Scuffed Mario Maker

>No pipe overlaying
>Midairs REMOVED
>P-jump nerfed
>Spring jump nerfed
>Can't grab items during spin jump
>Can't jump off things in lava
>STILL can't reload from checkpoint
Is this the most hostile sequel to its playerbase since Brawl?

Attached: mariomakerbrawl.png (1280x640, 1.02M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Midaris Removed
>P-jump nerfed
>Spring jump nerfed

Any footage to prove this?

Check this thread
He's posting a ton of other stuff too

So this is the reason SMM1 levels aren't compatible? Fuck jewtendo

>WAAAAAH I can't flood Course World with gay bullshit inaccessible to 99% of players!
Damn, I guess you'll have to actually use creativity in your levels instead of ugly pillars of shit!
There's always ROMhacks, and you can hide your dev block in those ;)

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>waaaah I'm a little casual bitch who can't play the game so people with actual skill should get fucked over

go back to retardera, tranny

>thinking this is about dev blocks
How small-minded.

It’s a Mario game u dumb faggot. Stick to rom hacks

>Midairs REMOVED
>P-jump nerfed
What the FUCK does this mean

Good. Fuck troll levels.

t. low skill player

the kaizo community are the ones who kept mm alive in the first place. we are the only people who kept playing the game years after release, while everyone else left after launch

Mad because bad.

they probably aren't compatible because nintendo is completely incompetent when it comes to anything online

Is your definition of a troll level "anything I can't beat"?

>>Midairs REMOVED
that's good tho

The irony of saying this when theyve never been hacked, shut down for 3 months or had their customers information stolen.

wow, i had no idea i was being generous by calling this trash "mario maker 1.5."
from the sound of things, it's more like mario maker 0.5. wii u chads win again.

wait what the fuck? why?

Remember when the 1st game came with all its content from day 1 and never received updates?

You mean they got rid of that bullshit where you had to jump off of a P-switch you're holding in mid-air to complete a fucking jump? Fucking GOOD.

>Reading comprehension this low
And you have the audacity to call other people small-minded, holy shit!

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yet they still have fewer online features than the fucking PS3 did on day 1 lol

it's okay to critique a $60 game for the state it is currently in. "THEYLL FIX IT LATER" is the worst defense i've ever heard.

>No pipe overlaying
Disappointing but overall understandable

>Midairs REMOVED
>P-jump nerfed
>Spring jump nerfed
If it means less of this junk in stages then good.

>Can't grab items during spin jump
>Can't jump off things in lava
These two are legit annoying

Genuine confusion

>STILL can't reload from checkpoint
Key door and red coin issues?
fyi these are just my opinions and I do not list them as absolute facts

>Can't grab items during spin jump
Are you fucking kidding me? I was looking forward to this game, and now I feel like cancelling my pre-order and get Mario Maker 1 instead.
Why would you even do that, it was in the original game, and it's nothing game braking.

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>it's okay when the first game does it

Yes, key door and red coin issues are still unfixed

Kaizo is hated by 99% of the community

I didn't say anything about muh kaizo boogeyman.

grab item during spin is mostly a kaizo trick

Lol at people in this thread thinking these changes were made to deter troll levels, in a game where shit like THIS will be possible:

I don't know what this means

Attached: 1388170454283.jpg (285x277, 16K)

who cares about any of this?
I just want to play nicely designed Nintendo-like levels, not kaizo bullshit

It means OP has no legitimate criticism.

i didn't say it was okay.

No one thinks that. That less of the most common ones. Also that vid is evil EVIL


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Most of those things were part of vanilla SMW

the kaizautists are 0.1% of the communtiy but very loud and present. Over-popularized by shit streamers too.

They're basically a cancerous tumor, Nintendo should have chimio'd them earlier.

Lmfao this game will produce so much trash

if you are not good enough, it's not the fault of the kaizo fags asshole

It means Kaizio cunts cant ruin your playthroughs anymore with epic p switch over le giant gap *omg so l33tzor xD* shit anymore

>>No pipe overlaying
>>Midairs REMOVED
>>P-jump nerfed
>>Spring jump nerfed
>>Can't grab items during spin jump
>>Can't jump off things in lava
And how many of these things are ever not used in troll level design?

I'm sorry they don't want it to be Hot Trash Maker 2.

>midairs removed

>Darkness stages
>Upsidown stages
Im sure there's more but with them removing so many kaizo things then adding all this shit, I am beyond confused.

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I'm looking forward to 10 million sold and lots of fun, autists can keep screeching

Dude, the game is on the Nintendo Switch. There is no way this is going to be a bad game.


>No pipe overlaying
Pipes used to be able to be placed over each other. Used to make secret entrances mainly or one way pipes.
>Midairs REMOVED
A trick in SMW where you hold a shell, turn around, and then back around and release and bounce off of it in mid air..or something
>P-jump nerfed
Jumping off a p switch in mid air right after you dropped it in SMW.
>Spring jump nerfed
Fuck if i know
>Can't grab items during spin jump
In SMW you could grab items to hold while spin jumping
>Can't jump off things in lava
Self explanatory
Self explanatory
>STILL can't reload from checkpoint
Self explanatory


Hey at least they didn't touch shell jumps? That's never going away sadly

idk, who cares anyway, it's just autism speak

How about something that actually fucking matters

>handheld mode editing is touchscreen ONLY

There's no way this won't be fixed asap

then you don't suffer the tism

Why is this a downside?

>why is lack of choice a downside

You can skip levels in runs you blubbering garbage player. No mid airs stops me from cheating some gaps, which i'm mad about

are you autist ?

Cause they went out of their way to turn off the controller interface


Wait, I don't understand. How can handheld be touchscreen editing only if you can edit in TV mode?

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That's not a mid air. Mid airs are with shells, that's just a p switch jump

Any of you dudes here play levelhead?

If not, you might like it, imagine mario maker but more geared towards puzzly stuff.

Handheld mode is touchscreen only.
TV mode is controller only (obviously).


Who fucking knows?

Not sure why people are freaking out about losing a few old tricks when new ones are bound to be found within the first week or less

who cares? who is honestly going to use the gamepad and NOT use the touch screen when it's exponentially easier?

last 4 things are the only real losses
good riddance to the rest

Shut up shill

Why would you want to use a joystick and buttons to make a level when you can just draw it with the stylus?

The Switch doesn't have a stylus.

The game literally come with one.

>Nintendo decides to fix the controversy around the multiplayer, literally the only thing this board was complaining about
>Now that it's getting fixed people are rushing to find something new to pretend and get outraged about

My digital download comes with a stylus?

>mindlessly grinding the execution of unintended exploits is "actual skill"
No, it's autism

Except for NA for whatever reason

So, officially, is it the worst sequel ever?

i've been playing the pirate copy for the last 2 hours.
very nice
goty for sure.
can't wait for friday so i can go online with it

Getting my money stolen is the best snoystation feature I've ever experienced. And it isn't just the online I'm talking about.

Wow yall niggas cant even spring jump?

Maybe yall should just buy NSMBU on switch instead

Is fire Yoshi the only one available?

Unironically based.

>implying it isn't the YT community
>implying kaizo niggers had a community
>implying such a community would ever leave SMW

You can't put bullet blasters on shells anymore for some reason

yes it is disappointing, but what's more disappointing is anytime you point these facts out to this board the seething nintendies just shout "OH NO THERE ARE NO MORE EASTER EGGS OH NO"


Did they add a way to copy your own levels?

ITT: Falseflaggers who never even owned SMM1 and who don't own a Switch shitposting to rile up people.

SMM2 looks fucking god tier.

i didn't launch the editor yet. was just playing through campaing to remind myself how to play mario games again.

Not only is it the worst sequel ever, but it might actually be the worst game of all time.

That's because the game was flooded with courses only they could finish. Now they won't be, so normal people will continue to play. Logic: try it sometime.

