Now that he's back, what's the first thing he's going to do?

Now that he's back, what's the first thing he's going to do?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck Riju.

I hate you retards.

"When I'm done half of hyrule will still exist."

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>not the original hero

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Gain his skin back.

Fuck off with this meme. He has the exact same headdress as Ganondorf from Twilight Princess and is covered in Gerudo jewelry. Not to mention that he's bursting at the seams with malice and has the same eyes that are associated with it.


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Simple: Kill the Batman.

>Ganondorf in BOTW Gerudo style
I can't fucking wait for this, I hope he's not just a skellington the whole time

He's a Gerudo, so he'll insist on having his hair styled.

I would love to see Ganondorf walk into Gerudo town and the Gerudo bitches don't dare to deny his entrance. Except for one, but Ganondorf pauses and looks at her for a moment before backhanding her and sending her several feet across the plaza, and warns her that if she ever disobeys him again he will send to her to the gap between dimensions. He walks directly into the throne room, sits on the chair, and claims himself as chief. Riju throws a fit, but Ganondorf silences her by yelling doriyah so loudly that thunder strikes the desert behind them. He announces that he is now her mentor. His first plan of action is ordering his Gerudo soldiers to seek out all the Gerudo whores who have left town to find Hylian boyfriends and bring them back to receive 7 lashes as punishment, because they are not permitted to mate with anyone other than their own kind.

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Kidnap Zelda and hide in Hyrule castle for the trillionth time

Don't stop now I'm fappin' here

he's still gonna be green

Where did Ganondorf learn to play the organ?

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During the 7 years he ruled Hyrule.

>tfw they bring him back but his character is gonna be full of rasputin-tier gags

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Nipples don't exist in BOTW

Reclaim his power, assuming Calamity Ganon getting yeeted didn’t return the power to him and now he’s recovering.

Remember to stay hydrated

Will he scream?

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>not permitted to mate with anyone other than their own kind.
but theres only one male

Flood hyrule

yfw Ganondorf Link and Zelda work together to get Hylia and demise to fuck off
yfw final duel between Link and Ganondorf after they succeed

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>but theres only one male

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He's gonna mating press Gerudo Link.

Marry Zelda as Link will have had run off with with the resurrected Mipha

lol no

Yes, it’s been fated since before skyward sword. Hylia and Demise were lovers but broke up and the hero was the rebound guy but it was foretold that they would eventually get back together.

That and Mipha is clearly the best girl by a wide margin

drink water

>best girl
lol no

pure waaah


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>not a retard

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Rub a dusty one out


Cute dolphin children

>faggots still pushing Ganon being the hero based on a mural that was painted with bled together colors

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It tastes of fuckall.

Tumblr shit, Ganondorf is too chad to subjugate himself like that

>but theres only one male

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But he was never gone.

>"he was there when i moved in, they just left him"

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The first thing he does every time he comes back, Pinky, try and TAKE OVER THE WORLD!

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Put together a team

If I was him, stretch probably.


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>but there's only one male

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Blessed Ganon thread.

Escape being in a children's game.

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kick my ass in smash online again

When I saw the mummified skeleton I just assumed it was like, a Sheikah Elder who had turned traitor, you know like all the ones you find in those trials? Only a bad guy.
Am I the only one? I didn't assume it was Ganon at all.

Hey, I despise fanfiction but that's not bad actually.

He's going to MHGA

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The gem on his head is a dead giveaway

>wake up at 3 am
>see this
what do you do

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Find the Hero's grave and take a dump on it.

Did this shit get any better yet? Used to read it but I got bored.

Ganondorf isn't black.


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there are no gerudo males, ganondorf is just butch
she doesn't have a penis

Would've been an interesting situation if ganondorf captured shiekh then

Can we have a gerudo male that's not ganondorf please

only gerudo has them

i would believe zelda to more the villain the ganon with the repeating cycle and her being a god who could stop it but doesn't

what if we did already, but the only gerudo male in the tribe is named ganondorf out of some societal tradition?

give me a rundown on ganondorf lore

Using thr triforce of power, he gave himself a monster erection and fucked Zelda in front of Link.

That’s Ganondorf you idiot he is Ganon when he is in pig form.

I mean I would be fine with a ganondorf that's not actually ganon

do not bring lamps to his lair

He's a pig.

cute bacon

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I hope they don’t fuck up his voice actor like they did with Zelda. She sounded like a piece of beard given a voice.

now i wonder what would be the worst possible scenario for his voice. a new york accent, peraphs?

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I don’t man but Ganondorf for me will always be the dude who voiced him in TP.

>All of them huddled together in a corner.
There's a story here and I'm glad it wasn't told.

Your point?

Weird that Ganondorf hasn't actually appeared in a mainline Zelda in over a decade.

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Yo, VIN-EEH, get a load of this Link guy. He thinks he can mess wit me!

this is actually the most accurate one

Its neither, have you even played the games in this series?
It's ganondorf.


