Steam search

>steam search
>add tags
>sexual content
>1769 results
>... 10 search results (even some of them are anime, but not correctly tagged)
>remove realistic
>add anime
>... 630 search results
what the hell is wrong with you all?

Attached: header.jpg (460x215, 47K)

realistic women are shit

Attached: 1352852324352.jpg (641x697, 214K)

>an outlined shape filled with a skin color is sexualy arrousing
is your brain malfunctioning?

go the fuck back to where you came from you stupid faggot

Sounds like the problems lies with you, OP

cartoons are for children because it's easier for them to process simple shapes. your brain is in the state of a 4-8 year old.

none of those have actual nudity because steam is afraid of a little tit but people dying and guns are fine.

women are subhuman and don't deserve human rights

why are you on this site?

where have you been, literal porn on steam is a thing now

but lot of devs try to avoid being classified as such while remaining borderline

yeah typical western madness. dark ages never ended. i hope liberals will end this horrible era of sexual prudity.

>turns out that most games with sexual content are aimed towards thirsty incels (who always consume excessive amounts of anime) also are anime styled

So are video games yet here you are...

>no u
go back to your chinese pedo toons board

>be OP
>search for porn on steam
>haha you are all bad haha

Attached: 1553964452307.png (324x246, 51K)

nothing wrong with being a pedo

Razz you cunt, when is queen of the pack coming out?

Did they remove the incest from the game on the steam version?
Or is it still there?
If so that's based as fuck on the developers.

>Want to see a nude female
>PornHub is readily available
Gee, OP, I wonder why?

i agree, banning incest shit would be based

No you fucking nigger, I'm saying it would be based of the developers to keep the incest.
Thats literally the only thing that makes this dogshit Yuri VN actually good.

Buttblasted roastie

no incest is gross, matter of fact niggers have the higher rates of inbreeding
go figure huh

You're describing real women

What are you doing here if you hate anime?

Incest is hot.
Fuck off


You're not even trying with this bait. I'm tempted to believe you're a tourist, but it's probably just that easy to fish for (You)'s.

Why did you make this thread?
Wow, you hate anime and hentai, such a Chad.

I love video games
How about (You)?

no i only buzz around """"videogames"""" beacuse of the anime characters
in fact i wish more """"videogames""" would be based and adopt the chinese cartoon artstyle

fuck off
t. chad new english puritan

I got (You) covered senpai

kys degenerate cum-addicts

Based. Can you recommend some incest games though?
Love ribbon was bretty good btw.

>the same excuse lolicons use
killing people in vidya is not the same as a sexual deviancy not does it release dopamine levels on par with heroine use(through masturbation)

nice try though