WoW is finally good again, bros

WoW is finally good again, bros.
Please come back.

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Other urls found in this thread:



No negativity in the dojo, please.

>gave up on bfa before uldir
>want to try out a zandalari disc priest
>remember i’d have to grind out the zandalari rep and do the all the campaign quests i missed out on that I don’t care about
>then i’d have to do it all over again on the new character

Fuck nu-WoW

its shit

>playing x.1 or x.2 patches

It's funny half the people who post negatively about wow have never even played it. Also have sex virgins.

the entire patch is about 2 hours long before being time gated

Make no mistake, YOU WILL COME BACK

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dilate wowtranny

time gated shit

>8.2 is not timegated
>here to progress through the story you need to level this companion
>you can only level him through dailies

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Litterally killed their game trying to squeeze more subscription time out of the players
How do you manage to do the opposite of what you are trying to achieve

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Tick tock retail cuck.


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He's even starting to look like Greg Street. It just keeps happening when you lie to fans nonstop about stuff they can see for a fact.

I wonder what was going through the mind of the average Alliance player when they saw this scene.
Imagine thinking that the Alliance leaders were finally gonna take a stand and bitchslap the Horde for all the shit they've gotten away with, and then this happens. All of that reduced to null because of one character's lust for green dick. And as an Alliance player you are actually expected to sympathize with her. Amazing.

are you retarded. jaina+thrall arc is literally a thing since wc3

I mean this is nothing new. In WoW, the Horde invaded Ashenvale, Azshara and Hyjal... And Tyrande/Malfurion show up at Thrall's wedding right in the heart of their (ex) homeland.
Tyrande even openly lusts after Orc warrior.

Barely a little while ago Jaina was revved up to massacre the entire Horde no holds barred.
Now Thrall shows up and everyone is buddy buddy again.

I play ff online now. Fuck off

Luckily Shadowbringers comes out in about two days.


>not timegated
nigger even the fucking dungeon doesn't unlock until 2 weeks into the patch

I thought americans not being able to detect sarcasm was a lie

Cool, I can play Chinese knockoff WoW instead of actual WoW.

When does the dilation expansion come out?

WoW is the chinese knockoff now.

dont forget about all the world quests that you can do to raise your AP level!

I want to marry and impregnate a Night Elf, Blood Elf, Void Elf, Draenei, Lightforged, Human, or Gnome.

Havnt played since wotlk. Did I miss anything? Are tank beastmaster hunters still a thing?

This faggot finally cured my addiction with this trash story so thanks I guess.

Didn't you say that last update?

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Isnt new patch called Rise of Azshara

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>ripoff becomes better than the original
Which other games did this?

FFXIV kept improving, while WoW kept stagnating and downgrading their content to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

After all this time, WoW doesn't even have housing.

>Imagine thinking that the Alliance leaders were finally gonna take a stand and bitchslap the Horde for all the shit they've gotten away with
lol, ever since cata the horde has been pounding the alliance in the ass and the developers never cared
>"she had her revenge"

shillbot broke, we will fix it for the next thread

>bought bfa because sale
>last time I played was the first part of legion because I got sidelined from my guild as I got literally no legendary after running mythic dungeons and Emerald Nightmare for weeks
>now find out the classes are all somehow even worse to play than in legoogoo, the mission table and world quest gating is still here
>everyone is still autism speed running mythic and pvp is dead
I only got to level 111 and I'm already burnt, someone recommend me a fun class to play that might hook me at least till classic.


I'd rather have my nails removed with pliers than play that shit ever again. Yes, I mad.

WoWs the knock off of FF14 now. Theres literally no reason to even play BFA anymore because everything inferior to 14 and that guy leaked the whole story with this patch confirming it.

Did anyone else see that they're giving out free game time again to try and dissuade people from playing Shadowbringers?
It just comes off as so desperate.
>"PLEASE play our game, PLEASE don't play that nip shit ripoff! We're still good, I swear! Try our shitty new update that we rushed out the door with three hours of content in order to get it out before their new expansion launch! Try it for FREE!"

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The whole reason they rushed out this patch now is to try to "compete" with Shadowbringers.

Paladins to Overwatch, which is another asian ripoff of a Blizzard game.

Americans are the most retarded people i
on this planet, you should know this by now.

Terraria to Minecraft

>Yes and also remember to buy Crash Team Racing™ #POOPY COWABUNGA!
>And, don't forget World of Warcraft Classic™ Limited Edition #ShardingSoGood
>And don't forget to respect White Helmets in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare™

CTR is an actually good game though

>playing WoW in the Year of Our Lord 2019

you missed two shitty new classes and a whole lot of pruning

Lol no I won't.

It really is sad how shitty modern gaming is when the only thing worth looking forward to is a 15 year old MMO.

none of the classes are fun, that is one of the main reasons the game now sucks

BfA is the first time I played an expansion and didn't finish all the zones. I just got so fucking bored after the blood troll zone that I didn't both doing the lightning lizard one. haven't touched the alliance zones.

>when the only thing worth looking forward to
It's not tho.

Trying to compete with a full blown expansion with a rushed patch with bugs and more of what folks hate? If they were any competent they'd just release the patch after some work and not worry about how to directly compete with Shadowbringers.

