you retard, which is less than Cure I.
4.6k, that's a pretty impressive number if i say so myself fellow dpser
Use the backup function on the character select screen.
Cuter when not-chibi in my opinion.
Because Yoshida continues to pander to the lowest common denominator that can't press more than 5 buttons a minute.
>ranged dps
woa the game doesn't have a regular archer? there's no bows or crossbows in game?
>I like the one with the flashy effects! LOL!
Me too user, I also like collecting cool glamour pieces, lets play together sometime!
I can't fucking DPS if I'm with filthy mouthbreathers who are dying over and over, I'm keeping bahamut for the dragon heads because these fuckers are doing NOTHING
It's like you fags are being retarded on purpose
aw fug
I'm in a solo FC so my thinking was I get 2 small houses. One on my FC and one personal. If this is a bad idea let me know.
wuxia style class when give it the scouting gear
I hate it too. I dont know why the fuck theyre doing this and they're not even adding a healer
Literally everything but healing is looking good for shb
talking about its damage capabilities going wasted, not its healing, does Cure I deal damage now? are you fucking stunad?
YoshiP hates AoE DoTs on healers, apparently.
Chances are in a dungeon you'll be using it fairly often, and potentially to cleave in raids/boss fights if you can get it ready for an add.
Assize is an extremely weak heal, user.
bard is the bow job
There are situations where you have to GCD heal anyway.
You should've been using aero II while the tank pulls the mobs on top of aero III so nothing changes really.
U mad?
thats time square
its ok user, as a Light player I understand your pain all too well.
>fan art
Honest question
Why is FF14 popular?
It is just a classic MMO with typical role based combat where 1 of each is required.
You stand in red circle get out of red circle and repeat.
Is it due to how unbelievably mindless it is?
Bard is the evolution of the Archer base class. It uses a bow.
by far the dumbest post itt
They probably are using it and you're just not noticing. Its a 40 second cool down ogcd that you usually use right after another spell. If you're talking about damage, why are you saying people are using Cure II over it? If they are using Cure II its because the tank needs to be healed. If they are overhealing then you should be complaining that they should be casting Stone instead.
Come to Chaos, french players are incredibly skilled.
Well it's definitely not a bad idea
Once you finally snipe a house plot you're favored because you can then relocate and ignore the timer.
>Final Fantasy
>brand recognition
>acceptable gameplay
I'll let you figure it out.
I sympathize, I had a run today almost wipe to Dragon Heads because the BRD had two braincells and wasn't pushing buttons and the DRG just wasn't that great. Luckily the healer was actually doing damage and I held Blood Weapon because I knew the DPS check was going to be tight.
Yes, it's so easy trannies can play it. If you want a skill based MMO plays WoW, Destiny2, RS or GW2.
final fantasy brand on a passable mmo
>its a classic mmo
you must be 18 years old to post here
dont bother getting it, the armors and the 3 mounts you can get are all but gone, its too late for you
>2 Days
752 days
if thats the case then all mmo's are mindless
You should be using it on cooldown for mp and damage but it's not a weak heal. Mainly if it crits.
It's fun and has tons of interesting lore, story, jobs, collectables and qol features making it a comfy hub with friends
It having a sub price keeps BR trash out
>If you want a skill based MMO plays WoW, Destiny2, RS or GW2.
Shit game for trannies with a 2.5s gcd
Play it and find out. I think you'll enjoy my game
>iconic bard hat
>literally all the quivers clip through it
im rerolling mch bros
Sorry I have extremely high standards for dungeon parsing
Guild Wars
Black Desert Online
I could go on but though you have a class does not mean you have a role nor are you forced into a party though content can be done with parties. With enough time you can clear most content alone. This is not the case with games like 14
>dungeon parsing
Oi spinning user, paladin, dark or gunbreaker?
They are not going away until 5.1 I heard
>So we can theoretically be killed and keep going
>Same for Arenvald and Krile.
Unsure. All who've abused the body-hopping thus far have been fairly skilled or blessed Echo users, where as Arenvald has fairly weak Echo, so he might have the same ability.
Enjoy your lunchbox
>lower potency than even the weakest single-target heals
Yes, I know it's instant, and heals multiple people. Doesn't make it strong. Certainly not the "5000 potency" claim I was responding to.
i think its mostly because as far as on rails theme parks mmo goes, its the most polished one
yes you could point to its many flaws but when compared to the competition, its pretty easy to see why ffxiv is the top choice
besides its got content for everyone, from casuals to spergs to raiders
do you think there will be freshly demolished houses when the servers come back up?
>named abunch of dead garbage
I did back at launch. Best thing was fishing I couldn't handle the damned level scaling and then just being bound to the same exact button presses for every fucking dungeon to get by
Your entire post has been invalidated and you should leave.
If you wanted to complain about WHMs not doing damage then you should have said stone, not Assize. Assize's damage is also 400 you fucking retard, which is nothing for its cool down. Face it, your post was stupid and you don't even understand how the ability works.
