My little autistic sister can't be this cute!

My little autistic sister can't be this cute!

Attached: persona_5_seven_minutes_in_heaven___makoto_by_vampiregodesnyx-dbxiq0s.png (300x300, 50K)

Other urls found in this thread:!fE9AlaQD!LKTQkc_xSvkHxY9wO3Z7BHdDn9wuCQ_3FbB6viVwD34

My teacher can't be this cute

Attached: Dk76ea6W4AExEsm.jpg (2048x1152, 154K)

There's literally nothing wrong with liking Makoto because she's a bit autistic and socially inept. You need to be a normalfag to be bothered by this instead of finding it cute and relatable

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This retard almost got us killed by mafia. How is that cute?

>instead of finding it cute and relatable
Two wrongs don't make a right, user. You need at least one of you to be not retarded, you'd be better off picking someone like Ann or Haru to counterbalance your autism.

Look at her, she's so fluffy.

I think the bed-head turns me on more than anything

"Prosecutor's autistic little sister becomes Yakuza sex slave" is a plot straight out of every mindbreak NTR doujin ever made, I don't understand how they got away with it.

This is my girlfriend, Makoto Nijima! We are madly in love with each other, and we both communicate our love to each other as explicitly as possible because we both have difficulty understanding body language!

Say something nice to her!

Attached: 1559674240685.png (512x512, 227K)

I'm glad you have a girlfriend, Yusuke

>We are madly in love with each other, and we both communicate our love to each other as explicitly as possible because we both have difficulty understanding body language

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What a cunt

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God I want to make her the mother of mi children

She isn't even really autistic or socially inept. It's mostly just her choice as a school-focused introvert, because otherwise she's shown as clearly empathetic, courteous and very much capable of forming connections with people when she puts her mind to it.

She's what autists think themselves as, not what they really are.

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It's just not fair

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>She isn't even really autistic or socially inept.
Yeah, sure user.

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Why the fuck did they give the best girl the worst social link?


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Did you just call Ohya the best girl?

user, I...

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Non Ann-romancers should be gassed

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You could've gone with any of the other bad social links in the game, and you went with Ohya's?

That abomination should be gassed, pic related is better.

Attached: Ann Desert.webm (1280x720, 2.21M)

Ohya's actual social link was fine, it was her confidant bonuses that were dirt trash.

I REALLY fucking hope it gets fixed in Royale

Attached: IMG_4495.jpg (1920x1080, 152K)

That's a big nose. But more importantly, the tattoo ruins the entire cospaly

based Yusuke

First that came to mind. Also I liked most of the social links, so I can't think of much else to name off. The gamer kid one bored me to tears, I guess.

This. She's a Devil social link who isn't a piece of shit, AND it's plot relevant. Lala is also a great supporting character.

Oh shit, is Royal gonna add duo attack like Golden?

>finding it cute and relatable
Basement dweller falling for the Atlus bait

Makoto is best girl because she is the most fun to tease!

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Attached: Persona Girl Tier List v2.png (1554x1132, 1.21M)

Attached: Makoto_Diary.png (1712x2328, 804K)

Every girl in the game is bait, user. They're all some combination of fetish fulfillment or wish fulfillment.

She looks like a rat.

Ann, Chihaya, Makoto, and Shinya all had pretty bad confidants.


Anxiously waiting for rips

Attached: 1561548296379.jpg (1920x1080, 81K)

>Chie not F
>Yukiko as F
>Ann not alone in S tier

Absolute shit list, unironically kys

>devs make likeable characters because they want to sell their game
>people like them
>wtf you got baited!
Oh no, I demand stronk black women right now!!! Stop baiting me!!!!


Makoto is just a sexual object, I can overlook nonexistent personality

Do you have the P5D art of the other girls? Preferably in higher res.

Keep in mind Makotofags, Joker had the option of looking at Ann or Makoto and he chose Ann.

Are you going to post this shitty subjective list into every Persona thread?

Her personality is being a cute autistic robot that's easily teased

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beep boop


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What part of Makoto being a mary sue who doesn't know what it means to have fun and be social XDDD is likable?

