SGDQ 2019

Now: Lethal League Blaze
Next: Nex Machina
Later: Furi

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Other urls found in this thread:


fuck milaposter tranny

fuck tier list fags except based mila poster

When's the next game with cute anime girls?

>shilling shitty game during speedrun for charity

What has been the sexiest game that was run so far?

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>runner has developers on the line
>does nothing but whine at them

Fuck tier list trannies

runner is bad, commentary is bad, dev is bad

Attached: kusoge.jpg (1920x1080, 229K)

>make choosing character an incentive
>can't stop fucking whining about result through the course of the run

making new thread

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what do you think of this run so far?

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i have breakfast tacos

Targ gave me a new waifu

>dev on Skype
>Your game fucking sucks
>Haha yeah... ummm... [autistic joke]

Every single time

this runner is fucking annoying

Is this guy the definition of a man baby?
Just Waah Waahh Waahhh from him

>day 1
>threads are overall comfy and good read
>threads full of weeb trannies
what the fuck

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This is so hard to watch. These devs are fucking retards who couldn't sell shit. Who on the marketing team thought this was a good idea?


SSS2: Metroid Prime 2 // We Love Katamari
SS: Borderlands 2
S: SMB2 // Ducktales 2 // Hylics
A: Portal 2 // Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland // Outland // Contra // Super Time Force Ultra // Timespinner // Castlevania: PoR // Prey // Uncharted: Drakes Fortune // Monster Boy // Deltarune // DOStlevania
B: Sonic Generations // DKC2 // LoZ: Minish Cap // Final Doom // Bwaster Master // Solomon's Key // Jackal // Contra 3 // Ninja Spirit // Castlevania // Perfect Dark // Slipstream // Pokémon Crystals // Zelda Randomizer // Catlateral Damage // Chibi Splatterhouse // Sylvester & Tweety // Boogerman // Flustercuck
C: DMC // Spyro the Dragon // TMNT 3 // Zombies Ate My Neighbors // Metroid // Castlevania: SotN // Metroid Prime // Skylar and Plux // Kirby Air Ride // Kirby 64 // Ape Escape // Crash Bandicoot 3 // Punch-Out!! (arcade) // The Textorcist
D: The Hobbit // THUG2 // Marble Madness // Ranger-X // Half Minute Hero // Bloodstained: CotM // Split/Second // Super Mario Sunshine
F: Streets of Rage // Alien Soldier // Chasm: The Rift // Resident Evil 2 // Divekick // Last Action Hero
ZZZ: Rygar // Titanfall 2 // Silent Hill 3 // Laffy Taffy 3D
>Ω: Punch-Out!! (Wii) // Big's Adventure 3 // Shrek XL // Mort da Chicken // Glover // T.R.A.G

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Lethal Leaque is good. The runner is just too fucking terrible at this.


God I'm horny for big lads

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t. seething tranny

haha imagine if there was a really cute girl on the couch and she decided not to wear any shoes lol

fuck off shitposter

is the runner for furi a tranny?
if not, hit me up when it's on



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Fake list.

I think okuu is cute. Cute.

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How did he manage to make such a fun game this boring to watch?

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Just like Risk of rain threads since 2 released

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still not getting my (You) user

suck a dick

How is this run not over yet

Fighting games are shit for speedrunning

sorry im from eu, we dont have trannies here

i love this game, but he's not doing anything interesting and also isn't amazing at the game
the devs are there for no reason
this run sucks and that sucks

Based list triggering trannies

are you fucking delusional, day 1 threads were cancer filled with tranny posters

dist is running today

Attached: pumpedup.gif (718x404, 66K)

Are you enjoying my lethal league run, Yea Forums?

Why are you guys taking a fucking speedrun tier list so seriously?

god I love free (You)s, could I have some anons?

haha imagine a group of trannys cornered you in the bathroom and make you suck their cocks haha

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based, don't let up and fuck the haters

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They didn't need to do a dev call and the runner is fucking annoying

haha jokes on you user im a tranny from eu

haha imagine if a cute girl ran a 7 hour long jrpg and she really needed to go pee but couldn't because she was on pb pace haha

>make game look like shit
I'm enjoying it mr anti-shill

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At least he wasn't overestimate.

thank god that's over

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Why do Americans allow transvestoistoids?

also bawk on the couch, it's gonna be fun
fuck larxa though

Was Fuzzy banned? His Melee runs were fun.

Why are you taking posts that mention a list so seriously?

Fuck no, oh wait shi-


>Devs desperately shilling release dates

this is disgusting

Hell yeah bro Im pumped.

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What makes you think I'm taking it so seriously?

I love (you) user

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>my girlfriend

yea right


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did those fuckheads really remove the runners name from the overlay?

>runner just kept asking stupid questions and making the dev on call uncomfortable and generally being a dickhead

i physically cringed.

Obvious LLB shilling run Jesus Christ I want to die this is so shit

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You know, I hated that.

>day 1
>comfy threads

>People will always pick the meme character
>He doesn't practice with them


Haha my run went to shit, oh well sorry about that folks! Remember to buy the console versions!


Is she Asian? In only seen her once and couldn't really tell, why white bois like dist2 go for those broads?

Because you post shit like this just as often as they do.
>inb4 this is the first time I've done this

ProtoPip run now.


You wouldn't know her, she goes to ESA


can this GDQ get even worse?

