What is it about BOTW's anazing success that causes so much controversy from S*ny "players"

What is it about BOTW's anazing success that causes so much controversy from S*ny "players".

Surely this rent free obsession won't last for 5 years? Until BOTW 2 comes out?

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Because faggots will always be faggots, no matter who they're rooting for

What is it about TLOU's anazing success that causes so much controversy from N*ntendo "players".

This rent free obsession has lasted 6 years. Will it continue after TLOU 2 comes out?

>Coping this hard
When was the last time that movie was mentioned here lmfao? Even positively?!?

Thanks for proving me right

>No answer
That's what I thought bud

It's the game of the decade and only playable on Nintendo and PC so naturally snoygers recoil

Watch them completely lose their minds when the sequel is even better.

Cope harder

Snoyger tears are fucking delicious.

Breath of the Wild is an innovative and ambitious game that stumbles in some points of execution and is beloved by all except for Sony posters and Ocarina of Time fanboys.
The Last of Us is a shitty movie masquerading as a videogame and is hated by Sony, Xbox PC, Nintendo, and idorts. It was only propped up by shills and journos who love it for being such a blatant attempt to destroy videogames.
If it is a shooter game, why is it not in first-person?
If it is a stealth game, why is there a companion character?
If it is an adventure game, why is it linear?

idk don't really like kiddy games

Youre just proving him right

>Beat 4 divine beasts
>bored, fuck shrines, they are shit
>quests are pointless, reward inane shit like 100 rupees
>fuck hunting memories that shit is too fucking ridiculous, have you seen that shit? oh look a forest path in a game full of them good luck LOL
>decide to say fuck it and try hyrule castle
>end up beating the entire fucking thing and the last bosses and finish game
>at the end zelda asks me if I "remember her"
>credits, skip them, I'm a sane human being
>oh look it's the main menu
Wow great game Nintenfags.

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>and PC
based and redpilled

When does this game start getting fun? I’ve just obtained the parachute and I’m clearing the plateau before leaving towards the world below. I really want to enjoy this game, but durability’s hampering my experience. Also, is there a way to get more weapons at once?

If you take a picture of the fairy shrine for the painter guy you can show him the pic of the memory and he tells you where it is

Don't worry I since went back and started playing it "properly." I got the master sword, did some shrines, upgraded some armor, and got the memories etc. etc.

This is due to completely different priorities in approaching game design.

Naughty dog sees games as a medium to tell stories not unlike movies or books, so they aim to shatter the technical limitations that make videogames still look like videogames and invest insane amount of work on presentation just so videogames can be taken seriously.

Nintendo thinks videogames dont need to strive for a recognition in conventional audiovisual standards and aim for greatness in parameters you cant find in movies, books or anything else.

Its only natural that nintendo resonates more with Yea Forums, which in the end is full of people who has played more vidya than they are willing to admit in public. Naughty dog are just too conventional (and i dont mean classic) about videogames to appeal much here.

>Replying this seriously to bait
Holy cringe

I came to this thread to shit over nintendo but then I saw your retared post defending TLOU of all things.
It's hardly even a game, you lose nothing by only watching the cutscenes on youtube. The gameplay is as generic and repetitive as it can be and it started a shit trend in video game industry by popularising movie games. Main thing about the gameplay, stealth, is incredibly boring and boils down to throwing bricks and bottles around with occasional listening to enemies through walls. Ellie running straight in front of the enemies and yelling without getting spotted is also incredibly immersion breaking for a game that tries so hard to be cinematic.
At least botw autists actually have some gameplay with magic powers the game has and trying to break the physics.

I just wanted to talk about videogames. I dont care if OP is baiting.

hm this actually makes a ton of sense

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>Different reviewers have different opinions

>Different reviewers have different opinions

I don't even know how gameplay of the left looks like
it's the game where people memed the jew lesbo scene into oblivion right? because if yes that's a yikes from me dawg

>Different reviewers have different opinions

>different ninten-dies have similar coping mechanisms

I don't even know how gameplay of the right looks like
it's the game where people memed the skyrim clone into oblivion right? because if yes that's a yikes from me dawg

literally what is TLOU?

