
>That splatfest dialog
Anyone have a full image of it?

Attached: Powrl.jpg (1200x675, 128K)

Other urls found in this thread:

rule34.paheal.net/post/list/DaftPatriot splatoon/1

No fucking way

this can't be real

I wonder if she has seen the porn haha



I can't wait for Marina to win


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Splatoon porn is canon in universe

and people say Nintendo isn't based

>"Potential end of Off the Hook"
>Marina saying Off the Hook is all she has as Pearl reassures her that she's great

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not happening

Unlike the first game, where I could see some things about Marie I could like over Callie, I'm pretty heavily skewed towards Marina.

Even though I want to join Chaos I'm going to side with Marina anyway.

>Infiltrate orderfags
>throw every game


>Marina lose
>her world crumble
>go mind break
>splatoon 3 annoucement 2 years later
>Marina is change so much that everyone and her allies are scared of her
>she become Vendetta and kill everyone who don't like.
>and...she isn't brainwashed but she true evil
Be careful what you choose

Chaos bros, /where we @/?!?!?!?!

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Add another reddit nazi frog to the filter

I would never support the Royal Rat Baby

The final Splatfest should have been Off the Hook vs. The Squid Sisters but since no one had a Wii U the importance would probably be lost.

>that background music

people would just vote based on the designs.

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>I don't want to watch the world burn

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I gotta go with Chaos due to the implications for Splatoon 3

this. with order we'll just get another basic ass Splat City Center. With Chaos it will be on FIRE

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>orderfags bringing order to chaosfags by throwing games
>chaosfags bringing chaos to orderfags by
throwing games
how brutal this will be.
I haven't played in a long time not since the 3rd splatfest. and I intend on coming back and throwing games.

>Not wanting to see a fascist totalitarian splat city


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I really wish i had a Wii U or a Switch, just for this fucking game

>Chaos vs Order
Terrible, just terrible

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You should go with Order, since we all know you're terrible at the game and would just give Chaos a losing streak.


I still can't believe this is a song

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>What kind of world do you wanna live in?


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Should I buy this game if this is the last big event and I’ve never played Splatoon before?

>no true neutral

the game will still be alive for a while after this but yeah if you want to be part of it sure. but look at gameplay first and see if you'll like it.

Based Dagda

>tfw no idea what team I want

It'll be a while before Splat 3 and the splatfests gameplay-wise are nothing special, just an extended period of turf wars. You'll be good to jump in now.

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Get it now before Splathreen

Hime literally has more fans that Iida in nihon.

>spyke is chaos
>marina and Marie are order
Well butter my buiscuit, now what?

Good point.
Does that mean it’s different in Japan?

I doubt they mention in the internet in the JP dialog. The translators just take some liberties.

Is like the devs want Marina to lose and make her suffer more than Callie situation.

I'll be honest. I haven't participated in Splatfest since Squids vs Octos, but I don't think I can afford to miss this.
Is there going to be new costumes for Pearl and Marina, and maybe even a new song for the new map??

They don't. Everything else is the same but they just made up and added that line.

>they don't become special until you mix them together to create new colors

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Alright, anons, tell me:
What do you want from Splatoon 3?
What can they do to differentiate if from first two games?

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online system that isn't shit
more than one MP mode at once
better customization



a customizable room for one, and since the lore explanation for why splatoon 1 specials can't be used is because of new regulations, we might be able to use a combination of splat 1 and splat 2 specials, maybe with some new ones added. also make private battles as customizable as local if not more

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Surely you jest?

Do not be fooled by the false promises of Pearl or Marina. They do not care about your well-being or happiness. What they want is control, loyal puppets to enact their will. There is no freedom when the strong crush the weak when chaos reins; there is no safety when all dissent is exterminated in a world of absolute order.

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>That remix of Nasty Majesty.

You say that because you don't want Marina to be the final boss in Splatoon 3.

Dedicated servers, better tickrate, being able to backup saves PLEASE
Berserk, 1997 version.

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>those Ubergesostalt trips

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>final fight is shooting my ink over Marina
Don't mind if I do

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>the losing side has to accept the world the winning side wants

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Hey is that a shiny porygon next to the word "pearl"?

>totally forgot about splatoon
>realize the only people left this late into a nintendo games life are spergs who have way more practice than me
>have not fought for my waifu in like a year or what the fuck ever
wat do

Attached: splatoon.jpg (650x460, 88K)

Join the enemy team and sabotage it from the inside.
Or join the team you cheer for and play like you want because there's plenty of people who still suck at the game and have fun (me included, after 400 hours)

Just because they invest a shitload of time doesn't mean they're good. I literally just recently picked it back up after playing a bit after launch, and then a little more after Octo Expansion. Doing just fine, and it helps a lot of the early weapons are long-term viable or even the best version of their class.

Nah splatfests always bring in shitters. Don't worry about it.

It's shiny porygon2

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Seems like marina still has some lingering regrets from her time as an elite octoling. Poor girl needs a hug.

>Is there going to be new costumes for Pearl and Marina, and maybe even a new song for the new map??
Yes to all.

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Who fucking oked this for a children's game?!?

So when do we get the new headgear?

Marina's more covered than usual.

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i like how the one time marina is fully clothes she's still somehow lewd

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So when the fuck are we going to be able to switch out our weapons for COMPs?

>a bronze dress with more frills
>Marina's body suit literally covers more skin than her default outfit

Peach is literally wearing a bikini and sarong in Mario Odyssey.

