>Playing RPG
>Religion turns out to be the true villain
Playing RPG
>Video game makes church out to be the villain = BAD
>the entirety of civilized europe makes church out to be the villain = GOOD
Just like in real life.
Getting annoyed at religion, gods, dragons, or demons being the major antagonists in games is like getting annoyed that average white human males are usually the protagonist.
Dragon fucking sucks as antagonists wyverns are much better fight me irl
wyverns can't be a good antagonist because 99% of the time they are just animals, which means something else with an actual personality and intelligence has to pick up the slack as the true antagonist.
>99% of the time they are just animals
Nice left jab, but unfortunately for you i'm a veteran with over 20 years of practice with Shorinji Kenpo your puny strikes can't hit me
Most of the time dragons and wyverns are used in vidya they are either sentient giant lizards that can talk or sentient gianat lizards that can't talk but has a human form that can talk
true, there's nothing mysterious about it
corporations/military people are just as often used as villains these days, they point is, large organizations and powerful entities make for good villains
Why did he betray us?
Are there JRPG games were the church isn’t background fluff and it isn’t evil?
its a great aesthetic
>Real life
>Religion turns out to be the true villain
>Play video games
>Not having sex turns out to be the true villain
Monster Girl Quest
God's a massive cunt but the church is perfectly fine
The only game that did this right was Final Fantasy Tactics
Hyperdimension Neptunia since you literally play as goddesses
>dragons and wyverns
It's just dragons, bro.
They might have fucked up and made them look like wyverns, but they still act like a dragon and are called dragons.
Trails in the Sky.
I heard Cold Steel fucked it up, though.
>they want to avoid the "evil religion" twist
>so the villain is a secret organization that pretends to oppose evil while trying to summon the devil/ancient evil/elder god, who are headquartered in a church and named after a latin/greek name for the church
A man who acts like a woman isn't a woman he's a fucking man
A retarded wyvern thinking he's a dragon isn't a dragon he has no fucking paws the motherfucker he's a wyvern until he gets upgraded to Kaiser Ghidorah and becomes a dragon
>THE jrpg
>the church are the good guys that help you out on your quest
You might think they are dragons, but they are still fictional and the creator of the fiction they are used in can call them what they want.
What if every living thing in that world acknowledges that it's a dragon?
>JRPG portrays the church as good guys
>suddenly the Pope was the bad guy all along
>but he's actually a satanist whose plans were to cause the apocalypse by summoning a demon
I guess that's sorta better than the standard shit
The show literally nose dived off a cliff on this episode
>Brings trannies into a thread where no one mentioned them
Even before that it did, it only managed to become interesting again for the episode where they had the trail, but after that it went back to being lame.
Then i suppose i can't say anything about the in-game stuff itself but my mind would definitively gaze to the developers
And there's no need for you to extend the mention
>isekai shit
it was never good in the first place
Konosuba is the only tolerable isekaishit because it doesn't take itself seriously
I just watched trial ep and enjoyed it even though I knew how it would end up because MC is a fag
Wait this is a genre then?
I only watched it cause it reminded me of video games, I didn't understand though because didn't he read a book at the beginning?
Actually I saw some other stupid show like this a few years ago it had 2 twin maids in it and it kept repeating shit like Groundhog day or something felt like a waste of time since nothing interested happened in the end.
Wish I remember what that show was called.
Konocucks are to isekai what toonamifags are to everyone else who likes anime; loud, obnoxious, retarded, pretentious faggots.
So what? Anime is already packed with unrealistic nonsense
>Japanese characters are tall, well-built and attractive with varying appearances
>Japan itself is relevant on the world stage, often juxtaposed to the United States in terms of power
Just like in real life
Japan thankfully grew up and realized that more """""""""""""realism""""""""""""" doesn't translate to better anything. One day, maybe the West will learn that too.
There's fantasy and there's self-delusion
>>Japan itself is relevant on the world stage, often juxtaposed to the United States in terms of power
one of the largest economies and the most culturally influential country at the moment
Boku no Pico
What's the purpose of Iseaki shit instead of normal fantasy anime like with characters who already exist in the world like Tower of Druga, Slayers, Berserk etc?
Kevin is based.
Yeah, it's self-delusion when [thing I don't like] does it and fantasy when [thing I like] does it.