The prosecutest

Attached: 1493183284659.jpg (720x701, 47K)

>mary sue
oh no no no

Attached: smugdog.jpg (540x564, 67K)

Ann hugs Ryuji when he wants to touch her boobs, so I think Makotofags win here, user

>Margaret anywhere near the top

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You can find them all on the character page on te wiki

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Are you a normalfaggot or something?

my man yusuke looking at the back strap on makoto

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I wouldn't say Makoto is a Mary Sue, but she's dangerously close to being one. But it's not like she's the only one. I'd say Haru is very close to being a Mary Sue as well.

her being autistic or socially inept is Yea Forums headcanon

I know you're in here Saefag. How do you feel about the announcement of the new anime OVA?

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She's so clumsy.

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God is in his heaven all's right with the world

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>I'd say Haru is very close to being a Mary Sue as well.
Haru is more of a nonentity. She might as well not exist.

I don't think she is a mary sue, she is wrong and fails a few times
She's kind of retarded too, she is far from a mary sue. Haru is much more of one for sure

The only one getting smoked will be Sae, who then puts out the cig on Makotos thigh while she fucks her

Told you

wh-what is this from

Mary Sues are allowed to fails and have flaws, as long as they're meant to be endearing, which hers pretty much are. Her failures also regularly turn into successes as well. That combined with how much both the game and the rest of the cast wank off to her is what makes her close to being a Mary Sue.

Valentine OVA

Attached: 1561570132917.jpg (1280x720, 55K)

>allows for the exploitation of her fellow students from a place of responsibility
>lets herself be used as a pawn of the authorities
>blackmails people
>goes full retard and lets herself get kidnapped putting everyone's necks on the line
And that's just from the first quarter of the game. The term Mary Sue really lost all its meaning.


The only reason her fails sometimes work out is because of the supporting cast.
>how much both the game and the rest of the cast wank off to her
Fucking this annoyed me though. I love her, but she is honestly one of the weakest members of the group who barely does shit but gets praised out the ass

Mary Sue is a subjective and retarded term. I want my characters to be lovable and fun, not cunts.

I'm very happy with it. Hopefully we'll finally be able to give Sae the dick in Royale, because God knows she needs it
Regarding progress on Part 8, I'm about 2/3s of the way through with the image selection, and then after that it should be ready to post. Expect it today or tomorrow

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>allows for the exploitation of her fellow students from a place of responsibility
Factually untrue. She spends the vast majority of her screentime prior to joining the group trying to prevent this. I don't blame you for not paying attention around this time though. This and Okumura's palace were definitely the low points in the story.
>lets herself be used as a pawn of the authorities
Which is meant to endear her to us and make us more sympathetic to her plight.
>blackmails people
>goes full retard and lets herself get kidnapped putting everyone's necks on the line
See above, and also play Persona 5. You don't have to do that, it was only all right.

>Today or Tomorrow
I'm sorry, I meant Tomorrow or the day after

Attached: IMG_4564.jpg (540x471, 43K)

>She spends the vast majority of her screentime prior to joining the group trying to prevent this.
... yes, and she fails.
>Which is meant to endear her to us and make us more sympathetic to her plight.
So, it's a flaw. Good.
>See above
How are we meant to sympathize with her blackmailing people?

Nigga you're dumb as fuck. Stop grasping at straws

>The only reason her fails sometimes work out is because of the supporting cast.
You're right, and that's why I say she's dangerously close to being a Mary Sue, rather than is just outright.
>Mary Sue is a subjective and retarded term
It really is.

Why does she have bug eyes?


>... yes, and she fails.
I can only say "See above" so much, user.
>So, it's a flaw. Good.
I never said it wasn't? What's your argument here?

Why are you so angry about this? I can't tell if you're blindly defending Makoto because you're a waifufag or not.

>How are we meant to sympathize with her blackmailing people?
Sorry, didn't see that last one. Ideally, we shouldn't. The fact that every single main character in the game does, however, implies that we should. Thus why it's poorly written. It's supposed to show us that she ultimately has a good heart and is only trying to do what's right, but instead shows that she's a bit of a bitch who has no problems manipulating people.