This world quest is great said nobody ever.

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They always do this though. Whenever a competitor releases something big, they push something out, no matter how rushed and shitty, in order to try and dissuade people from playing the competitor's thing.

They know exactly how to compete with shadowbringers, they're gonna ddos the servers like they always do

>clicker cant do a world quest

WoW has always done this. They drop a "big" patch on the day of a competitors expansion. They do it with FF14 and did it with GW2.

>actually playing BfA

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It does speak a lot of where the MMORPG genre is that the biggest upcoming releases are the third (technically fourth counting the rebranding) expansion of an eight year old game and the re-release of of a fifteen year old game.

I know this is a conspiracy theory but knowing how desperate Blizzard is becoming and how all of their franchises are dying I'm inclined to believe it.

MMORPGs are long-term games, it shouldn't be surprising that the most interesting ones are old. If you're not old and still kicking, you haven't proved yourself yet.

Nobody can fucking do it.

I finished it sweetie, along with that 5 yellow rune quest people bitched about


Not only are they the most interesting, they're also the most relevant. TESO and GW2 are barely blips on the map in comparison. And there's not really any other big releases on the radar. Yeah, TESO and SWTOR are getting another expansion soon, but that's not exactly big news because they're both niche games in an increasingly niche genre.

Path of Exile to Diablo 3
Cities Skylines to Simcity 2013
Fortnite to ARMA BR/PUBG
Angry Birds to Castle Crush
Minecraft to Infiniminer
LoL to Dota
Warcraft to WH40K

You mean Starcraft to W40k?

>And don't forget to respect White Helmets in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare™
>being an unironic assad shill

>LoL to Dota
More accessible doesn't mean better.

Only if you're a faggot with no taste

I have never played WoW though.

>Log in for the hell of it on a level 20 character since there's no way in Hell I'm giving Blizzard money on day one for staggered patch shit.
>Spend a couple hours running around for midsummer shit to get the hearthstone
>The animation looks like garbage
>Immediately regret even starting up the game

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The purpose is to try and keep the hooks into people that are still playing WoW but are on the fence about playing FFXIV.
Given that the patch has about 3 hours of content because everything else is timegated I don't think it's going to work.

Locking new races behind rep grind was a huge mistake. I'm in a similar situation to you. I can't even imagine how many resubs they lost by preventing people from playing new races

Paladins and Overwatch

But if you don't keep farming mana pearls every day you won't be able to get the new recipes whenever the timegate for them is up so you won't be raid ready. You know, ready for the raid where the final boss is just a copy paste of Argath, a literal LFR-tier boss in FFXIV

FF14 has also been downgrading and cutting content but not at the rate WoW has and in different areas that make sense. For example crafting had elemental brands that made crafting certain elementally attuned crafts easier. The problem was that there were 10 or 20 crafts that actually used the system so it got cut out completely.

An old change to highlight FF14's dumbing down of the battle system was changing how auto attacks happen. Now you auto attack regardless whether or not you face the boss as long as you're in range whereas before you character had to be physically facing the boss. This is a big deal considering autos are a HUGE chunk of personal dps aside from skill usage for physical dps classes. Despite that change, we still have our fair share of mouth breathers who can't even bother stand near bosses to register autos.

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Rift is neat.

Timegating is part of what killed the game, and they just keep doing it. Nobody wants to be told, "okay you finished your chores for today, come back tomorrow!" Nobody likes the concept of daily quests or content being staggered. But they just keep fucking doing it.
One of the beautiful things about Classic and really, old MMOs in general, was that you could play as much as you wanted and you could largely do it in whatever order you wanted. You wanna focus on quests? Go for it. You wanna PvP all day? Have at it. You wanna just grind dungeons until your fingers rot off? Be my guest. Wanna wander off to another zone and explore? Nothing stopping you except mobs higher level than you.

But no, no... Now, it's you'll play the game the way we want you to, for as long as we allow you to, doing exactly what we tell you to do or you're not getting those dopamine hits. It's all fucking strategized and planned out in order to abuse that reward mechanism on a schedule. You think you're gonna just log into our game and play however you feel like? Think again, fuckface. Do your fucking chores and then MAYBE we'll have some new content for you this week. If we feel like it.

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In the new expansion patch they also increased the window for skill chains for people who fuck up their combo waiting between phases or during mobility phases. You already had like ten full seconds to do it before.
They are in fact catering to casuals by dumbing shit down, it's true. But it's nowhere to the extent that WoW has, with its 3-4 abilities you use per spec.

lol no

>Don't you guys wanna do two whole new rep grinds!

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remove the exalted reputation requirement for allied races and i might consider it

>Come back to our dying amusement park, we set up a new roller coaster for you to ride and killed some of the rats that hang out near the hot dog stand

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It's such a short-term plan to force people to play. Fuck off with that noise, let me autistically grind all weekend, or all of a vacation to get my shit. In older times, once I got what I wanted, I'd move on to something else. But I guess they can't do that any more because it would only show just how empty the game really is.

Not him, but WoW were meant to be 40k games but Games Workshop told them to fuck off so Blizzard just ripped them the fuck off. After WoW turned out to be one of the biggest successes in gaming, Games Workshop gave out its license like it was candy, which is why basically all 40k games are shit.

what exactly is timegated?

