Why are Bad Girls always the best?

Why are Bad Girls always the best?

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because good girls are boring

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I don't recognise this flass

I want Mileena to suck my cock dry and then bite it off so I can never even attempt to find someone that gives better head than her.

Why would you deny yourself the possibility of future Mil-head?

Kitana, MK11

.... I have made a mistake.

Tanya better be coming to 11 soon or I'm gonna FUCK Ed Bone

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they represent your own wish to act on your desires uninhibited



Sorry buddy, knowing the leak list Smoke of all people has a better chance in Season 2

>Bad girls like good guys
Finally, my time to shine.

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I want Juri to step on my face while Mileena lightly chews on my cock


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>lightly chews on my cock

Hey, virgin, I know YOU don't know, but even having teeth gently graze your dick is painful. Chewing would be excruciating.


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you are like those girls that prefer bad guys instead of nice guys
and that's pretty cringey

Does that mean I'm a nice guy?

It's almost like some people are into pain, user. There are guys who are into getting kicked in the balls with steel toed boots

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>but even having teeth gently graze your dick is painful.
maybe you dick is just too weak?

Because bad girls are often seen as aggressive and confident.

You just know if you're going to bed one, you're going to be drained dry and then some.

This isn't true of DoA

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>MK 11 Guys are all ripped, varied, and have personality and quirks
>MK 11 Girls are somewhat the same and boring
It's a good thing my waifu was spared from the Ed Boon-ining

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Lips Mileena is sooo good. So is korean Jolyne.

Honestly men like this are worse than fags. At least some fags are dominant, but you know whats worse than bottoming to a man? Bottoming to A WOMAN.

OH NO NO NO. Honestly bros if you don't want to fuck whores bloody ur probably gay.

>That internal belly button detail


Someone's insecure.

>but even having teeth gently graze your dick is painful
you sound like an absolute pussy

Literally waifus for plebs

Yeah? And who is your "Bad Fighting Game Girl" waifu?

nah bro not at all. bad girls force themselves on you and can be annoying. you want a nice gf trust me

or if you hit the lottery a girl who can do both


Bad girls are bad for a reason : you think it will be good for you but it won't. Same for immature girls attracted to bad boys : you want their confidence & power, not their bad/selfish attitude.

Name me an actual good female villain that doesn’t resort to crying like a bitch ass whore.

You can’t beat pic related

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>Rhyming cunts


Wew im insecure because I don't like getting pegged in the ass? Yikes please have heterosexual sex.

>asshole with a heart of gold

Why is this the most kino type of person?

"Bad Girl" is too loose a term, though. It can be an aesthetic, a personality, or even just a minor affectation. Morally bad, or just against the grain? Most would describe "alt" girls as "bad".
You're insecure because you brought up what other people like, with no one else asking. Who cares what you like? It's more likely that you can't admit, even to yourself, what you actually like.

Not an argument

Gruntilda will fucking kill you out of spite, she literally stopped rhyming because she was too pissed off.

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so how assblasted are you

no she stopped because her sisters told her to stop or else they wouldn't help her. so she reluctantly stops

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>liking confident, aggressive women means you like getting pegged in the ass
That's a big assumption user.

Because turning bad girls into good girls is the best fetish

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Literally no one brought up any of that. You should really consider why you're reacting this way. Why did you even come into this thread?

Big hemmhroids and ass cancer from daily anal abuse, yeah. If you don't like to dominate women you're a mentally ill faggot freak loser and probably almost definitely a virgin.


That's really heartwarming

>dude if you don't like something and are vocal about it you must secretly LOVE that thing
>t.sneedian freud

do yo happen to have more of these user?
it really makes the pp my heart has into the big PP

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That Juri is ugly desu

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Who hurt you user


If you're vocal about something that no one brought up, there might be something wrong with you. You understand that liking confidence, or even strength isn't even close to taking it in the ass, right? That maybe sex can be a mutual thing with someone to whom you share a genuine connection. But no, clearly seeking any common ground, or even exceptional ability is a sign that you want to bend over. Really, there might be something terribly wrong with you. Seek help.

Juri was always ugly though.

>thread involving dominant or confident women
>some faggot starts shitposting
Every time. Starting to think it's a bot.


>posting the wrong Mileena
Here, one real Mileena for free.

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i want a street fighter vs mortal kombat so i can play Juri and mileena

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People who like bad girls are masochists who objectively have shit taste in everything.

Kind, innocent girls are and always will be the best and wife-material.

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>entire thread about "dominant women"
>assblasted fagtard
>BuT nObOdY bRoUgHT iT uP

You had one job, and you drew Juri uglier than Mileena.

This is cute, but the anatomy of her mouth is wrong. Lip Mileena is perfection, but that's not how her mouth works.

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It's scientifically proven villianesses wouldn't be so evil if they just had got fucked hard

i didnt make it

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No one said dominant? Also, why does dominant mean pegging? The thread is about bad girls. Seriously, seek help.

Ugly spider

Best girls.

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Post more user. I need a heart boner



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thats the last one

I love how angry Jolyne looks all the time.

Seethe more, masochist. I select girls with my brain and not just with my dick.

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>not congruous terms for similar things

user I... I think you agree with my posts. Nobody brought up disagreeing with my posts until you did. Why don't you ask yourself why you chose to bring up that you disagree with my posts? Or can you not even admit the truth to yourself?

Seek help, please.