Question, my joycons are fucked and are barely usable, can I play this game with just a Gamecube controller?

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Why wouldn't you use the touch screen in handheld mode, though? That's honestly a really frivolous thing to complain about.

>>No pipe overlaying
>>Midairs REMOVED
>>P-jump nerfed
>>Spring jump nerfed
>>Can't grab items during spin jump
>>Can't jump off things in lava
MM1 was flooded with shitty levels revolving around that shit.
Maybe now more people will focus on actually using all the tools at their disposal.
It's hilarious to me that people keep requesting more power-ups when most people don't even give you so much as a mushroom because of their epic tech levels.

Why wouldn't you give the freedom to choose?

And the kaizo community will find new tech in SMM2 to base their levels around.

Meanwhile Yea Forums snoy falseflagger console war turds will try their hardest to shittalk the GOTYAY because they're not getting any games whatsoever.

Unless you're from USA, yes.

Fucking pre order canceled


Same with the costumes all they did was give us millions of theme-levels that sucked as as levels but look guys is like the thing in that other game the costume is from haha

Why would I choose to make my life harder when I'm already playing on handheld? It would be like trying to eat soup with a fork despite having a spoon right next to you.

Wait, how do Europoors get their stylus with their digital download?

>>No pipe overlaying
Genuinely sucks, since that was a great way to make branching paths connect back together and creating one way exits.
>>Midairs REMOVED
>>P-jump nerfed
>>Spring jump nerfed
>>Can't grab items during spin jump
>>Can't jump off things in lava
It's looks like they're trying to lower the skill ceiling, perhaps to avoid expert courses getting downstared for requiring hard tricks. Not the best way to go about doing this, and I don't really agree with it.
I guess they figured it wasn't necessary since they can't be reuploaded, but this also removes the ability to learn anything from other player's levels.
>>STILL can't reload from checkpoint
Not a big deal, unless you run into a level littered with gay baby jails.

You get a code in the mail, then you go to the nintendo shop and put the code in and they mail it to you

I already received mine.

I don't own a stylus. I don't want to touch the screen with my fingers.

>download level
>change one block
>reupload as yours
>I made this :)

The only thing that really upsets me is the pipe overlapping. Why? I liked using it to make multiple pipes lead to one exit. In doing so, you could make a super secret room that you can only enter from the correct pipe, and not just enter from the exit. One way pipes need to be a thing.

Man, fuck NoA

I don't really get why they would remove all this, I can see why midairs would be removed and jumping off things in lava, but everything else is just basic game mechanics that I don't see why they would get rid of.

The people produce the trash

And then they get sent to the garbage pile with all the rest of the levels that are 90% thumbs downs

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Midairs REMOVED
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>CAN'T EDIT DOWNLOADED LEVELS
I have no words

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So does this mean you can't use the shortcut buttons for erase, copy, undo, ect.? If so, that's retarded. If not, I don't care.

I'm in two minds about the whole thing.

My first thought is "oh no, all those cool/evil levels that streamers play can't happen" but then I think, what if I was just a normal player trying to play the game and constantly ending up with glitched levels and ones with seemingly impossible jumps because you have to know how to do that midair shell jump?

Nintendo isn't looking at the elite-core gamers, they're looking at the average playing experience.

The only shame is that they've decided to do it this way. It'd be nice if they made a "no restrictions" mode where makers can just break everything if they want that is separate from regular levels that have stricter rules.

Also, not being able to edit DLed courses seems retarded.

I'm surprised none of you shitposters are going
I guess Andre from GayExplain really is a next-level autist.

No, instead their infrastructure is so barebones and poorly maintained that you can just freely download games off their servers without paying.

Well then, instead of being a little crybaby bitch go and get a stylus.

Remember my fellow maker bros, only 2 more days remain. Just hold out a little bit longer and stop feeding the falseflagging trolls. Ignore all the shitposting. Just stay resolute in the fact that soon you will be making levels in comfy threads. Soon you won't be starving for every little bit of news that pops up online. Soon bros. Just hold out a little longer. Valhalla awaits us.

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> what if I was just a normal player trying to play the game and constantly ending up with glitched levels and ones with seemingly impossible jumps because you have to know how to do that midair shell jump?
Don't play super expert then. Thats where most of this shit was.

>game adds a gargantuan ton of content, vertical stages, scroll stop, custom scroll, slopes, endless mario, a full story mode with over 100 premade levels, yamamura's dojo, other playable characters than mario that aren't just faux mushroom powerups and work across all styles, multiplayer co-op local and online with randoms and friends and leaderboards, also a vs multiplayer mode, a completely new style with new things, night modes with unique properties of every theme etc.


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that and nobody in this thread actually played the first game

The game already supports controllers. Why not let me choose? Why do I have to buy something extra along with my $60 game?

That's a good thing.
Now you thief shits can't steal my levels or look up solutions to troll or puzzle levels.

Get fucked, shitter.

>Why not let me choose?
it does let you choose, though?

The only reason they made super expert in the first place was for shit like this to get dumped in.
They clearly never wanted it in the game.

It doesn't, in handheld mode.

You don't have to. Your options are to suck it up and use your finger while playing on handheld, buy a cheap stylus for handheld, or play docked with the controllers you love oh so much. That's it, be a man and pick, if you don't like and it's that much of a deal breaker then don't buy the game and keep crying yourself to sleep.

What is pipe overlaying? Got a picture?

You can't reupload downloaded levels in SMM1 even if you changed them or resaved them. I'm 100% sure this is just another case of Nintendo purging features they deem "redundant".

you can remove joycons and use them in tabletop mode if that helps?

you have the choice over whether you play in handheld mode, tv mode, or tabletop.

>Your options are to suck it up
That doesn't sound like options.

unironically fucking based


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I'm going to keep complaining until they do add the option. Cry about that you little bitch.

if you don't know what it is then it's not going to matter to you at all, was mostly a technical SMM1 thing

Pretty sure.

>Detach joycons while docked
>use joycons

Are you sure you cant just do that

>No pipe overlaying
Okay those were confusing if you didn't know about them, so I understand the removal.
>Midairs REMOVED
Those were hard as shit and basically frame perfect. I'm also pretty sure they were unintended.
>P-jump nerfed
I don't know how to defend this, but it's not really a big loss
>Can't grab items during spin jump
Literally a vanilla mechanic that's in the original game. It's not hard to do, and I'm sure everyone could figure this out by themselves. I have no idea why this would be removed.
>Can't jump off things in lava
Is there even a reason to use lava in your levels now?
Nice, I can't wait to see all the 0% clear rate levels because nobody can find the dev exit.
>STILL can't reload from checkpoint

Attached: 1418851488481.png (380x286, 55K)

How the fuck is this falseflagging, these are all just facts of things confirmed not in the game. God you defenders are so fucking stupid.

You could put multiple pipes in front of/behind each other. Like occupying the same grid space. Frankly I'm glad it's gone because 9 times out of 10 it looked hideous.


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You don't really need a picture to explain it. Basically you could make two warp pipes exit from the same pipe in SMM1. In SMM2 if you tried to do that it will delete the first exit pipe instead. So if you wanted to make two pipes go to the same place in SMM2, you'll need to make two exit pipes. In SMM1 they could use the same exit pipe.

>Don't play super expert then. Thats where most of this shit was.
This shit could show up almost anywhere.

Because Nintendo's Hebrews decided that giving you a stylus with your purchase was unnecessary

No it's not, shell jumps are a staple of mario gameplay for both romhacks and any level that goes beyond intermediary difficulty. Downloading levels allows one to learn new tricks and how things are done, it's literally part of the game's experience. Why the fuck are you defending this?

You can just recreate them from scratch once youve seen the tricks then reupload them as yours with one little change

Oh is it out? How big is the game? Also what do you mean go online with it if you're pirating it.

You'd find that shit all the time in standard Expert mode, and beating that mode a lot was required to unlock everything in the game.

I'm pretty sure you could actually.