>playing warior
you must be an Asmongold fanboy

They roll out a patch, but the content is released over the course of a couple months in pieces. All of the patch is downloaded on day one but you have to wait to play it.

The main scenario quest, as always. Like back in Broken Shore and Suramar there was an overarching quest line that you could only complete a little at a time, then it would tell you to come back later.
They also tend to not release things like the raid right away, that comes a couple weeks to a month later.

I hear the dailies only have you earning 10 rep for these new reps, how can anyone do this and say the game is okay is down right horrifying is this what's Stockholm syndrome is like?

Sometimes a copy is better than the real thing

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I concur with OP.
Ion made Azeroth great again.
Time to celebrate and buy a pig I'd say!
Who's with me?
Come on, you know you want it too!

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A way to milk your sub.

Sometimes you're better off just spending your 15 bucks on something else because neither option is worth it.

I feel exhausted just thinking about what it would entail to return to WoW. The game is just an empty time sink now, I will never go back to doing tedious solo world quests or tedious rep grinds again. I want to play meaningful content and I want to do it with friends. That's what an MMO should be, and WoW isn't an MMO anymore.

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>make the worst world quests imaginable in the shittiest zone imaginable

it's nowhere near back, the only interesting thing to come out of this patch are about 3 or 4 neck level traits.

stay away from this steaming pile of fucking shit if you have any brains, because I sure as fuck dont

Buy battle pets
Grind out world quests
Spend 3 hours jumping the jelly fish

>10 rep per quest
>need 42k total for exalted
Please tell me he's lying

you get about half of your rep grind out of the way through quest chains, but theyre still artifically timegating content for no good reason

>b-but the players have to experience the new zones on their feet!

no we fucking don't, nazjatar is insufferable fucking shit and i got "the full experience" in under an hour.

8.2 fixes none of the fundamental issues of the game though

So it's kinda like the war campaign. I'm guessing it's going to take a bit longer though. Glad I got out of that shit early

"I'm listening now, father"

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Are classes fixed yet? If not, fuck right off. And I know they're not because Blizz doesn't fix classes mid expansion, so fuck right off.

it should ideally "only" take 2 or so weeks, which is about the same pace as the other stuff. world quests give 75 rep per completion, but theres only about 4-5 up a day

classes are "fixed" in the sense the new azerite traits have access to the more favorable utility that other classes have, like everyone having access to a lock portal now. if you hated the rotation/playstyle of your class though, nothing has changed.

prove it

>read "Less than one million subscribers!" headline
>some MMO news site actually took that "blizzard employee" post and turned it into an article, complete with the Diablo 4 loot shooter "rumor"

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I still do not see how that makes it easier, it just removes an annoyance, it will allow higher dps in dungeons when running between packs, and less annoying resets because the boss decided to go take a nap mid fight
Shit players will still be shit and the gap is still huge between good and bad.

Yes, I hated rotation and playstyle of melee classes. It's so fucking shit compared to Legion, just spam 3 abilities on cooldown without any thought


2 weeks for exalted seems way too fast, maybe they're dialing down on the timegating a bit because of complaints

The fact that you're almost required to get exalted is the real issue. Not everyone needs to be max rep with every faction, but their design studio doesn't seem to agree.

oh, I was thinking of revered, since thats all you need for pathfinder and its all anyone cares about. exalted should be a month if not longer.

The porn is the only thing good about WoW anymore

I remember when getting exalted with a faction wasn't needed to enjoy what was supposed to be a core feature of an expansion. Fuck nu-Blizz.

yeah, you'll still hate it then, the only difference is you may press a fourth button sometimes every 30 seconds or minute

There were a few things in those posts that were tells that it was without a doubt a fake, like the Tracer/Widowmaker romance and the line about "finally making a game with no white men." Still, says a lot that despite it being so fucking retarded sounding, there are people out there that believed it because Blizzard has actually fallen this far.

What do you get for exalted?

>read "Less than one million subscribers!" headline
Isn't it likely though?

This but unironically.

I could go on for days about the horrendously sexual things I want to do to and with a Night Elf or Draenei. Whereas I could not give less of a shit about the game itself.

i don't even give a fuck if it's fake. blizzard needs all the bad PR it can get so they can finally be put in the grave.

Unholy is at least 4 buttons could play that

That part is probably true.
WoW has been hemorrhaging subs for years and BfA is an unmitigated disaster. I don't know anyone who plays it anymore and it seems like the only players left are the casuals who don't play any other games, the hardcore bleeding edge raiders and the people who just do arena and nothing else.

>pop long as fuck cds
>use ability that puts outdated debuff stacks on target
>use ability that consumes them
>repeat until your eyes bleed
the only redeemable thing is abusing aoe

>it should ideally "only" take 2 or so weeks
I don't even think I'll be able to stand doing this shit, it's fucking insufferably boring. I'm probably just going to go back to farming tokens for classic and ignore flying.

How do you go from this
To this

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the new patch is mega gay

the only people who will be playing in a month are the sad souls in raiding guilds with an actual addiction to playing this garbage

I would pity them but you can't force an addict to get help

>Jaina and Thrall have always been friends let's have her touch his arm because she can't believe he's there
>This won't inspire an assload of Orc on Human porn, our fanbase isn't like that at all

Literally Alliance leaning players fault. They bitched too much and now we're back to "muh feelings" instead of a final war.

