Summer Games Done Quick 2019 Marathon
Now: Command & PWAHAHAHAHA: Red Alert 3
Next: StarCraft Remastered
Later: The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
Full Schedule:
Summer Games Done Quick 2019 Marathon
Now: Command & PWAHAHAHAHA: Red Alert 3
Next: StarCraft Remastered
Later: The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
Full Schedule:
Other urls found in this thread:
SSS2: Metroid Prime 2 // We Love Katamari
SS: Borderlands 2
S: SMB2 // Ducktales 2 // Hylics
A: Portal 2 // Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland // Outland // Contra // Super Time Force Ultra // Timespinner // Castlevania: PoR // Prey // Uncharted: Drakes Fortune // Monster Boy // Deltarune // DOStlevania // C&C: RE3
B: Sonic Generations // DKC2 // LoZ: Minish Cap // Final Doom // Bwaster Master // Solomon's Key // Jackal // Contra 3 // Ninja Spirit // Castlevania // Perfect Dark // Slipstream // Pokémon Crystals // Zelda Randomizer // Catlateral Damage // Chibi Splatterhouse // Sylvester & Tweety // Boogerman // Flustercuck // LLB
C: DMC // Spyro the Dragon // TMNT 3 // Zombies Ate My Neighbors // Metroid // Castlevania: SotN // Metroid Prime // Skylar and Plux // Kirby Air Ride // Kirby 64 // Ape Escape // Crash Bandicoot 3 // Punch-Out!! (arcade) // The Textorcist // Nex Machina
D: The Hobbit // THUG2 // Marble Madness // Ranger-X // Half Minute Hero // Bloodstained: CotM // Split/Second // Super Mario Sunshine // Nuclear Throne
F: Streets of Rage // Alien Soldier // Chasm: The Rift // Resident Evil 2 // Divekick // Last Action Hero // Furi
ZZZ: Rygar // Titanfall 2 // Silent Hill 3 // Laffy Taffy 3D
Ω: Punch-Out!! (Wii) // Big's Adventure 3 // Shrek XL // Mort da Chicken // Glover // T.R.A.G.
What if you could donate to have games removed from the schedule?
im having fun
Your shit's flipped you dumb snek.
>speedruns should be under an ho-
still wouldnt donate
No bullying here.
>something completely expected happens
are you enjoying the run so far?
Who /Cosmo/here
>why are they laughing? this is so cringy
Is Red Alert 3 a good game?
Enjoying it a lot Animeanon.
For GDQ? yeah totally, but for ESA & RPGLB gimme those hours of goodness.
They finally did something speedrunny instead of just playing the game efficiently so that's nice. Only took them 25 minutes.
I cant see whats going on because someone decided to make the screens so fucking small
I'm a huge RTS-fag and holy shit they fucked up the viewing experience for this game, two equally tiny screens was about the worst way of doing it.
>rts will never be an active genre ever again
FFVII run was almost 8 hours and one of the best runs in the event.
RTS speedruns are boring as hell, so no.
This fucking run is Omega tier.
>bottom of the screen taken by gdq bullshit already
just waiting for the stream
>tfw no covertmuffin bf
why would a run take 3 hours over estimate
this is almost as bad as FE runs
they should have totally done 1 screen and just swapped them now and then
>That brony hairline
GOD I can't wait for ESA memes
Is there anything more homopilled than not liking Muffin?
>crowd for this run
>Tim Curry
>JK Simmons
What the fuck
>Jk simmons in this
What a fucking cast.
Ohnonono we /pol/ now
lol communism isn't bad!
absolute chad
This is so fucking boring to watch, it's like i'm just watching a cutscene, there's no speed to this at all.
I think "$20%" means "do anything in the run anybody asks for for $20
Red alert always gets the best for their cutscenes.
Imagine looking like that guy on the left and having to sit next to a decent looking dude
Why isn't there a CnC with a Nazi campaign?
Narcisforatu is fucking terrifying, it's devastating to see what men can turn into if they sink low enough
Its honestly not that bad for a C&C game. Not the best, but better than the flaming trash barrel that is C&C4. If you like the other games, its a cute little addition to the series. If you don't like them, then avoid it
Tech issues. Many.
