Yea Forums will literally argue about anything

Yea Forums will literally argue about anything

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it's the same shit

BotW is good

Depends on the game bye bye

Heart Points

no one cares what it stands for

Literally the same thing, no one cares unless you are incredibly autistic

I call it energy.

Just HP, doesn't need to mean anything.

Who cares

What about Castlevania where it isn't the same?

they're health pixels retard

Hurty Points

> Yea Forums will literally argue about anything

no they won't!

Human Percentage

Health, hit points is dumb as fuck.


I call it How Pussy because how much of a pussy are you to even take a hit?

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HP Points

Hung Penis

Health Pool


Hungry Penis

okay seriously can someone please explain to me why they're sometimes called hit points

you do not hit for that amount

why would you call them that

Hot Pockets

I believe that's how some RPG originally called it. Or was it DnD?
But yeah, HP oldest name is Hit Points.


Everyone knows HP stands for “Holy Power” and it’s for magic not health. MP is “Meal Points” and it represents how full you are which is why you eat food items or drink MP potions to restore your meals.

Hitpoints makes more sense because the number that shows up after damage is how much you were hit so the amount that determines whether you are alive or dead is how much you are hit, thus hit points

It's health points. Why the fuck would it be called hit points?

One is heart Points, the other is Heart points.

By that logic, "weapon damage" should be called "weapon health" because it's how much health the weapon takes when you use it


Hit points is the original name.

I prefer "gauge to show how close you are to losing"

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Have Pex

You have [X] health points to take damage and do [Y] amount of hit points in damage when you attack.

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Damage Points


>"Yo bro, how many Mario Points does your toon still have?"

Hide Points. When you're low on hide points, you need to hide.

Health points makes more sense but hit points sounds cooler and is what I heard first so I dunno.

>hit points represents how many hits you can take!

Except for damage not from direct impacts like poison. Health as an overall representation of your physical well being makes more sense.

You are wrong

harry potters


how the fuck does "points of hit" make any sense, you would have points of health

Health makes no sense, how do you assign a point value to health? You don't. It's points of being hit. This makes way more sense.

Poison counts as a hit. This is all from D&D.

It's because they come from your hit die. Hope that clears things up.

no because damage comes after weapon in the phrase whereas hit precedes the word points, so in the phrase weapon damage its easier to assume it that it is the "weapon's damage" or "damage of the weapon" like how in hit points it is "the points of the hit"

I call it "Blood Gauge"

Dumb zoomer.

it stands for hentai power

nice post of shit

It's obviously hit points.

Hurt Points

If an enemy makes one point of damage, you lose one hit point. If an enemy makes eight point of damage, it equals as being hit 8 times by a one point damage attack. It makes sense.

Heart points!

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If attacks all deal the same damage, if the game is just counting hits and doesn't ever count one strong attack as two weak hits, then one can call it hitpoints.

It's actually a useful term when distinguishing different enemy types in the same game. For instance, some enemies may have 4 weak points, each of which have 1 hit point. When all four have been destroyed, the enemy is defeated. Other enemies may instead have health points that need to be whittled by whichever means the player employs.

hit points.

HP points

>On what is clearly a gauge

You're right

"HP" and that's it.

Heart Pieces


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Hurt points

It's Hit Points. That's what the instruction manuals say.

What? I Always thought they were Health Pixels

Health points. Hit points never made sense to me. You loose more HP, than hits you receive anyway.

Oh so that's why they say "he only had one pixel left" in fighting games. It all makes sense now.

Hitpoints is one word, fucker.

Happy Power
once you're out your guy is depressed and sits down to take a nap
game over

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Hedonistic Personification
>not being a pure HP tank in litterly everything


HP Bar > HP Meter

>stamina blue instead of green

>being a Blissey

Don't piss him off, he's THIS close to leveling and you look just like enough XP points

Xi Points?


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Have Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis

should HP be in red or green?

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White because colored lives don't matter

Red, green when you're poisoned
blue is magic and stamina systems of any sort are gay

>I slow rolled through Dark Souls
Give me All the Armour
>I Slow walked through Skyrim
that look is mine
Yer Ma looks like blissey

Hit Box or Hurt Box?

I'd say it is dated and gamey design.

Hymen Penetration

I'd say games should be gamey.

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Horse power

I'd say memes aside: to some extend. Doom Eternal, for example, went overboard with that.

Hot Pockets

hate plants

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What does EXP stand for?

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Health Point unless you are retarded


i prefer LifePoints or Vital Points

Dungeons and Dragons is basically responsible for RPG mechanics period.

How about you go eat shit you absolute faggot. We WILL argue about anything and if you don't think so your mother can suck cocks in hell.

Red is health, blue is magic fuckery, and green is stamina you UTTER IMBECILE

>hit points
What you're describing is "vitality" you fucking subhumans

red because our blood is red unless your body is filled with boogers then it should be green in your case

green for stamina you fucking moron

Red is always health because blood is red.

Green is for poisoned status because it looks like gangrene. It can also be the color of stamina because green means go.


I call it blood.
>Get hit, lose blood. Die cause you lost all your blood
Checkes out

because you die in 1 hit some times 2

Health remaining = green
Health removed = red

By that reasoning, red when you're burning or bleeding

Stamina can be yellow. Magic can be a n y t h i n g

This was settled a long time ago retard. Skub is shit and always has been. That's why we don't talk about it anymore.

Elongated Xtended Penis.


Hewlett-Packard baka

Hit point 0 = incapacitated
Health point 0 = dead

do you sweat mountain dew, are you that fat from drinking just that all your life?

Happy points
Characters dont die they just get sad and give up after being hurt

Stand back faggots, I've got vidya colors figured out.

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Entire penis
Exp correlates to how many inches out of the entire penis(that is infinite size if you can gain exp infinitely with no limit)you can take
The penis size correlates to how much exp you can have,if you can only get 999 exp thats how big and fulling up your exp means you take 999/999 inches of the entire penis
Your mother is good at getting exp points.

Pretty good. Magic can be green if the game doesn't have a stamina meter. I don't agree with orange but the super attack meter can be any colour as long as it flashes when it's full.

Hillary Power


maybe they can just be loli points, LP

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I have a better one:


Water Closet or Who (the fuck) Cares?

Hard Penis

Because when you've dealt enough hit points you "hit" the enemy. It's based on the idea that people are killed in one killing blow. But their heroism or whatever allows them to avoid death a certain amount of times. But once the enemy deals enough "hit points" they actually land a proper hit and defeat you. Of course it doesn't really work that way anymore, especially in videogames.


unironically fpbp

No you idiot it's pronounced Key(X) points

If you call it hit points, please give us all a favor and kill youself

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