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but if order wins the single player will be you and pearl setting inkopolis on fire yourselves

Based Splat tim, he does it.

We need Marina to lose just for one more lewd villain outfit

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this just a promo image, or is this going to be a cutscene of some sort during the final fest?

I rather have marina kidnapped and brain washed again to make new octo tech...or should I say grizz tech

does anyone have good quality rips of the ost+octo expansion ost?

I wish I liked this game. I played around launch and got constant DCs to that point that the game warned for me as if I was doing it on purpose. This is the only game where that has happened to me. I dropped it hard and I forgot about it. It seems like a nice game, and I even have Nintendo online through Twitch/Amazon Prime so I can play online again if I want, but I have no real desire to do so. It does seem like a fun game with interesting lore though.

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Reminder that Marina killed millions

I haven't touched this game in fucking months! I don't even want to play it, even now. I just get my ass handed to me every single time, without fail, despite having hundreds of hours in the game. I mean, I get losing sometimes as you can't win every time. But losing every damn time just wears on me and I said, "Fuck it, I'm out."
I love the game, but I just cannot play it anymore. Doesn't help that the Octo Expansion made me want to punch someone in the face so I just left that alone, probably never going to finish it. If I had people to play with, this probably wouldn't be as bad. But since I am alone, I get tired of losing and just go onto other games I own. I haven't even touched my Switch in months.

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Why do octarians dress so lewdly? i can only imagine how casual Octavio dressed

Is this official?

promo from one of the old splatfests, knights v wizards

I always miss all the splatfests and then I hear the last one is beginning and i get sad

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>Pearl protecting Marina

They're not being subtle

>being an ordercuck

I can't remember. I remember seeing a movie scene about an article.

Yeah man we live in a society, doesn't he know

of human sperm

Based Ubergestsplat Commander Tim.

>I've seen the internet

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This fucking game. God's gift to man.

When is the last splatfest taking place? When is the date?

>literally chose pearl every single splatfest
my daughter will win the final fest

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God I want to racemix with a delicious brown tomboy so fucking bad


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SplatoonxFFXIV crossover when?

Banjo is order
Kazooie is chaos

>customizable rooms

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The idea that canonically Pearl knows about the lewd fanarts is both amazing and frightening at the same time.
Jesus Christ, Nintendo.

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Tread not with the followers of Chaos. Only despair and destruction awaits your future should you walk that darkened path. Come now before the grace of the Lord. Only with divine Order will the future of Inkopolis be clean and pure.

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lmao ordercuck

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July 18-21

Devs are aware of what their creation spawned
Iirc trial of mana director said during the e3 direct that “Lieze is really popular, yeah”, on stream

>Order wins
>Splatoon 3 starts with a dictator taking hold of Inkling Society
>also Marina is missing, totally unrelated
>Benito Octolini imposes strict fashion restrictions and adds siege weapons to turf wars for "safety"
>kids went along with it because those things sounded rad but they like to mix it up after a few days and Squidler isn't changing anything
>turns out that Pol Inkpot is Marina who's desperately holding onto the past and the stability that a rigid society offers
>end game is convincing her that she's just recreating Octoling underground society in Inkopolis

>Splatoon 3 was SMTV all along

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T-tell us what you've seen, Pearl

Based and NeutralPILLED

It will still be alive until 3 comes out, just make sure you don't pay full price, I think you can get it for 30-40 nowadays

You got it all wrong.

>Chaos wins
>Splatoon 3 is about a world filled with chaos and you're forced to be a dumb lawfag because the objective of the game is to restore order

The patrician choice is to take one for the team and side with Order. This means that Splatoon 3 will be set in a punk rebellion where you're tearing shit up, busting your boys out of squid prison, bringing back colour and joy to a lawfag society, tearing down the gub'mint, and finally shooting a Killer Wail straight in the face of whatever Inkopolis' equivalent of YHVH is. If you side with Chaos you get to be a hoyboy for a weekend. If you side with Order you get to be a hoyboy for YEARS.

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Splatoon 1 > Splatoon 2.

She probably masturbated to it.

>No Squid Set Radio.

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I have not played Splatoon 1 but I played a shit ton of 2 so I do not agree nor disagree with you.

Splatoon 2 lets you play as Octos, which I've wanted since 1 so 2 > 1

Has Pearl even won a splatfest since they changed the rules?

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>muh specials

I wonder if she knows about all the inflation pics of her.

>Rebels vs Dictator

Again? Aren't you tired of that trope?

they saw the marina r34 didnt they

all the time

Nice lightgun

>over 120 posts
Fuck, this what I get for staying up late

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Of course they did.

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Honestly would welcome it desu

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Marina x Eight canon?
Marina x Eight canon

yfw they approve and embrace it making Marina sexier.

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I bet Marina schlicks it to all the Marina Human_worship porn I saw earlier

Holy shit, where did you get that from ?

Holy shit based and witnessed

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Fuck off, Tim.
Mr Grizz is the neutral choice.

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>mfw Inkling x human porn is some weird fetish in their world

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>marina has probably a 2D human daki

Its still kind of amazing to me at how far Splatoon strays from the usual Nintendo Aesthetic. Feels almost like a Dreamcast era Sega game.

This, I have well over 200 hours and the only weapon I'm don't suck with is the krak-on roller and the silver aerospray. I easily get 1000+ points with those, but give me any other weapon and I can barely get to 500 points.