I love posting "Dear Diary:Makoto-Chan here" in anything makoto related outside of here
When they find out what it is makotofags get faggy

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>I can only say "See above" so much, user.
You're literally saying that flaws don't count if they're endearing, which means literally every female character in the history of fiction is a mary sue unless they're a) an unlikable cunt, b) incapable of doing anything at all, or c) both.

"Mary sue" doesn't mean "flawed but in an endearing way" because "endearing" is completely subjective. People on Yea Forums talk about how fucking retarded it is that the PTs trust Makoto because she attempts to blackmail them, so those people certainly don't think her flaws are endearing, do they?

I'm getting angry because I'm sick of people calling shit they don't like "mary sue". That's not what that term is for. Mary sue exists to lampoon characters that are so one dimensional as to be perfect and unrealistic. Makoto does stupid shit that a real person would do, and she gets bailed out by her friends rather than by her own intelligence/ability. Thus, she is not a Mary Sue. It's that simple


I like this user. You can see he really cares about his waifu

Attached: 060.jpg (724x1024, 151K)

I'm saying flaws don't count when they don't negatively impact either the character or the story. Ryuji not being able to keep his mouth shut negatively impacts the story. Ann not sticking up for her friend before it's too late negatively impacts the story. None of Makoto's flaws negatively impact the story.

Mary Sue DOES mean "flaws, but in an endearing way" because Mary Sue doesn't mean shit. You and everyone else said it already. There's no actual definition of Mary Sue.

You're also ignoring the fact that I never said her blackmailing attempts are actually endearing. In fact, I JUST said they're not. The problem is how every character who's effected by said blackmailing immediately sympathizes with her when they learn her sob story. And the entire time, we as the player can see things from Makoto's perspective as well, so it's obviously SUPPOSED to be sympathetic. It just isn't.

But the biggest problem with your logic is I never said I don't like Makoto. I think Makoto is great, actually. It's why I'm able to pick her apart as much as I am. Just because I think the writing is shit doesn't mean I think she's shit.

Last, but not least, I never called her a Mary Sue. I said she's close to being one. So fuck off.

You sound like a Mary Sue.

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>Mary Sue doesn't mean shit. You and everyone else said it already. There's no actual definition of Mary Sue.
Goddamn it dude why even say the word then? If you know you're gonna end up in some retarded debate over the semantics of an arbitrarily-defined buzzword, then why use it? Fuck.

You got me! I love Makoto!

Attached: 1561539822144.jpg (512x512, 18K)

>None of Makoto's flaws negatively impact the story.

Except for her blind deference to authority that leads to her ignoring Kamoshida's abuse of students

i love her

Because it doesn't usually end up in some retarded debate. Most people don't hate the term as much as either you do.
She's not even in the story at that point, user. If she was introduced earlier, and not just as some nameless NPC in the library, I'd absolutely agree with you.

Ann calls her out on it when she's stalking the PTs tho

>yusuke getting a whiff of makotos sweaty ass

I'm talking about before then, when Kamoshida was actually still around.

Makoto is my perfect wife!

So you wanted a scene where Makoto goes on a soliloquy about how torn she is between respecting adults and helping students?

is autism writer here?

I was about to type no and just leave it at that, but actually yeah, that'd be great.

>always /fit/ from constant cardio
>willing to go out and do stuff but also loves staying home and watching anime/playing vidya/eating snacks/fucking all day
>alternates between fucking like a bitch in heat and letting herself be borderline raped depending on her mood
Reminder Ryuuko is best girl

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This, neurotypicals need to get the fuck out

Where is Sae-user? I haven't checked on the story progress in some time, is it done yet? Is the makoto story started?

>Because it doesn't usually end up in some retarded debate.
But even if it didn't end in a semantic debate, it would end in a retarded debate anyway because the basis of a "constructive" argument would be built upon the implication that YOUR subjective definition is correct, which you know it isn't.