Allied races.

>lol to dota
that's where you're wrong. everything else is correct

maybe theyve learned from overwatch and did it on purpose bro

Do you think Blizzard doesn't want free advertising from porn artists?

>WoW threads
>Everybody shitting on the game
>XIV threads
>Everynody loves and plays the game
Makes you think why these threads even exist.

that is the power of the BGC

>TM vs SS
>spread plague
>summon abom
>spreads aids and wounds
>sit back and press epidemic
Doing that in big cluster fuck fights is worth it desu

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While unsubstantiated I definitely think it's actually a possibility at this point.

Ion is so deep on the spectrum, look at that dead smile. You can tell this dude is a sociopath, mother fucker is a literal robot pretending to be human. Everything he says is based on metrics "X amount of players are doing this, so I've found that this is the preferred method of fun for humans". Like holy shit, why is he still there.

ive played alliance since day one and i want us to go on a bloody crusade. its un fucking real how much of a pansy the alliance is. but instead the best we got was "varian said mean things!!!"

I got bored of 8.2 just by seeing this picture.

Are they actually released now? I remember the pre-expansion ads telling me I could make a troll without a broken back but they were nowhere to be seen once I got the game (fuck blizzard for that shit by the way)

The lore of WoW is disgusting. I want to vomit.

the worst part is that's actually the most tolerable quest. all the others ones are dumb shit like "CLICK ON THIS THING 4 TIMES FOR ONE ITEM" or "RUN TO 4 DIFFERENT LOCATIONS SPREAD OUT ALL ACROSS THE FUCKING PLACE"

this thread was probably made by an FFXIV player because the tables have turned so completely with those two games that it leads to great shitposting potential

Rogue is still fun especially sub

I might be fun if WoW was slower, but the spec feels outdated in a world of autism zoomer spam specs with perfect burst and switching potential.

Can someone describe me a rogue in current WoW? I stopped at the end of ICC. I remember being mad at them removing some RP items that I kept for memories, like tools or dust powder.

Yeah well blame your cohorts, because them spamming night elf genocide (best day of my life) is too far is what caused us to revert back to MoP.

menstrual mood swings


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>9.0 removes horde&alliance and makes one big faction instead
>copies FFXIV yet again
thanks blizz

Shit remember when there was a benefit to getting exalted and it didn't take an entire month you didn't have to wait on tabards, price got cheaper for your effort in faction stores.

As if it matters in Retail.


I leveled over 10 classes to max in BFA for the first time ever simply because everything I played felt like boring dogshit.
What I mean is the game is awful. What makes me sad is that I'll never be able to play my Legion resto druid ever again.

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Either a race a tabard which is dumb because they should be given at friendly, and if Blizzard isn't shit a mount heck it use to be store prices drop once you hit exalted.

why does the gear look dumb in world of warcraft

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So what the fuck happened with Azerite shit in the story? I thought the whole reason this war statted was because the two factions were fighting over it to make super weapons but it doesn't seem like anyone cares anymore other than Muradin?

>that bouncing jellyfish world quest
who fucking made this and went "yep this is good content"

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They stopped trying I think what they do now is design shoulders first and then cobble everything together after that

>he complains yet still plays
Genueinly sad

It's a good indication on the current playerbase

As much as I want to believe this is real, there is no actual proof. He's just saying shit that could/likely is true and stuff we already heard as rumor.

i have like 10 hours left and farmed 5 tokens for wow classic. stay seething. I haven't paid for a sub in years because I am a god player unlike you

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You realize that's the majority of the playerbase right? Even in classic. WoW is primarily casual, it was always an indication and will continue to be.

>Please come back.
No. But as someone who left a while ago, I have a question to those still playing. Why were the Horde ships running from the Alliance ships at the start of the 8.2 cutscene? And why does it look like nathanos already knew what was gonna happen when the beam came while greymane was panicking?

on some level you have to understand how stupid you sound when you wrote that

u were right up until LoL > DotA, but then you sorta hit it home in the end so gj

This, it's prime time to farm out some tokens before Retail sinks.

alliance destroyed horde navy in the previous patch/raid
he is carrying an old god dagger that is showing him the way, sylvanas game him that

Reminder that Classic IS "Retail"

Nobody has gone to a store in person and bought a PC game on CDs in over a decade.

You're not a god gamer for sucking off mission tables for two expansions on multiple characters

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>For example crafting had elemental brands that made crafting certain elementally attuned crafts easier.

Elemental crafting was always useless since most of the items that require it are the vintage glam shit that are piss easy to make at level 50. Other than that are the ARR primal weapons which have been a joke to make since HW came out.

Are you seriously bitching that they're removing a crafting system only 50 crafting items use in the 500 ish that the game has?

Also the auto attacks were changed back on 3. something due to gaze mechanics, this way tanks and melee can keep dpsing while looking away from the boss. Autos have been common knowledge on the raiding community for casters mostly as book smacking adds up to SCH dps.

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have they buffed shadow priest yet?

Fuck off shill, I'm not coming back
Report shills and sage threads

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I'm not sure if this is told anywhere in-game, but my guess is that Sylvanas/Nathanos know what the fuck is going on with Azshara and N'zoth because of REASONS and the Alliance just follows them because they're retards.