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Splatoon is the best IP Nintendo’s had in years
It’s a unique and fun take on the shooter genre, has an incredibly interesting world, deep lore, a great aesthetic, and it’s got cute girls

If they're made out of ink, would it be like having sex with a slime?

Which one of these incorrect names is Pearl?

At least the splatfest fag are being fooled into slavery. You on the other hand read the term and condition, then willfully and pridefully jump in.

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I don't play competitive at all and only mode I really feel useful is Salmon Run.
I love me some Salmon Run.

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Hime. MC Princess.

thats some quality pixel art

Hime is Pearl (translates to princess and she has a crown on her head)
Iida is Marina

Sell me on splatoon 2

We both know Grizz is going to end up siding with SHVH

Thank you, wise Councilors.

Grizz is proper Neutral

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It's all I know

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Turf war and salmon run is all I need too. I've tried getting into ranked, but I barely made it to B-rank and just accepted my certification as a casual then and stopped letting it get to my head.

It's a game. I'm having fun. At the end of the day, That's all that matters.

Cute characters killing each other with fun movement. Great music, lore, and aesthetic.

imagine having so basic bitch taste that you ditch Pearl.
I mean Marina looks just like Beyonce and in order for anyone to find that whore attractive, you have to be a normalfag.

You arent a normalfag, right user?

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Are you fucking kidding me dude

Boku no Pico.

I like Beyonce and Pearl desu

bear jerk

Sure, but join Order.

Ranked is overrated. I have over 1k hours in Splatoon 2, made to X in all modes but Clam Blitz, but for the last 5 or 6 months I've been playing nothing but Turf War and Salmon Run. Ranked is just too frustrating. It frees much more anger from me than I ever believed I had. In Turf War I can just play around with various weapons (fuck mainfags) and sets, slowly grind some pure gear and just have fun. But then again, if I start caring too much about stuff like weapon freshness and grinding gear, I get too frustrated about losses and stop having fun. Same happens when I get into a match with complete retards who do not know what a private battle is and just afk/squidbag the whole match. Even getting steamrolled in a fair game hurts less than that shit.

>people like pearl
The fuck?

Wake me up when they stop charging for online.

>people have taste
The fuck?



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Apparently they don't if pearl is at all popular.

Is there a single person on this planet who likes Clam Blitz

I would pick chaos if I really wanted to play this shitfest, but all faggots and nips will pick the nigger again making it ultimately a waste of time. So unless Pearl wins, I don't give a shit.
>a fixed point system for X rank
>all existing weapons with their buffs/nerfs already in the base game
>clam blitz is changed
>fix the shitty netcode
>salmon run is open at all times
>carbon and l-3 keep burst bomb and dapples keep a useful sub

Based and checked.

>tacitly admitting why they didn't go with Pearl vs Marina
Even if Pearl got crushed in popularity I still would have wanted to fight for her.

A friend of mine likes it but he's got pretty fucked up taste overall.

Expanded Salmon Run where you can equip gear (besides weapons)

This Splatfest
>pick a side goy any side
>pick side X, win

>side X has ridden the world into the shit, go save it
>have to fight for side Y the entire campaign

This is some shitty reverse psychology they're pulling.

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based and orderpilled

>thematically I prefer a world of order and also think it would make the next game better
>but I like the characters representing chaos so much more than those representing order

What do I do?

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>implying he isn't behing everything
I always knew it since the beginning.

It's fun

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Pick by preferred color/aesthetic.

Join Chaos with me, fagit

>Pearl has seen my post defending her

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All of your sins will be forgiven only and only if you pick Chaos

NO it was my post

>Capture Taken.
I laughed.

How many Marina porn does Pearl have saved.

>pearl has seen my posts lewding her

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Marina only saves porn of humans

All of it, and she sends a few over every time Marina's in an important business meeting.

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ha haha ha ha......fools.......you thought I was gone, but a new opportunity arrives...
Even now, hundreds of my μυστιkός πράkτορας are signing up for team chaos in droves, waiting for my signal to throw the games...

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if you have a decent pc you can emulate splat1

Best band.

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Why did she eat a penis

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It's time to rise up user
Pick chaos like a true gamer would

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hightide era is best

>Not wanting JSR Splatoon

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>Hideki Naganume still isn't composing music for Splatoon.

>Remember that Pearl and Marina's Octo Expansion outfits are based on Biggie and Pac
>Remember that Biggie and Pac were friends before an incident that made them hate each other
Guys, I'm worried

>Order wins
>splatoon 3 is you and mad-max pearl reclaiming inkopolis from a totalitarian marina

>Chaos wins
>mad-max pearl abandons inkopolis with the inklings to go cause chaos everywhere
>Marina stays in inkopolis establishing a totalitarian state
>splatoon 3 is you and mad-max pearl reclaiming inkopolis from a totalitarian marina

i would annihilate that octoboy


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>and you're forced to be a dumb lawfag because the objective of the game is to restore order

Why wouldn't I want that?

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Did someone say HOY

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Someone's gonna explode in there alright- oh no.

Wew that art

They'll be fine

all the porn...ALL THE PORN THO.

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imagine how stinky the squids are running around in those spats, never able to bathe because they can’t touch water

If Order wins I'm afraid Marina will remix Pearl's brain to stay with her

>want to support Pearl
>But whoever wins will obviously be the bad status quo in 3
>If order then tyrannical order is the story and if chaos then things just being too out of control
>Is supporting Pearl helping her win the final splatfest in 2 or preventing her from being the cause of the mistake in 3

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But they can touch water

GOD i wish that was me

They probably don't sweat so they probably don't smell as bad

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I'm gonna say the N word here.
Nautiluses Confirmed for Splatoon 3

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Marina is too perfect. They probably knew she'd be 34'd to hell and back as soon as the design was finalized.