Project dream shits all over Mario maker

I'm not gay but Luigi is pretty hot.

I will be enjoying the game while you're bitching and throwing a tantrum just because you can't afford a stick, though.

Pretty sure touch is going to be night and day better than controller, even without a stylus. Do you have some special type of autism that's preventing you from touching your screen?

No it isn't. Stealing shit is not part of anything.

Get fucked, brainlet. Come up with your own ideas you shitter.

I don't think being unable to edit downloaded levels is going to stop anyone who wanted to plagiarize that badly.

Why are Nintendo fans the only ones that are consistently this elitist about being bad at the games they play?

a little bit over 3 GB
i mean, by legit copy comes on friday so i will play that.

Not at all, but lost features and weird quirks like these are common with Switch sequels.

Typical of a small-minded Yea Forums user to think that acknowledging outside ideas is poison.

Get fucked. Nintendo bows down to us.
Yes and it's called a beautiful screentism.

Pipe overlays had they're practical applications, mainly just for the aesthetic of connecting pipes without an annoying gap in between. They could also be used to spit out multiple items at once. Other than that, everything else is Kaizo garbage and I'm glad it's removed.

they got rid of editing downloaded levels because of the rankings. same thinking as with friends in multiplayer

>shitposters are this desperate to try and find any ammo against this amazing looking GOTY that improves and adds countless things they have to dig so deep their only complaints are shit like "no fly swatting minigame" "no title screen easter egg" "no mid air shell jump"

What an absolutely toxic post.

Why do people use the term "kaizo" as a blanket term for everything they dislike? I don't understand it.

They've been coddled by baby easy games their whole life (mario, zelda, kirby, yoshi, etc)

I refuse to believe you ain't trolling right now.

>Nintendo ruins their game by removing/adding content that prevents high skill play
Shocking this has never happened before

How am I trolling?
There is NO reason to let people edit courses they downloaded.

Still doesn't explain why they would remove midairs.

>spin jumping is high skill play

I'm so torn apart on this one, on one hand theres what you mention, on the other the reason behind this is 100% sure faggy kids downloading and uploading whole levels as their own

Because this game has its own tech. It won't be the same and people will have to find and learn SMM2's tricky tech, but then we'll have kaizo shit again just the same.

Seriously, though, NoA seems to fuck you burgers out of a lot of cool shit. Even though it's the case that Europe is probably has the smallest amount of Nintendo fans out of the "major" locations where games sell, we always seem to get better deals in terms of pricing, limitted editions and so on. You'd think they'd treat their largest market a little better.

People complain about him all the time for being a shill but still shit on him for not cocksucking literally everything about this game. Shit doesn't make sense. Some of his complaints were valid too. Like how you can't stack fucking Goombas in 3D World. Or how multiplayer chooses from the entire pool and can pick singleplayer intended levels that only offer one of what you need.

>Nice, I can't wait to see all the 0% clear rate levels because nobody can find the dev exit.
So Boo it.
You still need to clean your screen occasionally, user, even if you don't touch it. Just use a tissue or sheet of toilet paper if it's soft enough.

Um yeah?

There's reason why all the high tech levels are in super expert, because the average mario player is too dumb to do anything above a basic moveset

This. Kaizo levels aren't hard because they require skill, they're hard because they require muscle memory. A good hard level requires you to learn the inner workings of the game to understand enemy behavior and jumps you can make. This bullshit is literally just memorizing a precise input of commands and replicating it a million times until you finally beat the level.

Requiring unintended exploits to beat a level is definitely kaizo territory. If you boot up SMM1 right now and go to Expert mode (not Super Expert, standard Expert) you'll find a ton of shit where you can't beat a level without using a glitch.

It serves to learn the mechanics, people can still copy your stuff if they want to, it just takes a bit more work.

Project Dream is an unreleased Rareware title that evolved into Banjo-Kazooie. You're referring to Dreams by Media Molecule. While its creative suite is beyond impressive, it suffers from the same issue that plagued LittleBigPlanet: Rarely are the elaborate creations fun to play. A lot of the novelty comes from the fact it was created within a game, once that novelty wanes you're left with a tech demo at best.

You could always do that. Just hit save as

Nintendo is big in USA so they focus on Europe while fucking over US. Just like Sony is huge in Europe, so they fuck us Europeans with games twice as expensive as US. You don't need to treat customers of a region well when you already have market dominance in that region

>Or how multiplayer chooses from the entire pool and can pick singleplayer intended levels that only offer one of what you need.
Today we learned that after playing multiplayer stages online, you get asked to rate the stage for whether it is viable to be played in multiplayer or not.

Assuming there's an algorithm, this is only really gonna be an issue in the beginning. Right now there's practically no stages online at all and no multiplayer ones, so the game just has to pick something.
Once it launches and as people make and play mp stages and rate them accordingly, you'll see "yes, this is good for mp" levels show up much more.

you couldn't (re)upload a downloaded level in the original game. Honestly, not being able to edit a downloaded level is by far the worst change, the rest is the sort of shit nobody would actually notice nor care about aside from maybe pipe-stacking and spinjump grabs.

It's clear as fuck that almost nobody in this thread actually played mario maker before.

chances are they didnt remove any of this on purpose they just start making the game and didnt think of including it, changed mechanics around to see what they liked the most etc
Im positive is not a hahaha fuck you kaizo players we got ya now!
Yea Forums doesnt understand nintendo game development after all these years they think they have the mentality of a western indie dev or something

Good, fuck Kaizo, and fuck kaizo Kucks.

You can do the same with PlayStation store games (NoPayStation)

>Because this game has its own tech
Nigga, midairs isn't exclusive to SMM, it has been on a shitload of 2D mario games.

Yes good idea, let's not talk about the metric ton of things SMM2 adds to the game and improves on, let's instead try to be as negative as possible and use a magnifying glass to find any kind of obscure downside to complain and bitch about like raging autists.

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Consistent execution is a skill, you poor dumb baby.

to be fair, with how fucking ludicrous the kaizo scene got for mario maker 1 I wouldn't be surprised at all if some of these changes were done intentionally to deter kaizo makers and force them to think of something new and original for once.

they are still there, but different and harder to do. they may have done that because too many kaizo levels used that. personally i never like them, so it doesn't bother me, but understand how it could.
what bugs me is not being able to jump on shit in lava, but i guess it's because of physics with moving lava that would break stuff


I think by 'this game' he means SMM2

If it's one thing I'll praise Nintendo for it's their file sizes. Though I don't have emunand at the moment and I hate 99% of user created content so I'll pass on this game. Thanks.

Look luv, if it were the case that they removed a FEW of the things that were used as tech for high skill play, I'd understand, but you have to admit there's clearly a pattern.

>all these self-proclaimed kaizo overlords in here
Weird how not a single person on Yea Forums could clear a stage like this even if they had a full year to do so

Kaizo pros my ass.

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>Consistent execution is a skill, you poor dumb baby.
You don't need consistent execution to beat a kaizo-style game. You just need to execute it once. Super Meat Boy and other games that are just muscle memory are the least engaging type of platformer in my subjective opinion because you just grind away at a single level for hours, get it right once, and then move on. I'd much rather play a game where you can beat it without breaking your fingers. It's why lives systems are good, they allow players to make mistakes up to a point and still clear a game.

welcome to Yea Forums
we find flaws in games so we can hate them
all in a day´s work

I know, but for anyone that has been around the 2D mario scene for long enough, it's like they were removing shelmets, or noteblocks.

My bad, responding incredibly late. I don't think the change of timing (for P-jumps, Spring jumps) is gonna slow too many players down, just gonna be rough in the beginning. Too bad about lava bounces though. As for mid-airs, I can't help but feel people will find a way down the line, as well as a bunch of other tech.

Not being able to edit downloaded levels is fucking stupid though, cause learning how people did certain set-ups helped me out a lot in both creating levels and playing.