This but also with FFXIV threads.

imagine seething because I have loads of gold doing nothing and can play for free.

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How do you farm tokens?




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>alliance destroyed horde navy in the previous patch/raid
You mean the siege of dazaralor or whatever it was called? I thought after the siege the Alliance retreated because of heavy losses and wounded (Jaina, Mekkatorque permafrozen) instead of chasing the horde ships.

i'm not poor so i dont care

Nigga every retard and their dog has millions of gold from farming those mission tables, it took zero work.

>WoW tries to entice you to keep playing their game
>Keeps bleeding players
>Yoshi-P actively tells people to not play his game because it's not as important as other things
>FFXIV's numbers don't stop rising

Really makes ya think

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not this dude

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let me take a quick guess
>you have 30min-1h worth of story quest then you grind
>after that its just repeat the same shit
>wait next week for 15min story quest
literally their new schedule since wod

Please stay on your general instead of flooding the board, thank you.

Not him, but if that's true why would you just sit on it instead of just buying shit load of tokens?

>dont talk about video games, talk about dead niggers or make another smash thread

Battle of Thunder Bluff will it happen?

Sylvanas "Horde" vs Horde Rebels & Alliance.

token prices fluctuate, better to wait until they go for cheap

>spending time in game so he can play the game
>doesn't know blizzard makes more money per token than one monthly sub

Why the faggy quotations? The rebels are the faggot posers here.

When you logged into this site did you see a sign that said Dead Nigger Storage

123-126k is cheap, I don't think you have much gold, I think you're full of shit.

Didn't we go through these motions in MoP?
Are they so creatively bankrupt they have to rehash the same fucking story?

I didn't play during WoD because I was too busy playing better games.

Can't wait.

Yes because NuBlizzard

Shadow of Mordor to Assassin's Creed

its not a conspiracy a lot of the DDOS'ing is traced back to around Irvine CA.

Back when BFA came out tokens were down to like 30k (at least on EU) because people bought a shitton of them to afford the 5m gold dinosaur mount. I think YOU'RE full of shit

>FF14 has also been downgrading and cutting content but not at the rate WoW has and in different areas that make sense

Wrath of the lich king 2 electric boogaloo when?

In WoD and Legion it was self sustaining you could easily get enough gold to buy the tokens just from running one or two Garrisons and have money left over. Running anything more than that was pure profit.

That was because Legion was giving gold away for free, that isn't happening in BFA. Not to mention that mount costing half the gold cap. You're just parroting shit you've heard, you're actually just some broke nigger. Nice try bud.



RexxCraft C&D'd

>classic is confirmed DOA thanks to terrible decisions on Blizzard's part and a community that entirely revolves around twitch streamer faggotry
>meanwhile BfA is so horrendous that even the most diehard retail whales and WoW e-celebs are waking up to Blizzard's bullshit and are dropping the game entirely
Is this finally the end of the world (of warcraft)?

Someone post the fake Blizzard employe leak.
I want to save it for... future reference.

Alright, jokes aside, aren't ddos pretty much impossible to trace back because it essentially uses other people's computers? If that's the case, couldn't they just keep ddos up eternally? Why don't they do that?

Nigga I haven't played since 2 weeks after Uldir came out. I play FFXIV now since they buttfucked shaman and I couldn't be assed to level another character


We can only hope and dream.

Ah, cheers.

>level multiple characters to max
>finish their order halls
>log in multiple times a day/use some gay app to start/finish missions
>to save £9.99 a month
Lmaoing at people who think they cheated the system

Does anyone have the one from the other LARPer that claimed to be a Blizz employee and did a Q&A?

>Nobody wants to be told, "okay you finished your chores for today, come back tomorrow!"
XIV did that at first. Before they remade the game. Fatigue system or whatnot.

What does that have to do with dumping your gold for tokens or having gold? You said everybody had millions of gold, that would include you. Back pedal more retard.

Okay, I'll bite. How is it good again? What did they fix?

>Just imagine human females were real.

Yeah the hour worked/money earned ratio is a bit fucked there
I'm not the guy you responded to first you absolute mongoloid

Some of the shit he said in this "leak" was confirmed in 8.2

It finally happened lads. WoW is kill and Blizzard killed it.
We just need to wait for the body to realize the brain is gone.

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>Thrall also has blue eyes
I honestly don't know what the problem is. Let them fuck.

you do a quest that leads you to more quests, BUT you cant keep doing them after 2 or 3, till you literally wait 1 week or 2 weeks, then repeat

its a gate thats timed on real time

>Is this finally the end of the world (of warcraft)?
No. Classic will get literally millions of subs for a month or two, that's a lot of money. Also all these cucks who bitch about WoW keep buying every single expansion, that's 3-5 million sales every 18-20 months, for some "product" made by interns and minimum wageslaves. Also they'll re-sub every now and them, either paying or buying a token that other cuck paid for. WoW is profitable as fuck.

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>I'm not the guy you responded to first you absolute mongoloid
Then say that you retarded nigger. How am I suppose to know you're not him? You both seem to represent the same level of autism, clarify next time dipshit.

