Left-handed people make up approximately 10% of the population

>Left-handed people make up approximately 10% of the population
>Genuinely affected by their difference in all walks of life from how comfortable it is to use everyday tools to which eye is more dominant
>Very few if any shooter titles incorporate left-handed view models
>Meanwhile transsexuals who make up

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No. Stop bitching

>Ned Flanders is posting on Yea Forums
Holy shit! He even plays FPS games.

being left handed and being a tranny are both mental illnesses

Doomguy is left handed

>tfw forced myself to be ambidextrous

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Even as a right handed person I would be more than happy to see more left handed representation in video games, especially shooters. All too often being limited to right handed aiming and shooting means half of the world is ineffective cover.

Fucking The Division (2) almost does it right as while aiming you can tap the sprint key and switch shoulders, but only while you're still aiming. Trying to operate in close quarters where hipfiring is better, you're fucked if the corner you're going to engage around is on your left. And don't get me started on Resident Evil 4-like OTS survival/action horrors.

im left handed and i've never used an ambidextrous or left-handed mouse

whats it like boys

Left handed view models have nothing to do with your dominant hand, it has to do with your dominant eye. In fact, most righties would be better off with left handed view model like in the op.

I don't think you're actually left-handed if you think the issue is the fucking view model.

You're really grasping at straws trying to come up with shit to get outraged over huh?

>Is this a just and fair world?

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fuck off bigot

the only game that's ever been inconvenient for me to play was Skyward Sword because for some reason it had no lefty support even though Link is canonically left handed

I'm left handed, I want left handed view models. How comes a literal asset flip is deemed less worthy in time than trannies?

>Meanwhile transsexuals who make up

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On a side note, Doom guy in the original Doom games held his pistol wity his left hand.

Also, I am a left-handed shooter in real life so aiming using my right hand on a mouse or right analogue stick fits in with moving the front of a rifle or shotgun with my right hand to aim.

I got bored as a kid and started using my left hand to write and wank. Now I'm ambidextrous and can even mirror write. Get on my level.

people have a bind to move the viewmodel on screen so that it does not block enemies when clearing corners.
It's not because of the dominant eye.

>left handed
>mfw playing against my right handed friends in Metroid Prime: Hunters
Game was made for us.

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>third person games that left you swap shoulders so that you can actually use cover correctly
every game should do this.

being left handed is godtier.
>mfw I fap with left hand and switch tabs with mouse hand

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Ehh... Yeah duh! Shit thread, leftist tranny.

There is a game in which you can swap right and left handed grip with a stick press. It's convenient for peeking around corners.

>Is this a just and fair world?

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>Left handed people have existed since the dawn of time
>Yet almost all tools are made with righties in mind
That is literal societal oppression, faggot.

This. The extreme discrimination I feel as a left handed person dwarfs virtually any other malady in life other than actual invalidity. A tranny suffers from direct insults maybe a dozen times in their life, but if I so much as write near another human being I'll hear a chorus of freak, soulless, weirdo, inhuman, monster, etc. No door, excluding labeled bathroom doors have ever discriminated against a transsexual, but every time I reach for a doorknob I am reminded that this world does not welcome me.

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Lefty here. You gotta be either incredibly sheltered or fucking retarded to not learn how to adapt at a young age into the ambidextrous master race.


>Mom & Dad are right-handed
>Me, brother & sis are left-handed
wtf bros, is this common?

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You know what sucks, though? When your dominant side is not the same for both your hand and eye.
I'm literally the only person I know with a dominant right-hand/left eye,

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i'm left handed and i've never wanted left sided viewmodels or left sided mice. the only thing i've ever really wanted is in action games left handed characters.

Link is a different person across different games. The one in SS was right-handed, which doesn't contradicted all the left-handed Links. The only case you have is in TP where the whole game is visually mirrored for the Wii.

Life is so hard for left handed people. I'm so sorry for all of you. Would you like me to start a GoFundMe to donate towards a charitable cause for you oppressed left handed people?