Like just say "I think Makoto isn't relatable/well written/wahtever, here's why" rather than saying "Mary Sue" in the first place.

Best boy coming through

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Because my first entry into this entire thing was replying to someone who used the term Mary Sue. That's all there was to it.


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Well, fuck the nitwit who originally said it then.

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I don't understand how people can be so obsessed and obnoxious about Makoto. The desing is fine, OK. But she is just a boring character (student council president, please...) with one of the most dull confidant stories, like, just pretending to be her bf... pathetic to defend something so badly written.

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Ex-fucking-cuse me? When did this come out? How did I not hear about it?

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>when Kamoshida broke her leg he definitely went and raped her since she couldn't get away/fight back
hold everyone i gotta go fap

Why is Adachi's angry mouth so fucked up? Is it literally just his smile flipped upside down? How were they this lazy?

Digusting, disease ridden.

Attached: 1561233575972.png (736x874, 667K)

my guess is that they wanted it to look really unsettling, since hes supposed to be someone you think you can trust

A girl's worth is measured by how much pleasure one can derive from teasing her. It's fun seeing Makoto get thrown off balance and accidentally stop acting like her usual stoic self.

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Would definitely add more weight to her social link if that were the case, as well as justifying even further all the vitriol she spews toward Kamoshida. Also
>when the group thinks she "died" and right after she shows up unaware, the girls move to berate her but Joker pushes them aside and wraps her up in a giant bear hug while tears stream down his cheeks
My heart boner

She so cute that the mafia love to rape her

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Genderbent cast DLC when?

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>that part where she follows you around hiding behind her book

It's the little things

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best girl

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Best boy

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who would win in a Makoto off?

Attached: 1560797568522.png (768x964, 285K)

That aint Yusuke

Attached: E6W5bvj.jpg (797x1029, 232K)

Ren would.

Makoto is definitely a lot more interesting than Makoto.

>female Goro

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Saefag got banned

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>where have you been?

Attached: 1553538539143.png (554x554, 47K)

Hello, Yes! I'm here! Part 8 is almost finished! I got banned for posting NSFW Content, and so I couldn't reply. But I think I found a workaround. Check the Pastebin for more Info!

i hope you're having a good day

Its Okay
It just sucks when I'm not able to inform others when they ask for information or updates. I hope the people who made those post see this!


shit list

Looks gay desu

Why do people want her as a romance option? She is mentally borderline abusive to Makoto. baka, why all you fags think a palace owner is hot?

It's ok when women do it. See: Kamoshida vs Kawakami

Kawakami wasn't a literal rapist

>"mentally borderline abusive"
>because she snaps one time for a moment and immediately feels bad about it

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>She is mentally borderline abusive to Makoto
Fucking how? Because she snapped at her and insulted her, and then immediately apologized for it?
>why all you fags think a palace owner is hot?
Probably because that's how she thinks her coworkers see her.

My main problem with Sae is she abuses the fuck out of the justice system and forges evidence in order to get people convicted. Now that is some fucked up shit.

Attached: 20.jpg (576x768, 90K)

She never actually did that. She was planning to in her Palace Arc, and that's why Goro insisted on intervening. It was treated like a first time thing for her.

She saved you, so it cancels out

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Well I hope I didn't leave this user hanging

Attached: Update.png (785x68, 6K)

I don't see Sae being romance able without it being forced imo, and the main character shouldn't have access to every female you meet in the game.

Actual grown adults meeting her near perfect standards are unrealistic going off of what was said about her in the dance game, I doubt a teenager can meet them.

>the main character shouldn't have access to every female you meet in the game
Why not, wtf is your problem, do you hate fun or something?

Sae looks so elegant.

Attached: gn83dsnl7m631.jpg (1010x806, 149K)

Not gonna lie, as much as I like Sae, I can't help but feel that it'll be a diss to her character if she's romancible

Also very out of character. She's a lawyer, breaking the law to suck jailbait dick. What sort of person do you think she is?