All of the classes feel pretty terrible.
At the ass end of Legion and the beginning of BfA I tried as many classes as I could to see if even one of them would 'click' with me but none of them did. Everything feels so watered down and bland.
I couldn't even stomach logging in anymore since the simple act of playing my main just didn't feel right.

>I-I'm not retarded I swear
yeah well fuck off mate. Enjoy your shitty game

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I play FFXIV too. Guess you'll need another image.

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No we can just be smug together laughing at all the upset wowbabs, I'm fine with that

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Nobody actually played WoD, the only people who did only did it for the garrison gold which took like 2-3 minutes out of your day so staying subbed with gold made sense.
Legion took a bit more work because you had to do WQs for resources but by then you had so much gold it didn't matter.

now post the viera vs kul'tiran pic



I'm so fucking tired of this "we all need to get along!" shit, for both sides. I just want each side to fight each other without having gradeschool war is bad moralization shoved down their throats.

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They literally admitted to changing the story direction because faggots freaked out over burning the tree. Blame the Alliance fags and their Horde alts.

>Blame the Alliance fags
>Also #NotMyWarchief



What have you been farming? Most of the mats have been worth shit lately

I like that you cut off the pertinent part at the end there. Quality post.

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literally the only good character and they killed him


>summons a fucking mecha as a pet
Anime as fuck but it's cool at the same time

Nobody fucking gives a shit about your victim complex against a fictional faction

Blizzard is fucking garbage and can't finish anything they start, they burned down a capital city then just nonchalantly said "Oh you got your revenge for it sweaty :)" later and expected people to be okay with that

>green apes

Why are WoW threads still allowed?

BFA is the greatest thing that ever happened to this game. I finally have no urge to ever come back again, no more buying expansions only to play for a month before inevitably getting bored, it feels so fucking good.

dropped this game when burning crusade was still new, never looked back

t. buttblasted alliance fag
you have no one to blame but your side for this travesty of a story. hell, Tyrande might have actually gotten some good revenge if the bois in blue didn't chimp out over getting out played.

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>mommyfags on suicide watch

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>Horde shitposter is an anime avatarfag
I guess it fits a faction that's 90% Blood Elves

Don't fall for it, its the exact same shit they've been selling since day 1 of BFA.

>wont even reply directly
This is why you guys always lose.

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dead game

They need to make Night Elves real and give me one as my wife, but that just isn't possible, like saving WoW itself.

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Alliancefags complained that the burning happened and they were told no war is bad do not go nuke them with your functional orbital cannon

My guild is literally on voicecom breaking up.
The patch can't save this xpac i'm afraid.

First off,the Horde has had the capability to stop those flying ships since cata. Second, the Alliance probably could have gotten some sweet revenge, but everyone pissing and moaning turned the whole thing into a feelings festival. I haven't talk to one single person who was horde4lyfe who thought the burning was a bad thing, only faggy Alliance alts. This whole scenario is solely on Alliance players shoulders as a whole.

>8.2 launches
>its nothing but fucking time gated rep grinds
>Somehow this fixes the game



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Uhhh male human bros???? wtf???

It begins

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I want to watch. What's the name of this cutscene?

Played it for around 6 hours-and that's all the content available! Well that's the last bit of faith I had, guess I should get back to work on my own game.

rep is account wide now so every bit of rep you get applies to the character with the highest rep and like every fucking thing you do gives you rep. Calling it a grind is a stretch. I didn't play for 6 months and came back and unlocked nu-orc and nu-trolls in 3 days playing about 3-4 hours each day

Call me gay but that astrology something and Dancer looks like something fun to play. Kinda shame world look like weeb shitshow

Why would you link a daily and pretend it's a real quest? Are you so worried that the game might actually be fun that you have to lie to make people feel the way you do? Just like the stuff you like user. It's okay.

>You can summon Fray now

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Unironically better than the dragon faggot she is fucking.

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A lot of the actual quests you get from BFA have even less words than this one. They got lazy.

But I'm playing it and you're wrong...

The entire horde vs alliance thing is stupid at this point, just have them make up and hold mock battles when there are disputes about land/resources so there is still an excuse to kill other players.

faggots like you are what got us into this mess in the first place

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I'm currently leveling my first character after buying the expack yesterday and it's true that quest text is extremely short.
Also why don't qu'est give reputation past friendly?

How long has combat been a slog for in WoW? I remember in legion some things took too long to kill as blood dk but it seems even worse in BFA, even if a switch to unholy its still immensely boring.
I tried out rogue and it was mostly the same until hitting 375 ilvl but it really makes me think if the other classes have it this bad. It absolutely ruins any enjoyment this game had left because you're just sitting there pressing the same keys over and over.
It never used to be this bad, right? The worst part is you rarely come close to dieing so you know that they designed it to waste peoples' time.

i'm inclined to believe this leak. only cuz my girlfriend works at blizz on the wow team and she told me she got a slap on the wrist for talking about ff14 in the office with her coworkers. she also mentioned the "no negativity in the dojo" mantra thats going on right now. that bit of info lines up too well with what my gf told me. the leaker was probably in QA or marketing, those are the few teams that work on every project and know what's coming down the pipeline.

It makes no sense why they are still fighting with world ending events around every corner, especially with shit like star ships being around yet both sides are still doing naval combat/siege warfare.