DPS > mechanics
120 days, 13 hours, 2 minutes
August 2012
1210 commends
If you don't parse dungeons you're probably that trashcan netflix healer
I miss Mabinogi. If they updated the graphics and removed some of the more p2w stuff I would instantly drop ff14 for it.
>post pic and meter is showing bad damage
>post pic and meter is showing good damage
Can't win with you guys.
141 Days
Nov 2013 technically but I didn't stick until March 2015
1600 Comms
I really wish we didn't have that dumb box.
Because it's fun.
black desert online is mindless as fuck get the fuck out of here
Schrodinger's cat paradox
You close a cat in a tower.
6 years later you open the tower again.
Is the cat g'raha tia or not g'raha tia?
Is astrologian strong and desired by people in their groups?
>8.2 is an absolute rip roaring success
>people are flocking back to WoW
>servers full
>PvP the best its ever been
>10/10 riveting plot
>new dungeon + raid soon
Why are you playing SE's garbage?
the only choice is to not play their game user
I think the complaint is less "Only Souleater" and more "They didn't bother turning Power Slash into something useful/giving us a second combo".
I'm almost 99% certain the OP was referring to damage potency, considering he specifically mentioned "until all the mobs are dead".
So when you Assize a fuckhuge group of mobs, you can reach 5000 potency.
Jesus fucking christ
>mfw finishing off Mistyboi from like 60-70% solo on patch week
It took like 10 fucking minutes each time but fuck it did I feel cool.
No one ever posts their good damage, they always post peoples bad damage.
Its weaker than Cure I. Its a weak heal. Its AOE, which makes it heal for more, but we're talking about a dungeon aoe situation where only the tank should be taking damage.
>if it crits its not weak durrr
Because it crit you retard.
>opposite day: the post
Mabi was fucking great, but yeah it has long lived past its own lifetime
There really should have been at least 2 games since 2002 but they keep fucking up and try to make the sequels dark and gritty. The fuck
Peria Chronicles is in beta will probably come west in 2-3 years
armor are weapons are easy to get but the pvp mounts will take time, specially since pvp is kinda dead and even more now that we got an expansion
I miss the idea of Mabinogi but I think that's just cuz I'm really nostalgic for it.
tfw no Mabinogi with Vindictus combat
I clicked the gear, said "strongly recommended that you save your data locally before attempting backup" dunno how to do that in the PS4 so I just clicked I understand to proceed.
After that it loaded for a while then I just pressed UPLOAD. That's it? All he has to do now is when ShB drops. on PC, he clicks the gear and then DOWNLOAD correct?
>having your encounter timer reset ever within an instance (with the exception of resetting on wipes of course)
Seeing people die trying to get one more swing before a mechanic really grinds my gears.
You replied to my post twice. And I can do 4.6k dps as WHM on the burn, you should be doing 7k+ as SMN.
No I would have commended user if they did well. I greatly respect people who put in effort to play optimally even in easy stuff like dungeons.
I just c an't justify ff14 anymore. I bought stormblood in october last year (or rather, someone bought it for me after they tried to get me back into it), and I had fun for about a month, but then I was sick of it again. I logged on, there was nothing to do. I could cap out the rest of my classes like I did for heavensward, but why? There's no content to do with them that I haven't already done. It's just tiresome. I don't understand how people can play it so much. I'm not saying wow is better, I think it's shit and haven't played it since before mists, but ff14 feels so void of content after you finish the endgame content just once.
Do one for me too user. SAM, DNC, MCH, DRK, BLM.
>people still think it's not him
Isn't it already pretty obvious that it's him?
based spinning wheel user
>rathalos cant be done unsynched next expansion
god damnit bros i still need 40 scales
4.6k DPS wasn't even considered good for a SMN at the beginning of SB. Kill yourself.
It's weak but it's an ogcd. What's the issue
I just bought it with fun MGP
I know you guys are addled contrarian trannies who require incredibly slow combat to play a game but I want you bros to have fun. Come play BfA, it's lit af senpai
farm azerite
Hello user would you like to expert roulette
Then don't play it until there's new content you want to play, like Yoshi said
Yeah, that's all you need.
>So when you Assize a fuckhuge group of mobs, you can reach 5000 potency.
You'd have to hit 13 mobs to get to 5000 potency. Stop trying to cover for yourself.
Zenos did it unwillingly by the same mechanic that the Return magic canonically functions. When you're in mortal danger, your body instinctively leaps into the Lifestream. Instead, Zenos instinctively found a new body.
> tfw your entire patch is reduced to a 20 minute asmongold video
i do wish it was auto like in WoW though, i have my parser set on 25 seconds is that good?
Then don't post it at all you masturbatory faggot
RIP. It was a good game, but just logged in again yesterday and I couldn't even find 10 people
364 days, would have more days but i take a lot of breaks
since ARR beta
1771 comms
>expert roulette one day before new expac
Thanks. Can't try it right now with his account because he doesn't have SB in PC.
