Is the end nigh? I'm surprised this it's taken this long

Is the end nigh? I'm surprised this it's taken this long

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no, sonic games will exist forever

>Pray to Nep

Fucking cwc got a boyfriend? I'm out of the loop

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>in relation to events around the world in both dimensions

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It's himself being his own boyfriend by pretending to be magi-chan and mewtwo

oh alright, not surprising

I'd gladly pray to Nepnep

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Damn what a legend

someone post that webm

We lost Etika and now.. Chrischan?

>and mewtwo?
That is so out of left field. Why Mewtwo?

Because he's naive and was brainwashed into thinking he's real
You're going to need to be more specific, there's like 10 "that" webm for chris

Surprise us

reminder that this is the peak

I can't wait for him to kick the bucket
He has outlived his funny and entertaining phase
Now he's a pathetic wreck that needs to be put out of misery

This shit has gone so far, I wonder how it'll end

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Something tells me when Chris dies he won't even get a sticky

Reminder nothing will ever top Liquid Chris Saga

Everything you just said is extremely sad.

Aniki got one

it better fucking get a sticky, else I'm crashing this godforsaken site with no survivors

It won't end in a bang, but a sad whimper as he lays in a hospital bed as all the autism stored inside of him slowly seeps out for us to see. It won't be an enjoyable show in the slightest.

Turns out living off McDonald's and microwave Hot Pockets isn't the healthiest way to live.

>have heart attack
>have enough time to log onto alt account and e-beg
he's lying, retards. he's begging for money to go to bronycon. AGAIN.


It won't need a sticky because it'll every thread on the goddamn board

Chris is already dead

I hope so, Chris stopped being funny a long time ago, he's legitimately insane now, I just want it to end. Sadly the heart attack thing is probably a lie.

Aniki died?

heart attacks aren't as paralysing as you might think
it's a constant pain, but if you get treated in the first 8 hours of the attack there's almost 0% chance of any permanent damage occuring

user... you should sit down...

>God took Terry from us
>Chris stays

Was he a living pandora's box, and his passing will cause the apocalypse?

That the point of a sticky,to contain thread