If you complete the section once and then die afterwards, you have to recomplete the section you already completed. The difference between Super Meat Boy and a kaizo level is that Mario doesn't checkpoint you every five steps.

it's just autists scraping the absolute bottom of the barrel for things to complain about. Even actual kaizo level makers don't care this much and are looking for new tech and challenges.

So, basically everyone here absolutely hates the game? I am going to be a tiniest bit positive and enjoy it

And I get you are mad too, I wanted to experience some Kaizo levels so I am mad. I guess romHacks are our only choice.

But seriously, im just going to try and enjoy it, now I can play my shitty "romHacks" on the go. And while being an excuse, appearently Bowser is "listening to the community", lets pray and hope we get this stuff added asap

My life is a disgrace and the only thing I derive fun from is pretending new releases are shit so, if they flop, I get a smug sense of satisfaction

All the music turning to samey sounding baby music box shit is a legitimate flaw. And no, just turning it into Mario Kart music isn't a solution.

Exactly. All the actual kaizo guys I see on the mario maker 2 discord I'm on are looking for new tech (which there will be) while only on Yea Forums do you have all these wannabes proclaim the death of Mario Maker because of something like this

Only shitposters hate it, of which there are unfortunately many, the majority of them bored Snoys looking to shit on the latest Nintendo title.

only the removal of spinjump grabs strikes me as strange, the rest is either still intact (but more difficult/frame-perfect) or was an exploit.

I'm not sure if you don't understand or if you are purposefully being disingenuous, the problem isn't that one could make ridiculously hard levels with that tech, the problem is that you COULD make moderately hard levels with them, they are just extra movement options, nothing more. Removing options is never good as it streamlines the game.

They could have just made it so you can't reupload a downloaded level.

There will be different options.
Adapt and learn.

very few people even here hate the game, OP doesn't even understand half the shit they're listing much less realize how little they actually matter in the grand scheme of things. Kaizo makers will still be making Kaizo levels, the tech for some aspects will have to changeand new tech is still being discovered as we speak, but the kaizo scene is far from dead. If anything, SMM2 will revitalise it, as it had gotten stale in SMM1 a while ago since everyone was doing the same shit.

Reminder that you can multipack styluses on Amazon for a few bucks more than the added cost if it were in a bundle, based on GBP conversion to USD. I have one of these things that I never use, because they're not THAT much better than a finger and I rarely need additional accuracy. I'll probably use it for this though.

Still sucks we don't get the official one, but I read somewhere it was due to some child choking protection law. Don't know how true that is though.

I'm just going to have everything set to Slider because 2D Mario music sucks

why are you acting like they didn't add a shitload of content for you to design levels with? they took 1000 steps forward and a few steps back. it sucks but come on

I don't want to endorse removing features, but from what I've gathered no one fucking liked midairs in mm1. Weren't they really inconsistent r something?

>Only shitposters hate it
I've got the game on pre-order but I'm pretty disappointed in changing shit like this that has a considerable effect on the game mechanically. Kaizo shit is fucking retarded but I won't celebrate the removal of cool tech because fags abused it in the last game.

your point is moot as there's new tech in SMM, hell even half the things OP listed are still there just harder to do.

>newsup speedrun level

have sex

What server is it?

But if it's not fun, why bother?
basic bitch content sure none of it seems to relate to high skill plays


You're good at kaizo, right?
Where's your clear of ?

Into the trash it goes.

New changes allow for much more experiments and new mechanics/tech.

this streamer already spent 6 hours experimenting new shit and that wouldn't be possible if the game is exactly the same as the first.

Makes me wish PC was still the overwhelmingly dominant force in Europe so that none of the 'big 3' could pull that shit.

How are you preparing for Cyberpunk 2076

Got any clips of note for this new tech? I'm more than happy to eat my words on this one.

>streamlining is a bad thing
"high skill" play doesn't matter to 99.9% of players
you are irrelevant

they're still streaming, just watch it

Funny how people complain about the smallest shit yet Nintendo went and added fucking online multiplayer vs and co-op, which NO ONE expected them to do, but that gets no mentions anywhere

The guy is still live.

>"high skill" play doesn't matter to 99.9% of players
I'm not 99% of the players, and no, most people could do the stuff that was removed, what they COULDN'T do was do so in sequence or in high pressure scenarios.

>Can't grab items during spin jump
>Can't jump off things in lava

>seems to
that a bold assumption considering you're guaranteed to always find some high-tech shit in any level creator game.

the original didnt have those? lmao

Yes, I'm good at this game I've never played, how could you tell?

based tortanic poster

Attached: 1551912657910.png (1667x1269, 147K)

Right, I was just wondering about stuff I may have missed.

The worst part of a lot if this "tech" was it being completely impossible to figure out without a online guide.
I don't get why people are suprised nintendo removed obviously unintentional stuff that could make levels unbeatable if the players doesn't know them.

>shitposter didn't even play SMM1
Of course, what did I expect

>streamlining is good
It absolutely is, it's how we got WoW on it's current state and it's how we got corridor shooters.

>bunch of shitty tech that leads to unfun levels
Oh noooo. Why Nintendo? Only valid complaints are not being able to reload from checkpoints and edit downloaded levels.

man the dry bones shell tech is gunna be insane

Ohnonono. How could Nintendo allow all this kaizio?

>I can't look up puzzle level solutions or steal levels with ease NO NINTENDO WHY

>people praising the removal OG SMW mechanics
The fuck?

The Dry Bones shells is going to be in A LOT of levels

Mario Maker is meant for you to make fun and creative stages in the spirit of proper Mario games and share them online, not autistic tech gauntlets where you have to grind out some specific execution of unintended engine exploits for hours to beat it.

If you want that, there are plenty of SMW rom hacks for that.

downloading a level doesn't allow you to steal it, SMM1 allowed you to download any level and edit it and just prevented you uploaded it back. I swear fucking nobody here played the game, most of OP's complaints are irrelevant as shit btw.

i never called myself a Kaizo Overlord, i have NEVER played SMM1, and thats why i am upset.

if im buying SMM2 i expect an evolved version of SMM1 with all the original content intact, i can live without the quirks or easter eggs, but neutering one of the styles, and removing mechanics, mechanics that were in the original game mind you, then we have problems.

It’s bretty fun guys

Attached: 766AA9BB-2283-4448-B24E-9A3ECA14BB34.jpg (4032x3024, 3.2M)

Not him but actually Mario Maker is about you making anything you want to.

Traditional levels, auto levels, enemy spam levels, puzzle levels, kaizo levels, precision levels, themed levels, whatever you want to.

That said, SMM2 will have people figure out cool tricky tech within a week tops. It'll just have its own tech.

Does docked SMM2 have a motion control option for the cursor like Dreams?

how long is story mode to beat?

People who have never played SMW, and babies who are mad that there are levels they can't beat.
There are still going to be shitty buttfuck levels even with those evil kaizo exploits that require you to push the A button.

Every single level of mine will have a 100 coin clear requirement with only 98 coins being readily available
The other 2 will be hidden in invisible blocks in the most hard to find spots in the level
We all know Boos won't do shit either.

Fuck these changes, I mad

That shit never had to be used in the original games, they're quirks and nothing more.

I am aware of that. You were still able to look exactly at how everything is set up, note it down and rebuild it later on in a fresh editor to steal it.

You can no longer do that. Which is good, so get fucked.

>I have never played SMM1
So get fucked then. Why do you think yopur garbage posts matter AT ALL? You don't know anything. You clearly have no idea about the hundreds of things SMM2 has added or improved that people have BEGGED Nintendo for for years.


just shitposters, this whole thread is utter garbage and both sides of the argument are clueless as shit.

Go play lost levels. Execution and timing heavy along with being brutally unforgiving.

I'm glad you kaizoniggers got a big fat middle finger with this game. Your faggotry fucking ruined the first game, imagine having to wait several hours for a streamer to try the same shitty kaizo crap over and over and over until he gets to your nice traditional level and then he doesn't even enjoy it because he's exhausted and frustrated for dying a hundred times in kaizo shit.