>he doesn't like ice queens

Attached: Mis.png (413x373, 164K)

>breaking the law is out of character for Sae

Sae is not an ice queen, she's histrionic as fuck

I still see her as a sister figure to Ren and not a romance option. Platonic > Romantic anyways for adults. Plus, Makoto for me is better.

Sup dude?

Attached: Persona3-FES_Junpei-SocialLinkA.png (256x256, 23K)

Reminder that the Ova is already and subbed!fE9AlaQD!LKTQkc_xSvkHxY9wO3Z7BHdDn9wuCQ_3FbB6viVwD34

You know how I know this guy is a futabafag? he's defecting mary sue traits into makoto
The impossibly cute, impossibly talented world class 14yo imouto super hacker is the worst case in this game, but we're in futabafag territory so autistic dweebs will defend those traits no matter what


Is it Kino?

Attached: 1553344267125.png (525x353, 134K)

Futaba and Makoto are both bottom of the barrel, my friend. Even Chihaya and Ohya are better

Actual grown adults don't save the country and help pull Sae out of her nose-dive of a life just from spending an hour in an interrogation room with her.
Though I agree not all the girls should be available as it dilutes from the depth of the pool.

Debatable, I found Futaba to be more annoying than cute
>Impossibly world class
She's an autistic savant, that in Persona makes as much sense as natural blue hair or psychic demon ghosts


But that's pretty typical of the Japanese justice system though.

What makes your waifu the best?

she's not autistic so much as she focused on school and achieving so much she has zero connection to the culture of her peers.

She remains cheerful and upbeat no matter the circumstances.

What would be a good time to post Part 8 of the Sae Greentext? Its almost done. I'm thinking Saturday evening, but I can do it sometime sooner

Attached: use later.jpg (282x283, 28K)

whenever you think its ready

She's a drunk Lois Lane.

Attached: makoto plays grown-up games.jpg (1882x4977, 1.85M)

Was Sae date 100% confirmed in Royal with that OVA?

Well, it'd be ready by Tomorrow. But I don't want people to potentially miss out on it. I want SOME time to get the word out on when its being posted.

Attached: use f.png (787x1230, 512K)


Will you be incorporating the OVA into it?

Attached: Sae Date 1.webm (853x480, 1.88M)

I have a few screenshots from it I'm using

Stealing this pic so I can look at it later and know what it feels like to have the warm love of a happy family.

Did someone just punch Sae's eyes? Must be Makoto.

Then do it on friday.

>inb4 it's all just Sae's imagination

Attached: 1561593345541.webm (853x480, 2.27M)

That can work. A good compromise between the two. I might end up doing that, actually
Thank you for your input, user
I'll post more details to the Pastebin later

Attached: use for part 8.jpg (1280x1280, 264K)

Attached: doh84dehz4f01.jpg (1032x1568, 322K)

I can't believe /ourgirl/ is finally getting some love

>tfw she has a confession scene in the game
>it was even dubbed

No. It could just be some fanservice for the sake of fanservice. It would be really shitty of Atlus *not* to include a Sae route when they gave us that date though.

The first two parts of that image are underrated as fuck.

>it's not even in English

Fuck you

Enable subs, faggot. Works on my machine.

Not even a huge fan of Makoto, but god damn that makes me sad.

Not available on phone

Then stop phoneposting like a faggot.

put mitsuru in A and it is correct, yuka-tan did nothing wrong.

I don't have a desktop PC

I post from a laptop. Git fucking gud.

>something similar to that image has likely happened irl. multiple times

Attached: 1558988105383.jpg (400x400, 23K)

In a world of 7 billion people many terrible lives have been led.

So is this what statutory rape looks like?

Attached: 1561594717349.webm (853x480, 1.98M)

Anne looks disgusting but Jesus Christ Makoto I literally can't breathe

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I just watched Tae Takemi, Ryuji harem, a bit of Sae end and skipped everything else

Tae Takemi a best

That is what best girl looks like

The smile that saved my life.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-06-26-20h17m37s639.png (1920x1080, 772K)

not fair

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God she's thirsty. None of the restraint the other cakes had.

God I wish I was him.

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God the least appealing boy makes the best girl.