>ywn have vern schillinger as president
Just because you are retarded and don't know what's happening doesn't mean there is no speed
Would be banned in too many countries
That PFAWAHAHAHA laughter seems so forced but he has to do it to please R*ddit.
Because Nazis are "bad", user.
Why do they always put such shit speedrun games in the primetime slot?
Yesterday a few hours of Pokemon, today 2 hours of C&C.
Not saying that C&C is bad, just that it absolutely sucks as a speedrun game for a huge audience and they should know better.
Hope you guys have a good day today
It would never be allowed.
getting projared vibes
its hard to describe death but seeing cosmo is a clear depiction of it
He looks like he fucks black guys
Can't be in Red Alert because the entire premise is the assassination of Adolf Hitler using time travel.
Because it's about how the cold war never ended. Not about how WW2 ended differently.
Why did they pick that? Probably because the implication of the cold war never ending is crazy sci-fi weaponry.
vidya kino
>>ywn have vern schillinger as presiden
this is primetime for EU, not US. Best runs are after midnight EU time
This, but it's not like anyone here knows anything about Red Alert anyway
Not possible to make likable Nazi characters.
Doesn't help that everything's minimized as shit to make room for a facecam
fuck gdq and fuck murrilards
just a repost from last thread
I was expecting a fun time but got these 2 faggot losers instead. The guy on the left is an obvious faggot tranny in training.
>bad skin
>already balding
>colored hair
>too pale
>pony t-shirt
And the faggot on the right is an obnoxious douche. He has a gay hardon for Tim Curry and laughs at his tiniest mannerisms because hes a closet fag. Fuck him and his gay bitch laugh. Ruined what I thought would be a cool game, but now I see the caliber of people who play it. Pathetic.
Why not?
This one was a special case of a lot of tech issues, donations incentives to make the run harder for them and finally the whole final dungeon issue, where the runner died near the end game but the stage didn't have any save point, so his friend decided to get the speedrun script and walk all the way back to where he died and they together finished the run
>21 days ban for joking about doxxing the runner when his steam account is shown
Are you okay jannie?
A spinoff then!
You're alright, user.
>that's okay. It just slows us down
just play rush for berlin if you want to be a facist.
FFIII's final dungeon is over an hour with no saves and nothing but bullshit. He wiped on a boss and went back, and then the PSP battery came out and that sent him back again. Lost over 2 hours to that place.
Because RA is about soviets being worse than nazis.
>the entire premise is the assassination of Adolf Hitler using time travel.
why did they even bother to do that when hitler would have suicided anyway. stupid plot
every nazi i've met irl have been all edge and no point, pretty annoying
das boot
Zfg literally stealing from charity. Why is he so anti gdq now?
Not everything has to have Nazi's in it. We have a hard enough time getting EA to throw more money into this firepit.
I wish the scheduled DS2 run was the old patch with bino boost. 2h run of SotFS isn't that fun to watch, its just 2h of slow running and poking everything with a rapier
if this guy guffaws over another cutscene im gonna rage
>1h 30 min. left
They'd all be 80+ wouldn't they? You have to make some allowances.
>The magic of @Jaku -- playing Mario Maker 2 at #SGDQ2019 doing kaizo tricks in low gravity nighttime airship levels
to avoid the second great war.
don't try thinking too hard. you might have a stroke.
ok im curious, how can borderlands 2 be a fun watch?
i enjoyed the games but as a speedrun game? seems kinda shit
>Do something for free
Oh I don't know if he okay at all
A tranny needs to eat.
>you don't know hitler like I do
>he's misunderstood
>you wouldn't understand
>goes on refusing to explain
and then I grew bored
Muffin is such a try hard faggot. Jesus Christ I wish he'd have gotten bullied more in school
Ric Flair is the American side General.
This game is hilariously campy.
it's flipped
I usually like everyone and I would consider myself a very warm and understanding person. However, this muffin person is just too fucking much.
Why would somebody purposely make their laugh sound like that? It's like putting effort into annoying everyone around you
>People say the Shrek run is good
>It's full of the crowd yelling dumb shit
authoritarians tend to be like that, just make them exagerated and funny evil and they will be likable, look at the commies in this Run, Tim is great
i remember when you guys loved the muffin guy and kept speculating that he'd be banned for having too much fun
>no I haven't read mein kampf.