Reminder that pedos are NOT welcome ITT

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She's half chinese


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They did a call because he along with the other 10 people that still play lethal league figure it'd be a good way to get new blood in.
Instead they didn't let the devs talk, though they got to say when console release was so that's probably all they actually cared about. Even they were confused why anyone would fucking speedrun it.

Threadly reminder that Trannys are disgusting, not natural and are a stain on humanity.

Mentally ill people should not be accepted or celebrated.

If you disagree you admit you're fine with people not seeking help with their mental illness and are fine with genital mutilation.

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the dev clearly wanted to hang up the whole time

Where are the slutposters

Post what? Asking why they're taking a list so seriously?

>fighting games against AI

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Now that the run is over you should get up and stretch your muscles anons!

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>furi speedrun is only furi and not furier
I can fucking speedrun furier in 45 minutes, why is this shitheap doing the less intense and skillful category, BARELY faster than the harder one?


That's what I thought. Bitching about people bitching is the behavior of people who are even madder than their targets.

Based boomer

Cringe zoomer

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NOT allow grandparent cry sorrow

You're really dedicated to telling us that over and over again.

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Only people with foreskin are allowed to post here, if you have a mutilated penis please leave

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Pity that GDQ has turned into such tranny fest

waitan on da bideo game

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>Meme and conquer
>2 hours

because it's faster :^)

>Mentally ill people should not be accepted or celebrated.
I agree on the celebrated part. We should accept, and try to cure, the mentally ill, though.

Thanks for reminding me wii fit mommy!

What about female genital mutilation?

Nex Machina is fucking great.

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i weigh 347 pounds

Lethal League
Lethal League Blaze

You're projecting incredibly hard, calm your ass down.

My what?

keep waiting

I agree but give it a rest already dude, what the fuck.

Every time I see a run of the game that can be impressive it's on fucking easy.

nah, i aint moving outside the range of my usb fan.

why is she crying?


Red alert 3 sounds like fun

>tfw finally done wageslaving and can watch comfy gdq with the lads

I'm not even that old :(

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Dilate then kill yourself.

equal amounts of soul actually

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Rate the LLB run.

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Sorry anons! I had to take a steamy hot shower.
List updated!

Don't watch because it's GDQ and will be irrelevant when the week's over: Punch-Out!! (Wii) // Big the Cat // Split/Second // Titanfall 2 // Mort the Chicken // Glover // Rygar // Streets of Rage // Alien Soldier // Chasm: The Rift // Resident Evil 2 // Divekick // Shrek EL // The Habbit // Tony Hawk // Lethal League Blazeit // Marble Madness // Ranger-X // Half Minute Hero // Bloodstained: CotM // Super Mario Sunshine // T.R.A.G.: Transition Resistance Assault Group // Silent Hill 3 // Last Action Hero // Devil May Cry // Spyro the Dragon // TMNT 3 // Zombees Ate My Neighbors // Metroid // Castlevania: SotN // Metroid Prime // Skylar and Plux // Kirby Air Ride // Kirby 64 // Ape Escape // Crash Bandicoot 3 // Punch-Out!! (arcade) // Zelda Randomizer // Urgaylmao // Castlevania DOS // Sonic Genderations // DiKC2 // LoZ: Minish Cap // Final Dood // Boogerman: A Dick and Flick Adventure // Blaster Master // Solomom's Key // Splatterhouse Nani Dattebayo // Jackal // Cuntra 3 // Ninja Spirit // Cistlevania // Perfect Dark // Slipscream // Sylvesty and Tweeter in Cager Capeys // We Love Katamari (jk) // Portal 2 // Kirby: Nightmare in Dreambland // Outland // Contra // Super Tame Force Ultra // Timespinner // Castlevania: PoR // Pray // Unsharted: Drake's Fortune // Monster Goy // Pokemon Crystal // The Textorcis // Deltarune // Hylics // Clustertruck // Laffy Taffy // Super Mario Bros 2 // Ducktales 2 // Catlateral Damage // Borderlands Z // Metroid Prime 2 // All Other Runs

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it didn't though, youre just parroting what Yea Forums is saying, theres like a handful of those freaks there and there isnt even one working the interviews and announcements.

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That's like 441 dollars.


Did a runner really pretend to be Arnold the entire through the entire runtime last night? How cringe was it?

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speedrunning events are a joke these days, back when they started they always had the hardest difficulties etc. now it's just "do the safest strat, play it faster than the average joe and it's good enough"

they care more about the audience for the game than the run itself

Is the next run going to be Furi and Kuri ?


Hown was work, user? Anything eventful happen?

You should really stop using the word projecting so much. You don't understand the context it should be used in. In the end you're complaining that people are making posts. Clearly you're doing this because you disagree with them. You're not just asking lol innocent questions no matter how much you claim otherwise. People who don't give a shit don't say anything.

It was hilarious

This, these people legitimately need help. And if anyone in their life cared about them, they would help them find real happiness. Supporting this kind of behavior is pushing these people to their grave early, for the sake of progressive brownie points. Just look how miserable this person is in their tweet.

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I think there's just a difference in semantics here. To some, "accepting" someone who is mentally ill means accepting them as they are and not trying to change or fix them in any way, to others "accepting" them means recognizing that they are not personally at fault for being mentally ill and not mistreating them for it, but still recognizing that they have an illness which should be treated.

That was not the picture I posted, gookmoot please.