>Ending decides the outcome for splatoon 3
>We'll never see the alternate version of this and I'll be kept wondering what the fuck would've happened if {x} team won instead
It hurts

The other side would be killer DLC

DLC my friend

Everyone is predicting they'll do the Splatoon 1 finale again in Splatoon 3 and have the winning faction be the evil one.

What if it's actually a utopian version of the winning society that gets destroyed by the sore loser?

>Reminder that Biggie and Pac both died young and mysteriously

>chaos v law
Splat Megami Tensei when?

>order wins
>Gear and weapons in 3 are all sleek, efficient maximum value perfection
>Chaos wins
>Gear and weapons are Mad Max style improvisation that's just as powerful as it is volatile
Not sure what I want more desu


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Usually you only get that with Pokemon girls.

>He thinks Pac is really dead.
user do I have something to tell you

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>Implying it won't be Mr. Grizz that buys out Inkopolis with his Salmonid Egg money and turns it into a sterile, chrome wasteland
>meanwhile if Pearl wins the Salmonids RISE UP and overrun most of the city

This is an unacceptable train of thought.

P&M are too pure to break up and they wouldn't kill characters in an E10+ game.

But if they did S3's story would have to basically be an adaptation of DOOM to achieve vengeance. youtube.com/watch?v=a6BbvCC0VI0


>Splatoon's designs were so fresh even Pokémon has been ripping them off

Plumeria and Nessa are straight out of Splatoon.



>hivemind antenna
>Eye of Justice
there is no way marina will be the good guy at all


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>Marina takes over Inkopolis
>presses her own kinsmen into service as harem slavegirls (male)

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Which do you want?
Order's suprise penis inspections or Chaos' Roving woomy rape gangs?


I was just about to post that.

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shoo shoo reddit nazi frog poster

I'll have

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Whichever side wins will probably be the villainous side in the next game. It's not like decorating yourself in the skulls of your enemies is much better.

Exhibit B

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A neat little video about splatoon music, if anybody is interested.

Smoke was Chaos tho

But who is Agent 7

Tell me.

without a doubt

Please refrain from posting any more hoyboys. This is an Spla2n thread.

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I want to hug him and rub bulges together!

About to pierce your sisters buns.

it's shit
nevermind that's really good

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Chaos, CHAOS

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You in Splatoon 5

>Marina and Pearl have seen all the nasty perverted posts you made about them

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>marina and pearl have masturbated to all the nasty perverted posts you made about them.

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More like the other way around
Pic related it's Proto-Pearl

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Poor Pearl :(

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>Run away from gang of violent horny chaos woomies or hide from the ruthless order repowomen who are here to claim your semen tax

I'm going with order.
A clean Mirror's Edge "police state pays their janitors really well" style in the 3rd game will be more fun to splat with paint.

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All signs point to him still being out there.
This thread explains it pretty well (although part of it is serious reaching): twitter.com/xshaf/status/966364855937708032?lang=en
Also, sorry if I derailed a Splatoon thread into a hip hop conspiracy thread



>tfw the only Splatgirl I make lewd posts about is Paruko
I hope she's seen them, I love her

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Me on the left

>looks like trump after eaten it
deepest lore

I like these lads more.

Attached: 252px-Music_S2_Bottom_Feeders_album_artwork.jpg (252x250, 20K)

I expected this a while ago. And predicted that Inkopolis will be the next big Story-Area. The winner of this might become the Antagonist in the next game, creating a dystopia thats either based on order or Chaos.

>splatoons entire aesthetics, music and themes come from punk and counterculture
Orderfags are literal retards

>whichever side wins, we'll still get the post-apocalyptink Splathreen

Attached: 1561523441042.gif (825x463, 1.33M)

>Chaos wins
>the salmon take over the outskirts of Inkopolis and start snatching squid boys to incubate their eggs

Attached: Salmon Run.jpg (1280x650, 176K)

There's not nearly enough art of her.

Attached: fec38574bf6eec06e700fc94d114b135.jpg (734x899, 130K)

Everyone is ignoring the REAL question
What are the new idols gonna be like, and how are they gonna play into the two possible stories of Splatoon 3?

Attached: marie think.png (1280x1279, 249K)


I don't want new idols. I want Marina+Marie or Callie+Pearl

Move over.

Attached: 1515627339699.jpg (1280x1270, 513K)

give source

>he doesn't want Splat3 to be about toppling the establishment, the peak of punk counterculture
I know, it's criminal.

Attached: 1558737925454.png (1606x2021, 930K)

I want male idols. Or at least one male idol.

Someone please make an edit of Pearl fighting Lucifer

rule34.paheal.net/post/list/DaftPatriot splatoon/1

>Marina+Marie or Callie+Pearl
So either the best possible combo or the worst.


This is genuinely amazing.

>>realize the only people left this late into a nintendo games life are spergs who have way more practice than me
If it makes you feel any better Splatoon 2 is the first Splatoon game I've played and I bought it just three months ago, and it's been fine.

Man, I just keep gettin older, but these cephalopods keep stayin the same age

Attached: 71e8bbff72e38547f4da699e84574dcb.jpg (900x938, 100K)

>that marina
post more

Thank you brother

Well, everyone said that about Callie and Marie and ended up loving Pearl and Marina eventually, so I don't think it would be too bad. Of course I don't think they should go too overboard and have like 8 idols by the 4th installment, but 6 is a good number.

