Pay for game

>pay for game
>Say word
>Money stolen

Attached: report_le_toxi2c_0_0.png (560x217, 53K)


Don't be rude to me and there won't be any problems. i play the game to enjoy myself not be insulted because i'm not playing how someone thinks i should.


>pirate game
>say word
>nothing lost

Attached: gamer genocide.webm (854x480, 1.39M)

nigger mentality

Solution: stop paying for these kinds of games.

tfw can't advertise my haxx on general chat anymore

>playing online
>not playing lan with friends

You deserve what you get

three for thee

>agree to a set of rule when buying and playing the game with others
>break set of rules multiple times

You don't actually expect someone to read all that garbage?

Attached: tenor (1).gif (498x331, 583K)

>pay for a game license
>violate license
>license revoked

>buy game
>rules change after you buy it

>Me reporting another assblasted loser for toxic behavior
Feels good to be the hero.

Attached: bARf16z.jpg (1600x1200, 489K)

He's the prosecutor you retard not the defender

>enter shitposting thread
>go to see if I can get a 7

>pay for game license

Let me stop you right there, chief.

Attached: serveimage.jpg (275x183, 8K)

You still pressed "I accept"

What if you got a full refund if this happened but you were permabanned? Or better yet, What if they just grew a fucking pair and told those whiny thin skinned soi boys to toughen up.

based post

>pay for game
>don't say anything ever
>money not stolen

Just because I clicked a button to make the text go away doesn't mean I agree with the text

>don't pay for a game
>money stolen by the government anyway

>steal nuke
>say word
>lungs stolen

>manchild can't even muster the tiny amount of self-control to keep his cheeto stained fingers off the keyboad when he gets his diaper in a twist

Attached: 3fe.jpg (1459x820, 482K)

>tfw you get the notification that the people you reported are banned

Attached: 1526458405892.webm (426x240, 2.93M)

90% of commercial software have a EULA. Most online games have a ToS. It's been this way for decades. You might own the disc if you own physical, which might as well be permanently owning it for offline games, but when you scroll through all that fine print and click okay, you agree to the terms of the license to use the software.


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stop giving them money

The law says otherwise.

You mean when YOU do. I don't buy those kinds of games.

Based user living in perpetual fear of the chad wordfilter

kys sensitive little bitch

>Play game like a normal human being
>don't get reported
Wow that was hard

>finish game
>tell the guy who top scored on the other team he did good
>could have told him he was a faggot
>but I didn’t

What happened here?

Then you don't buy games. Besides small indies and freeware/shareware, almost all games have at least a EULA. And like I said, almost any online game, especially the ones this thread would apply to, have a ToS.

>"by clicking continue you agree to..."
>*clicks continue*
see? the law is wrong

>just because i clearly pressed "i accept" doesn't mean that i accepted it

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Onions on burgers yes, or no?

How do you know that but not know that they all say objection?

Based and GNUpilled

>by clicking accept you agree that 1 + 1 = 3
>*clicks accept*
Oh I guess 1 + 1 = 3 now because the law says so! Thanks law! You know better than reality!

If you're playing with others you play how they play. You're the kind of asshole who wants to play football even if you're in a tennis court.

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No they don't. Most games in fact do not have EULAs. And any EULA where you are not presented with the entire agreement in a text box before clicking Agree is unenforceable anyway.

>if I plug my ears and scream la la la while signing this contract, it doesn't count!

Why should it?

OMEGALUL this fucking thread

>private company can make rules to forbid freedom of speech

thats pretty disgusting

Name a game that doesn’t give you a warning or multiple warnings first before banning you.
More importantly name a game that’s multiplayer-only that’s worth buying in the first place that you could get banned from.

>pay for cinema ticket
>scream like a retard
>money stolen

>pay for food in restaurant
>scream like a retard
>money stolen

>pay for car
>crash into others like a retard
>money stolen
And so on. You're a fucking retard.

He is defending OP
That is not edgyboys job
Doesn't matter if he says objection or not, the fact that he is defending OP means he should consider a change in lawyer careers

>"we are having a bunch of people over to our house for game night, only rule is to be nice and not wake up the baby"
>go to person's house
>call everyone niggers
>scream nigger at the sleeping baby and wake it up
>get banned from the other person's property
>"WTF what about muh rights ur stealing from me!!!!!"
the first amendment guarantees other people the right not to associate with you, and since you violated the rules that you agreed to, they can ban you from their property. you have no legal, moral, or ethical argument against this - you are not entitled to other people's property.