Attached: 1539565057285.png (911x655, 342K)

>You were still able to look exactly at how everything is set up, note it down and rebuild it later on in a fresh editor to steal it.
nobody ever did that as it would take significantly more effort than just making your own bloody level

Wow epic dude. Down with the government. #protestnow #RESIST

>1 month later
>user has 0 stars, no one plays or cares about his garbage stages at all

Haven’t seen this question answered yet, 1080p docked? I sure hope so

not sure, just started it. the 2nd level is sky and it's pretty cool. you can kill things if they're inside of a hollow on/off block and you turn it on.

Thankfully people can leave comments which is say that theres hidden block bullshit on your level.

>It'll just have its own tech.
I hope that gets patched out too. Get fucked.

mario bros.... its over

Reviews say about 5 hour

People did do that. All the time. People stole things in Mario Maker CONSTANTLY.
This change is nothing but positive. There is not a single valid reason to let you edit and fully look into the courses made by other people.

You clearly don't know what you're talking about. There are still going to be crappy """kaizo""" levels regardless of those removals.

The other stuff is pretty shitty but let's not pretend pipe stacking was for anything other than grief levels

how come you already have the game? did it just arrive early today for you or something?
hoping mine will arrive early tomorrow

mario maker for wiiu is the next melee!

go watch the digital foundry explanation.

Considering you can downvote now, he would probably get destroyed at one point.

what's the easiest way to tell? i'll try and dock it now.

WTF are you whores talking about re p Switch jumps? The thread link in confirms that the physics have been restored to pre patch Mm1 status.

do you have even 1 example of a stolen stage?

modded system. i bought a non modded one for online games for cheap, but just want to mess about with the story mode until it comes out.

>We all know Boos won't do shit either.
You don't know shit, and I will boo your level.

>you can’t edit levels to find stupid solutions in near impossible levels because of dev/invisible blocks.
Bravo Nintendo

Thankfully all it'll take is 2 seconds to change that and reupload when someone finally does it

just checked. 1080 docked, popped up in the corner of my tv.

Patch to add random tripping when?

This just shows that people defending these changes only care about other people not having fun.

those levels will be downvoted to oblivion anyway now

Just the fact that underground night has you play upside down means there'll be so much bullshit done with that.

Good. This was cancer in LittleBigPlanet.

Enjoy your stages getting boo spammed the first day then never showing up again.
You sure showed us.

but what if people find the autistic tech gauntlets fun? look at all the people posting videos where they cheer after managing to beat them

Yes, kaizoniggers don't deserve to have fun. Stop shitting up a fun game with your autism.

Doesn't add peach, daisy & rosalina. Instead have forced down your throat, can't stop shillin', pink recolor, nintendo's real ligthing, tranny toad, *sound of a flushing toilet* toilette, eclipsed by bowsette, toad #132446467763, peach body snatcher, miyamoto's wet dream, pink fugly fungus, *does a pull up* WHOdette.
We could at least have wario or waluigi if they are so adamant of the princess having to be saved but no have toads

Then you can still make them. Just with different tech. Stop being autistic.

You will still be able to make ultra hard tech stages with 0.0001% clear rates. The tech will just not be the same as it used to be.

it's entirely possible they recreated those stages by eye alone without even needing to download them

But Mario IS a casual game.

Its not that bad.
>Pipe overlaying
Funny and creative, but completely unnecessary except for a few trolls
>Midairs removed
You can still shell jump. Just not 1 frame inconsistent kaizo jumps that ruin runs. Its not in that many levels to begin with because its inconsistent.
>spring jump nerfed
this one is a little sad, but it seems you can still do it so only time will tell.
>Can't grab items during spin jump
This is just nintendo hating fun. Nothing else to say here.
>Can't jump off things in lava
Maybe this was never intended. Its been way too long since Ive played world to know. Will be missed though.
This served no purpose other than looking at the mechanism of a level to learn from. The community is just going to have to step up and post how things work on reddit discord or something.
>STILL can't reload from checkpoint
Enjoy your softlocks.

>all these creativitylets on Yea Forums exposed by Nintendo putting an end to plagiarism and theft


How is that different from plagiarism?

an actually smart wojack poster

Oh ok so if they stole the stage by just looking instead of looking at it in the editor it's not plagiarism?
Nice logic.

>can’t grab items during spin jump
Surely this is accidental and will be patched in right?

I need to be able to practice sections of levels for speedruns so go fuck yourself asshole

I'm saying that removal of downloading+editing stages does not avoid plagiarism if people are willing to go that far. Re-read the previous posts anons.

They did the same shit in Smash's mapmaker. You had to actually switch between the two modes to have an ideal amount of control for specific things.

Maybe not, but it reduces it by 90% for sure.
Many complex contraptions will be too hard for people who need to steal to figure out by just seeing it ingame.


Waluigi will never appear outside of Mario Party, Mario Kart and Mario sports games.

I get why people are upset over these, but damn is it being blown way out of proportion.

Attached: 1561160603868.jpg (540x405, 34K)

Bet 5 bucks only 1% of everyone ITT could even do two mid-airs in a row.

I understand the thread, but the specific post you replied to was saying that people plagiarized, and I read your replay as saying "well because they did it this way, it's not plagiarism." But I get you.

Given all the other changes, this is pretty clearly intentional

Yea Forums will always look for something to complain about. First it was online, but then Nintendo listened, so now they have to move over to this. Pipe stacking is the only loss here, everything else is a good change.

Cant believe some people are defending this
We are losing a lot of tricks. Lots of them can even be executed by low level players

It's just kinda disappointing for the few people here who have played smw. It's not the end of the world, but still.

It's not even Mario Maker players who are bitching in this thread though.
Look at all the "I never played SMM1" posts we had. Literally shitposters who never owned a WiiU, SMM1 and who don't have a Switch coming in here to cite some hearsay in a poor attempt to drag down an amazing game that just got stellar reviews.

>*sound of a flushing toilet* toilette
Okay that was sort of cute and based

I swear to fucking God, nintendo is the ONLY company that has so many faggots that get happy whenever someone else DOESN'T get what they want and DOESN'T have fun. This is the first time I actually regret getting involved with a company because the fanbase is so fucking cancerous.

Attached: 1558168364719.jpg (400x280, 83K)

imo they should've also kept editing downloaded levels (without being able to upload them), the rest doesn't matter at all as new tech is already being discovered so fans of kaizo levels need not be worried.

Its not that. Theyre just cocksuckers and will defend Nintendie no matter what they do

>Pipe stacking is the only loss here
I actually think the removal of pipe stacking is the most reasonable one on the list. It's something that could lead to people getting stuck and not being able to figure out what to do.

True, editing downloaded levels is also good, forgot about that. Look at this fucking playlist

This shit is why we need editing because some levels are complete dogshit.

We all totally believe you, no snoyfags here.

Attached: 1548808899086.png (1853x1394, 916K)

They probably didn't like your level because it was boring infant-level shit they could find by just playing an actual Mario game.

Hardcore nintendo fanboys will defend literally anything

Or maybe you are the cocksucker for being someone who hasn't even played SMM1 yet bitching about them taking 3 steps back after moving forward 500 steps.

It seems like for each new thing they added, they broke two other things.

Honestly I see them fixing that and other stuff. Compare vanilla MM1 to just a few months later with keys and checkpoints. They do typically listen to requests and criticism if it’s valid.

You can leave whenever you want, dear. Absolutely no one will miss you.

No, you didn't saw people cheering when a character people wanted didn't got in on the last MK game, you didn't saw that on SFV, you didn't saw that in ANY fighting game EXCEPT Smash Bros. It's pretty clear at this point that this company has the following of a massive number of mentally ill faggots just looking for salt.
I don't give a fuck about playstation or whatever movie they are selling atm, I bought a switch and now I have to deal with these insufferable faggots with every popular game release.