You do realize that most classes in BfA have a lower APM than the ones in XIV currently, and that XIV's combat is about to speed up significantly with the removal of most skills from the GCD in 5.0, right?
Right looks like the Hroth version of the Joker
Not if you're Ethys.
do consider those are undyable
Can't decide between DRK or GUN help me out
There is no issue other than you trying to say its not weak. It is weak. It has other strengths but cure potency isn't its selling point. The issue was that you said " it's not a weak heal" but since you've reversed that and admitted that you were wrong then the problem is solved.
I posted mustadio the other day and my meter was on the corner and the damage was decent so some clown replied with pretty much what I greentexted there.
Thanks user.
Not at this point. Would reset on Byakko, Shinryu, and Seiryu.
Put it to like 120 seconds, and create a "/echo end" macro that you can click when you wipe.
1. 4.6k was very good DPS at the start of SB.
2. His number was taken immediately after significant downtime. 1/5 of that 2:30 had nothing going on. It's not the best but that's like looking at a senryu parse and berating someone for not doing 9k.
Get a clue
if they are you wont be able to buy them right away
Who cares? It's primary usage is for damage and mp. Healing the tank is the cherry on top, it still doesn't make it a weak heal since it's ogcd in a scenario where regen alone is more than enough to heal the tank.
>It is just a classic MMO with typical role based combat where 1 of each is required.
Only sometimes. You can run lots of the content with unorthodox setups, like all healers, all DPS, etc.
>You stand in red circle get out of red circle and repeat.
This is very early-game mechanics. It gets much, much, much more elaborate as it goes on. Watch a Savage raid if you want to see that sort of stuff.
One late-game boss kills you if your health isn't a prime number, for instance.
It's also got superb music, some legitimately hilarious comedy, and is decently well-written.
Based Mr. Happy preliminary patch notes video is a hour long.
>Echo means every time the janny strikes a thread down it simply reconstitutes elsewhere
Dungeons pulls frequently hit 13+ mobs, there's usually at least one per dungeon where there's a shitload of little guys like the second pull after the first boss in The Burn.
I'm not even the OP, but your entire argument of comparing an AoE oGCD heal with 400 damage potency to Cure 1 is fucking retarded, because you don't fucking use Assize for healing in dungeons. The fact it heals for 400 potency instead of 0 is just the icing on the cake.
I'm bored my dude, there's nothing to do.
Or I can do EX primals or farm some alphascape savage or some shit.
Can Y'sthola kill Ascians?
>8.2 is an absolute rip roaring success
Really? That's great then right? Less wowfugees. Unless that's not true or something.
i think these wojak edits have gone too far
He sure looks like hes been through a lot of shit considering he was only supposed to put the tower into sleep mode.
Oh I forgot the when I started playing.
September 2010 but obviously there was no commendations back then.
Ah, I see that now. He was saying the WHMs were doing Cure II as opposed to Assizing, so I thought he was claiming it was a powerful heal. You're right, he meant damage.
I'm leveling MNK first, but I can't decide between PLD, BLM, GNB, DNC, or MCH after. Mind helping?
based and RIFTpilled
I miss one shotting people in pvp with low level Sabo
This isn't typemoon and she's isnt shiki
She can kill my penis, also u can't kill them without absorbing their "soul" or whatever is that fragments that they're leaving behind
>a week before Stormblood EA
Its a weak heal because the potency is weak. How hard is that for your room temperature IQ to understand?
Just use F-List.
I'm a masochist dungeon parser with multiple 100s, if you want to run one I'd be happy to. I won't bother mentioning irrelevant things like ex primals, savages, and ultimates.
4.6k was extremely good damage at the start of SB.
We have maybe a week or so from the 28th before we need our CEs so we can redeem the codes
What is your opinion on this skill?
I do.
I hunted for a M plot for fucking months, finally saw one and didn’t know about being able to bypass the timer. I try to buy it, get the message you can only have one deed at a time, so in a panic I move a bunch of my furniture into my inventory and relinquish my old plot, come back and get hit with the timer then someone snipes it from me 5 minutes later.
After that I unsubbed for 6 months because the entire system is arbitrary and it’s unrealistic to ever get an M or L plot no matter how hard you try or how much time you waste, especially when bots are constantly scanning for open plots. I understand the idea of limited supply, but it’s so limited that it makes me just want to stop playing entirely.
hell yeah time to break out the jams
You say that as if he's parsing dungeons specifically not just leaving ACT up 24/7.
>Tfw still haven't started heavensward
I started this game 16 days ago. I'm loving it to death and I look very stylish in my Ironworks healer cloak. How do I farm the currency to get these gear? Also is this how i get higher level gear now? I use to buy all my gear in stores. Level 53 white mage planning to be a dancer or red mage
You are never going to make it if you don't understand why Assize is a strong heal.
>replying to retarded bait
>dungeon parser
Forgot to quote.