>Even Marina has trouble justifying her side

But why male models

I didn't know this thread was full of patricians

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which still makes her look like the reasonable one.
Marina had a hard life.

Attached: rmsvo2zqii121.jpg (901x849, 118K)


No? Are you people fucking stupid? Marina is more popular period.

Attached: 1266600429730.jpg (390x386, 21K)

almost a really good picture but the leg is jacked up

To mix things up. Also Asia is big on male idols, such as the whole J-/K-pop boyband craze that is currently going on.

>Chaos ends up nuking the color out of everything, causing washed out earthy tones
>Order sterilizes everything into pristine white and chrome
Both sound like god tier aesthetics for bringing color to in a turf war

>"So then i was like: 'Pearl, you can't ride to the studio without training wheels, you barely lasted 2 minutes without them yesterday!' So she gets all pouty and does that cute little thing where she hops up and down with steam coming off her head and calls me 'filthy octo she-boon' and 'dirty niggerpuss' I don't know what any of it means, but she's so funny and adorable! OMG HAHAHAHAHA!"

Wouldn't Pearl be on Lucifer's side?
There's this though

Two of those are me, I'm pretty shameless about my love for this cute anemone

Attached: tumblr_nv6v0nKOgh1t3o4rno1_1280.png (1200x1600, 475K)

Wtf no. Metal band if chaos dystopia, punk band if order dystopia.

Attached: image.png (800x800, 217K)

Here are your cute new idols after Chaos wins.

Attached: epic cool new awesome duo maximum.png (255x127, 11K)

Cool and nice if they are both girls

I can't get enough of her

Attached: __paruko_splatoon_series_and_etc_drawn_by_katou_osoraku__3d73128a0130efa11669f5d8b95173c6.jpg (600x759, 91K)

Reminder that choosing order is the true chaos option, it will lead to an authoritarian world where true punk will prevail with god tier aesthetics.
Chaos will be just generic mad max that will be destroyed by the authorities you hate so much

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Attached: Best Girl.webm (640x360, 3M)

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Don't be deceived by these false flagging orderfags.

Why is everyone saying the winner of Order/Chaos will set the tone of the next game

Attached: 1523895463805.jpg (879x971, 83K)

>punk band if order dystopia.
I'd say techno would be a better fit for order with what we saw in pic related.
Also, the Order side's fashion is giving me major Y2K Aesthetic vibes, and a Y2K Aesthetic Splatoon 3 would make me cum buckets

Attached: final fest.jpg (1280x720, 185K)

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The question posed with its announcement was what world do you want to see.

Because the outcome of Splatoon 1's last Splatfest affected the plot of Splatoon 2, because Marie won the Splatfest and she was the one who followed you through the plot of Splatoon 2.

But Lucifer is the final boss of Nocturne so it's still appropriate

Also that's pretty good

I'm still thrilled the whole band got canon names, it's more than I was expecting.

Attached: 69447510_p0.jpg (2289x1000, 362K)

>Y2K aesthetic
Go away Pan.

I want Chaos to win just so these guys are the "main" band of the next game.

Attached: Diss-Pair-bring-their-competing-sounds-to-Splatoon-2-with-two-new-songs.jpg (1920x1080, 168K)

Dialogue for those who don't want to watch
>Pearl: The Splatocalypse is upon us!
>Marina; AAAAHHHH! It's the final Splatfest! And it's worldwide!
>Pearl: What kind of world do you wanna live in? A world of chaos? Or a world of order?
>The Splatfest gods really pulled out all the stops with this one!
>Marina: That's for sure. Though who would ever wanna live in a world of chaos?
>Pearl: Um, ME?! With chaos, you never know what'll happen next, Which is AWESOME!
>Marina: But think about it, Pearl! The world might fall apart! WE might fall apart.
> There has to be balance in the world in order to prepare for the future!
>Pearl: 'Rina, do you remember why we started Off The Hook in the first place?
>Pearl: We were sick of hearing the same stale top-20 songs on repeat EVERY DAY.
>We promised we'd never stop shaking things up. That we'd never conform.
>Marina: Yeah,but Pearl...Remember what YOU said when we first got together?
>You said that our ink colors aren't special on their own.
>That they don't become special until you mix them together to create new colors.
>And that gave me hope during a dark time in my life.
>Off the Hook means everything to me! It's all I have in this world...
>Pearl:Ok. Ok. No need to get all dramatic.
>You have WAAAY more going for you than just Off The Hook.

>Y2K Aesthetic
I could never get behind that aesthetic, but you do you.

Ikkan x Pearl collab fucking when

>For one, the fans like you more than they like me. I've seen the internet.
>And all the other DJs worship you. Plus Eight and Cap'n Whatshisface.
>Aren't they part of your world too?
>Marina: That's exactly the point though!
>In a world of chaos, I might not ever get to see them again..
>Pearl: Ugh...Why do you always gotta take everything so seriously?
>Marina: Look, I'm not saying nothing should ever change.
>I just want to protect the balance I've found in my life.
>Don't you think it's important to create a place we can all feel safe and secure?
>Pearl: Not if it means living in a world where everything is predictable.
>It's not like I wanna see the world burn. I just want it to change. Every day.
>Marina: Yeah but...that could lead to Off the Hook breaking up!
>Pearl: OH. MY.COD. I'm done talking...
> I hereby invoke Article 4 of Splatfest Law!
>That means the losing side has to accept the world the winning side wants.
>Marina: NO...You wouldn't!
>Pearl: I just did.
>Marina: But if your side wins, what's going to happen to Inkopolis?!
>Pearl: I'll figure it out during the Splatfest.
>Pearl: And this Splatfest is 72 hours long, so you'd better think about it too. 'Rina.
>Marina: Hooo....Oh wow.Ok. I'm gonna start designing my perfect world.
>You know...I was nervous at first, but this is actually gonna be really fun!
>Pearl: That's the spirit! Plus there's gonna be special gear for this Splatfest!
>Marina: And since this is the last one...I'm designing an EXTRA special stage.
>Pearl:....So there it is. Go vote for your side, and play like the world depends on it!