Attached: Makoto kiss.webm (853x480, 1.92M)

jesus, saefags and taefags hit the motherload

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Becoming a Takemibro was a right call all along

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>tfw I'll never have something remotely close to this

Attached: 1559798757444.jpg (854x480, 64K)

It does work on phones user

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lord jesus

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I don't care about that trash OVA anymore, I can just save this and call it a day.

>intentionally making it in first person

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Japan needs to stop this fucking autistic first person shit

it reminds me i'm alone :(

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That makeup makes it seem like Joker gave her a black eye

That Hifumi scene man

Attached: 1553380594651m.jpg (1024x576, 65K)

The pain simply serves as a reminder to improve yourself.

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I unironically felt physical despair watching this

Attached: sadness_appears_closer.png (634x483, 341K)

>criticize the embarrassing dialogue and dating mechanics that infects every Atlus game
>"hurrrr normalfag, normalfag, hurr u probly have sex too u fuggin normie, get out muh anime threads

How fucking lonely do you have to be to play SMT games after P4.

Attached: RaidousGotAGun.png (723x757, 533K)

Attached: Hifumi kiss.webm (853x480, 2.92M)

mine is cuter

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>the last line is "I won't take no for an answer"
Maximum dong expansion.

So you haven't played a SMT game in 11 years and think your opinion means anything?

Smelly neet kiss.

Attached: Futaba kiss.webm (853x480, 2.73M)

here (turn on captions)

swap aegis and elizabeth and i agree with this chart completely

refer to


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>Those dark green eyes
Thanks for the webm

Attached: 1556432163627.gif (413x233, 2.62M)

You make high quality webms, could you make Anne's?

Except she was originally intended to be the first romance option the MC would meet. She only got shafted into an auto-confidant when they retconned the original game's story.

But both Aigis and Elizabeth loves Makoto so much.

Attached: Kawakami kiss.webm (853x480, 1.5M)


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disgusting pedo prostitute

>Doing that nyan thing and realizing how much of a dork she looks like
I love her

She probably smells like fish all over

muh dick

what an adorable




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I don't get it, why are people freaking about this one specifically


If a girl smells like a fish or some sort of foul odor, there's high probability that she's infested with STD.

Take fucking note, this post might save your life in the future.

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My chest hurts

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because makatofags are retarded

Attached: Ann kiss.webm (853x480, 1.89M)

what a weeb

But nobody is freaking out?

Rent free

Canonical girl, also has the biggest fandom. Personally, as far as main girls go in Persona, I think she's way better than Chie and Yukari.


Attached: .gif (360x260, 1.59M)

Post more short girls getting carried around and bullied because of their height and they can't do a thing about it.

Thanks user.
God I love her.

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>two autists.

>Canonical girl
Please don't tell me you actually believe that. It's one thing to have a favorite girl, but that's borderline delusional. Besides, if you're using Chie and Yukari as comparisons, you're better off using Ann.

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I can't fucking do this anymore lads.

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>that part where she hugs his arm right before the kiss
so perfect

I could've linked everyone else but they're not really freaking out as much as they are posting the same joke repeatedl

Makoto is the "default" option. Usually, default options tend to get more vocal hate since people feel that they're pushed on you. Like sure, these other girls are great choices, but let's just gently nudge you back to the "intended" girl. Look at how many more scenes and interactions she has! Additionally, default girls are usually the pleb option, and Yea Forums doesn't like to be associated with the unwashed and unthinking masses who like what they are told to like.

Tae definitely had sex with Ren

>Canonical girl

Attached: 1561531683803.jpg (331x132, 5K)

Nooo. Ya think? She rode his teenage dick like she was going for the gold at the olympics. Then she gave him a stamina supplement and DID IT AGAIN!

Attached: 1493033488825.png (1000x863, 293K)

There is no canon or default girl. She's just the most popular girl. That's all there is to it.

>This entire OVA

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I think fanart wise, Ann wins but I haven't checked pixiv in a while

she's just the most reddit girl

Lads, how do I get a Makoto gf?