Proving my point. Saltminer.

That's the point you fucking moron. If your level doesn't feel authentic and organic like it could have been in an actual Mario game, it's shit.

literally S E E T H I N G basedny tranny

That stage is pure art. Pauly is a fucking based as hell chad for making a stage that is this frustrating.

3D World baffles me. They created new enemies like Fire Sledge Bro and added the normal one which was never in 3D World but they couldn't even add a majority of existing existing enemies if they weren't going to add full compatibility with the other styles. Like Cat Goombas, Galoombas, Conkdors, and Biddybuds. And that's ignoring all the other enemies that could be added to the other 4 styles like Pokeys, Spikes, Chargin' Chucks, Fuzzies, Fire Chomps and so on.

Boo hoo, this world is full of meanies, isn' it?

>I don't give a fuck about playstation

All they had to do was take everything in MM1 and add more on top of it and they were golden. Why is that so hard to ask for?

Also, I will NEVER get used to not being able to make levels on my gamepad while also looking at it on my TV. If there's one thing the Wii U did perfectly, it's Mario Maker.

Who the fuck buys a game about community created levels with as varied an assortment of tools as Mario just to play the same kinds of levels they've been playing for literal decades

except they didn't

If anyone was going to fuck up an easy 10/10 sequel, it's Nintendo.

I'm actually legit wondering if you're just a sony fan falseflagging. It would make sense.

have sex tranny

>Waaah why don't they do this even though it's literally impossible with the hardware

i am NOT trying to drag down shit.

i just want to play the game everyone enjoyed, but now i cant, there is NO REASON for nintendo to remove features that you clearly know werent affecting anything in the long run.

People were using the costumes, i want to use the costumes? People were sufering in Kaizo levels, I want to suffer in Kaizo levels, and even if i have a Wii U, the SMM1 online is dead already and no one is gonna touch it.

Shouldn't be putting out hardware that is inferior to your previous hardware.

but they didn't fuck it up, it is a 10/10 sequel

i literally can't understand a god damn word of this post, are you having a fucking stroke?

midairs removed
thank god

where is the smb2 theme at

>They're adding new stuff so you can't complain about lack of new stuff
You're a drone user. I'm happy for the stuff but missing old tech that was such a driving force for SMM1 really shits up the game

I'd rather die than supporting that SJW-ridden shitfest of a "company"

a 10/10 sequel would include all mechanics from SMM1 and more

>Can't grab items during spin jump
This alone kills COUNTLESS SMM1 levels
What the fuck were they thinking?

Attached: 1412758058422.png (205x198, 66K)

>that was such a driving force for SMM1
Better for a game to die with dignity than be defiled by autists.

99 percent of players fucking hated all the "tech" shit polluting the level pool.
If it needs a internet guide to figure out, it can fuck right off.

I would actually say kaizofags almost killed SMM1, they were the hot garbage everybody complains about.

The only mechanic that's missing is the warp pipe overlap, though.

Then stop being a saltminer. Nothing drives people away from a company more than having to deal with fuckers like you.

fuck off, kaizo levels had long gotten stale and everyone was eager to finally be able to change things up


They're telling you to make proper fucking Mario levels.

Just stop. No one believes anything you say.

Good thing you can't play SMM1 levels in 2 then

why the fuck would someone buy a level editor for a series if they don't even like that series' actual games

what the fuck is wrong with you

That's a mechanic from the original SMW game
Are people really cheering this stuff on?

sequels are supposed to improve on their predecessor
I'm not surprised nintendo fans don't understand this with how far all your franchises have regressed this gen though

>Start super expert in MM1
>Do a handful of midairs :)
>That's the entire stage
>Try my 10 second speedrun that's just a midair and some other glitch!

Good. It won't stop stupid hehe pick a pipe bullshit but smothering this shit under a pillow is welcome. I want actual levels, not just someone discovering what a midair is for the first time.

Only questionable thing is editing downloaded levels and can't grab midair things while spinning.

>look up this guy
>turns out it's some guy who keeps making new accounts on his WiiU and uploads seemingly innocent but actually impossible (unless you know exactly how to) stages with normal sounding names
>copies the stage 9 times and uploads them 10 times total in hopes of it appearing in no-skip runs of 100 mario run youtubers
>makes new account and does it again to increase his odds

I love that dude. Some dedication to pissing off e-celebs.

>It's pretty clear at this point that this company has the following of a massive number of mentally ill faggots just looking for salt.
Only mentally ill faggots care about this shit that got removed to begin with, and I'll cheer for anything that pisses them off.

Think of it this way. For multiplayer, some levels could be included where those mechanics are neccessary to know how to do to succeed. Now, its extremely unfair that out of 4 players, only 1 of them can succeed because they know of mechanics that's not officially brought up to be part of the game. It provides huge unbalances to multiplayer.

I already told you, sweetie. If it bothers you that much then the door's open for you.

Good thing SMM2 did, then. Not that you would know.
SMM2 brings us so many things all of us Mario Maker players (people who ACTUALLY played, unlike you) have literally BEGGED for.

This game is vastly superior to SMM1.

An unintended mechanic only used in gimmick levels.

>sequels are supposed to improve on their predecessor
That's what Mario Maker 2 is doing with all the additions to course elements, night mechanics and 3D World's game style. Your autistic "tech" is irrelevant.

>online with randoms and friends
>and friends

Should we tell him?

I do like Mario. If I want regular Mario, I'll play the games with levels made by the people who make the regular ass fucking Mario games. I play the game where anyone can make a Mario level to see what kinds of interesting, unusual, or challenging things people can do with the mechanics and course building tools when unconstrained by Nintendo's design sensibilities and requirement to appeal to all ages.

It only kills shitty ones.

In that case only braindead stages should be allowed because some players may not be skilled enough to complete difficult stages.

This game is a improvement though, it has all the intended features and adds new stuff.

online with friends was confirmed at E3

It did improve on its predecessor.

>Should we tell him?
Should we tell (you), shitposter?ĂŸ

You know what's going to suck? The puzzle levels. Hard puzzles will get bumped to easy difficulty because of YouTube faggots solving them, and all he kids copying the solution for some weird reason.
>Play normal queue because I don't hate myself to play hard but don't want to play babbys first level
>There will always be one extremely hard puzzle which requires kaizo bullshit techniques and knowledge of the game to finish in the queue
Fucking hate this bullshit

By your logic, every sequel is infallible then.

Should we tell you, Snoylet?

Then you admit you're supporting sony by helping people drive away from their main competitor. How much is sony paying you btw?

>sequels are supposed to improve on their predecessor
It did. People were sick and tired of kaizo shit.
Nintendo is only doing what people were begging them to do: kill kaizo levels.


Is it worth getting if I never played MM1? I want to get it only for the multiplayer shinanigans. Webm somewhat related.

Attached: topkek.webm (640x360, 805K)

this was an issue in SMM1 as well

>cuts mechanics and features from the original

Nope. Sorry. Enjoy your SMM0.5, only $60 plus tip

That's correct

No snip snapples or horn boggles either? What about the spork bounces?

Cmon, are you pretending to be dumb? That's a really awful argument you're making there. Most people who play smm don't even know those tech but that doesn't mean the levels are braindead.

>Is it worth getting if I never played MM1?
absolutely, most of what op listed is irrelevant shit
t. 400+ hours in SMM1

>Only mentally ill faggots care about this shit that got removed to begin with
Yeah no, midairs are like tripple jumps, removing movement options from a platformer is never good.

So garbage levels, in other words.

Nice try, snoyfag

Yes. The experience was written from me playing smm1. And this shit won't be fixed in smm2.
Don't tell me you also need a " >be me" so you know the story is not about you yourself? Are you just slow?

At last, the seething Snoylet reveals his true nature.

Attached: 131023821823.jpg (500x500, 61K)

>all of the whining stems from the Super Mario World engine
Glad to see you faggots exposed.