>everyone itt assuming whoever wins takes control
>Nobody entertaining the possibility that the loser takes the loss badly they decide to show you they were right through force
>Now we fight alongside the winner of the splatfest to put down the out of control loser

What like Jet Set Radio?

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Of course Nintendo has collectively shit taste in waifus, just like the rest of Japan

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>the loser takes the loss badly they decide to show you they were right through force
But we already did that with the Squid Sisters

salty but quality jtveemo

Marina, Agent 3, Agent 8, Marie...
Going Order for this last fest.

Callie is a pure Sweetheart who doesn't drink your pepsi.

Attached: 1499037344075.jpg (800x1131, 678K)

I don't see marina pulling that, but I can see pearl pulling that shit out of sheer salt. Now i'm an order fag who wants his techno cyberpunk dystopia city but i'm more and more convinced it's not happening.

>and play like the world depends on it!
What did they mean by this

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Separate abilities from gear. It just forces the players to wear clothes they don't like to get the abilities they want. Keep the progression, because it engages the players, but separate it from clothing.

It means the world is decided through this next one, also if chaosfags win inkopolis is fucked.

No matter who wins orderfags are wrong. You literally have mind control gear as your fashion statement for the splatfest in a game that is designed about being counterculture and rebellious. There's no way order walks out of this the good guys


Kinda, these explain it fairly well.

Splatoon 3 new world order

>the next game will be crossed over with another game style depending on the winner
>Chaos is JSR
>Order is Mirrors Edge

I've always enjoyed a bit of chaos myself

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is it too late to pick up splat2 now

Attached: 1497589125529.jpg (2481x2980, 3.78M)

You say that but shit looks better then your mad max shit.

even in inkling culture, the internet is for porn. deal with it

If you cared about the big events like Splatfest or the excitement of new content, yes.

I would be all for order if it followed the 50's soviet aesthetic, but Y2K really turns me off.

That argument just made me realize Pearl really doesn't know or understand what marina went through to get to Inokopolis in the first place, not that she's cruel, she's an inkling, her race flat out does not think like that, they are incapable of it even if she's 21 she can't help how she was raised. It's no wonder she's being the way she is with this. I too see her losing and us going with dytopia anyway because Pearl isn't stopping to think about this beyond the now and moment.

>This is the fifth year, where splatting has become a way of life
>The conflict has gone on so long we've forgotten how it started
>All we know is this:
>On one side, the Leaque of Free Squids
>On the other, the Octarian Navy
>The result? Total war
>We've been told that the final battle is beginning, the defining moment of the struggle to be free
>It's not the truth. It's not a lie, either. It's just plain wrong.

Splatoon 3: Red Salmon

>pearl and marina mix their ink together

Attached: 1527320162978.jpg (1280x720, 302K)

No, go get it now user, shit is great.

What’s the BGM that’s pops up on 2:10?

Attached: 8BC5F75A-9E71-4B92-A422-8E870B525391.jpg (693x375, 76K)

That's exactly what I thought, some crazy fucks on either side are going to go nuts and take it too far.
Some Chaos nutbag is gonna nuke the city, or An Order psycho is gonna do some crazy robot shit

>he didn't play Octo Expansion

Nasty Majesty.

What about orderfags? Inkopolis becomes a dictatorship? A la Singapore or Eritrea?

If you choose order you'll end up turning Inkopolis into Tokyo-to

She is also disgustingly rich, so there is that.

>pearl invokes the law to enforce chaos
She was always worst idol

Attached: 1499898019690.jpg (940x1200, 146K)

So your saying inkling's are retarded, even though marie is most definitely capable of thinking like that. It's really pearl is a womanchild crying she wants her way.

chaos turns the splatoon world into cyberpunk
order turns it into chrome future from spongebob

>thinking Nintendo will get it right next time

Attached: Smug Idol.jpg (852x852, 91K)

day night cycle so we arent locked away from night mode maps via splatfests only

objectively shit taste

Yes but then you get too be a chaosfag in splatoon 3 making inkopolis a less shitty place, chaos straight up nukes the whole damn city.

>literally SMT
someone draw squid Metatron

Attached: MetatronSH.JPG.jpg (1228x1520, 1.7M)

You got it half right.

Attached: Splat.png (2304x864, 1.19M)

Do we have a translation of the Japanese version yet?

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>Thats it I invoke article 4 of squid law
>The loser has to accept the world the winning side choses
I've been neglecting splatfests, BUT I CHOOSE TO TAKE PART IN THE REVOLUTION

Attached: 1553359505869.png (623x739, 559K)

instead of fighting pearl and marina. you need to help them stop their most crazy followers

Attached: 1558028636934 anemone band.jpg (1301x1653, 145K)

user if you had followed the splatfests, you would know this was a long time coming.