Japs cannot into high theology. They either portray it as wholey bad or blandly good. The Church was another civil organization back in the day with multiple motives, beliefs, etc. They understand the metaphysics of Confucius while disregarding the rather well developed metaphysics of saint Augustine, Plato, and the like.
People in general like to feel like they are punching up. So an Organization, with some power feels good to make the bad guy, even though they disregard the various compleities of a well developed establishment. Yeh there might be embezzling and taking advvantage of others, but there was also hospitals and rather selfless causes that could not be achieved without organization.
>playing RPG
>religion ask for donations
I know nobody on Yea Forums knows shit about anything but the Church of the Three Heroes isn't even a real church, they're a political faction masking their true intentions using religion and bigotry.
>dude what if you died and have been transported to the MMO you've been playing, along with the most generic fantasy troupes you can think of
the novelty wears off after one time
And dropped.
>dude what if I broke down X topic into the absolute bare bones and made a greentext
I did it, I put an end to the concept of storytelling. We can go home now.
Atelier series.
lonely japanese salary man enjoys self-inserting as a high school kid. lonely japanese salary man also enjoys self-inserting as a fantasy hero. combine the two and make a marketing juggernaut.
>people today think the church is bad
>but when the muslims finally declare open war the cross will be the banner under which civilized countries will band together
I can't wait for the race / religion wars to finally happen
Which "series", i don't remember a church in Arland or Dusk
>Shield Hero genuinely interested me with the first episode as the main character is fucked by a false rape claim and has to work his way up
>Immediately devolves into harem shit
Literally fucking Goblin Slayer 2.0.
Any good anime this season?
I've literally only really been watching this and Attack on Titan.
I really like having a dragon as an ally but its rare, Gregori was a good exception since he actually engages you.
I recently read some books from the perspective of intelligent dragons and it was a good change of pace from evil dragons steal money and burn towns just cuz
>She tries to posion him in the next episode.
Dragon Quest. In VIII, they're kind of a mixed bag.
God is good, the Pope himself is incredibly nice but can't keep his Templars from being corrupt little shits (it only gets worse when he's murdered by the ancient evil). You still confess at churches to save, though.
>complaining about harems
Kys kid
The biggest twist was the church was not evil, rest of the story is pretty bland
If I wanted a fucking harem anime, I'd go watch an anime that specifically aims for that shit out of the box. Not some fucking show that does a bait and switch after a few episodes.
>tfw no daugherwife raphtalia
>good fantasy series: the ones which take a basis from the real world while using fantasy elements in the narrative. The fantasy elements used may be things which you've already seen before, but with a twist which makes them unique to the context
examples: Berserk, Attack on Titan
>bad fantasy series: overuse of Dungeons&Dragons format without offering anything new. Copy-pasting Lord of the Rings fantasy elements such as elves which are there for no other reason than just "it's fantasy lol". Having modern day gender equality mindset by having women in positions of power (of course that depends on the setting, but since most fantasy series are based on medieval times it makes no sense). Shitty impractical armours
examples: most isekai shit
You can't prove me wrong
Shit spoiler
>watching pandering waifubait self-insert fanservice bullshit
you probably like sword art online
>Attack on Reddit
Cringe and yikes.
huh just like real life
are there any western games where the church isnt evil
Life imitates art.
Demon Slayer, it's pretty decent.
This stupid bait.
Dragon Age
>playing RPG
>religious order is the only one that stands against the forces of evil
>other factions want to destroy them because they are weakened from fighting multiple fronts
It's just used as a surrogate foreign authority because it's very easy to make the connection between the missionaries and the black ships
This is most apparent in Shin Megami Tensei (the original), where your introduction to law and chaos before the big twist brings the two churches are literally the US military and a Japanese militia.
>Worships a pedophile slime monster with a vore fetish
Have they announced Psycho Pass season 3 yet?
Been waiting on that shit for years.
I like DQ 7 where you can meet the Almighty in the post game and have a fight with him for funsies.
The differences between the manga and the anime are enough to where the anime is ruined.
Come to think of it, is any religion in dark souls not evil in some way?
>Way of White is literally a scam runned by Gwyn and pals
>The Deep is a corrupted Way of White church that likes eating undead
>Londor church is runned by that jew Kaathe and his darkwraiths
Holy fuck my dick