Like fuck didn't the Horde have access to a nuke at some point?

They scale everything to your level so you always take X amount of second to kill something. It makes every single ounce of progress you do in the game meaningless because it doesn't make you feel stronger in any way

>my gf works for blizz
is this the new 'my dad works for nintendo'?

MOP was when they started fucking with the pacing of combat making most classes require a fucking piano to play properly, then they started lowering the amont of abilities and with the item squish they basically left the health pools intact but lowered the damage massively, so in current BFA you basically have the health pools of pandaria but WotLk damage.

MoP Warlock was kino, I actually liked the game back then

Mana bombs, the giant cannon in Bilgewater that's aimed directly at Stormwind, the Lightforged mechs and flying ship. And that's just at the top of my head of shit that can end this war in a single day.

Meh I like TBC class design the most, MOP classes felt completely different because they doubled down on the cataclysm reworks, plus total removal of talent trees...
Fuck I miss old lifebloom on my druid.

Is this some cringe rper that plays a drk?

>Never get fun mushroom dps druid or Symbiosis again.
No fun aloud

Some of the new stuff was fun though, Symbiosis was fucking awesome. Easily one of the coolest skills in any mmo I've played just for how versatile it was

Seriously. God fucking forbid the alliance get shit on at any point without alliance faggots shrieking that their good goyim faction got hurt.

Thanks. I actually liked the cutscene. I guess people are just prone to shitposting.

What the fuck are you even talking about? If the burning of Teldrassil was/is bad, then why *wouldn't* the Alliance get revenge?

Why are you so quick and hard to try to pin this "solely on Alliance players shoulders as a whole"?


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Of course im coming back.

In 2 months.


>Alliance players are upset one of their cities and world trees were razed.
>Oh nooo, how dare you get upset
>No revenge for you!

Very relevant picture.

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>he doesn't know

>If the burning of Teldrassil was/is bad, then why *wouldn't* the Alliance get revenge?
It wasn't just bad because they got shrek'd, the pissing and moaning came from faggots trying to virtue signal about "muh innocents" and "war is bad mmkay?" They couldn't handle not getting the first good punch in and chimped out, which caused the story to shift direction according to Ion himself. Now instead of a good final war, we get this shit show. Congrats Alliance, you played yourself and everyone else. Good fucking job.

and 2 more months of improvements to make it less shitty for the few weeks it'll be up. cope harder ff tranny

Fuck that lying dooncoon, and fuck you for posting eceleb shit on Yea Forums you nigger faggot.

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I do know, I know that Classic is going to be dead on arrival since all the changes makes it completely different from vanilla so nobody wants to play it

>major horde leaders get killed off since cata
>one turns into mustache twirling villain instead of having a decent coming of age arc
>Orgrimmar gets raped
>Undercity aloha snackbars
But yea poor alliance for losing their purple nigger tree. These fags are the reason the Baine questline in HM got axed.

When's the Azshara porn coming


Lmao you might be retarded. First off, I don't even believe you about Alliance actively saying, "No more war!" after one of their cities gets burned. Second, even if that's true, you're mistaking the punishment for the consequence.

Ion/Blizzard didn't have to do shit, lmao. Yea, tell me more about how the players really control what goes on in Blizzard.

It's impressive that no matter how bad wow gets it still won't be as bad as ffxiv.

Look up how much territory the Horde controls versus how much the Alliance controls.

Ion literally admitted on stream that players reactions to the burning has affected the story going forward you troglodyte.

There's no way they made rep account wide


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>rep is account wide now so every bit of rep you get applies to the character with the highest re

i dont think about you at all

>don't believe literal admissions from the game designers, believe my bullshit instead >:(((((
no thanks npc-bro.

>Coat my the blood of inncents...heh
I'd ruin this persons day.

>Thunder Bluff will burn

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I think even the most die hard of WoWfags have lost faith in WoW and are putting all their hopes into Classic not being garbage
its not going to be as good as you remember, but it should be fun enough

Didn't he dump her because she lied about taking the focusing iris, lying about it and then planned to drown Orc city?

Are most of the cows in-game with Baine? If so they deserve it. The Alliance has done nothing for the Tauren besides kill them for sport and desecrate their lands.

Lol I was so incomprehensibly let down by this shitty patch that I had meltdown on the wow forums and tweeted at hozicuckdos to go fuck himself

This patch is just another empty rep grind

Genocide and treaty breaking is ok when the alliance does it

Ion could've said anything and you would've found a way to blame Alliance players.

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People who played vanilla aren't going to play classic, the demographic they're going for is asmongold and his cadre of lilzooms who never touched vanilla to begin with but like to talk about how nostalgic it is while completely ruining that nostalgia by doing things nobody did back then

I played vanilla and I'm going to play Classic but only with my significant other so they can kind of witness some of the experience.

Where were you when you learned factions were going away?

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fapping to goblins

That's about 4 expansions too late. The storyline had naturally come to that point and then Blizzard just started shitting out WAR BECAUSE WARCRAFT trash

literally Garrosh was right the Horde is a bunch of dindu traitors Forums(lol)

I can't believe he was fucking right.

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Feel like shit just want Garrosh back

play patch 8.2 please

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Do you have any proof these are Alliance alts?