Attached: 759325cc3cd61073c41c99fbdcd71aef.jpg (1329x748, 182K)

>She's just the most popular girl.
Not even.

Find a library in a really nice part of town?

kidnap one

Attached: loli_makoto.webm (1280x720, 2.17M)

Makoto is just a lazy mix of Anne and Futaba.

>all those posts where Sae steals Joker from Makoto
Cuckqueaning is great.

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>cant read moon
W-what does it say?


Please explain this to me

She is, but Kasumi might dethrone her when Royal comes out.

She's just diet Hifumi desu

They're discussing politics. The fuck you think they're talking about?

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M-maybe he took too much of Tae's special medicine and passed out.

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>actually seduces adults
So of all the Persona protags, does Ren have the best game? Is he the biggest Chad?

Attached: Ichiko kiss.webm (853x480, 1.75M)

Where are they in this? A train?

He's talking a lot and panting pretty loud to be passed out.

The downgrade in Universe arcana bullshit is compensated by harem powercreep.


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Considering one of those adults is someone who met him trying to arrest him? Yes.

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Is the OVA canon?

>Is he the biggest Chad
All Persona MC are chads in their own way

He's having a bad fever dream!


I associate the P4 MC with constantly not having enough courage to ask the girls anything.

Can the user dumping the OVA please post the one featuring my wife (Haru)

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And P3 MC is a beta orbiter who died for people that doesn't give a shit about him

Oh my god that tiny lip bite my heart boner

Attached: A Magical's Valentine's Day (eng).mp4_snapshot_16.17_[2019.06.27_04.40.02].jpg (1920x1080, 152K)

This is true.

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How traumatized would you have been if hot, powerful, and intelligent 20-something women were throwing themselves at your dick when you were a teen?

wot happen

Actually now that you mention it, yeah. Joker really is the only one I'd consider cool from the start.

Is this ok?
Maybe I need an adult.

Attached: isthisok.png (1542x884, 1.59M)

So even in the OVA he doesn't kiss ALL OF THEM consecutively (like to obtain the bad harem part at valentine day)?
It's just FPS for self insert shit?

bad fanart.

Now it's time to become an adult.

Guys, what do I do?

Attached: dangerstranger.png (1596x896, 806K)

Shut up Morgana

Who knows

Attached: A Magical's Valentine's Day (eng).mp4_snapshot_24.44_[2019.06.27_04.44.32].jpg (1920x1080, 290K)

>ywn kiss her sideboob

Attached: Etika'd.webm (1280x720, 2.61M)

Autistic kaichous are the best.

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I thought Ohya was aiming a gun at him at first Jesus

>best sex
>free drugs

go go go

Attached: DQIYw5oUMAExQu4.jpg (1200x675, 79K)

she wants to be Futaba but can't

Mitsuru doesn't suffer from the 'tism, she's just a lonely cake at this point.

Where's the fortune teller
what's haru

I dont think I can take this shit anymore

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Why don't you people just download the damn thing?

Who care about them

is Sojiro facepalming because Ren is a dumbass or because he wishes he were Ren at that moment

The OVAs are out? How come I don't see any links on Nyaa?

What download? Can you guys repost the video with subs this time? I'm too lazy to set up subs

There is a fucking link on this fucking thread

Holy fuck i'm so glad i picked Tae.

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Anne's was so cute.

Attached: .webm (1920x1080, 2.86M)

Dude, she's got the tism. It's okay, because it's cute.

they have the biggest foreheads in the game


Surprise Kasumi scene??

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this chick is so bland


Fuck off with your Marie 2.0

Can you guys upload it on torrent? I don't like Mega

It's less than 300 mb, you faggot

Where are the subs though?

just let it happen.

Attached: 1533512790525.png (414x499, 454K)

Mitsuru is the least canon lover out of all girls in P3, also, Persona Q isn't canon as well.

which girl is the most likely to be into anal?

Attached: 98237498279847234.png (631x288, 141K)

But her personality is still the same, including her autism.

You literally got it backwards



Mitsuru is smart and reliable, not autistic.

