What does an Invisibility Potion taste like?
What does an Invisibility Potion taste like?
Your social life.
Room temperature tonic water.
Shards of glass
Pussy because that's something none of us will ever see
Grape-flavored cough syrup.
what does nothing taste like? someone got examples? we're just so used to everything having a taste, even water. (minerals)
Salty coins of milk
looks like it would taste like pepto bismol
like if you lost your sense of taste
Mineral Water
All magical potions are made from the minds of esteemed mages, against their will. They intentionally flavor themselves bitter in order to avoid being drunk and consequently dying, voiding any chance of returning to human form.
There's a boutique market of suicidal potions made of mages who wish to die, and so flavor themselves positively
well, are there any substances with no taste that I can actually drink of chew? sand is a big no-no for my teeth, that's why the chewing rule.
tastes like this
Have you ever tasted your own cum?
isn't ethics bad for production though? does the type and race of mage matter? (Like orc necromancer vs human priest)
100% ultra pure water
la croix
how can I make some? no way I'm buying it
In theory there are, but even those will have a mouth feel to them which in my opinion is part of what’s usually known as taste. Which isn’t just the actual taste but all the sensory stimulation that one feels.
The nature of the potion depends on the overall nature of the person, and the potion's strength depends on their skill as a mage. The strongest potions are made from archmagi, but as archmagi are clairvoyant, potions made from them are known to employ cunning, personalized self-flavorings intended to crush rather than disgust: an archmage potion might taste like the the breast of the mother you never had, or the morning dew in your now-sundered homeland.
Avocado, very oily though. Old, over-boiled potatoes come to mind too.
Pepto Bismol.
and what if we pick an archdemon or lich then? will that even do you good or be a Poison?
Those taste like cotton candy. No one knows why.
huh, you'd expect them to taste like pure pain or apicocere. (rot-juice) but what would a potion from a lich or demon do? kill someone in some sadistic way?
Distilled water literally tastes like nothing. It's refreshing though
adipocere* my bad
why is it called warglaives of azeroth if illidan comes from outland???
why do you think it would taste like anything, you idiot? It's invisible.
you can't taste it dumbass it's invisible
well, it's good way to flush minerals from your system. overdoing this leads to death but I asume you knew that. so, where can I get affordable and drinkable quantaties?
Azinoth* that was a demon. powerful one AFAIK.
then how do you use it or test it's authenticity?
Wouldn't that mean that water turns people invisible? How could it take like nothing when ingredients are added?
I've drunk nothing but distilled water and milk for over a decade, still waiting to die or experience any negative health effects. Nothing on any blood test.
sure, you could offset it by eating properly, but Hyponatremia can sneak in if the person totally eliminates Sodium from their life. I heard it's a very peaceful death though. as your heart just gradually weakens as the pacemaker cells can't do the thing.
I don't know why you think distilled water would make you sodium deficient any faster than ordinary water.
Sodium is, unfortunately, put in everything. You need to go vegan and avoid salt on purpose to get Hyponatermia. the opposite, Hypernatremia, is far more known; dehydration.
cough syrup with a hint of cinnamon.
user you also need Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium, Carbonate and Chloride.
Like that one tasty medicine you had as a kid and it was the only good thing about being sick
The Netherlands made candy out of such medicine, it's black and very tough. tastes like sugar and ammonia.
Go see a doctor, deficincies only cause symptoms when you're late to it.
yeah, fun thing is nobody but the Dutch eat it as they get it as kiddos. there was this vid of testing this premise - every other country (except Belgium) hated it.