Remix of the best song

Marie may take your Pepsi now, but she pays it back later with interest.

Attached: 1559520942017.png (698x675, 213K)

In contrast to Ken Levine's "please stop making porn of my daughter"

Yes I remember previous splatfests influencing the direction of the game. I did help best girl Marie and spared her from getting OCTO'D



Attached: I CAN FEEL PEARL OVERTAKING ME IT IS A GOOD PAIN.jpg (2191x1553, 272K)

Do you have coke instead?
Wheres Callie?

Usong the law to do away qith all laws is actually kino though

Is the interest Dr. Pepper?

>Marina and Pearl have seen and probably masturbated to all the nasty posts involving the other, but are completely unaware the other has done it, so they are too embarassed to admit it.)

Marie is team order user, join us.


Attached: IMG_2411.jpg (1920x1080, 716K)

>A reasonable way to make proper ability loadouts that don't take weeks to months of play. Hell, how about a glamour system using sea snails or some shit.
>Also more stuff like Octo Expansion, which was hands down the best thing in the games.
>Maybe add events to turf war, like salmon invading and attacking both teams or octo weapons appearing on the field
>Lore would be that the second Great Turf War is happening and the Salmonids, Octos, Human/AI start attacking at random but the Inklings don't even notice any changes from their constant turf wars.

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As if I needed convincing.

Attached: 2891492584.jpg (811x690, 183K)

coke is shit! SHIT! rootbeer is better

Based rootbeerchad

>BONK! dispenser

A coke is fine too

NeutralChads drink Water

Attached: water.jpg (1280x720, 128K)

I will have one half-stalk of celery please. Nothing on it.


Attached: hoy.png (1280x488, 176K)

Oh don't worry, there's still plenty and plenty and plenty of garbage players on both sides on any Splatfest. It's like they come out of the woodwork and think their 'splat rollers rolling only' style is still relevant after the first week of Splatoon 1's launch.

Attached: WOOOOOOOOOOMY.gif (248x232, 12K)

if anyone wants to see the SS early here you go

But Ika Musume

Attached: 1402069832644.jpg (432x648, 78K)

based water chad

I hope their love, is like a truck...

Attached: FinalSplatfest_Splatoon_iratiotalora.jpg (953x1825, 455K)


I'm glad Finalfest isn't about waifuwars.
It's moe how pearl doesn't value the status quo, which Marina does because of her harsh upbringing.

>stage shrinks over time
>"princess cannon" uses Pearl's voice everytime you activate it

im loving this shit already

>callie= pepsi
>marie= coke
Ok, so what about Off the Hook?


I would've unironically enjoyed waifuwars and the entailing autism.

Dr. Pepper and Pibb Xtra

It would have been more chaotic than Squid vs. Octo

Marina = Dr Pepper
Pearl = Sprite

That stage looks fun.

Is the exclusive gear live yet?

So evidently you have to purposely invoke Article 4 to make a Splatfest ruling stick? Good, fuck 'chicken first' idiots.

Marina is Surge
Pearl is Ecto Cooler

>pearl admits she doesn't want actual chaos just for every day to be interesting
>marina goes near Dark Phoenix mental breakdown over her status quo being threatened and how she wants force everything to stay the same always
>Order gear is a big brother Eye of Justice helmet and literally a HIVEMIND ANTENNA
Boy I wonder how this is gonna go. No way marina doesn't go absolutely bonkers trying to misguidedly protect what she loves

Nah, marina is the obvious waifubait character

>Pearl knows about the goblina making fun of her
>She also makes goblina fanart of herself for fun

Attached: stop bullying pearl you meme loving fucks.jpg (474x583, 45K)

Pearl does her Mountain Dew-ty
Marina drinks Dr Pepper as it reminds her of the past, when humans were alive

what do you think eight would say if she saw them fighting like this on the telly? in fact considering eight's experiences I could see her siding with Marina and three's experiences as well as Maria's, of course those guys would value the peaceful order of their city where as the live in the momenters like Callie, Pearl and Agent 4 would be all about chaotic fun. four is constantly portrayed as an in the moment character and far more childish than eight or three.

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I think a lot of people changed their tune on Pearl over time. After the first reveal fans acted like she was Marina's creepy gremlin sidekick, but she became a fun character in her own right once their personalities were established. Especially after the DLC.

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>Marina's creepy gremlin sidekick
She's still that.

Attached: Haha woomy.jpg (370x370, 41K)

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Marina is canonically a beta pearl fangirl though

Attached: CFpOMB1UEAA2LHo.jpg (480x300, 24K)

>smellin' like the fresh

Why is this so fucking funny?

Attached: me.gif (337x300, 2.76M)

The Victor decided who's going to be the main antagonist of the next Splatoon game.

You guys DO realize that, right?

Read the fucking thread before you post in it you mong

>Order Wins
>Mr. Grizz is the bad guy

>Chaos Wins
>Mr. Grizz is your new Cuttlefish

>final fest
Why would they deliberately stop 2 years into the games lifespan? For what purpose?

I get that they killed the WiiU version fast because the company was moving onto the switch, but is it really necessary this time? Do they think fans are uninterested and they couldn't possibly squeeze out another year of supporting this game?

Such a Nintendo move.

Attached: final-splatfest-splatoon-2-1200x900.jpg (1200x900, 187K)

>We'll get to spray ink on Marina
I don't see the problem here

Pearl is better shes flat


That's the second most wholesome comic I've ever seen after this one and they both involve Splatoon.