Attached: 1560823372422.png (365x473, 170K)

You're assuming that something needs to keep all the old stuff to be able to improve. MM2 has cut features, and it is an improvement.

Your tears are payment enough. Also, if a so called "saltminer" is enough to drive you away from a company you supposedly like then I really have to wonder just how much you truly like Nintendo. Probably not at all, you'd rather shitpost. Get thicker skin, kiddo.

I bet you fanbitches bought "super" mario party (they'll patch it with more content later i'm sure... please daddy reggie we're starving here.....)


>despite all this
cmon dude
OP is literally a shitposter complaining about the most ridiculous shit
this game is fucking GOTYAY material
Ask anyone who actually plays Mario Maker
This game adds so much it's ridiculous, it's gonna be amazing.

what's wrong with you?
there was no need for a hostile comment, that came from absolutely nowhere. Did somebody piss in your cereal this morning user?

So every Pokemon game is an improvement because they cut features from previous gen but add some new gimmick.

Nope :)

I was with you right up until super meat boy. That's not a hard game. Why does everybody keep saying it is?

The only part that was hard was the final boss and when you try to take on dark world. You can easily breeze through the bulk of the game without much effort. And I say that as someone who still hasn't unlocked super expert.

But I agree with everything else. Spam isn't skill, and that's mostly what those levels are. It's like spamming dice rolls for an hour until you get lucky. Skill just gives better dice roll odds.

Attached: flappy.jpg (155x137, 5K)

Smash 4 cut the tripping mechanic that was in Brawl, by your logic it's a inferior game to Brawl


If those mechanics and features are a detriment to the game, then yes, cutting them is an improvement.
Don't be a brainlet all your life, user.

It's only an improvement if you see it as one


>durr the best levels are shitty adventure zelda dungeon ripoff levels

The only thing worth complaining about here is reloading checkpoints and editing downloaded levels. Why the fuck should I care about any of those techniques that nobody uses outside of anti-fun kaizo horseshit that plagued the first game? I want to play a fun platformer level, not troll or kaizo levels. This isn’t a fighting game, it’s fucking bing bing wahoo. I hate this fake outrage you faggots try to dig up rather than complaining about shit that matters like 3D World being separate and the lack of power-ups, holy shit.

Attached: 1980677B-E848-4B16-9606-D89772294694.png (400x400, 117K)

>level requires "knowledge of the game" to finish it
oh fuck bros

Fuck bros... our only chance at a good 2019 exclusive and THIS shit happens...

It's fucking over... I'll leave my Switch with the rest of my belongings on the bridge, goodbye bros....

Attached: 1524144985256.jpg (232x218, 11K)


kaizo is the community

So if we're taking the subjective viewpoint route, then it's just as legitimate for someone to say SMM2 is not an improvement because they may see the cut features as more important than you do.

I'm still excited but going out of their way to kneecap hardcore players is just shitty. If a casual doesn't like a level he should just skip it.

Who said anything about Pokemon? I said the assumption that cut content is bad is a false one. That statement stands by itself. MM2 has cut content, and it is an improvement. Two separate statements.

Not that I'm saying I agree with the other user but do you have severe brain damage, friend? Your line of reasoning does not follow. Just because he's saying the cut features from MM1 are an improvement for 2 doesn't mean he's saying that every instance of a feature being cut is a good thing.

>if a so called "saltminer"
Nigger, it has been months of multiple releases being plagued by shitters like you, Smash Bros, Demon X, BoTW, Animal Crossing, again and again, no one likes to deal with people who are more interested in schadenfreude of people who didn't get what they want from a release than on the actual fucking game.

Shitty Mario DeMaker 2 is the Brawl of SMM, imagine defending the surgical removal of everything that makes your game worth playing for people over the age of 10 LMFAO

Enjoy your casualized bitch game

As you said, they are only pretending to be outraged to shit on the game. Probably jealous fuckers that can't afford a Switch and are upset that others are having fun without them.

>Yea Forums defending butchered gameplay depth because it's le too hard :(

fuck this board holy shit

>Build Time: 112:58:45

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>muh movement options
It's fucking Mario. You run and you jump. That's all it should be.

Huh? What shit? It is a good exclusive.

Who cares about the other stuff, do we know if levels can be bigger than in the original? Even at max size the levels in MM1 were pretty small.

>the bottom screen is only for maps!
>obviously photoshop!
Holy shit, it should be required to pass a retard test before people can post here.

>Be stupid on the internet
>Act surprised when someone tells you you are stupid on the internet
I hate how all this fucking normalfag shit and company bullcrap turned the internet into an universal "pls no bully" zone. Fuck that shit, grow some balls

>blunderfag is THIS mad

Attached: 1556501817384.png (375x424, 190K)

>outing yourself as a wojack-posting consolewarrior

holy fuck based snoys out in full seethe today

What a weak fucking argument, remove yourself from the thread if you're not even going to try.

And so Eric drops his mask and reveals himself.
Well done my man. You sure managed to frighten some clueless newbies in here with your alarmist shitposting and falseflagging.
Guess you couldn't keep up the act, though. Getting BTFO over and over by multiple people exposing you got you so riled up you stopped your act and the facade fell.

Mario Maker 2 will be one of the best games ever made.

Your problem sounds more like you're personally dissatisfied with Nintendo's recent games and not the "saltminers," in which case play something else that satisfies you. Don't fall for the sunk cost fallacy, dear. Either play something by a different company or don't have unrealistic expectations, simple as that.

just skip you fucking brainlet.
>b.b.but I don't want to use THAT option!

NintendoGAF will defend ANYTHING their corporate overlords do. They even board cardboard boxes because they had on Nintendo logo on them, fucking CARDBOARD!

Absolutely fucking BOILING lmao

89, blunder of the year, Shitendo lets us down yet again!

The gamepad is only used for the maps and menus in Splatoon 1, that is the objective truth.

chill the fuck out dude holy shit, all I said was that it was an issue in SMM1 as well and you're taking it as if it's some kind of personal attack or something. Legitimately, what is wrong with you?

>that SEETHING mass replying of the snoyfag
LOL, have sex

no skips in SMM2 endless mode

>Level requires insider knowledge about super strats or bugs/glitches in order for it to be finished
I'm afraid not everyone is autistic enough to take part in esports super Mario Bros.

While stuff like grabbing from spinjump will be missed, it's hilarious that fags are getting so riled up about literal bugfixes.

Complexity has its place but Mario isn't it.

First time interacting with a Nin10dicklicker, I assume?
They literally can't handle any criticism of their favorite company. It sends them into a blind rage.

89 lmao

holy FUCK that absolute COPE from this tranny AHAHAHAHA

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On a vanilla Wii U, yes, but Homebrew lets you switch screens at will with a program called Swap DRC.

You okay?

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No one really is. It's all falseflagging and samefagging by blunderfag (Eric).

I'm in a kaizo discord and people are all excited as fuck for SMM2 and to find cool new tech and interactions.

Nintendo fanboys have a high tolerance for garbage dev decisions
Look at Pokemon.
It took them crossing the line of butchering the "Gotta catch em all" motto for those fans to actually spark a small backlash.

These people are too afraid to be critical of their favorite company

>playing any Nintendo game that has a focus on online connectivity
They just aren't good at it, plain and simple. Every one of them always ends up a disaster. Stick to their single player stuff.

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he was shitting on the game more than I was, dumbass

>>Midairs REMOVED
>Those were hard as shit and basically frame perfect. I'm also pretty sure they were unintended.

Is it different with springs because I learned it pretty quick for this

Get a clue, take a shower, hit the weights

>89 lmao
Yep, better than any snoy exclusive this year.

Wow you went off the deep end really quickly
89 is better than the first game btw

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have sex

>it was in SMW
>it was deliberately put into the SMW style in SMM1
>b-but it was a bug, that means they were justified in cutting it

dumb shitposter

mid-airs aren't like spring jumps at all, yes
also spring jumps are still in SMM2

This thread is a dumpster fire. I had this board so much sometimes.