George Takei plays the not japanese leader if I remember right.
Are you one of those cringey faggots that thinks saying "wholesome" makes you a better person?
>he fell for the reverselist
Not just flipped. It's altered by some assmad crybaby autist because Yea Forums didn't agree with his shit reddit taste.
whats in the cans
Just tuned in, this run any fun?
you schizos would call Donald Trump a tranny at this point
CovertMuffin is cute. CUTE!
can someone explain what's happening in this webm?
isn't that what this is?
If believing so would make you happy then sure.
>faggot on the left with the thinning hair and bad hair dye
he should just khs now and not suffer going through HRT
its not even a good laugh, its obnoxious and corny. This is the kind of guy you can shut down if you just ask him what hes laughing at. He was the only one laughing for the majority of watching those vids, his hardon for Tim Curry was so apparent and off putting. I couldn't imagine being there live, its probably at that point it hit some people. They're sitting there watching a shitty game cutscene with 2 self absorbed incels giggling over it like they got a text from a boy they like.
Do you think he will go far or not??
No one on Yea Forums recognises Peter Stormare
is that fucking peter stormare?
Genuinely wholesome.
I started with just "dieting" (more like 'improving bad eating habits), then added regular walks which I then turned into jogging. Eventually I was doing four 5km+ jogs a week.
Now I do two 5km jogs a week + some very basic bodyweight stuff (30 push ups, 30 squats a day, want to do more though). I haven't looked into how to properly build muscle but I really should.
>Tfw have the same autistic nervous laughter
>Tfw someone once said my laugh sounded like a trainwreck
I missed the Super Mario Sunshine race, was it any good?
fuck off shitposter
>nazi greet
what the fuck??????
Looks to me like he asked if she wanted to go somewhere with him and she told him she has a boyfriend that's sitting right next to him.
Oh fuck I forgot Stormaire was in this.
Oh, the threads are full of crossboarding retards. Now it all makes sense.
I want Penny Wise to rip their bones into dust.
The duality of man
most people go through that phase where everything is embarrassing and cringe. don't worry. hang on and you'll get over it and become an actual adult before long.
Unless your laugh is actually nails on a chalkboard tier, which I doubt, you can make it charming. Someone confident with a silly laugh is actually REALLY likable generally.
>RTS speedrun
Everything's funny to this piece of shit ? Imagine sitting next to a guy with pink and purple hair and still managing to be the clown out of the two.
To be recognizable, if you hated it you're going to remember why you did.
That never happened and you know it.
beta bux, alpha fux
>being this overjoyed with 2 faggots behind him.
That thing on the right is so much more offputting when you notice his arm hair.
The guy on his left is in training. The dude on the far right is probably a secret nazi getting tired of this shit.
Please stop. I've beat my meat enough for one day.
Same here. Friends used to say my laughter is terrible
Use it to command space
Heh. I mean fuhahahaha.
i know he's in minority report and until dawn
Keep crying.
but I hate trannies, commies and nazis
>t. tranny
kys (got em)
Not really there are a shitload of long stage transitions and some boring out of bounds
back at it again, huh
imagine being this assblassted by anime and some text on screen that doesn't match your preference that is (((based))) on the rankings
>I'm a 100 lb cute boy so I always wondered how it feels on the opposite end. Being able to curl up in chairs and stuff is comfy. I couldn't imagine not being able to do that
It's nice that you're comfortable with yourself user. I, on the other hand, like being physically large and strong and having a presence, though obviously I don't like being fat.
I'd leave curling up in chairs and stuff or on my lap to petite girls.
>that arm and leg hair
If you don't like the run, don't watch
>Imagine sitting next to a guy with pink and purple hair
Who is also a brony and wearing a MLP shirt.
>guy has fun and laughs a lot at an event
Imagine actually being upset by this.
intensive 10 apm run
covertmuffin has been the highlight of the past 3 years
Worst Mario game so prob not
>that face
thats a yikes from m-
>no bulge
so this is not a tranny?
underage /pol/nigger
If you want cool red alert speedruns RA2 is pretty good.
>SH3 in trash
>RE2 in trash
wait what? So is this a bizarro chart or not?
>chest hair
But then how would I bitch about it?