God, Hifumi is so fucking beautiful. I love green eyes and black hair, especially when the green eyes have eyelashes as long and feminine as Hifumi's.

I can't find a single supermodel or Instagram whore IRL who even looks half as good as her.

The Niijima sisters
Definitely Futaba
Cant really confirm any others

Futaba as her uncle most likely abused all her holes before she moved.

Probably Haru. She strikes me as the freakiest in bed.

oh dude could you imagine the sheer amount of PTSD i would have if i had a cake gf? i would be in suicide watch probably

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Ann seems like the type to be into freaky things if she's appropriately comfortable with you, she has the dominatrix look for a reason.

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>awkward in social situations
>oblivious to the fact she gives all the boys boners
>is confused and intrigued by cheese burgers
>not suffering from the tism

Tiers, queers, you get the idea. Also fuck you.

Attached: Tiers.jpg (2535x1508, 921K)

>He isn't intrigued by cheeseburgers.

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I dunno
She'd probably be into kinky shit like whips and stuff, but would probably freak out if you tried to put it in her butt

this list gets increasingly worse the more down and right you go.
Starts off super strong though

Finally, some good fucking taste.

Just because she's extremely sheltered which is typical for a powerful and rich family doesn't mean she has autism.
>gives all the boys boners
She doesn't have any time for relationship, she even said it herself in P4A.

Attached: 1501024494298.jpg (675x1050, 121K)

>intrigued: arouse the curiosity or interest of
I know how they work, so I'm just aroused by them

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I wrote those two back in the day. 2017 babyyyy.

Call the police, I don't give a fuck.

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Good man.

Attached: 2970339_0.jpg (630x630, 94K)

Amazing taste

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An integral part of S&M is trust in your partner. If you can trust Ann with your body, she'd probably trust you with hers.

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I just creamed a little

>implying you autistic retards could handle anything more than Futaba

Futaba is all I want.

no u

>She doesn't have any time for relationship
Yet she's walking around in high heeled knee boots, skin tight clothing, and even pic related, all the while has no idea it's sexy or distracting. There's sheltered, and then there's high functioning tism. And I want to make babies with this autist.

Attached: Persona_3_Mitsuru_3.jpg (686x787, 272K)

>tfw you chose best gal

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I like how leading up to this, Sae was getting the most interest, but Tae stole the show.

>that thumb rub

Attached: 1557299748289.jpg (1280x1143, 80K)

Akihiko and Mitsuru have both known each other long enough and have similar enough brands of autism to probably be fucking each other and not thinking it's romantic. just maintenance.

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If only he can see this know

>Low self-esteem Ohya

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Akihiko fears Mitsuru, he doesn't want to be romantically involved with her

Pretty much only someone as nihilistic as Makoto can deal with Mitsuru


Oh they got something going on alright.

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>akihiko, I require your semen again
>is it that time already? alright, let me finish my lifts first
I can sort of see it.

Did you know that the average portein concentration of semen is 5,040 milligrams per 100 ml.? I found that very interesting. I wonder if the rumors that the average protein concentration of semen is more-or-less equal to the average egg white.

>Sae not there
So Sae was canon for the anime?

I doubt it'd be romantic, but Akihiko is enough of a moron to be easily talked into dealing with his constant erections with a simple "Your body has needs, Aki. Let me help you as a friend."

Anne confirmed cannon love


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Absolutely based and floofpilled

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>cannon love
Now THAT sounds super kinky and weird.

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But she's there, which means he didn't spend the night with her.
Only the person you spent the night with isn't there. Everyone else you dated is.

Nah, that's part of Ryuji's part.


I thought I wanted this. Why do i feel nothing but despair and heartache

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crazy kids

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wanna share the link to the sub?


Who's the best Persona cake tho?

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I'm gonna play devil's advocate and say Ohya.

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Sentai Yukari as of P5.

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Tae for romance, Sae for why can't i romance

I will

>Ulala that low
>Maya not S tier
At least you have Yukiko where her boring ass belongs. It's shit otherwise

>the only good character in P5 is now a cum dumpster for a teenage boy
At least the waifufags are happy now.