It was a terrible impression but he stuck with it so it was pretty awesome.

Where does the runescape run fit in?

I did it everyone. Thanks for watching!

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30+ year old men are all lolicons

Based Jim Sterling, I knew you were /our guy/

learned there's a console release and that's about the only good thing

It was the worst Arnold impression I've ever heard.

>b-b-but it's for a good cause!

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i played the campaigns when it came out and it was mediocre desu.
really lacks soul. tho japs mechs were cool.

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Somehow the middle animation looks worst.

Can I cum on your ridiculous cow tits now

>Yea Forums shits on trannys being degenerate while there are literal pedophiles running wild on the board
explain this

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Thoughts on the run now that it's over?

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So is Nex Machina like Crimson Land?
Worth playing or just watch the run?

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I'm at SGDQ and I'm looking for like minded people, do you want to come and learn about dilation?

>girl being on top
Fucking gross, I bet you enjoy eating pussy too

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Your run was great, milk truck!

well give me a few more years and I'll reach that age

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These threads haven't been comfy for at least 6 years now.

It seems real lame to me that so many speedruns take place on the lowest difficulty of the game.

SSS2: Metroid Prime 2 // We Love Katamari
SS: Borderlands 2
S: SMB2 // Ducktales 2 // Hylics
A: Portal 2 // Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland // Outland // Contra // Super Time Force Ultra // Timespinner // Castlevania: PoR // Prey // Uncharted: Drakes Fortune // Monster Boy // Deltarune // DOStlevania
B: Sonic Generations // DKC2 // LoZ: Minish Cap // Final Doom // Bwaster Master // Solomon's Key // Jackal // Contra 3 // Ninja Spirit // Castlevania // Perfect Dark // Slipstream // Pokémon Crystals // Zelda Randomizer // Catlateral Damage // Chibi Splatterhouse // Sylvester & Tweety // Boogerman // Flustercuck // LLB
C: DMC // Spyro the Dragon // TMNT 3 // Zombies Ate My Neighbors // Metroid // Castlevania: SotN // Metroid Prime // Skylar and Plux // Kirby Air Ride // Kirby 64 // Ape Escape // Crash Bandicoot 3 // Punch-Out!! (arcade) // The Textorcist
D: The Hobbit // THUG2 // Marble Madness // Ranger-X // Half Minute Hero // Bloodstained: CotM // Split/Second // Super Mario Sunshine
F: Streets of Rage // Alien Soldier // Chasm: The Rift // Resident Evil 2 // Divekick // Last Action Hero
ZZZ: Rygar // Titanfall 2 // Silent Hill 3 // Laffy Taffy 3D
Ω: Punch-Out!! (Wii) // Big's Adventure 3 // Shrek XL // Mort da Chicken // Glover // T.R.A.G.

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It's amazing, but he will run it on easy so it's like playing mario games with help star.

You mean the non-stop tranny obsession isn't comfy?

>use word once
>"stop using it so much"
What the fuck are you on about you fucking schizo.
>People who don't give a shit don't say anything.
Why the fuck do you think I don't give a shit, I asked a question. Why are they seething over a fucking troll list. Take your tantrum elsewhere.

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Speedruns are lame shit for autists so it checks out

There was no runs going on.

Nothing wrong with cunny

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>no couch

>most people calls me Pip

Nobody calls you Pip you fucking loser

+Good game
+alright commentary+dev
-bad gameplay
B- Tier

rygar was S tier what happened

>Rookie difficulty

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 19K)


>runner name is Proto
>couch is empty
that prefix is cursed forever isnt it?

>empty couch
I feel for this dude

Maybe my tits aren't that great after all :O

blame devs making harder difficulty= more health/damage on enemies

It was bad but I'm sure he was fully aware of it so it was based

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I'm gonna search up some WFT ass art and stretch my dick muscles by cumming on it.

>timer doesn't event start on point
big yikes

Smash TV, now there was a game

Oh hey someone's playing

it's some tranny faggot posting reversed ratings
just filter and ignore

is this the advertisement block?

>no couch

Speedrunning a game on easiest difficulty is a lot harder than playing the hardest diff casually

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agp is a real mental illness and doctors need to start recognizing it as one

Because I want the list to be as crisp and clean as it was because it's my job to keep Yea Forums in good shape and not to let chaos let loose, duh user.

Didnt this game sell like shit

It's a troll you dunce

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Well usually the category most runners end up running are the most popular ones which usually end up being the fastest to complete the game. A lot of speedrunners just care about the speed, not the style. They want the time as low as possible by any means possible within the game.

“Plz buy my shit game advertisement” tier

Thanks so much.

Are you gonna do a seedrun?

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I literally predicted your behavior.

>>inb4 this is the first time I've done this
That's what you just did.

>Clearly you're doing this because you disagree with them. You're not just asking lol innocent questions no matter how much you claim otherwise
Which you then go on to claim you were just acting innocent questions.

You're a joke. You do this shit all the time. You're a shitposter that's mad as fuck that games you liked or disliked ended up somewhere you don't think they deserve. That's fucking pathetic.

>higher difficulty makes game more difficult

How was the Katamari run in the middle of the night yesterday

Cmon nigga

Nex Machina doesn't do that actually. If I were def I would've been mad, because it shows the game in bad and frankly boring light.

He didn't strike as the self aware type, I mean he genuinely thought he was being humorous.