>almost all tools don't have ambi variants
That is literal personal retardation, faggot.

>left handed freaks of nature think they deserve to like the same things I like
there's a hobby for people like you already
running with your special gay baby scissors

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But I do that while being right-handed

better than having just your dominant eye near-sighted like myself. I'm fucking terrible at the shooting range.

>When you're right handed but you eat like a leftie with the fork in the right and the knife in the left

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i will fight every right handed bigot in this thread

I can't take my eyes off that 50head, please delete your picture so I can resume functioning.

>dominant eye
Aren't both of your eyes supposed to be equally dominant? What did you mean by this?

>knife in the left
what an animal

Left handers don't commit suicide at absurd rates because even when they receive treatment for their problem people like you shriek about how a legitimate procedure recommended by doctors who have spent decades studying the topic is the same as mutilation.


No, your entire body is one-side dominant. If you're right-handed, you'll also take longer strides with your right leg, and your vision also predominantly strides towards that side as well.

one is favored. there's an easy check for that.

hold your finger in front of you. look at it for a while. then close each eye, alternating. the eye that had the least image 'movement' is your dominant.

Post canonically left-handed vidya characters

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but my left eye is dominant (i know because i've shot guns before) and it has the most movement.

>Doctors criticise the methods with empirical research
>They're banned from the medical community and all research removed from the public
No, there's a very high chance the current method that exists right now isn't healthy and it's only being pushed because it's ez money for medical companies. It is always concerning how many post-op transexuals get left in the gutter once the procedure is complete and the doctors won't help with complications if any occur.

do what this other user linked , it might be a little more accurate for you
the dominant eye shouldn't change much at all

>not being left handed and eating right handed so your fork and spoon both use your left hand like common sense dictates

I remember a post about a tranny who died because his "vagina" got horribly infected and it was so alien to the doctors they genuinely had no idea what the fuck they should do.

Lefties use the form/spoon with their left hand, knife in right. Righties are the opposite.

Your mother probably repeatedly cheated on your dad with a lefty. I'm sorry.

>tfw left-handed but right eye dominate
Shooting is a pain

I'm right handed and even I have forced myself to use my left hand more. I'm getting pretty good with it. Sometimes you need two good hands for things, you know?

99% of left-handed people, like myself, still use normal mice on the right
so it feels fucking weird and awful to use left-handed viewmodels

Im left handed and literally never had any problem with anything made for right handed people

it's not just mice for me, I'm left-handed but I can't use a knife with my left hand to save my life

>my left eye has the most movement
bruh if your eyes don't move at the same time I might have some bad news for you.

desks and scissors are the only two that actually matter

>Shoot a gun left handed
>Shoot a bow right handed
>Eat like a rightie
>Write like a leftie
>Throw with my right hand
>Brush my teeth with my left hand
I've come to the conclusion my right arm is stronger than my left but my left has better fine motor control, so what handedness I have depends on what is is I'm actually doing. So I guess I'm like a retarded ambidextrous person.

You might have been reading the leaked script of the new "The Thing" remake.

Try being a left-handed tranny.

It's because we were born left-handed but society is built around the right-handed so we're forced to learn both. Right-handed people are the ones truly at a disadvantage as they can't use their left hand nearly as well as we can use our right.

Because us left handed people know we are the superior race

For me
>left hand = finesse
>right hand = strength

this is also how I am, but I use my right hand for my mouse because that's how I learned in elementary school

I was and am genuinely pissed off that they made Link right handed starting with TP wii.

For me
>left hand = strong, dextrous, steady
>Right hand = support mostly plus baseball for some reason

Same. Right handed at just about every single thing, but my right eye is slightly blurrier than my left, so I forced myself to start shooting left handed and now both sides feel 100% natural. Feels good

For me
>left hand = on my dick
>right hand = on someone elses dick

Left handed and use a normal mouse and my left eye is barely functional.

Damn it feels good to not have a dominant eye. I should take up shooting and archery but honestly I just can't be assed. Sounds fun, though.

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