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Ushered in an incredible era of creativity while damning many people to a life of autism
But you can do literally whatever the fuck you want
White snow hasn’t released any new guns in a year and cwc circumcisions base is buggy
Come back spy
good until got killed by jewish coders who sold their addons.
spent 4 years of my formative youth programming when e2 on it, now am doing compsci
"Uniteligable gibberish"/10
Used to be good. Is now shit full of literal turbo autists. I would avoid it, it's way past it's prime.
Is *the* sandbox game, no other game can give you this sense of creative freedom, maybe with the exception of "Doom" since is so easy to mod it nowdays.
10/10, wasted thousands of ours in it.
fun with friends.
God tier game, haven't played in ages because all my favorite servers died. The community has been on a downhill slide for a while though, it's probably 80% twitch kiddies now.
I've seen a lot of wiremod content creators ending up in either high end engineering careers or tank crewmen
you now remember Legacy HL2RP
Feels bad man
Great game managed by a senile retard
Genuinely don't understand how people can enjoy darkrp and TTT for hours upon hours unless you got your friends in on the autism as well.
What do I play with my friends? Also can somebody link me a good tutorial? I want to play some game modes with my friends who got it yesterday
It’s still fucking hilarious if you know how to mess with people
RIP facepunch
Gmod still is pretty cool. Great game modes, great platform for creativity. I remember having a lot of fun just building shit, trying and failing to make stuff using wire mod and that programming addon
I used to make models for this game lol
shit was kino
>dark rp
running the mob with a money printer base
playing thief and lockpicking into closed doors to rob people's money printers
running down main street getting chased by police trying to transfer money printers to your hideout
playing as police and raiding mob hideout by watching them do something illegal
building elaborate fading door maze with one-way walls and kill boxes
arguing with admins on their forums and screenshotting timestamps of before and after when they edited in rules in their favor to in an argument
robbing people as thug by '/say drop 500 or die 5 seconds' bound to a key
drop ramen containers out of thin air to satisfy your hunger mid-robbery
propkilling as innocent
Hiding in a bathroom stall in overtime forcing a traitor to buy radar which means the only way he can know your location is to be GUILTY
randomly shouting players names and cutting off your mic
Wasted my high school years playing some shitty RP servers with autistic children.
literally me on hl2rp. got 4,000 hours between grade 9 and 11, stopped in 12 because it died
Overrun with screeching children.
I remember learning and making tons of cool shit with wire. I don't remember a thing now.
and you're still doing it on this retarded babylonian slate carving board
Oh yeah, that's another thing. I wish I had never discovered Yea Forums as well.
>all those hours I spent trying to oneshot climb maps
>all those hours lost just to get a trail or a hat
God damn
I miss it bros
I wasted my high school years watching gmod videos and playing tf2. I miss it
Would be better without all the rp servers
Would you like to buy a gun?
the stranded game mode was a lot of fun, it was a bit of a forerunner to all those survival games like rust
white man give gun
Playing on medieval rp right now it’s fucking autistic
Haven't played it since GMT closed
Ball race and Virus were both fuckin excellent. Stupid amounts of fun along with PvP battle.
I enjoyed those times, you should too.
dont remind me. I miss is so much.
>tfw apparently played in the same server as gary and got the achievement I thought would be impossible
I prefer danbooru
spent over a 1000h on a single ttt server, playing with the same people over the course of ~2 years. still the best gaming experience i've had, but it's only cause i got lucky and found a community of great people who are fun to play with. nowadays you won't find a decent vanilla ttt server, they're all riddled with pointshops and retarded addons just to pander to ADHD children that steal their parents' money to buy vip benefits.
Could be worse. You could have been an admin for an RP babysitting hundreds of autistic children. I did it for 6 years. I regret nothing.
sorry shipments only. i can sell you a deagle for $1000
Did you even get paid
I got a $50 steam gift card once when we were doing really well and had a huge surplus of donations. But otherwise I just stuffed my face with hotpockets and I did it for free.
>I did it for 6 years.
Don't think I could ever sit there and do that, between the mic eating, and the crying over bullshit reason kids couldn't ever bear it.