Proto is pretty based

Attached: proto.jpg (1200x800, 133K)

why would you retweet someone trashing you

Attached: weird.png (590x515, 33K)

Pretty sure they do it here because they don't want to fuck up on a marathon.

ah, thanks

Actually fucking awful


S rank, very comfy and fun

As he said, it's the only category of that game that anybody runs.


Proto is a fuckin dude

ngnguhhhh girl boob boobs booby girl boob

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why would they make a preteen girl look like that

did you expect anger?

Attached: wife.jpg (850x994, 186K)

Did I forget to mention boobs and girl and my boobs and my dilation and my boobs,

I have boobs. Please boobs.

pretty bad honestly. tranny aside the commentary was just garbage, lots of vague "oh let me go over there and like do this" for an hour while the dude on the couch just sat there because he doesn't run the game.

Imagine being such a fucking abomination that even other disgusting trannies roast you.

Post belly

yeah let me filter tierlists, good idea
should've done that from the start, thanks user!

Hell yeah, she's awesome

stop posting your incredibly wrong list or else

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I bought it on launch and barely played it, really should go back to it.

Housemarque are cool and Resogun is a fantastic game.

Hot glue when?

But it cuts the last level and true boss IIRC.


i see everyone is enjoying the current run

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10 hours later and still no one cares. Where are his fucking parents? Where is his dad??

>friend uses 2hus as their avatars and start associating those 2hus with his voice
porn is completely ruined now

It sounded like he was doing a combination of a racist Asian accent and a racist Mexican accent. It started out fucking horrible, but he kept it up the entire run and even after it ended, so it went all the way back around to being based.

how do you weigh your money?
ours isnt even that heavy

>people stop shitposting about trannies

>it's replaced by actual pedos posting sexualized drawings of children

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You could say that, tits%. The category where I cover your breasts with my dick milk.

then that really sucks that they have an unskilled runner up there not like it's the first time this has happened

i tune out of any game i don't recognize

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Yes, it does. Welcome to speedruns, it's faster even though you are missing content.

Runners's verbal diarrhoea is insufferable.

That makes it hotter

This is a lonely run :(

You can do it my man.

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This is a skin check,
remember to take pride in your god given gift

for the rest of you circum’s...
you’re coming with me

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Hello everyone
I just wanted to let you know that I am a girl and I have boobs

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>game came out in 2017
>actually looks fun and soulful
wtf bros

>"call out" an ANONYMOUS POSTER on something you think they've done with zero proof
>be dead fucking wrong
Again, you're a fucking schizo. This is the first time I've asked those retards that reply to that list why they're taking it seriously as they do every fucking thread, but you're not going to believe that because you're a paranoid retard that spends too much time on Yea Forums.

>Clearly you're doing this because you disagree with them
What, are you saying I think that garbage runs like Katamari and Prime 2 are SSS or whatever that list has as the top tier? Get real retard.

based don't care about votes poster nooo!!! I give up I promise, don't hurt meeeeee

this runner is based

Redpilled and based
>some tranny
His list is shitting on tranny queerlists
Where's your penis bro

Be honest, if you could drink a magic potion and wake up tommorow as a cute (female) girl would you do it Yea Forums?

this dude is fucking amazing, being able to play an intense game like this and still doing on-point commentary. what a man

Attached: tranny trap.png (800x702, 686K)

because she's an android duh


>tfw if you actually got good at speedrunning a game, and you went to GDQ, this would also be you, an empty couch and everyone forgetting your run as soon as it's over
>he probably thought he'd make a lot of friends but nobody even talked to to him at the event

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It's because actual optimization is more interesting than running in circles shooting at bullet sponges.

just pictures are better than spamming and yelling about something retarded, you can still have a discussion while posting pictures that most users on Yea Forums will appreciate

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pretty much all housemarque games have fantastic style. Outland (one of the first few games in this marathon) was also made by them.

Has this guy stopped talking once in the past ten minutes? Dude's a god lmao

Is there screen tearing or is just me?

Yes, but only if there was a reverse potion just in case.

You should do the foreplay skip. It'll get you straight to the part you want to be.

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This game is underrated.

to be honest, I think this dude is above all that. he just does his thing and he's rocking it. if he makes friends along the way: ok, if not: ok. he just doesn't give a fuck

You're a shitposter who is trying to get into arguments with people who agree with the list. So yes, it's natural to conclude you would want to change the list. The fact that you're so hell bent on continuing this discussion when all you want to do is insist what I'm saying isn't relevant to you is contradictory. If I were truly confusing you for someone else you wouldn't still be trying to defend your behavior even though it is identical to the behavior I am criticizing. Quit fucking crying about the list you claim you don't care about.

>regular tierlists put tranny runs on bottom
>this dude keeps posting reversed list on every thread
Comedy gold.

that guy talks a lot for a any% rookie diff speedrunner

what the fuck is a preteen polaris

Huh, didn't know tux pepe was a thing in twitch chat

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Literally the runner.

Attached: kip.jpg (618x412, 38K)

>bullet heck

Hes not pretending to have a pussy and he can actually explain the game hes playing while playing it. GDQ hates him

Is that Cheese on the left? Damn he look thick for a guy

a semen demon

This game is so fucking good.

lol accurate

something that makes my pp the big pp

Google it

Probably the name of the model line of uhhh, preteen androids

this game is impossible too watch, just an ugly mess of shiny colors jesus

Daily reminder that Nex Machina is high kino.

