Are there games where its okay to play as a girl and not be called gay?

are there games where its okay to play as a girl and not be called gay?

Attached: ricardo.png (968x833, 567K)

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Terraria 'cause you can give the girls a beard and no one would ever know

Ricardo has a sexy body and a friendly face
This thot looks like a total bitch

Whoa dude, now that's really gay.

Traps aren't gay, only trannies are.

Attached: 1555602424121.png (3273x1528, 1008K)

Wouldn't picking the guy character be gay? Especially in a third person game. I'd rather look at a female's ass than a male's ass.

Newfag, playing as a female character means you want to become a woman.

playing as a man or woman makes you gay either way. The only way to not be gay is to sit in your room and stare at the ceiling.

ironic how you guys go through such mental gymnastics to project your insecurities

that's gay user

but user boobies

Attached: 1556824713304.gif (270x168, 772K)

Nier Automata

Attached: 1559061088341.gif (201x443, 3.95M)

agreed. I doubt she can even do his dance. meme ruined.

>t.closet homosexual

Yume Nikki.

Anyone who insults you for playing it gets called a fag and is promptly banned for 6 weeks regardless of how correct they are.

All of them

>male western character gets Japanese redesign

literally any game. stop caring so much about what people think you insecure fag

she's obviously hispanic

memes been used by reddit and tiktok niggers for a while now

i watched Ricardo's porn videos and my god he is rough

>fake tits


just realized, fuck

Attached: file.png (1280x1060, 1.85M)

Pokemon if you roleplay as your cute daughter on an adventure
Don't (you) me

definely tomb raider


that's part of the fun :)

Man, I wish people would still make those weird late '00s - early '10s surrealistic indie games.
Yume Nikki, 2kki and .flow are some of my absolute favourites.
Hyped as fuck for Hylics 2 too.

horrible attempt, women just can't compete

Same fucking thing user

any fighting game?

Absolutely horrendous. Why do basedboys constantöy go apeshit over moderately attractive females doing literally anything?

Attached: 1447513642009.png (700x497, 257K)

>dat awful distortion effect
>barely moving her body at all
>little jumps
awful, simply awful, obviously trying to capitalize on two popular things without even truly understanding them

women are trash, I'd sooner jerk off to a 2d image than this vapid attention seeking cunt

Attached: 1560897414220.jpg (316x202, 15K)

post quality ricardos instead

poor creature