Except the law isn't a fucking moron like you that would make a factually wrong statement like that.
However, laws have been erected and by saying "I accept" you do exactly that. Being stupid doesn't make you immune. But for whatever buttfucking stupid reason you poor fellas believe that anyway.

>buy gay
>retarded brasil comes in calling everyone noob and saying they fucked your mother
>report them and get a notification they were banned
I love reports.

>private platform can set rules for the use of private platform
Yes that is literally how the law works, congratulations on grasping that. Nobody's first amendment rights are being infringed upon here.

>go to someone's house
>act a shit
>they kick you out

>buy car
>intentionally swerve into oncoming traffic
>lose car and/or license


Well it can. Doesn't make it right but they can. The constitution only has the power to restrict the government, and since citizens united, they can't stop corporations from using their freedom of speech to suppress citizens' freedom of speech.

You pressed accept to a contract saying you must be my trap slave forever by replying to my post

>walk into resturaunt
>order food
>shout racial slurs
>get escorted out before i even finish my meal


fuck niggers

Attached: Call_of_Duty__Black_Ops_III_20170918004900.jpg (1920x1080, 114K)

>Be based game dev
>Include options to report players
>Report toxic player literally does nothing

Then deal with the consequences, goober

Can I bring up 3-5 or will that instantly give away that I'm just playing devil's advocate?

Ubisoft officially banning trap faggots, leave the dumb boteslut alone it isn't 2014 anymore

>say fucking nugget
>my account is banned immediately

fucking niggers

>Food analogy

Also that should be illegal

You are literally being forced to starve over wrong think


Immigrant children are being denied soap and toothbrushing but yes let's pretend Whiteoid gamers who use slurs are allowed to feel angry about consequences.

That's what I was referencing when I said he should change careers user
Kino chapters by the way

Listen American, here in Europe we have the European Court of human rights. Freedom of speech is a human right, way stronger than your constitutional first amend. No company here can limit your rights

Because you signed the contract which is literally the only legally binding part of the action.

by breathing in the next minute, you agree that I am the ruler of the Earth
Thanks! :3

The private company that is PAYING FOR THE MULTIPLAYER SERVERS?

>Invaders being punished
I don't really care do u?

Don't pay for game, retard

Supreme taste. Bridge is best case.

Racists, go back to r/the_donald please.

I didn't sign a contract
There's no proof I ever even clicked accept
How can I agree to something I didn't read?

You could try not acting like a sperg

Why would any of you ever want to actually talk with other people in video games? You dig your own graves by even participating in communication with the troglodytes.

The latino immigrants are far nicer and more valuable to the US than Trump supporters.

>buy cuck game by cuck devs
>cry when cucked
every time...

Bye felicia. Enjoy your ban while us adults play the game.

A nigger mentality is actually signing up and agreeing to the games rules, chimping out and breaking those rules and then claiming they dindu nuffin.

>Don't say anything
>Get banned because people who can't take losing reported you for hacking

Attached: 1557183823230.jpg (387x437, 40K)

By opening this spoilered image you agree that you love shota and you want to cuddle and kiss a shota forever and ever

Attached: 1545428103453.jpg (889x1254, 98K)

"Obey the rules or suffer the consequences" is not supposed to apply to White boys.

You’re paying for the license to play the game, it’s not your property. You also agree to their TOS for using their system

Don’t play games if you don’t want to deal with consequences of breaking rules

But buying the game makes it legally my property you dumb nigger, I bought it, I own it and I can say whatever the fuck I want on it

>buying consoles in the first place
>money stolen

Ha Ha, yeah right, Eurofag.. censorship is a very real, every day thing in Europe, it's just you're so conditioned, you don't see it.. but that's to be expected from a populace that gets down on it's knees bowing to the German Fuhrer and it's French pussy lapdog, all the while allowing more and more disesed illegals into Europe.. think of it this way, in 30yrs, you're done.

she is not a trap

pweez do not say niggwer in chat! >:c
it hurt feewings an cud maek sum1 very sad :c