>if the quality of something starts dropping just leave
yeah thats why trannies are everywhere and trump is the president because everyone never does anything
That usually means that you don't find it genuinely funny, you just try to fit in with the other ironic retards. Stop laughing to fill silence, silence is worth more than most of the fucking bullshit you nihilistic fucks make fun of. Take life seriously.
You realize that list exists specifically because of someone doing exactly that, getting so assblasted that text didn't match what they want that they started spamming threads with misinformation. Out of the two groups of people, obviously the person doing it first is the worst.
Do you think they aren't? If yes, could you explain why you believe that?
>Freedom will always prevail in the end
Hogan's Heroes
>Someone confident with a silly laugh is actually REALLY likable generally.
no they become annoying and not liked.
Command and Conquer ?
More like
Command and Kill myself
have sex, seriously. it's good
>answering the not (you) posts
that's exactly what I thought, like pottery
You are now itching manually.
seems kike the most normie couch ever minus the tranny
zoomers absolutely seething
They're not gonna make this goal are they. We're not going to see the superior RTS played, are we
Is this almost over
thanks, understandable
this is a let's play
How can people stay conscious playing this? I'd rather go to work for two shifts than play/watch this boring fucking shit for 2 hours.
Muffin is perfectly fine until the nigger starts laughing, fuck me stop laughing everything you tard.
Strong D.E.N.N.I.S. vibes from this guy
They're really not the tranny filled hob goblins that they are made out to be. They look like regular people and the middle chick looks like shes fucked at least 3 dudes in that picture
It's always one of you fucking retards, isn't it?
It's already met user...
Genuine question, why do so many of those forever virgins like the guy on the right wear those casts on the hand? like I always see fat sweaty guys with those on their hands at cons and never understand why
I don't like the streamer. I thought the game was cool but then I realized the types who play it are commie trannies and annoying faggots. AS WAS SHOWCASED
But he's so cute and funny though! So happy:')
>ywn run your hands all over muffin's torso like that
>2 hours of this piece of shit laughing to objectively not funny shit
I thought speedrunning JRPGs or racing games was the dumbest shit ever but RTSs are up there too.
Oh yeah.
Need the ocremix of that laff
Why do they please these games? You can't really speedrun them, same with most racing games...
Good. I don't know what the fuck is happening in these games
alright they actually made me laugh with the
>going ot work
>using a fucking newfag meme
Get off my site
Holy fuck manual laughing
>all these fags complaining about BASED MUFFIN and racing games
We can see who you are cunts.
Jesus Christ his laugh is annoying
shit player
shit laugh
almost as bad as day9
Imagine being a brony in 2019. What a sad state of affairs.
Shoutouts to the tech crew
Tech is hovering over that scene change button.
>Fucking up again
lmao. Please fucking cancel this trash and send this cringe ass annoying faggot home
>killed the run halfway through
>N is for niggers
What did he mean by this?
Fucking shit tier run for sure.
Nah it's going to be played, they'll make sure of it. Why else would the dude be there and give an interview about the game.
>LOZ Link Between Worlds
This a fun speedrun to watch?
>having a captive audience listen to a mic'd incel lose it everytime Tim Curry does a facial expression.
>rest of the audience is silent
yeah nah, don't subject the crowd to a guy's giggling fangirling on a hot mic.
Jesus christ is the pwahahaha guy a GDQ tradition now?
FWAhAHAHAHAHAAH it's for the best.
>donator has a gf
Based snake list shitting on trannies and their queer list
QT azn on couch ??
>if the quality of something starts dropping just leave
This is pretty sound logic. Or at least mute it and go to another tab
>be happy dude
>make faggots angry
can one guy be so based?
Look at all these underage newfags.
damn man, I have more hair on my ass than you have on your belly
indie, nintendie, jrpg fags absolutely seething at rtschads
>practice speedrun hundreds of times
>doesnt involve anything funny
>laugh exaggeratedly at every single thing in the game which youve already seen hundreds of time before
He dethroned protomagicaltranny, there can only be one!
God yes
I love Tim Curry!
reminded me of the manhunt ending. thanks for the fond adolescence memory user.
I don't think you can do math
what kind of hairstyle is that?
