How fucked is blizzard?

how fucked is blizzard?

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they don't have a snowball's chance in hell hehe

>WoW dying
>Overwatch dying
>They have burned all roots to their classic RTS games
>Heroes of the storm was always a joke
>Hearthstone stagnant
>No new starcraft
Yeah fucked.

More fucked than you so probably not very

WoW Classic is their last chance and looking good atm despite being in beta.

i don't get fucked, i do fuck
fix yer "roasts" kiddo

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Dumb fucking frogposter

Even Bethesda is doing better. It's pathetic.

y so mean UwU

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It's a shame that it really is the last hope. The dubbed "biggest non-expansion WoW patch" just dropped and it's done nothing to better the game.

Bethesda has Doom and Todd Howard. Not really a fair comparison. A better comparison would be EA.

Because you are a dumb fucking frogposter

why user

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What emotion is this pepe trying to convey

Frogposters are nothing but attention-seeking avatarfags. Remember to report them.

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i've been longing for death so no

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>TFW user didn't escape from society

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what is this lesbian saying?

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Lol fuck blizzard.

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What is this?

Bethesda is going to go under soon. Zenimax is eating their corpse and were gonna see the maggots from this bloated body bretty soon. No edgy tho, just trying to be colorful.

hopefully enough to change the ways and drop the sjw pandering

A reason to wake up angry in the middle of the night.
Remember that Xbox dev kit that got wiped? Well imagine if someone sold the dev kit to Microsoft for some plushies and blizzard kept the kit to themselves.

It's Reddit magnum opus.

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If we learned anything over the years, anyone who's woke is willing to go broke. They'd rather die as a business.

Eh if they say fuck the fans then beg for fans in their deaththrows, I don't think I would want to help them.

Go away, Jeremy.

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Oh and Reddit moralfags that it's a bunch of jealous assholes that want the plushies for themselves. Like it doesn't even occur to them that there is any other option outside of corporate dick sucking.