Do suppressors reduce bullet damage irl?

Do suppressors reduce bullet damage irl?

Attached: transparent-pistol-suppressed.png (400x142, 34K)

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no. if anything, they make bullets do more damage


Subsonic bullets have a slower muzzle velocity, though.

subsonic bullets do

Supposedly newer ones don't.

No. Any reduction in power would be from pairing a suppressor with subsonic rounds, but that's the ammo doing that.

Depends. In and of themselves, suppressors have no effect on the ballistics of a bullet. Because they are not actually as effective as movies (or video games) would have you believe (they reduce the intensity of the BANG by about 30–35dB, but it still sounds like a gun went off), they are commonly used in combination with lighter powder loads (so-called ‘subsonic’ ammunition), which does reduce the ballistic performance of the round.
I just typed that myself and didn't directly pull it out of the first result on google at all by the way.

also humans don't have hp bars

Don't slower bullets do more damage to flesh?

>also humans don't have hp bars
[citation needed]

>bullet damage meme
You could say aim is the most important factor. A .22 would still kill and does so every year despite being one of the least powerful kind of bullet. If you really want to do damage, get some hollow points.

No. However video games aren't trying to simulate reality. It's like with shotguns where everyone knows they have better range than they do in video games, but the reason they have shit range is for gameplay balancing. If guns behaved like they do in real life, battles would occur like they do in real life. ie, everyone is far as fuck away and just doing suppressible fire and pot shots.

In real life, suppressors also don't silence your fire. It'll just make it less harsh on your ears and possibly make it harder to pinpoint what direction gunfire is coming from.

Often no, plus it doesn't suppress sound that much. Video games really exagerrated it.

just sticking a suppressor on a gun using regular ammunition doesn't really have much of an impact on the round, it makes it quieter but it's not going to be stealth, or anything.

If you actually want a suppressed firearm to be something approaching quiet, you need to use subsonic ammo, which will impact the gun's performance, yes.

Sometimes. They're less likely to overpenetrate, for instance.

> HPlet projecting his single digit HP itt


>also humans don't have hp bars
Stop lying on internet, that's sad.

>humans don't have hp bars

How do you explain this then?

Attached: hp bar.jpg (1280x720, 60K)

Subsonic handgun bullets will do basically the exact same damage to you that higher velocity rounds will. Armor penetration is lower but the ways it can kill you stay the same

t. Army medic

i'm pretty sure suppressors don't slow down bullets at all. i think they actually speed them up

Little has been published regarding whether and how sound suppressors impact bullet flight, including velocity, bullet yaw, and drag. These parameters were compared for four different bullets fired from a .300 Winchester Magnum under four different muzzle conditions (no device and three different suppressors). While effects were not observed in all cases, results indicate that sound suppressors can have the effect of reducing bullet yaw and drag significantly, and can also have small effects on muzzle velocity. Results further suggest that bullets with a propensity to yaw demonstrate significant reductions in yaw and drag when shot through a two stage symmetric suppressor versus unsuppressed or with a conventional mouse-hole/K-baffle design

1. what ange does a shot gun actually have?
2. silencers dont silence? pillows?

I know it's fake as shit but do you guys like the silencer *pew* or *tick* sound in vidya? Personally pew sounds cooler.

>he doesn't have an HEV suit with built in toilet

i'm pretty fond of *pak* or *paf* or *chk*


No, unless you want to go as quiet as possible and use subsonic ammunition. But even then it's never "i can shoot a guy and his buddy in the next room won't hear a thing"-quiet.

It's not entirely inaccurate. A well-suppressed .22 with subsonic rounds is pretty fucking quiet to the point where the slide on a pistol or the impact of the bullet is going to be the most audible part.

So what kills you? The shock? The blood loss?

here's your silencer, bro

Depends on the choke(reduces spread) and length of the barrel but generally up to 50 yards.

Listen to these, for instance.

>increase barrel length
>somehow bullets move slower

barrel length affects velocity but suppressors arent rifled tubes as far as I know.

>suppressed .22 with subsonic
Yeah but if you actually want to kill your target you have to hit the fucking temple, eye or press the muzzle right against the base of the skull and pray it penetrates.

In the case of shorter barrels like those of pistols, the suppressor gives the propellant a bit more time to burn off. Rifling is more for stability.

so they're ideal for hitmen then.

Nobody is using a .22 pea shooter in vidya though.