I wasn't being ironic all these fags are mad at me for speaking the truth. Stay el basado'd

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Why do people get like lips Mileena when her whole appeal is crazy, sexy monster face girl?

>this mean you mus must secretly desire to seek help yourself


I volunteer to fix Juri then.

They were to much of a normalfag to enjoy Mileena for who she was; the lips 'casualized' her, if you will, for them.

It rides that line far better. You should be afraid, maybe terrified even, but she's still beautiful.

Because they want to kiss her.

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Oh yeah, also this.

What was stopping them before?

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I want futa Juri to frot against me with her much larger cock until I cum first

Kiss her other lips

MK9. Plus, they're jealous of D'vorah.

Hell no.


>Hell no
Why not?

>lips mouth mileena

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I can't believe she permanently dead, and never ever coming back.

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Lipfags are gay, apparently.

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Not kissable.

What are some games where I can fuck the villainess?

There seems to be a common theme of bad girls dressed in some purplish color

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>permanently dead
>mortal kombat

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Wait what

Least you got Katana.

Actually, purple girls are the best.

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Its a cuckold color

Purple is the best color

Seconding this

Purple is the color of royalty, pleb.

Evil is always sexier
that's just how it is

I imagine her "kissing" me, while pushing her tongue far into my throat.

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Shining resonance refrain is an absolute fucking garbage weeb game, literal shovelware JRPG, but you CAN fuck the main female villain. Which is basically the only good thing about the game.

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See? This guy's got the right idea.

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Why do they keep trying to make this bitch relevant?

>killed Scorpion
>killed Mileena
>killed Ferra/Torr
>still want to fuck her

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>wanting your lips cut off by her fangs
This is why she was given the lips in the first place.

Yeah but that series sucks

You forgot Baraka

subverted expectations: the character


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Shit, you're right. Probably will kill more in 12.

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Also despite appearances I imagine her breath must smell really, really good. Because she can reach her teeth and tongue much easier than us. Even if she eats nasty stuff, she just has a much easier time cleaning than we do. Beyond that, she would never let herself stay behind her "perfect" sister, who must care a lot for her appearance. So Mileena takes even further steps to smell perfect and never lose to Kitana.

She needs the lips.


You silly. You kiss Mileena with the lips in your heart. The physical kissing is done mostly via tongue. Even if you cut yourself on her teeth, she would lick it right up and help you heal.

They're fangs not razor blades dingus.

>Juri will never kick you straight in the balls with all her might

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It's official: you suck.

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You want a bad girl not because you actually desire someone vicious and evil. You want someone who's sexy, who sexually desires you, who's confident, a little crazy, powerful, fun, and available. You don't actually want someone who would quickly betray you, cheat on you, lie about you, and destroy your stuff in a fit over something really petty.

Think of the blowjob.

I can't see Mileena with lips, it's horrible.

But I could see our child being born with a slight hint of lips, thanks to her human dad.

Do you want your balls to stop working?

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If it's for Juri, yes.


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they know what we want

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Don't mind if I do.

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Mileena would specifically love the child's "hint of lips" because it would remind her of her husband.

>tfw got a big dose of this when I-No was expanded on in Xrd
Poor girl lived long enough to become the villain.

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any good games?

>Ends up killing half the cast and gets away with it

>he doesn't know

You better not regret it

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because they are best girls after they settle down and get dicked by the hero
look at Andriod 18 for example, starts off evil, gets saved and rescued, settles down, becomes best housewife
lots of japanese vidya has options of settling down with the villainess for best ending after saving the world and shit

bad girls = good girls

Good point.

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not quite

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Can be fun when you're young but you don't want the trouble when you're an adult.

I always had a fantasy involving 21 where good 21 eventually splits from and domesticates evil 21. I imagine they'd use snacks to keep her happy and they'd eventually be best buds even if evil 21 would be kind of an airhead


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She's shit.

Boxman has a nice set where that happens.

But she's bad

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Yeah, a bad evil character that needs to be forgotten.

Too popular to be forgotten

I'm still upset that you can't play as normal eyed 21 outside of the story mode

Because of Arcsys' waifufaggotry.

That's a good thing. More Gokus is what we need.

IDK why but the Mileena in this pic looks like V from DMC 5 with Milenna’s mouth.

It's the art style

She's still pretty cool and is already appearing in other games.

she looks better with the lips because it makes her look like an actual Edenian-Tarkatan hybrid instead of her just looking like a Tarkatan head on an Edenian body

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I liked Baraka head Mileena more. Sense or not.

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Can I give you my cash TO kick my ass?

Bad witches

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That costs extra

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Nine made a pretty nice daughter

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I wanna get vored by her

what are some games with evil romance options?

I want to give I-No one as well.

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Stella Glow

After anal first

Mileena was the rightful empress fuck k*tal

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redditors and normalfags cannot into taboo

have another.

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>No RPG where you stop the villianess by wooing her

It's not fair bros, other than some shitty rpgmaker games we only ever get some light teasing but nothing ever happens.

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fable lady grey
kotor bastilla

edge cases

Real women do not talk like this, you have to be the leader of a cult with psychopath women to talk to you like this and even then it'd be half the level of this.

I only hope we get AI wives in our lifetime

Kingdoms of Amalur with Maid of Windemere questline also gives you the option to marry her instead of fight her.

The elf culture in this game is fucking weird. Some important people are chosen to live their lives in timeloops where they have to keep their history alive by taking on roles they sometimes don't even want to do.

Shame the studio is gone, the lore of this game was really fucking neat.

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