I'm not googling ''preteen'' anything

RTS is fucking dead, I'm kind of excited to see it played again.

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robot oppai loli

>You're a shitposter who is trying to get into arguments with people who agree with the list.
Except I was replying to people that were disagreeing with the list. Get your shit straight idiot.
>The fact that you're so hell bent on continuing this discussion when all you want to do is insist what I'm saying isn't relevant to you is contradictory. If I were truly confusing you for someone else you wouldn't still be trying to defend your behavior even though it is identical to the behavior I am criticizing.
Maybe it's because you're calling me someone I'm not and I'm telling you you're fucking wrong and retarded, yet you can't seem to accept this simple fact.
>Quit fucking crying about the list you claim you don't care about.
What crying have I done? The only thing I've even mentioned about the list is shitting on it and calling it a troll list.

eh there's a lot going on but it's fairly simple to keep track of.
liking the run more than I thought I would at the start

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I haven't showered in 3 1/2 weeks now bros

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Best track coming through

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I love you guys

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Gotta go fast

Have sex


FINALLY some good games during yuro prime time. Anyone know what the bonus game will be?

Attached: file.png (1180x472, 87K)

Protopip? More like Protokip lol

Envision the stench, lads.

Also soundtrack kino.

>I'm gonna need to focus
>doesn't stop talking once
>rapes boss anyways

This guy is great.

Is now a good time to sleep?

>any of this shit

>Uploading files from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse. [More Info]
Yea Forums Pass users can bypass this block. [Learn More]

Resogun too. If you own a PS4 and have not played Resogun, do so now. You may even have it from PS+.

It's how he represses. A huge number of trannies do that before they finally break and start HRT. Part of trying to hide your real feelings is to race as far the other direction as you can.

IOW...she's a tranny. We'll see her on our board within 2 years.

patrician choice of media player

now THIS is a speedrunner

Attached: 1525388794348.png (380x349, 77K)

>command and conquer cuck scenes

Honestly for being completely alone he's carrying on well enough
If you've never had to talk by yourself for an extended time to a crowd that you get no feedback from you don't realize how hard it actually is to do

Yeah. Get yourself up for Dark Souls later tonight.

Attached: 1554581856296.gif (470x500, 2M)

>Dev donation


Covertmuffin is a cool guy

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Some dipshit got my closest coffee shop banned for three days.

This. Yea Forums is right as usual

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This dude either needs therapy, or to lay off Twitter.

Rookie bosses. Bosses in veteran and upper difficulties are faster and spam bullets like hell.

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He's playing on easy mode.

>been a year since this
>he's now gone and despite being sterile, the place is a lot more fun than it was from 2015-2018

Attached: yeah ''''man''''.webm (622x844, 1.17M)

But people who love each other have to get married!

ALBW will be fun

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What he post

comfy run

If this is not proof that allowing people to mutilate their bodies is wrong and un-natural I don't know what is

Attached: Screenshot_20190626_093120.jpg (1080x1030, 149K)

Over estimate?

>indie shit
>rts shit (dude I'm rushing the AI on easy oops I died xD for 4 hours)
>3 hour glitchless Zelda


Attached: 1560478673560.jpg (1160x756, 102K)

how can he play this kind of game so well and still do coherent commentary without any UMMMMs and EHHMMMs ? Is this dude 200+ IQ?

Attached: ps4bro.png (256x256, 34K)

Kinda sucks that I gotta crash, so I'll be missing Nuclear Throne and C&C.

Jesus Christ, Patchy looks soft.

>Didn't stay up for RE2:R
>Expected Leon
>Bawk even assured everyone that Leon Dwarfed Claire in popularity
>Claire won by a ton

Yeah this dude's killing it. His commentary is better than most of the people on the couch who arent even playing while talking.

Why is Patchy so fat?

how would you actually help trans people without mutilating them? shit seems so cruel lads
maybe give them the same drugs as people that wanna cut off legs and warms for no reasons?

transperson here, AMA. I know you are curious.

he certainly is dissapointment, but it's parents role to protect their children from jewish influence

>He doesn't home brew

Threadly reminder that Doctors Without Boarders:

>provides medical supplies and treatment to ISIS fighters
>provides food and water to known terrorist cells
>provides food and medical aid to migrants attempting to illegally enter foreign nations
>personally commits illegal human trafficking
>exchanges food, water, and drugs for sex

Let's break 2 million this GDQ!

Attached: charlie27.png (1900x1080, 1.39M)

Comfy indeed.

Attached: nollie_pepe.jpg (438x438, 52K)

You might be getting old dude. Try playing it, it's not that hard to keep track of.

Sitting in a library all day and eating will do that to you.

Fat old hags get the fuck out

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Why did you mutilate your body and when are you going to inevitably kill yourself because you aren't mentally well?

Reminds me of Resogun, everything is just too sterile and soulless. Good music though.

most trans people don't get the surgery and are fine with just HRT .

Offtopic posting for a twitter screencap

im sorry for this lad

favourite game?

Has an enemy other than a boss actually attacked him in this game? They all die in one hit but even when they sit around before he gets to them they don't do anything.

What happened to Ross?