Redeemed undead I still can't see that happening yet a huge part of me knows its dumb enough blizz would do it.

user, human women ARE real. They just look like Kul Tiran women.

classic out or sumn?

FF14 is the Autistic Hydro-cephalic cousin of WoW who needed several life saving surgeries to save him. Meanwhile WoW wasted his college fund on video games and slacking off. Now FF14 managed to get his shit together ad while it has some fundamental problems people appreciate the way it has shaped up and is shaping up to be. Meanwhile WoW who had the world in its palm is wasting away.

Thralls new model looks way worse than it did in cata, wtf

Rated PvP is still broken
Progressive raiding is great, but guilds are dying
FF14 is garbage pvp and okay tier raiding
No other options

Why can't there just be a new good MMO that isn't gooked or retarded?

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They need a reason for Calia Menethil to exist just like they came up with void elves to keep Alleria relevant.

MMO pvp is dead.
Everyone just plays MOBAs now for roughly the same experience.

ips get blocked and if it's going long enough it's not impossible to trace back
if they found actual proof that Blizzard was doing it they'd be sued into the ground so fast their heads would spin and they'd lose even the most dedicated players

MMOs only can take off now if they're tied to a big established franchise, plus they're the riskiest genre of game to make because of how the almost all crash and burn immediately.
Also, most people have sunk cost fallacy so they're really afraid to jump ship even when its taking on water like WoW has for like 7 years now.
MMO pvp died because they tried to make it an e-sport and everyone hated it. Classics pvp will be fine.

Why bother majority of the Alliance will cry its not a High elf so its shit.

progress towards rep is not account wide, but if you get exalted on one of the allied race required reps on one character it counts for all characters only for the allied race requirement
same for war campaign progress - if you do it on one character, it satisfies the requirements for unlocks on all characters

"Rep gain won't be account wide, however progress towards the achievement will.

Say for example I have Character A that I haven't touched since Wrath, that has all of the previous reps exalted (not using exact numbers here just making an example). Let's say we have 20 reputations at exalted on this character that are unique.

Now I play Character B that I haven't touched those reps with, because I just don't want to grind them again. Let's say this character has 40 unique reputations that Character A doesn't have at exalted. Since its the highest progressed character the achievement only looks at this character. Meaning that I just have 40 reps as far as the achievement is concerned.

Now once I've logged into both of those characters when this change is added into the game, I will then receive credit towards the achievement tracker and I would now show as having 60 reputations on that achievement. So I effectively don't have to go back and get those reps again, unless I want to make my Rep window look pretty."

Did they even drop the new worgen and goblin models like they promised?

Oh they fixed the boring homogeneous classes?

and what good would that do concerning the allied races?

absolutely nothing.

if you wanna play a void elf, you have to go back to legion content and grind it for weeks.

>An old change to highlight FF14's dumbing down of the battle system was changing how auto attacks happen. Now you auto attack regardless whether or not you face the boss as long as you're in range whereas before you character had to be physically facing the boss.
This is not dumbing down, this is just delusional.
Also your screenshot makes no sense, AA are high in the game but good luck getting past any fight early on in the patch without gear or optimising your job, AA are just there as the floor, you need to build up to the ceiling.
Bard has a ceiling higher than all the classes in WoW combined.

if classes were homogenous we wouldnt have fotm classes right now, which we absolutely do have.

When will we hear about 8.2.5 aside from the couple of things we've heard?

That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. What do classes being homogeneous have to do with certain parameters being over/underbuffed thus shaping the balance of the game?

Literally too fucking dumb to figure it out

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They are homogenous in a bad way in that they all play very samey while at the same time some are just better than others. Most DPS are builder spender types. My DH and warrior basically gain rage/fury then spend rage/fury yet my DH is far more mobile, has more survivability, does better single target and does way better aoe. DH dps is far better than warrior dps
Then theres tanking where its the complete opposite. All tanks have a clicky where for a while they get tankier but monks can keep theirs up 100% of the time and warriors have nearly 100% uptime while also having several great emergency buttons that mitigate a ton of damage, spell reflect can also cheese entire encounters on m+. Then we have DH tank who while feeling very active just feels like a chore to play since they take a ton more damage, their active mitigation has a short duration and their emergency buttons are straight up dogshit compared to warrior.

Fpbp. Stay away from the MMO drug people

>WoW is dying for real this time
>retards will save it with Classic

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Why do we have language barrier at this point? No one is talking with each other anyway.

they may as well remove the barrier or make opposing languages learnable, and make the auction house cross faction too
"war XD" is unironcially ruining the game at this point, amongst other things

It already ruined the game.

It really is horde civil war 2.0

Prove that the world is full of idiots.

I meant proof.
Welp, now I'm an idiot too.

>subs are bleeding
>i dont care, get rid of factions

For when the faction merge happens, post 'em for your RP main

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Ill roll redeemed undead solely based on if they have broken torn armor or not.

Who the fuck plays this baby game still?

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Lmfao fuck off.

How will WoW ever recover from this?
How will XIV ever recover from this?

based asmon

muh boi!

I finally realized how much I hate how everything in wow is revealed 6 months in advance. Meanwhile in ff14 nobody even knows what is going to be in the raid that is out in 2 weeks.