Attached: 6n1Dj6j[1].jpg (521x1266, 151K)

And smug

Me on the bottom left but veemo

marina is better shes black

Nintendo's just actually too fucking stupid to Jew. Even when people want it. Look at Smash and how they're not doing a season 2

>Such a Nintendo move
more like such a splatoon dev team move
>yeah, we don't want you playing salmon run whenever

Attached: woomy1.jpg (5269x3687, 2.37M)

New dungeon crawler mode in a now abandoned octoling labratory infested by kelp monsters
New mode where ink is limited and swimming in it absorbs it,goal is to get kills
A new mode where you race to the finish line
A pve mode where one person is in a turf war with everyone then when they die a random person from the other team is the new target

i mean, isnt the splatoon dev team focusing on AC now?

Sure, but I can't imagine it takes the entire Dev team to set up splatfests

L4D like mode about freeing inkopolis from a massive salmonid invasion.

>Marina: Hooo....Oh wow.Ok. I'm gonna start designing my perfect world.
I really want order to win so Marina gets her perfect world which ends up being awful and the plot of the game revolves around overthrowing it
Basically whoever wins becomes the villain in 3

Pearl is flat meaning she need lewd more

Pearl browses Yea Forums

I like Pearl more than Marina.

Attached: woomy2.jpg (5269x3687, 2.34M)

I don't think either of them will end up villains, at least not of their own volition, but rather get a lesson in what happens if you go too far either way and go to the other for help.

the absolute state of this board

Imagine Marina being a villain, fighting with everything to stopping you (hacking the city, giant octo robots, etc) and maintain her perfect world with the idea that if she loses control, everything that she worked to archieve would be gone and Pearl will leave her. Bosses on the story mode could be characters that we already know as Agent 3 + 8, Marie or Tartar reprogrammed by Marina.

Attached: 1529361345719.png (1024x576, 875K)

I never get to fucking play Salmon Run because of my work schedule conflicting with the narrow windows they made. Do they want me to play the fucking mode or not?

Pearl likes it
Pearl is horny

We never know, splatoon 3 might be rated T if Nogami is enough of a madman.

>When the music kicks in
I got chills. Maybe that makes me a fucking dork, but I loved it.

Apparently a dataminer said the special shifty station was called "dear senpai".


DON THE SKULLS OF THOSE WHO OPPOSE YOU or some gay ass robo hat

Marina is ugly,but that flat octogirl and cute octo boy...yum

whats sad is what we'll get is probably worse than any ideas we come up with here

The entire Splatoon world is a sham orchestrated by marina to keep pearl and her together.

Or what if Marina creates tech to let her do her job better only for it to backfire on her and have it overthrow her rule. AI doing their job a bit too well, etc.

Or Tartar seizing control and sanitizing Marina and all of Inkopolis.

>splatboys mouth

>"Way more popular on the internet"
>Photo Taken

I like Pearl more. Every splatfest I was in I voted on her side every time.

Attached: Pearl inkling fan.jpg (800x800, 90K)

>thread is gonna hit bump limit way before it wouldve hit image limit
im shocked

Attached: 1535032539514.jpg (1200x675, 158K)

Cursed image

>when you have practiced drawing feet so much everything else is in a different art style

This one is better

Attached: marina fixed.png (1012x1271, 553K)

You are like little babies. Watch THIS

Attached: 1545521462196.jpg (677x600, 37K)

My dick

>nigga pearl
I didn't know she could get any more gangsta
Truly best girl.

Delete all of these

Pearl hates god and satan
>final splatfest is ink vs eggs
>dlc would let you become a salmonid

>Marina is ugly

Attached: c00[2].png (800x800, 879K)

Source?i cant read it

I know this paint. I suck ass with the controls for shooting. If I could use my roller I could clear the expansion set easily. I just wanted to have an Octling body

This is good
These are shit

>We live in a timeline where Pearl has seen the fetish art between her and Marina

>She has seen shit like pic related

Attached: 977979B4-0D83-4893-98A3-57F724A3BF1C.png (1366x1090, 1005K)

Why can't you read it?

Attached: 1559499438330.png (1608x2048, 1.5M)

I can't choose between Bottom Feeders and Chirpy Chips. I was so excited when they brought the Chirpy Chips back in 2, though.

Wtf I like Pearl now

probably on mobile

that artist is pretty nice

Attached: 3a1922f8d1fb3c68778726460901fafd4659c29e.png (1280x1100, 1.37M)

Zoom in. There's no way you can't make out the text on a 6400x4500 image

well that was quite the thread

Attached: 1550646161733.jpg (698x676, 53K)

look at these stick users
look at them and laugh

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If Callie isnt in 3 I am going to be pissed and the game will be shit instantly

Attached: Callie snaps.gif (480x270, 1.69M)

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Motion controls aren't a git gud switch you know. People can and will continue to suck even while using them.

Attached: 1524637718803.jpg (1535x2048, 312K)

Pearl is cream soda/rootbeer

Attached: 1541299648543.webm (640x480, 2.94M)



Order feels more interesting as a setting for S3. Chaos is an overused setting.

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>one cutie and one handsome
yes pls

Attached: 1544672761357.jpg (1200x675, 156K)

is this mad max vs cyberpunk?

Pearl and marina will have two different states they control but they must join together to defeat salmonids
But if pearl was the villain we would get cool sword and old style cannons and trebuchets

no its futa sadly I have checked