>implying he wouldn't have tried easling out of his embarassment for using that
Nice try.

nice reading comprehension faglord

>game adds a gargantuan ton of content

lmfao you're so silly user

multiplayer is retarded and fundamentally broken if you think about it critically for 6 seconds, it doesn't make sense

That's what happens when Eric and a few other bored Snoys try their hardest to try and keep the latest stellar release of Nintendo from being a success.

They are desperate and will go to any length to samefag, shitpost and falseflag. This thread is 50% just them.

It's just snoyfags SEETHING about SMM2, nothing new about it.

it's a blunderfag thread what did you expect?

>let's not talk about the metric ton of things SMM2 adds to the game


I don't understand it. I have been accused of not even playing MM1, of being a troll, of being a Snoyfag, which I guess in their warped minds is literally an easier assumption to make than "my company isn't perfect"

These were physics from the original SNES game. People SHOULD be angry that they're changing this.
How can you call is SMW style when it slowly but surely stops playing like SMW?

We've seen really cool co-op stages made by Treehouse at the E3 Invitational where it was 2vs2 and the people had to play around on/off blocks to make their team mate advance and such. It was cool.

It's just Nin10dicklickers defending the removal of skill based mechanics, business as usual

dilate incel

and why the Techs being there remove automatically the Run and Jump its already there?

seriously, since when saying 'i want to play levels with costumes', 'i want to use the amiibo costumes in my levels' or 'i want to try Kaizo levels and suffer like everyone else did' is a sin?

its not fair and anyone with half a brain knows that the original mechanics are not affected with the existence of the Techs.

i AM gonna buy the game, but still doesnt change the game that i wont be enjoying the experience everyone else enjoyed and i missed.

Wii U emulation will NEVER be safe unless you have a 16GB Ram and Intel Corei7 with an GTX10000 or so, i dont want to blow my PC up.

Already Pirated it, Online's dead

yeaaaah, cuz EVERY level is gonna be available... uh-huh...

are you blind?

SMM2 introduces far more skill based mechanics than it removes


It's a fun enough of a dumpster fire to waste time at work until the game comes out


name three

who rubbed the magic lamp?

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There's a difference between a Nintendo fan and a Nintendo fanboy, hell I'm a fan of a lot of Nintendo games.
Yea Forums is filled with fanboys on all sides, but fuck me if Nintendo fanboys won't gobble up shit decisions with a smile sometimes

get aids.


Why in gods name would you respond to that post? Shitposters feed off of (You)s and that was an obvious one.

I mean, I get why Sonyroaches are so angry and agitated. They're literally not getting anything this year outside of Days Gone and Dreams. Meanwhile the Switch from now on is getting like 1 must buy a month minimum with SMM2 looking fucking godly and amazing as anyone who has played SMM1 would agree.

So they're bored and sit on Yea Forums all day. A new Nintendo game comes out, it's fucking great, everyone is excited.
What's a Snoy gonna do? Exactly. Start threads like these and samefag them to the high heavens.

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>what is Swap DRC?
There. I did you a favor. Now send nudes.

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>this is what blunderfag snoytrannies think is a clever answer
LOL, dilate harder.

Name them

I just wanna ask is this what every Mario Maker 2 thread will be? I just want to make levels and make people have fun is that wrong?

because I feed off (You)s as well


>Sony fans aren't the worst fanba-

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>snoyfags now have to pretend they homebrewed their Wii Us for an online game years later to get out of the shame of being called out
LOL, how pathetic are you?

Based. Autism ruined Mario Maker.

You're not allowed to have fun on Yea Forums, especially with a new Nintendo title.
That said, eventually they'll get bored and move onto the next game to shitpost against and leave Mario Maker Yea Forumseekend threads alone. Just gotta give it some time I guess.

how is eric not banned after all these years

hey eric

the vast majority of stages require a usable item or block at some point to beat, once it has been used by the first player, no one else can beat the level, the "race" of multiplayer vs is over as soon as someone jumps over a gap with a falling platform

for co-op levels, you can make a great stage but then when you go to upload, you can't be in co-op mode anymore, so you have to beat it with one player. The co-op mode they showed off at the invitational would not even be clearable. And that's just scratching the surface, there are a million other problems, it will be a disaster

Aren't pre-release threads always like this? Just wait for the game to come out fo actual game discussions and level sharing.

All they had to do was copy paste the Wii U game with some new shit added in and everyone would have been happy. Why would they even bother changing shit like this?

*shoves my dick in your mouth*

That's TheDude, not Eric. They're not the same person. Yea Forums has had multiple ultra autistic Snoy guys like them in all the years. Their autism is unparalleled.

ban evading is easy as shit, there are threads with him being 50 percent of all posts, constanly getting banned and evading immediately.

>Want to get this game from Amazon
>It's already sold out in my country (Mexico)
>Now i will have to go to my shitty local gaming store


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The problem is, as you can see in this thread falseflagging ruins legitimate concerns by making them a far bigger deal than they should be, and instead of asking Nintendo to change it or make a constructive argument it's solely used for shitposting.
Nintendo has been very receptive to feedback lately

They made the pretty shitty decision to change some of the original SMW physics
People are gonna be mad about this for a while, maybe not you but some people

have you even watched any multiplayer footage
consumable items like power-ups are multiplied to match the number of players

Anything stage that requires me to look up how to perform glitches on youtube to complete is dumb. Glad they're doing this.

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Do all the different game styles still have identical shitty New Super Mario Bros physics or have they been tweaked to actually match the games they're based on? This was a huge problem with Mario Maker 1
dude was just streaming to experiment with the game, don't have anything clipped though besides these posted earlier. Things are still being discovered as we speak, tech/kaizo scene will explode when the game's officially out as the new shit opens many possibilities.

Thanks for proving anybody shitting on smm2 is just a shitposting snoyfag.
It's good to be validated.

Holy shit, that's a hell of a strawman. Do you always backpedal this hard when your retardation leaks out?

>the shame of being called out
It's like you're projecting.

are you blind?

As much as i like the guy, he has some serious case of the tism. I know these changes will really suck for people like him, but 99% of the playerbase just wont be affected by this.

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this should be a Yea Forums banner

SMM2 will have its own tech. Instead of midair this or spinjump while holding an item that it'll be other things.

Not him, but that applies to block powerups only
If the required powerup is just flat out on the stage waiting to be grabbed, it does not multiply it
Even if it did, they'd all be grabbed by the leading player. One of the GameXplain reviewers complained about exactly this.

>Holy shit, that's a hell of a strawman. Do you always backpedal this hard when your retardation leaks out?
Why do you think there is a need to defend obviously falseflags?
Because snoyfags really are all shitposting on Yea Forums, banning them would improve this place immensly.

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They'll probably find a way to patch it but that is a pretty embarrassing oversight.

>50 hours to clear it
That does not seem worth the effort.

>Literally works on vaccines

The fucking irony. Still love him though.

You can easily just have items infinitely spawn from a pipes. Just don't be retarded and problem solved.

dumb memer

How is barry not banned after all these years?
How is the AC fag?
Nobody knows.

Easy evading, that's why.
Let's not pretend banning IPs actually helps slowing retards like that down.

What's the tech in the second video? Just looks like icicles hitting items to me.

We already got SMAutist to do that for us, but the more the merrier.

the absolute STATE of raging sonylets

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What? I very clearly implied you can have enough powerups for everyone, but I'm clarifying that it most certainly isn't the case for all levels

way to out yourself as a fake kaizo fan

Do you guys think they'll patch this stuff?

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I said it already, but this should be a new banner



>wii u homebrew
>defending them
What the fuck are you talking about? Jesus christ it's like google dreams is using a keyboard.

>big toadette small mario

In those cases, it's an oversight of the level creator, not the developers.

The game literally comes with a stylus you monkey