Can't turn off the dub

>can't turn off the dub

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>forced english dub

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>Friend asks me to introduce him to some good anime
>preferably dubbed

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Bro, I don't want to constantly shift my focus away from the action just to read the text.

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Why do americans keep making dubs, seriously?, are there people who really like dubs?

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Not a single one of you is fluent in japanese so you're not getting the proper experience anyway. Subtitles are bad.

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Not as bad as fully being able to comprehend how bad a dub is tho. Downright distracting most of the time.

>get free game
>its dubbed/subbed/fucking BOTH to my native language, no choice of english
If you think english dub sucks you really don't know what a shitheap of fuck other languages get, especially if main incentive for translation is to price translated game differently in given country and prevent englishfags from importing/g2a for less.

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Dragon Ball
What gay shit are you watching these days?

This. I don't get why English speakers are so anal about their damn dubs in anime or games. You don't speak Japanese. Reading subtitles is annoying when you could be fully enjoying everything presented on screen. I firmly believe a shitty English dub is better than the greatest Japanese dub, because who am I to tell the difference? I don't speak Japanese so it could be shitty for all I know.
Doesn't feel as distracting as sitting through Japanese dialogue. At least I can understand it and am not stuck reading crappy subtitles the whole time. Subtitles are distracting.

>can only name 3
>doesn't even name the best dub
You're really only proving me right lad. You could rattle off 10 more "somewhat decent" dubs and it would still be a drop in the bucket compared to the garbage dubs. English VAs are about the same level as pornstars.

>Subtitles are distracting.
wtf, are you 12 or what?

>Doesn't feel as distracting as sitting through Japanese dialogue. At least I can understand it and am not stuck reading crappy subtitles the whole time. Subtitles are distracting.
Only if you're a literal brainlet. Bad voice acting though ruins or mischaracterizes whole scenes or even shows.

I understand enough Japanese to know good VAing when I hear it, and by and large the nips do a way better job than the same 15 people (of which the majority aren't great) hired to dub shit in English.

money laundering scheme

Read faster niggro

>not getting the anime vo grunts and mmphs
Fuck off

>I firmly believe a shitty English dub is better than the greatest Japanese dub
nope, you are wrong and propably deaf too, how about I propose an alternative?
All the pros of dubbing, no cons since you don't try to recreate poor mans dialogue by actors several levels below orginals, instead provide voice over?
Why is this not used more?

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>I firmly believe a shitty English dub is better than the greatest Japanese dub
Well, Ghost Stories is a masterpiece in English despite bombing hard in Nipland.

kill all animes

kill yourself, dubfag.

>Not watching something in it's original language
Why are subtitles bad exactly?

>Why yes, I do want to consume a French arthouse film in it's original language. It only makes sense.
>no one complains
>Why yes, I do want to consume Japanese animation in it's original language. It only makes sense.
>y-you don't speak japanese, you wouldn't get it anyways, please PLEASE watch our shitty Americanized dub instead

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>I firmly believe a shitty English dub is better than the greatest Japanese dub

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>playing Witcher with a dub, not in based Polish with subtitles
>playing STALKER with a dub, not in based Russian with subtitles
I seriously hope you guys don't do this

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Anus hole.

Are Polish and Russian the actual base language for those game?

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>You can only be 12 or retarded to dislike subtitles
This cringey mindset needs to die.
>mischaracterizes whole scenes or even shows
The Jap versions all sound the same to me, they hold no characterizations in that form. They do to a lot of people, but I just can't hear it.
I dont speak French so as an English speaker I'd have a better time with an English dub. There's no double standard here. We're just talking about Japanese media at the moment.
And yet if there wasn't dialogue boxes, I find that more enjoyable than Jap versions. If I'm playing a game with idle characters like this and there's dialogue boxes, idgaf what the language is because either way I'm going to have to read dialogue boxes.
surprisingly for Witcher 3, while writing was done first in Polish, voice acting was done in english first.
I'm pretty sure first 2 witchers were Polish first, then translated/dubbed later to english.
If you are not playing Witcher with polish voices you are missing, no soul at all, it does simply not translate, in english everybody sounds like a british chav.

STALKER Sotc base language was in russian

Then STALKER should be played in Russian for sure. Seems like TW3 English VAs are where the money went though so yeah, English is what you should play it in.

>The Jap versions all sound the same to me, they hold no characterizations in that form. They do to a lot of people, but I just can't hear it.
That's because you're a brainlet desu, and it only gets clearer every time you post. Tonage is not language dependent.

>>You can only be 12 or retarded to dislike subtitles
You didn't say anything about him disliking them, you said, you get distracted by them, and tbqh if you get distracted by the subtitles, you are retarded.

Witcher 3 case is debatable, Polish was not afterthrough at all, and orginal script was made and finalized in Polish so it is english that had to fit in within preexisting script (with minor changes).
English in W3 is pretty good by dubbing standards, but Polish is still where its at, especially since the world is distincly slavic creation.