A reminder that this was 3 years ago

>you aren't mentally well?
I'm much better mentally now than I was before

Remember to donate to the Mother Base

Attached: Annette.png (600x600, 333K)

How do I get a bf

[citation needed]

He's doing good at being the couch himself. He's explaining everything well at least.... ;_;

How was the RE2 run last night

Few months ago when I was going to USA I tried to use Finland's free train wifi to post on Yea Forums.
Turns out the IP range had gotten banned because somebody had posted CP.

Clearly not, you mutilated yourself and constantly pretend you're something you're not.

but doesnt HRT also damage your body?

New Vegas

Eat shit. I think this is the first time a Yea Forums opinion has legitimate upset me.

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My uni's library wifi was banned because someone posted a photoshopped image of Kimi Räikkönen fucking himself in the ass with a dildo.

Therapy, hormone level tests, and medication to level them. Basically just like depression and other issues. It's the only chemical imbalance that instead of doing everything to help even if they can't, they just encourage the delusion. Doctors promoting this shit should be stripped of their medical licenses and jailed.

gunny :DDD

Good shit.

Attached: on-off-switch.jpg (300x267, 18K)

One of the best.

Did Nova ever get dicked out by anybody in the games? Or is sex too touchy for Blizzard

I just subbed to this runner with my free Prime sub just to show my appreciation for his comfy run + commentary

>someone says they are trans
>Yea Forums instantly assumed they had srs

He's playing on the easiest difficulty.

This guy is pretty good at commentary despite the empty couch. Comfy and informative.

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Using my phone's internet (verizon) I was banned from posting on SFW boards and couldn't upload files on NSFW, but only sometimes. If I reset the IP sometimes I wasn't banned. I have my home internet back up again so it's easy to ban evade again.


God I love okuu

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Thats what happens when kids learn everything they know about trans people from /pol/ memes

I give my free sub to XQC every month. Man, is he sure fun and entertaining xd

Too much mochi

damn, the new evolution of Diamond Dogs

Good run

Attached: 1547312564355.jpg (700x527, 141K)

Whoops, too slow! Gotta rate faster than that!

Don't watch because it's GDQ and will be irrelevant when the week's over: Punch-Out!! (Wii) // Big the Cat // Split/Second // Titanfall 2 // Mort the Chicken // Glover // Rygar // Streets of Rage // Alien Soldier // Ghasm: The Rift // Resident Evil 2 // Divekick // Shrek EL // The Habbit // Tony Hawk // Lethal League Blazeit // Marble Madness // Ranger-X // Half Minute Hero // Bloodstained: CotM // Super Mario Sunshine // T.R.A.G.: Transition Resistance Assault Group // Silent Hill 3 // Last Action Hero // Devil May Cry // Spyro the Dragon // TMNT 3 // Zombees Ate My Neighbors // Nex Machina // Metroid // Castlevania: SotN // Metroid Prime // Skylar and Plux // Kirby Air Ride // Kirby 64 // Ape Escape // Crash Bandicoot 3 // Punch-Out!! (arcade) // Zelda Randomizer // Urgaylmao // Castlevania DOS // Sonic Genderations // DiKC2 // LoZ: Minish Cap // Final Dood // Boogerman: A Dick and Flick Adventure // Blaster Master // Solomom's Key // Splatterhouse Nani Dattebayo // Jackal // Cuntra 3 // Ninja Spirit // Cistlevania // Perfect Dark // Slipscream // Sylvesty and Tweeter in Cager Capeys // We Love Katamari (jk) // Portal 2 // Kirby: Nightmare in Dreambland // Outland // Contra // Super Tame Force Ultra // Timespinner // Replyor your Momdies // Castlevania: PoR // Pray // Unsharted: Drake's Fortune // Monster Goy // Pokemon Crystal // The Textorcis // Deltarune // Hylics // Clustertruck // Laffy Taffy // Super Mario Bros 2 // Ducktales 2 // Catlateral Damage // Borderlands Z // Metroid Prime 2 // All Other Runs

Attached: AnImE-gIrL-.png (547x695, 40K)

Semen is high in carbs

Oh you're not actually a tranny then, just a cross dresser.

This happens on my phone like every other week, what the fuck gives? Do they just randomly and arbitrarily ban phone IPs? I've also been banned for shit other people posted before.

haha poggies dude

>1 world and 2 bosses missing

4 minutes under, wonder what the record is?


almost world record

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-26 speedrun com.png (730x137, 8K)

Fun fact, rookie mode cuts you off of the last level and 2 bosses. This was not the final level.

10/10 SSS

I wish all runs could be that good.
Actual S tier



Attached: file.png (308x400, 159K)

You're new to this anonymous Yea Forums thing, right?

Autism it said any%

Just under 24min.



You guys know Patchouli looks nothing like this, right?

How do you deal with the fact that once you're out of your 20s you will start to look like a disgusting freak, because we both know old trans look like hons

guess i woke up in time for furi. but also woke up to shitty fucking puns.

Smegmameme I want to cum in your wizard hat and make you wear it!!!!!!!

How can you think this is a good run? He's playing on baby mode.

seemed like a decent guy, no forced memes, informative and great at the game. A.

no wonder she has trouble breathing with those 2 fatbags

7/10 run. Commentator was good but the run itself wasn't terribly interesting. Game looks fun though.

Considering they didn't start the timer till about 5 seconds in it may be.

Attached: 1535697530405.webm (564x606, 1.13M)

A good A. Autistic and fun.