WW2 never happened in Red Alert, Hitler never came to power
I would't really prefer it if he'd be quiet
Prove it
Based OK sign hairy bear belly poster
Now post your Switch
Curry deserved an Oscar for this
Based Snek
Are any of those runs entertaining apart from the technical speedrunning part?
>Americans laughing at communism
Is that why you shit the bed and tried for decades to stop it. You weren't laughing then were you?
The ones that unironically like Muffin? Yup.
i thought they were playing C&C3 the best C&C but sadly its shitty red alert 3
would you like muffin if not for the PFFWA HA HA HA HA? i like him regardless
but its your first gdq you tranny faggot
can't believe I never played these games. I was more of an Age of Empires/Mythology player
>that pic
is this a world first girl in the premises?
I understood that reference. I don't have a switch yet though.
>unironically being a commie in 2019
have sex
I have already thanks.
fuck off to Venezuela, retard. It's a videogame, don't get so butthurt over it
No, the ones that are crying like little bitches.
We still have time, before it is too late.
Absolutely yes.
I have a neopolitan klondike bar, should I eat it now?
Same, but we surely turned out better than those 2 runners. Cant be a coincidence.
>have sex
Fucking zoomer meme
As long as it's videogames
Put it in your butt before eating it.
hell be fine
>tfw skipped Punchy with another SH run
and a jew got turned into ashes in the intro vid
Goddamnit is that fat autistic dance guy there again? I physically want to drop kick him.
That doesn't sound comfortable at all
>Another race
No thanks.
what is she trying to tell me with that hand gesture
enjoy ur toliet paper ration comrade
Feel like pure shit just want her back x
damn right, user
Is there no Youtube stream? Firefox doesn't like Twitch.
Dumb kancolle poster
Let me guess, this CovertMuffin previously did something /pol/ liked/anti-tranny and that's why the defense force is on full throttle.
The guy's laugh is so annoying it overshadows the game. Stop defending him.
You mean if he laughed in a non-obnoxious way to every unfunny shit in this game ? Nah.
The Cold War has been over for decades you moron.
Which one?
Ive done that before with some kinds of ice cream, it tickles but its a mess to clean up.
its only a problem when I take a shit since it sticks to the hair
being hairy isnt that bad desu
Speedrunning is the most degenerate act man has ever come up.
It’s co-op you illiterate fuck
what? I've been watching it on firefox the whole time just fine
Are you retard?
>Feel like pure shit just want him back x
ftfy :)
oh god its the autistic wc3 runner
>be russkie
>always amused by the over-the top portrayal of commies in american media and always appreciate it
that's pretty common here
It's "nice to meet you" gesture in Japan.
punchy is only fun when he is being nugget bullied.
Use streamlink.
>Let me guess, this CovertMuffin previously did something /pol/ liked/anti-tranny and that's why the defense force is on full throttle.
he didnt, he did a good jka run couple years ago
No. All of this is just about his obnoxious laugh. As far as I know anyway. I haven't heard anything about him being political or degenerate.
Isn't there a mechanical one?
You can eat it while I eat your butt.
is he in this gdq?
He's probably a /g/ autist who hasn't updated his browser in years
Nice confirm off the air-to-air, now watch the oki
Why did they let such a broken run into GDQ?
>ass fag filenames
Your firefox doesn't like it
>come into thread
>make a post referring to a tranny as ''she''
>guarenteed (you)s
Man, what a shitty stream
no fatass
>S-Switch away
PC speedruns are garbage
MAN THIS RUN WAS SUCH A GOOD IDEA. mercy kill this shit and just play brood war, fuck the incentive.
>Another desync
Who programed this game?
What the fuck is going on with this run?
It's 100% happening, they already have the 'no message' 1000 dollar money laundered donations rolling in. Incentive games always get played.
Thats retarded. No wonder they got nuked twice.
was that the one with S P A C E M A N
that sounds a lot like Yea Forums
I-I wouldn't mind helping you clean up.
the constant shilling for donations is insane, even the fake donations are advertisements
mercy kill
Christ, that whistling from that announcer.
>dat ass check
what did you quote?
How did they let a game this problematic into a GDQ?
Negro girl is kind of cute..
Did anyone clip the Katamari Damacy runner saying "Pronouns are she/her"
I dont fucking remember
Isn't it all so funny?
