Did you know Super Mario Bros 2 is actually an entirely different game called Doki Doki Panic?

>Did you know Super Mario Bros 2 is actually an entirely different game called Doki Doki Panic?

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I didn't know

Tourists like you need to be fucking purged from this board.


Stop taking the internet so seriously

I hope you suffer.

based twitterchad

Did you know that Star Fox Adventures is actually an entirely different game called Dinosaur Planet?

Dont make fun of this kid, he's pretty much a child version of average Yea Forumsirgin

>Did you know that there was an underage gangbang in IT?

>TwitterPATRICIAN being based as usual
Based as usual.

>Expect him to sound like tipical "Achshully" nerd
>It's Mandark from Dexter's Lab
Voice and image of him don't match up at all completely threw me off when I finally investigate the meme

You mean it's called Super Mario USA.

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Of course I knew that. Its fucking obvious that its a random shitty game unlike the previous Mario game that Nintendo, in its infinite wisdom, slapped the Mario Brand on.

They almost ruined the whole franchise with this abomination. What a stupid move from Nintendo. What went through their minds?

Literally me.

Did you know that Doki Doki Panic was a game made by Nintendo in collaboration with Shigeru Miyamoto? The guy who fucking invented Mario? With music made by the same composer who did the music for the first Mario Game? Did you know that Doki Doki Panic was made using the same engine as the first Mario engine?

In any way you see it. Doki Doki Panic is the most Mario ass game out there.

>Actually that sword would snap in two in real life
>I prefer my armour realistic

I just came to this thread to have a good time, and honestly, I'm feeling attacked.

I’m that kid mostly my bad memory

Lel imma right we joke joke everything xD

>17 year old girl I have crush on at work starts reading
>chooses IT
>mfw thinking about her reading about that along with the father saying he'll munch up his daughter's pussy

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Yea Forums is for shitposting, Reddit is for serious discussion

Eat shit faggot

luigi on an egg floating over the ocean.bmp


french fries were invented in Belgium?

>Anyone who says something I don't like is that kid from that shitty movie
trash meme

I love you too, user.

What does this kid do again? I'd like context for this.

What's wrong with choosing to not drink?

Why is being correct and saying facts demonized? I don't see anything wrong with the french fries, deus ex, and piracy ones.

Likely, yes, although it's arguable and disputed. What isn't open to discussion though is who make the best fries between France and Belgium. The answer is Belgium. France can't cook fries for shit, except maybe in the north east regions that are bordering Belgium.

They are called French fries because American soldiers picked them up from French speaking Belgians during WW2

>posting a Christmas meme in June

add "no thanks, I don't smoke" and remove the coffee one, coffee is disgusting.
>My gamerfuel? Water

>called Doki Doki Panic
I didn't know, OP. What I do know is that I'd like a Doki Doki PreCure game. With combat by Platiunium Games preferably.

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How is any of this bad? It's like a dumb normie made this because he was being attacked for being a dumb normie. Fuck off.


>With combat by Platiunium Games preferably
Stupid ironic weeb.



Is this the most annoying person in the world?(except for Twin Snakes)

>Kids who watched this CGI garbage are now adults
be afraid

>no thanks, Coffee tastes like hot wet dirt

>i feel attacked XD
Holy shit fuck off back to wewwit


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Explain further.

>Inverted look
>TTYD killed the series
>Choosing starters solely based on type

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what does it say about me if only a couple of these are true?

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Thanks for the late reply!

>Reddit is for serious discussion
I am slightly annoyed by that statement and I feel like that was the goal of your post.

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It's almost as if it's bait.

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Twin Snakes is trash, everything else is spot on

Don't be "that guy". Don't spoil the mood by obsessing with being correct

Yes and most of us will whine about this obnoxiously at the drop of a hat.

>Why is being correct and saying facts demonized?
we live in 2010+9

The story I always heard was that the subcon game started as Mario 2 but they scrapped it after determining it wasn't like the first one enough, so they used the work they did on some radio show thing and made DDP. Then when an American tester or warehouse worker or something said Mario 2 was too hard and too similar to the first so they took the the old version and finished it into Mario USA. In a sense, Mario USA is the true Mario 2.

You can't go one thread here without zoomers saying based and cringe

>tfw kept saying this during a mario party thing in middle school and my teacher basically told me to shut up

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you fucked up bro

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half of these are based

SSS tier bait

Did you know that in the end of Metroid it turns out that you are actually not playing as a robot called Metroid, but as armored human woman named Samus Aran?


Drinking is for people who lack the confidence and charisma to stand on their own merits at parties.

Who said anything about drinking to be social with other people?

The picture implies this is about drinking in a social context.

>turbo nerds believe this

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>People who watched a 15 year old movie are probably adults
Shocking. Where does the time go?

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most people say they drink to make other people more interesting, essentially admitting that they are shallow garbage-people who can only enjoy being around others if they are an entirely different person.

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I don't even care about the fight, that fucking mass NPC-walk out of the classroom at the end is what always cracks me up

anyone who uses non-inverted aiming/camera controls with a controller input should just kys

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On a side note, this is the main reason why I don't think we'll ever get SMB2 mechanics in Mario Maker.

Sad to say.

Although if they managed to do it anyway it'd be super hype.

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>I use BiBo for Big Boss
It finally spread. May hell raise upon us.