>because we both know old trans look like hons
All women age badly so whatevs

>You're new
You're new to this anonymous Yea Forums thing, right?

Guy didn't need a couch at all, did a good job

SSS+ tier

ACTUAL SSS+ tier. Not because of memes, not because of couch cuties but because of a solid speedrun and godlike commentary (by the same fucking person even)

Attached: D-ADCiKXoAEzT14.png (899x509, 805K)

So you were defending that mentally ill cross dresser? Get help.


9/10 super comfy and nice commentary. No extra bullshit either

Bumped down from S due to rookie

Definite A/S tier. Not much more you can ask for in a speedrun.

Attached: 1474765394012.gif (500x281, 783K)

Good run

Good run, lots going on, would've been cooler if not on easy but that's cool

Good runner, talkative and informative about the game

Good time, very close to WR.

Good game too

Because that's literally the only complaint

>almost world record
>just ushered off the stage with little fanfare

I mean, I get it's the lunch hour there, but it really highlights how garbage the event's become.

S, was fun to watch and the guy playing was great, no couch required.

oh god

9/10 only because because no final level and boss.


Do you look passable in the slightest?

Chad dude with porn stash, no couch and non-stop commentary.

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so cool


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Attached: bitch.png (482x248, 73K)

I was replying to that post alone.
The other post was replying to my post in the context of another that wasn't mine.

>video game remixes
>THESE video game remixes

Attached: 1483369876865.jpg (564x400, 47K)

Why are the donation goals so fucking high?

reported for degeneracy


What did it mean by this?

Ask my dick if it cares

Easier to hide the money laundering.

MSF needs those hoes

That tranny isn't going to give you his bussy for defending him, user.


You know that you still have to optimize easy games, right? It's not like a game suddenly becomes easy to optimize just because of the difficulty mode. The goal is to be good at the speedrun, not to beat the game.

You're probably so retarded you think SM64 is easier to optimize than Dark Souls.


Me and Patchouli's daughter I married after she died in childbirth

It's a game literally no one cares about.

They think they're more important than they are.

That's a lot of baseless assumptions about both myself and the tranny.
I'm defending common sense here.

>tfw I didn't get to watch the last run because the power was out in my area for a couple of hours

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There's an unapologetic population of crossposters between here and reddit, so it was probably one of them crying about it on reddit so fag and tranny enablers came by to show us the error of our ways.

SSS2: Metroid Prime 2 // We Love Katamari
SS: Borderlands 2
S: SMB2 // Ducktales 2 // Hylics
A: Portal 2 // Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland // Outland // Contra // Super Time Force Ultra // Timespinner // Castlevania: PoR // Prey // Uncharted: Drakes Fortune // Monster Boy // Deltarune // DOStlevania
B: Sonic Generations // DKC2 // LoZ: Minish Cap // Final Doom // Bwaster Master // Solomon's Key // Jackal // Contra 3 // Ninja Spirit // Castlevania // Perfect Dark // Slipstream // Pokémon Crystals // Zelda Randomizer // Catlateral Damage // Chibi Splatterhouse // Sylvester & Tweety // Boogerman // Flustercuck // LLB
C: DMC // Spyro the Dragon // TMNT 3 // Zombies Ate My Neighbors // Metroid // Castlevania: SotN // Metroid Prime // Skylar and Plux // Kirby Air Ride // Kirby 64 // Ape Escape // Crash Bandicoot 3 // Punch-Out!! (arcade) // The Textorcist // Nex Machina
D: The Hobbit // THUG2 // Marble Madness // Ranger-X // Half Minute Hero // Bloodstained: CotM // Split/Second // Super Mario Sunshine
F: Streets of Rage // Alien Soldier // Chasm: The Rift // Resident Evil 2 // Divekick // Last Action Hero
ZZZ: Rygar // Titanfall 2 // Silent Hill 3 // Laffy Taffy 3D
Ω: Punch-Out!! (Wii) // Big's Adventure 3 // Shrek XL // Mort da Chicken // Glover // T.R.A.G.

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was the runner a finn?

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Best variety of porn so works for me

I feel your pain user, I really do.

Let me on your couch, user.

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Because they have no problem meeting high donation goals.

Every dollar is an hour with a Congolese 11 year old


At least you aren't Venezuelan.

what does his shirt say?

JimmyJam and FlareBear? sounds like fake player names

>Furi difficulty


You need to start backing up these claims or people like will refuse them

Even from their own website, boating people into Europe illegally.

This nigga needs to eat more


Annoying, isn't it?

"It" is used for animals too, user.
>the dog ate its own feces

Common sense says trannys are an abomination. Sorry.

>cute innocent boys at gdq
wtf I love this event now

I hate how I beat Bernard first and lost all interest in beating Furier.

No, you'll break it

Didn't sound at all Finnish.

That's what happens when you transition for attention.

Attached: d17.gif (384x216, 2.8M)

We're not looking at two different games here. We're looking at one game, which he's playing on the easiest difficulty and which I, as the viewer, find boring.

Does this mode include the star?

furi is super neat

whoa... it's almost as if they're, like, doctors... but without borders? wow

I think I'm going to fap instead of watch the zoomer run.

And so are ESLs.

what u gonna fap to

I'll just break your PB

Attached: 8755c101e56c2e9d1d8d304e2e06fd4f1983cf7b2a137beaedd33eaa328a7e9c.png (501x900, 221K)

How about I sit on this couch and you suck me off while I watch this furi run, slut?