Jesus fucking christ. The guy 2nd from the left looks like he wants to bust out a MG42 and mow those faggots down.
>eyebrowsles stone face tranny
>faggot with no lips and masculine build chest/shoulder wise. also shit hair
>faggot with purple hair trying desperately to come off as cute by hiding shoulders, chest and wrists.
They should livestream their suicides.
>foul language isn't allowerd because it's a family friendly event
>this is allowed
based Peter Stormare
why did you spoiler?
>sticks to the hair
Literally never happened to me
Then again I always use a shit ton of TP anyways
I'd rather watch Child 1 than this run
Excessive focus on humor is one of the most telling sign that a civilization is on the verge of dying.
>yfw we are going to cleanse anime
It is about time comrades!
you're not taking my extensions away mozilloid
smother me with that butt!
*bernebo screeches and bird laughs*
No. It's to be expected.
Video games yeah
shut the fuck up incel
charmless losers dropping the ball.
>theres still another hour of this shit.
I never played Red Alert 3, and now I don't want to.
me too unironically, she brought the most drama to the event. shitposting with you all about trannies isnt the same as it was with her.
Did they have to stop for some reason?
>mfw I barely actually watch the stream and just have it open and sit in these threads way more than paying attention to it.
Is discord down again? Why are you doing a gay ERP session on Yea Forums?
actually it's tranny, kikes and niggers
Have sex
is this the actual intended campaign units or what?
imagine running an out of date browser with javascript enabled on purpose
I'm still confused, what the hell happened to caveman
valkyr is hot
when is this shit run over?
cncnet fucking up I believe
I used to play ra3 online and it was janky as hell
new here?
Nigga, pls.
It's been going strong for at least 6000 years, so I think you're full of shit.
>de hippie spacing
why are trannys so cute bros
Too bad they went completely off the fucking deepend.
he lost his power after he shaved his moustache
but warframes aren't exactly robuts
kek, what a mentally ill nigger.
it was trash, but bizarro Yea Forums suddenly liked it at the end because they sang along to the credits. meanwhile, the non-redditors in the thread were cringing and muting the stream just like in fucking disney sing along in KH,but for some reason people give punchy a pass
is this satire or something?
That sounds very hot and delicious
and women running around unchecked.
desu i wouldn’t mind clapping her ebony cheeks and cumming inside of her without protection
what did you quote?
>If I don't think that, she will have sex with me
now there's a meme i haven't seen in a while
>forcing the other's head in order to kiss
ruh roh
did they cut the estimate for an hour?
God white people are so fucking ugly
only stupid retards use browsers to watch videos or streams
streamlink it into mpv or mpc
Well I think they're hot so you can have robots later.
It is. Casually it's easy to fuck up.
Halfway through the run, are you making it?
his shit laugh
Well, commander?
Look at that guy's face, his fight or flight instincts just kicked in.
Good girl! I hope you spread a little but of that ice cream around inside beforehand first though.
thanks for reminding me to fap to noire later
Aren’t they wrist braces because they have carpel tunnel and shit?
>named Dan anyway
Imagine waking up and trying to believe this shit everyday when you know the reality is you look like a living example of all the wrong choices made in life.
>fuck you if you don't agree with my own delusions
whats the deal with this new dyed hair meme
>Pokémon Snap Race at #SGDQ2019
>tfw the morgue will label him as Male after his death and there is nothing he can do to stop it
Close enough to robuts
Cute, what flavor would you like?
Someone said he got a girlfriend, guess she made him more social and he lost his pessismism
She's my girlfriend user. i would appreciate if you not fap to her.
Yup, niggers are mad funny. Problem?
shoutouts to the tech crew
why did you delete?
Fucking stupid ass show for pedos
>I love my best friend's daughter even though I am fully grown woman XD
>here is this random ass plot that goes on for half the series that has no meaning what so ever since it had nothing to do with the plot in anyway
I have no fucking clue how people think this is a hidden gem, it fucking blows
I'm eating a mixture of peanuts, cashew nuts and almonds with water on the side
its a feminine thing to do, apparently
Wow. Imagine the smell.
>guy wearing flip flops
just when it couldn't get any gayer.
What is it with Trannies and having horrendous skin? Its pale, spotty and dry.
