Can we talk about this gem of a game and how it was taken from us too soon?
Who did you main?
Which maps were your favorite?
Why did it have to die?
Can we talk about this gem of a game and how it was taken from us too soon?
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Well it's not really dead yet, just abandoned. Brainlet devs was the main cause.
Unless they release the ability to
-Make custom maps (its unreal engine so it should be a given)
-Host servers with these custom maps
Its got a very short lifespan, you can only play Whitechaple so many times.
>Why did it have to die?
Because this is the fate of 80% of "live service" games... and Splash Damage is retarded
Chapel is the dust2 of DB
>moba shit
That will never happen, development has completely ceased. But I don't think the game will die for years while the servers are alive, there aren't really other alternatives to this kind of game at the moment.
Wrecking as Vasily is the best feeling
Terminal second phase always felt like the Dust2 to me.
recons should be removed desu
>it's a "vs 3 Skyhammers, 2 Kiras, 2 Proxys, and 1 Spark on Chapel" episode
>Go Arty
>beat them at their own game
>on the offense team
Yeah but those are just two small things that would give the game TF2 levels of longevity. Aside from the server hosting it couldnt be that resource intensive.
Proxy or the nader
I really miss the jump mechanics. Best part of this game
I stopped playing after they scraped the bomb plant game mode.
I used to main Bush. But that was after they nerfed the semi auto rifle(close range, can't remember the name, both Arty and Redeye had that gun), before that I used to main redeye.
I mained rhino and my buddy mained aura.
The minigun streaks could get really disgusting sometimes.
you're a tremendous faggot
How many people are still playing? I suppose it has become more of huge circlejerk than before
going fast with proxy and laying down cheeky mines was really fun
she's leaving :(
Only played fragger and nader. Never really got into it. Seemed like the devs didn't have a clear vision for the game and didn't really know what to do with it.
Not many but there are still populated servers all the times and even weekend PUGs.
I would too. I hope I still see her in the future
>those are just two small things
The devs literally refused to fix bugs even when the game was still being supported because "it would be too much work", it's hopeless.
You want to know a cool visual bug that's been in the game since alpha and still exist to this day?
The big revolver, Smith and Wesjuns, cylinder doesn't properly line up with the rest of the model after you reload it once and ironsight with it.
I want to violate the person responsible for the animation when ADSing with revolvers. How is it a good idea to make the kick completely block the center of your screen?
the advertising was terrible despite the game being pretty solid
>tfw Phoenix is a superior asshole
My favorite merc
Dropped this game when they added the broken ninja. Incompetent dev team
>F2P run by chink publisher
It hurts but I wasn't surprised
What's so special about?
satisfying movement and gunplay
It was the successor to Enemy Territory.
Mained proxy. Fuck the turret guy. Fuck the rez sniper girl
Rhino was op as fuck, but only on CQC maps like vault
They're only leaving the official servers up till the end of this year. After that it's going to be community servers only, and I doubt many people are going to pay to keep servers up for this. A few dedicated people might continue to play but I'm fully expecting player counts below 50 players.
The developers were retarded. The game had no anti cheat for a whole year. By the time they add one everyone moved on.
Updates were extremely slow. They focused more on micro transactions and esports instead of actual content.
Get fucked Ainsley sticky shitters you ruined the game for everyone you autistic shits.
The biggest problem for me was the number of hackers which was made worse by it being free.
>can go completely invisible and 1 shot literally everyone
>no weakness
>forum retards still defend it
>its unreal engine
it's a heavily modified engine that was made with a fuck ton of undocumented changes from people who dont work there shortly after beta launched.
I remember an exploit that let you get on top of out of bounds buildings and kill everyone safely. I reported every single one with evidence and nobody got banned. Came back a month later and you could still do it.
These devs deserve no success.
i mained anyone that ran fast with a shotgun and trickjumped over and around walls the whole game 1 shotting unsuspecting people
until they added the melee retard and i quit
best f2p FPS hands down. shame it died
redeye best nigga, sparks best girl
Reminder that Sawbonez's canon name is Phil Swift.
He sawed these bonez in half.
||I miss Thunder bros||
Don't forget retarded Anons who make webms with star wipes also defended it to death.
>Kills your game
>Fuck my main
proxy and bonesaw(i think that was his name; the guy with the shades and du-rag who dropped med kits)
>0.1 cobalt chance
Dirty Bomb? More like Dirty Jews.
Started playing again after years and this is when I quit for a second time. Fuck that shit.
Played it in preparation for Overwatch (which I thought was going to be a great successor to TF2)
Ended up loving DB almost as much as TF2 and never giving OW more than a month.
Fletcher was my guy. I would put on some grimy fast paced rasta Drum and Bass hits and just wire in bouncing off the walls and chaining lever shotgun combos and no look sticky bomb sticks like it was a fucking high intensity cuhrazy DMC style game. Holy shit was it fun as all fuck my god.
I was pretty much forced to main Aura since people didn't realize she was a required pick on every team and most people dropped her because she was a starter character, and new players who did use her didn't know how to use her.
pretty much solo carried with her