A photo of your daughter

I hope you don't fap to 3d.

Good goyim will be more likely to donate and more likely to donate more, and if it's some kind of incentive for a run that will bring in a lot of viewers and more good goyim to donate but it doesn't look like they're going to make it, they can just get some anonymous thousand dollar donations until they make the incentive.

this nigga on the couch needs to stop with the upward inflection at the end of his sentences, it's like nails on a chalkboard

Why do you find it boring, specifically? Which elements does the hard run entail does that this one doesn't?

Are you one of the mongoloids who thinks running in circles shooting at bullet sponges is interesting gameplay?

Upward inflection?

>were getting a lot of bad rng
nah nigga you just suck and cant adapt

Not really landed on it yet. I thought I'd roll up in /e/ and see what we come across, maybe /h/ if my needs aren't met and lastly some good old-fashioned /aco/ if we're feeling in the western mood.

God no.

>You made a typo therefore you can't speak English as a first language

I accept your concession.

That's just for when you don't know whether it's male or female.

Is that a woman in a gimpsuit on a unicycle?

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this commentator annoys me? because he always uses an upward inflection? for every fucking sentence?


They're tertiaries of course they don't.

Not the first time you did it.

No. I wanna watch it too. I'll sit on your lap.

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triggered the fuck out of me

A proper Tranny like Kayaru_

This is nothing. Watch this!

whoa this is nice

Attached: 1454177769065.png (711x619, 192K)

I accept your concession.

If you think that the only two categories are easy mode and "running in circles shooting at bullet sponges" then I don't think this will be a productive discussion.

i hate it when guys are this nervous. makes me want to go up behind them and yell in their ear

oh shut the fuck up lol. they could've written "hard mode" on the screen with the exact same run and you'd be saying how impressed you are that a speedrunner is finally playing on hard mode.

based. men have needs, fuck off moralfag

What's wrong, sweetie?

>boring game devs don't wanna make boring game 2

Attached: 1553290808916.jpg (1024x681, 95K)

Kirbymastah or whatever does it too, nonstop, that asian guy who runs metroid games sometimes. It's awful.

>this is my favourite videogame soundtrack ever
fucking zoomers man

>stuck in some greasy 3rd world disaster zone
what else are you gonna do in your leisure time?

Are you too scared to answer my question?

Stop being lewd Patchy.

>keep colonizing nubian queens
>white roastie seethes

Ugh, fine
Grind your ass on my dick at least or something then?

Then explain what the difference with easy and hard mode is. Because I already know you're full of absolute shit.

I lasted about thirty seconds listening to that crap.

>listening to videogame soundtracks
please tell me you don't do this

Attached: 1385872429068.gif (320x180, 2.38M)

Fuck you, furi has an incredible soundtrack.

>bullet hell game at 1/10th speed of what it would be if made in japan

Attached: 1550961977660.jpg (720x701, 37K)

Why wouldn't I?

Nah, i only listen to anime soundtracks

who else /stroking/ here?


You're the type to listen to rap, aren't you?

That's the best part of your lap.

Stop touching yourself unwillingly.

Attached: e0111bc59fd91c2b8e9f72aa6dd3635705785fc6f6197cabf2c8ba151eaa85ac.jpg (1200x848, 221K)

Nah, I only listen to Vocaloid

I like everything apart from cRAP and country

ive done this since I first went online to some crap midi ffvi - ix osts I downloaded from ffshrine

Isn't that how trannies feel to begin with?

haha, yeah, only losers do that

Attached: 1525279245791.gif (500x375, 321K)

you're a sick fuck

I'm the sick fuck for pointing out MSF is full of pedo rapists, but there is nothing wrong with them raping kids?
10/10 logic, retard

No, you can't tell me what to do Patchy.

Attached: 1448361510714.png (526x567, 234K)

And vidya ost

i listen to some of my favorite songs every now and then but not full osts like i do with albums

Good man.

imagine living your life with that coming out of your mouth every time you have to say something, that's going to be another statistic for the toad in the tuxedo

So you are, huh?

Attached: 5819192ae22725c9ddc3290015b5c2b710f62a082253597830cb1dcabcad523c.jpg (605x800, 221K)

reminder that this is the only patrician way to listen to music

It's the reasoning of someone who's fully demoralized.

BASED ulillillia. Reminder he made it, has a job, his own place now, got over his fear of blue water and loves the outdoors and swimming now.

Well, yeah. Only a little bit though.

Do you have a single source for any of this?

if you want to bang hookers use your own money, not the money people donated to charity.


I am 12 and lisplisplisp

Felt the need to explain what CQC was.
Fuck off back to fortnite you fetus tier faggot.

Attached: sdfsddsf.jpg (267x259, 7K)

Scroll up, been posted

You'd be doing it more but I can feel the gaze of the [DELETER] waiting for me to post nipples.

Attached: 363268c83d1e210ce51a19281c2e3c5b77a3287d5aad2f8be52ff484e14ce3e2.jpg (1280x903, 256K)

It's okay nobody paying attention to this thread anymore

Well, let's see.

Attached: dba5073b71a2fcfc09c746f80031d7bdc5fdbfd9f6695a2882bfbda9ad3f0e5a.jpg (2598x3071, 1.91M)

I'm sure there's another way to see Patchy's nipples. I'm content just seeing sfw Patchy though.