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oh nevermind. they are incomparable. one is a good movie, the other a good game.

As you can see, this is what it looks like when the Nintendie malfunctions

>Not understanding the picture
>samefagging this much

You watch cutscenes and sneak around, distracting enemies with throwing empty bottles and bricks to make noise. Sometimes you have to shoot the enemies down with very limited ammo and solve some easy puzzles.
It's a great movie, but a boring game, imo.
Lesbo kiss is from the treiler of its sequel. I think Ellie was made gay in TLOU1 DLC but I never played that because I didn't feel like it was worth my money.

I forgot TLOU even exists

This post just proved me right

HI ACFag Still seething I see?

>Not understanding implications

>reasonable opinion
How did you end up on this board?

so discount metal gear?
is the movie part worth watching on youtube?

They’re mad that Nintendo didn’t make it a “cinematic experience” so they’re jealous.
Also I believe BOTW2 May come out next work

>movie reviews vs game reviews

why do botw zoomers think their shitty game can only be disliked by sony fans? some of us actually liked zelda and didn't want it to turn into a generic ubishit game.

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It's kind of a dumbed down Metal Gear, yes. Main focus of the game is on character dynamic. I'd say it's worth watching if you have time, it's about 5 hours long depending on the cut you pick on Youtube.

alright may give it a go thanks bro

Can't figure out what TLOU stands for.

>it's the ubisoft shitter again

this. Now theyre gonna reply how its better cause its different and how you just want OoT again and again

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>it's the ubisoft shitter again

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Post open world games better than BoTW

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Quit false flagging.

Wasn't Zelday enough for me.

>BOTW is going to revolutionize open world and make Rockstar take notes!
>Rockstar makes his own thing
>now Aonuma wants to make his own RDR2 with the sequel
So much for that


>Hey guys! Does anyone wanna watch me play?

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the big cope.

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>sorry man, we are busy dancing

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if you want to samefag, it's a good idea to give your files varied filenames as to not appear extra pathetic

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I mean why can't I disagree with critics for one game but disagree with them for another? I don't care if they liked either game. I still think TLOU appeals to hipster normies and Zelda appeals to me.

What does Sony has to do with his posts? Are you that obsessed over them?

this entire thread is proof that console warriors literally cannot have discussions about video games without devolving into garbage. I want to let you all know you're full of shit

I sang

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>he thinks xboners or sega people come here to shitpost

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So if you like shit games fine, but dont use "10/10" as a reason your game is good.


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>New York has a gay flag up somewhere
Wow shocking am I right fellow gamerz

So you are obsessed, thanks for clarifying that for me

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it was obvious the second you submitted your post that on the other side of the monitor is a seething snoycuck

Why do you feel your shitty opinions should go unchallenged?

>tfw you think BOTW isn't that bad, but it gets completely and utterly destroyed by other games you've enjoyed

Just keep fighting that little console war of yours. I'll be here enjoying REAL kino.

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No one:

Absolute no one at all:

Nintendo drones: waaaah why are you obsessed with our bing bing tranny kiddy games!

it was obvious the second you submitted your post that on the other side of the monitor is a seething consolewarrior who needs to get his shit together

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I don't. It's not an argument. But if they say it's 10/10 I obviously agree.

>people think Yea Forums hates botw
>when it makes such great fodder for shitposting
We have threads just like this one everyday; Yea Forums loves overhyped console exclusives.

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You dont even see the hypocrisy I love it

But they just said that TLOU was a 10/10, and yet you disagreed. And there's nothing wrong with that, until you start proclaiming these journalists as perfect paragons of game wisdom.

The game has steady rising curves as you explore the rest of the world. It's possible to run into stuff too tough for you but also to find weapons off the curve as well.

Just be aware of your surroundings or engage enemies intelligently. Exploration often rewards weapons, there's sensible places to get low tier stuff(stables, towns) and the better you get at fighting the more you can finish fights with more weapons than you entered, especially as enemies use better stuff themselves.