>no black guys
why is GDQ so racist?
>literally nobody has talked about the game currently being played in about 200 posts
why have these threads
>alt right hand sign
what did he mean by this
It's getting dark anons. Make sure to put Tomorrow style.
They’re literally 85% manlets.
Yay, the run is half over!
Lad on the right has a nice wide frame, he should hit the gym to fill it out.
why is a non-prime frame reeing in orokin?
Not our fault this awful run gives us nothing to talk about.
The crybaby.
too late
already busted loads, million of unborn, buckets of semen
RTS speedruns are fucking boring.
They watch too much anime.
there is nothing to fucking talk about
But it definitely does have meaning, but Flip Flappers just requires an actual brain to appreciate it.
i fucking love the red alert cutscenes
I guess "robuts" is more concise that "remote mindlink controlled latex golems made from willing humans with nanotechnology"
welcome to gdq threads
at least we don't have a mod dumping webms of roasties and banning anyone calling him out like previous years
current game is fucking boring honestly, rts is a shit genre for speedrunning
No, pay attention it has increased exponentially.
All the 200+ IQs are watching the stream, contemplating strategies and enjoying Muffin.
Is there any other reason to play the game?
>no black guys
I’m angry and disgusted by multiple aspects of the event. And I enjoy it that way, delicious drama cummies PLEASE
Because everyone stated that they would do something else
>2 obnoxious streamers
>incentive to watch all cutscenes met
>Tim Curry on scene for .1 second
>boring gameplay
>constant technical difficulties
yeah, PASS
Giving 12 year old's boners.
Mods are doing their job for once.
Best shitposting on the entire board
Only fun speed runs to watch are sidescrollers. Speedrunning rpgs is retarded.
Ok, whats the meaning, Mr. Big Brain guy?
obviously, what else do manlets have to do besides play video games. there is nothing in life for them
I'm writing a very strongly worded to SquareEnix's ethics dept. right now.
gonna watch this later cheers
Give me a link to an explanation then.
Even if I take it at face value, it only had two episodes that were any good and that's because of the action. The only good part about the story, ironically are the two characters who get the least amount of screentime.
It fucking sucked m8
>at least we don't have a mod dumping webms of roasties and banning anyone calling him out like previous years
You still seething about that? You going to still seethe when it happens during ESA soon?
The run & runners are shiiiiit, why talk about that shit when you could shitpost?
is she just straight up wearing a bikini bottom?
there's nothing there on her thighs
Is this the worst run yet, or were there even worse ones?
tfw I started watching Leffen play Samurai Shodown instead of this
Twinblades are great fun to use. Soviets knew their flying tanks.
check out Wargame Red Dragon for some more soviet helicopter goodness
Check out my OC, you inspired me by making me notice the eyebrowless tranny.
>2 hours
You think DitF had good writing too, right?
>girlfeet on cam
you think they took turns licking her bros?
wish me luck, Im up next
this will be a blast
what happened in the katamari run?
Honestly is trannieism infectious? Why are all these people mutilating themselves now?
Link me
Who be she.
because it's not zelda/mario/poke shit.
hey hotpocket, why aren't you deleting posts you don't like? too busy dilating this year?
>muh pedo muuh
Your fucking autism doesn't let you rethink.
Reeing that her prime frame isn't out yet.
Kinda wish they just went straight up with robuts, instead of whatever mess they have now.
What happened to the sluts
most of the gdq trannies still have dicks, they dress up like girls for attention and better chances of getting a run
3 btw
Isn't a speedrun without any speed just a let's play?
Most of them are autists and autists for some reason are more likely to follow the tranny form of troonism for some reason.
literally 0.2% of people are trans at the most, stop being obsessed
nothing, just fucking nothing
it wasnt a speedrun, it was a lets play and the runner was one of the most unfunny, autistic, boring people so far
>We are once again very thankful to have @theyetee back as official t-shirt sponsor of #SGDQ2019! $5 from every shirt sold this week will go directly to @MSF_USA
A faggot who worships the antichrist aka the loser's side. Its also not an alt-right sign at all, leftists do it all the time.
RTS' don't make for good speedruns. This is a let's play.
lol gave me a hearty chuckle user. Wow the resemblance is fuckin uncanny.
