This is High King Anduin Wrynn, under his leadership the Burning Legion was defeated...

This is High King Anduin Wrynn, under his leadership the Burning Legion was defeated, the threat of the Old Gods was vanquished, the Horde and Alliance long war was finished, bringing unending peace to Azeroth. Say something nice about him.

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I want to have sex with him.

He'd be very cute if he transitioned

I hope he marries Yrel so they can purge the greenskin races off Azeroth together.

He looks exactly like a younger Arthas, right down to the extremely pink lips.

have sex

>nu-Yea Forums liking retail trash lore


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Did they even remotely hint at his father still being alive? They talked to the fucking Parthenon after all.

>t. sylvanas cuckfag

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>big priest
>res priest
>wall priest
hope he kills himself and burns in hell

He should marry Tess and finally make babies to create an even stronger dynasty and ensure that his reign will stay strong.

>tfw him and Greymane are the least pathetic characters in this story so far
>Thrall is a tremendous cuck that feels remorse on what he has done in the past
>muh past
>Jaina is a fucking retard that suddenly accepts to get ORCED after being anti-Horde for an entire expansion thus far
>Self-insert muh Queen's boy
>Thrall and Saurfang commit treason along with Baine because they're some fucking retards that stand against a Warchief's decision
Please bring back Garrosh. I miss you.

Can't believe Azeroth was saved by Brad Pit.

Nah, fuck Med'an tier pet-character who literally can do no wrong because muh magic bones.
And of course

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>unironically enjoying mary sues
>unironically enjoying WoW mary sues
>unironically enjoying WoW alliance mary sues

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because horde mary sues are just so much better, right?

They're all terrible, you pansy ass faggot.

I believe that was covered in that second bit. Alliance though? Literally smooth-brain tier,

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he was literally disintigrated.

He has good taste when it comes to women

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>page 10 at 19 posts
>8.2 came out yesterday
>FF14 has been having 3-4 threads hitting bump limit a DAY for weeks

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Don't think you're any better than these fags, homo. You're literally just shilling for the weeb version.

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I am ready for the alliance to have a sexy draenei Queen.

>Horde gets countless of cinematics because Blizzard just can't write a good war chief without going back on thrall

Sylvanas was doing just fine gassing kikes. It's the whiners that they cater to that are the issue.

Queen Taelia's cute housewife

Stop spreading this lie.

>implying it's a lie

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>fall in love with dwarf
best king with best tastes

Yrel was build for BOC only

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t. sylvanas