>Gerudo Man Ganondorf gets raised by witches and gets a blessing from an ancient evil god (Demise) to be a very persistent asshole
>Becomes the ruler of his race, tricks King into alliance, kills him, gains special powers because OOT Link opens up the power to the sacred realm while pulling Master Sword
>Tries to get infinite wishes by getting the Triforce
>Gets a tiny bit of the full Triforce power, becomes able to turn into Ganon, a Pig Warrior Beast, when he wants to
>Gets sealed away and breaks out multiple times in multiple timelines
>In one of them, his revival isnt complete and he becomes Ganon permanently but also loses his mind
>Some fucker called Yuga fused with Ganon once, but was completely swallowed by Ganons power
>In BotW Ganon gave up on reincarnation and was stuck as a Shadow Cloud Pig Beast
>Turns out, Ganondorfs body was mummified in Hyrule Castle all along (BotW 2)

Why do people keep saying this?

Ganondorf is going to be Shang Tsung, basically

Demise was an ancient satan-like being which attacked the goddeses to steal the triforce for ultimate power. He was defeated by the goddess Hylia and her chosen hero. Hundreds of years later, Demise attacks again during the events of Skyward Sword, in which Hylia and the chosen hero have been reincarnated into Zelda and Link. They fight, Link defeats Demise, and Demise curses the 3 of them to fight over and over again throughout history. A couple thousand years later, he reincarnates as Ganondorf. In the Gerudo people, they are all women except for a male born every 100 years who becomes their king. Ganondorf, the reincarnation of Demise, is one of them. Ganondorf's first apperance is in OoT. The timeline splits here. So in the story of the game, Link travels 7 years into the future to fight Ganondorf, and at the end, he returns to his original time. This produces two timelines. One in the future after Ganondorf fucked everything up and then Link stopped it. One 7 years in the past where Link is just a kid and he warns everybody about Ganondorf after saving the world in the future. There's also a third timeline in which Link loses and Ganondorf takes over. In the first timeline (the adult timeline) the world slowly recovers, but Ganondorf returns and the world is flooded because Link was not there to stop him, resulting in Wind Waker (where Ganon dies for good). The second (the child timeline) has Ganondorf tried and sent to the twilight realm as punishment, where he breaks out in the events of Twilight Princess (where Ganon dies for good). The last (the fallen hero timeline) has Ganondorf be stopped by the 7 sages. Ganondorf's mind breaks and he is transformed into Pig Ganon. Eventually a bunch of games later he also dies for good. This means he'll have been ressurected in BotW 2, making this the second Ganondorf in the timeline (all others, mentioned in the backstory of BotW 1 are reincarnations of his pig form and shit).

He returned as Ganon in the child timeline.

Child timeline is the timeline where Twilight Princess happens.

OoT Link eventually dies, becomes a Stalfos and teaches the new Link his Sword Skills.

>hey the physical manifestation of all evil on earth wants the power of the Triforce, what should we do
>"lol give him what he wants"
What the FUCK was Din's fucking problem?

Return the slab?

Trying to tie all the games together was a mistake. They did it to themselves with twilight princess and WW referencing previous games though.

Curb stomp battle against Link and then take the castle into the Sacred Realm.

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>In BotW Ganon gave up on reincarnation

the same thing he does every game, try to take over hyrule

Can anyone point me to a torrent for botw? I don't feel like hacking my Wiiu for mods.

He's a demonic being now? First he was a pig orc, then a rare 1,000/1 gerudo, now he's a demon? I should start playing LoZ games again.

Is there literally anything in the Gerudo Highlands that's worth exploring or should I head straight for Hyrule Castle to finish the game?

Wrong, the Ganondorf from the fallen hero timeline never died for good because always resurrects, he just dies and resurrects all fucking time unlike the others (in WW he gave up and in TP he died forever and reincarnated as a new Ganondorf for Four Sword Adventures)

Blue Pig Ganon > shit >>> Ganondorf

It's amazing how horny people are for Rehydrated Ganondorf.

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Yeah but that's because the timeline is stupid

Your taste is the shit here, Ganondorf is great
bluenon still the best tho

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>in TP he died forever and reincarnated as a new Ganondorf for Four Sword Adventures
What would be kino is if botw is the same way -- a completely different Ganondorf is reincarnated "from scratch" as a new being instead of just being resurrected from the dead. The Shiekah catch him while he's still young because their infinity advanced technomagic bullshit picked up on it or something. They try and seal away Demise from nu-Dorf, like an attempt to "disconnect" his Evil from the mortal shell and in doing so maybe break the cycle of reincarnation. Nu-Dorf is essentially a prisoner underneath Hyrule Castle while this happens. Eventually their efforts fail because of course they do, and Calamity Ganon spawns out of nu-Dorf like the giant smoke monster he is as a way of circumventing the Shiekah seal. And the Hero had to finish off Calamity by sacrificing himself as a second giga-seal that mummified nu-Dorf and trapped Ganon at the same time, preventing nu-Dorf from dying so that Ganon couldn't reincarnate. And for the last 10k years, nu-Dorf has been lucid and helpless to act as his body rots around him like Imhotep in the Mummy. And now he's fucking pissed.

>gains special powers because OOT Link opens up the power to the sacred realm while pulling Master Sword