Tfw can only play at night, or at burst of 30 minutes or else pc shuts down

>tfw can only play at night, or at burst of 30 minutes or else pc shuts down

Attached: tumblr_n8i3jynMT91rxcxs4o2_250.gif (250x188, 130K)

might wanna check if your cpu/gpu/psu fans are spinning

Idle is like 49c, when running triple A games it gets hot really fast...
Can play GTA V, but some that are also CPU intensive can't...

>Idle is like 49c
fucking hell dude, you playing in the Sahara desert or something?

I keep my room 85F/29C because of my pet iguana and my idle is only 30-35 for both cpu and gpu
Its 91 outside here also
Do you live in fucking africa?

open the casing and point a rotating fan at the mobo.
then turn it on.

>Cracked open PS4 and got rid of the dust
>No longer sounds like a jet engine

These are my idling temps, should I be worried?

My gpu gets up to 80c when playing TWWH and it scares me.

Attached: tempa.png (736x470, 37K)

Close, Italy... But like on the north, it's 34c outside...
Yeah, I often do this, but Idk where to rest my legs...

I still think you live on a caribean Island.

speccy is shit. get core temp or hwmonitor instead

Those temps are completely normal. Are you using a stock/reference Nvidia card? Because it's completely normal for those to get up to 80c as well.

Those idle temps are a bit on the higher end, but 80c under load is fine for that GPU. What does the CPU look like under load?

my fucking gpu is cooler than my room

fuck this life

Nevermind I'm a dumbass and didn't ready which GPU you were using. Dunno what the normal temp range for an ATI is.

>have shitty old iMac that just overheats from internet browsing
>just put shitty fan behind it
>can use it for 6h without problem

>Idle temps bounce between 60 and 80c
>All my fans are running fine

What do? I've already got the case open and a small fan blowing straight into it.

I feel you, I'm in Rome and my idle temp is 46° right now at 8:30pm.
I don't even want to check how bad it is during the day.

Around 55-60c.

stop being broke.

Attached: 1.jpg (578x339, 53K)

I'll call tomorrow.

That's pretty normal, I wouldn't worry about it.

How does Italians and meds still don't have AC, wtf is wrong with you.

The only redeeming factor about living here in the fuckoff north is the cool breeze passing over my legs right now.

Si, ma sto a TRENTO! Non è normale

I'm in (location) it isn't normal

OP HERE, Here are the pics

Attached: temps.jpg (1631x753, 197K)

Absolutely nothing to worry about then.

Cool, thanks.

>those hips
Johnny Bravo was the most redpilled show

Attached: collapsible.webm (640x800, 773K)

Clean out your pc.
It's likely full of dust which will cause this.
If the problem still persists, download hardware monitor and see whats getting the hottest and how hot.
From there you're options are to replace fans, reapply thermal paste or replace your power supply unit.

Blasting out the dust with compressed air and wiping off filters in the case will likely be the solution though.
Better to ask about this stuff.
Good luck!


You'll call now


I'll call now :)

Buona fortuna per domani

Attached: 2019-06-26_205946.png (268x442, 18K)

Does your PC look like this? If it does, try cleaning it.

Attached: very-dirty.jpg (576x432, 73K)


>computer broke
>wont be able to afford new one in atleast 2 months
>work in factory which is over 30° inside
such a life in fabryka smrodu

Thanks I know, in fact I'm a programmer/electrician, and it's not like that lol, I keep the case open on the sides or else the temp rises... have 3 push and 1 pull besides the cpu cooler
Ma è normale? Cioe, pensa che sono del sud, Napoli, ma non fa così caldo a Napoli, sono qua da un po' di anni e non era così..