The one game I will always play the english version of is evil zone. I modded back in a song they replaced to make a definitive version of the game.

Never again will you see John St. John as a super sentai hero.

Definitely arguable. I can see the Polish side in this for sure. The biggest problem with dubs is they're usually afterthoughts and that doesn't seem to be the case with the Polish dub.

>Not a single one of you is fluent in japanese so you're not getting the proper experience anyway.
This. None of you can tell how bad the Japanese acting might be anyway. You just like hearing Japanese just for the sake of it.

When someone tells me they need a dub, I automatically know their character flaw

The only reason people say they need a dub is because they want to be able to do something else while """watching""" and need the english to make it happen. Wouldn't be a fucking problem if you fucks could just pay attention for 22 minutes at a time

>Take anime seriously >:(((

>None of you can tell how bad the Japanese acting might be anyway.
but I can tell how bad the english va's are which is enough to push me back to the nips.

Get fucked weebfaggots.

>Only if you're a literal brainlet. Bad voice acting though ruins or mischaracterizes whole scenes or even shows.
Doen't understand to context in japanese, because he relies on people to translate the the subtitles for him. The absolute brilliance.
You don't know if those translations are completely accurate you just assume they are you brainlet.

>all these wasted characters for a worthless "no u"

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>Can't turn off voices altogether

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raw word meaning can be provided in the form of subtitles, everything else is acting, there is no fucking way dubbing in different language, and acting it without being allowed any timing modification can result in anything on par quality with the orginal,
Add to this the fact dub actors are second rate and it is clear that dub is inferior, sometimes you don't even need to see the orginal to ascertain that dubbed acting is shite.
I refuse to believe you can be produb and have actually played any substantial amount of subtitled games, you simply project from positon of ignorance and anectdotal evidence.

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maybe it has something to do with voice acting being bottom of the barrel jobs exclusively for actor rejects in burgerland, which inconceivably results in completely garbage dubs not even near fit for consumption

Our school system is fucking AIDs and IIRC like a fifth of Americans haven't read a book last year so a lot of people can barely read at any respectable speed.

how did the meat slide out from underneath the cheese completely

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If they do it with anime they probably do it with everything else. They won't take anything seriously or feel like they need to be doing 2 things at once to have enjoyment.

The people who watch dub while browsing or doing other shit are the same people who look at their phone while you are talking with them IRL

She siphoned in the cheese first before biting.

If this frequently happens to you it's because you're boring to talk to

Except it doesn't happen frequently

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>game has forced sub
>doesn’t sub everything

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>I do want to consume a French arthouse film
No one with an IQ higher than their shoe size has ever said this.

>french voice acting is considerably better than the english voice acting
>can't use it unless you switch all language settings to french

>can't read french

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>Doesn't even answer the question
Typical of subfags.

>comparing anime to arthouse
Its more like kung fu movies but its fans aren't autistic enough to prefer ching chong click clacks over a language isn't irradiating to hear.

Memorization is the secret. Learn the menu in English then match positions with the french version since it doesn't change

I'm not sayi ng they're worthless, but if you don'tt speak moon runes, you have no idea how accurate some user translator is being. You just assume its the completely accurate and maybe missing a bunch of context because you're a weeb who thinks he understands japanese culture, and subtle speech context clues, because you only watch subs, yet you live in an english speaking nation and have never been to japan.

Dubs are garbage 100% of the time and you won't convince me otherwise.

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or you could play, or watch since we switched to anime, content with clearly, unambiguously shitty dub.
This is not rocket science.

Not related but can someone explain to me Kuro's origin? Was she her own person that got sealed inside Illya?

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>unironically listening to ching chong nip nong
How do you guys do this?

I finally tried this in Bloodstained but couldn't stand all the "kyaaa~"s for more than an hour.

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You know Illya from Fate proper? That is Kuro. She was the original Illya personality that was sealed along with her memories to give her a "fresh start"

Never watched any of the Fate series except for Prisma Illya. Fuck me. What order shouls I watch this shit in?

>wanting to listen to disgusting insectoid speech.

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better than worshiping some dumb anglo thot

did you make him watch the love live dub

>Ding Dong

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You should watch read the VN

Wait, Kuro is just VN Illya?

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Kind of, it's more like an alternative storyline plotpoint in order for the show to have some kind of internal consistency. The Holy Grail War etc. still existed as a concept in Prillya but Irisviel and Kiritsugu fuck with the process in order to spare Illyasviel and let her live a normal life rather than fulfilling the thousand year dream of the Einzberns. Kuro is the result of the original grail vessel persona being sealed inside Illya. Irisviel did not expect her to grow/develop and eventually manifest alongside Illya as the years passed, which is where the conflict in Prillya between Kuro and Illya eventually arises.

Kuro is never referenced in the original VN because the ritual that created her never came to pass, but Prillya retroactively ties her in with the VN universe.