That girl a cute
If your character is running, its a speed run.
Tim Curry is great
>problematic glasses
why didn't you save her Yea Forums?
Only care for ESA
It's funny guys look!
>still thinking I'm a mod or a janitor
>still mad about being shushed a year ago
She's cute, CUTE!
>yfw russians whitepill the gooks
>mod dumping webms of roasties
Did this really happen
....Real talk, is that a man?
another 2 hours of rts block
Why is this funny? I don't get the joke
>it's a trap
Is she poor because she's a bean?
That guys eye brows are priceless.
Tell me what there is to say. really, explain to me what could reasonably be said about this C&C run. there is nothing to talk about.
that wasnt even funny what the fuck
>Yea Forums doesn't find covertmuffin funny anymore
Based, I knew you zoomers would learn one day.
new bread
Thanks for update, Big Ben.
Is this a man
what is the bonus game?
Just got here. Game looks fun. Should I get it if I like RTS games?
What's your run type of choice?
EPIC NERD HUMOR yuo wouldnt understand dad
Get Red Alert 2 instead
I knew Dist was Jewish but is larxa Jewish too?
No. He just assumed a mod was posting webms because his autistic victim complex couldn't believe that a dozen people were reporting him for spamming and ban evading.
>minish cap hat
>decent shirts across the board
>owne wilson
>pikachu hat
>Kirby's gaping asshole hat
I have a feeling these guys would be cool, idk if its the fucking lighting or osmething but they all look like dweebs, height aside. Some look like closet homos like the 2 to the left of the pikachu hat.
Maybe its the cargo shorts.
tech at GDQ are fucking incompetent.
>i need help paying my bills!
>by the way, i'm flying to minnesota and staying in a hotel/eating out with my beta orbiters for a week so i may not respond to DMs for a bit
based edobese scammer
Yes. A mod spammed the threads with 3dpd webms while deleting all anime post and more
Yea Forums Never did
I knew you faggots were crossboarders.
>Kinda wish they just went straight up with robuts, instead of whatever mess they have now.
Also Ivara's ass doesn't look nearly anything like that. Wisp, Khora, Ember, Mesa prime - now these are asses
she's gotta be wearing spanx or a corset. her body has thinned out but her face is fatter than ever
It's just crowdcam dude making webms of chicks there and a janny apparently just deleting posts or banning people arguing against it. Dunno why some guy thinks crowdcam webm dude is a janny as well.
Good lord this woman is perfect
this lol
>brb not saving costs at all
It's not on steam
frog waifu a cute
Because it's impossible that this was different people.
>one guy spamming webms
>if you so much as reply to him negatively, you get a 3 day ban within seconds
>noo the webm dude totally isn't a mod
>any% glitched
Is that Sophia Boutella?
You act like the bans were unprovoked when you were literally sperging out for hours upon hours. Of course you're going to get popped after you ban evade.
110% because she started out as our girl(male)
Sure as hell remembering nothing happening at different points in the day while the webm guy made webms
are you face blind
Flip Flappers is about an exploration of thematics, with each Pure Illusion world being an abstract interpretation of said theme. It uses the Pure Illusion worlds as a very avant-garde way to represent the duality between conscious and subconscious. Look at something like episode 6 with Iro and how she uses the warm and loving grandmother (also named Iro) as a way to obtain the sentiments her destructive family fails to give her. Once the grandmother forgets their coincidentally shared name due to dementia, Iro seeks to switch places with the Iro of the times she had with the grandmother Iro. That particular episode is all about escapism and lying to the self.
Though i will give you that the overarching plot is really dumb, i would have much perferred if it was just Cocona and Papika discovering various Pure Illusions and their themes every episode but the team obviously wanted some kind of ending.
>it is literally impossible that more than one person would be against a speedrun thread being 90% tranny webms, you must be a ban evader
the absolute state of trannyjanny
>check out game on steam
>multiplayer doesn't work because servers have been dead since 2014 due to gamespy dying
What the fuck? What's the point of paying for the steam DRM if they don't foot the bill for the multiplayer servers? Is there any way to play this game with other people at all? Not even peer to peer works?
Forever the victim.
Watching the rugby instead lads, kino sport on right now
>90% tranny webms,
No touching.