Is it possible to make an apolitical game?
Is it possible to make an apolitical game?
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Until people agree on a definition of what constitutes a political game, this discussion is completely pointless
Yes. Mario Bros. is apolitical. Pong, is apolitical.
Why would he be criticized for this????? Fuck politics and fuck people who try to shove it in everything
Fuck the dumb faggots who go but my represtation but muh
How about shit the fuck up faggot
He has the right idea
Its ok to have politics it's not ok to try and force YOUR political views on the player
killer 7
Games back then:
>I want to explore the positives and negatives of a society based on this philosophy
Games now:
> I want every player to believe that this philosophy is just and right.
Mario opresses women because it implies that women cant save themselves from harm
Impossible to make an apolitical game. Cant be bothered to think of some dumb shit for pong
no, if you have blacks it's political, if you have nothing but whites it's political if you have nothing but males it's political, if you have nothing but females it's political, if you have sexy outfits it's political if you don't have them it's political. I can only see one way to make games non-political and that is to only make games featuring anthro characters like Crash or sentient shapes like Cool Spot.
pong is the left and right eternally trying to shift the blame on each other
Never, because its something like this.
Did the first Wolfenstien focus on the positive things Hitler did? If not thats political
cool spot is actually a white nazi chauvinist stereotype that opresses blacks
It's not even hard.
Of course, even if you do that stop stop an English major from doing some mental gymnastic bullshit.
Tetris is a good example of an apolitical game, regardless of what some blue-haired journo might say.
>hurr, it represents the struggles of the working class
It's a game about piling up block.
How forced politics feels is hugely dependent on how opposed the person is to it. WW2 shooters might feel very preachy if you were some butthurt Axisfag
Fucking based Eric.Subscribed to him on Youtube ages ago and he's always on point.
Except this is a shitty exaggerated example..
Space Engine?
Nah since we wears shades we is apart of BLM and has an African wife
Yeah subnautica is an apolitical game
This is something a highschooler would think.
it's not possible to make an apolitical anything any more, tyrants want to control your very thoughts so even thinking for yourself makes you a political enemy they must wield their own political power to destroy
Technological imperialism on the concept of reality.
You know what? Gamers deserve this whole mess about videogames being political for trying to make videogames be more than they are suposed to be.
>inb videogames are art, you have to be this smart to understand this videogame, videogames cured my depression
So you pile up bricks, and when you finally finish a line it just dissappears? It's a direct parallel between middle class workers having their stuff taken away by the upper class, totally.
You provide arguments for both sides and let the player choose which to support.
>White sprites playing on a black background
White America's blissful ignorance of the contribution of black slaves.
>How forced politics feels is hugely dependent on how opposed the person is to it. WW2 shooters might feel very preachy
No, because that's a retelling of a historical event.
What would be "political" is insisting that the French were whitewashing scumbags on par with the Nazis because they never properly thanked the thousands of black soldiers who fought for them (they did). Or replacing a Norwegian insurgent squad with a daughter and mother - because representation matters more than history.
In-game politics is fine and interesting.
Just don't put in real-life politics.
Do you see how clean his hallways were?
Apolitical, probably not. What they should be, when we ask for a political games is art: something that has a message, but provokes discussion and thought. What they often are when we complain about politics in a game are propaganda: something that tells you what you should think.
You can make a game that doesn't really try to push any real political message but people will probably still see certain themes in the story and make political debate over it. Unless it's a game were you woukd hardly find anything latch onto like this.
It is not possible to make a game that will be perceived by everyone as apolitical.
You win this round user
The fast fast majority of games are apolitical
You imposing your own values and political thoughts on a game doesn't mean that the game was made political
Obvious exceptions to this are the current diversity hire games the western AAA studios keep pushing
I forgot about this one. Man that game was so bad literally everyone just forgot about it including the people they made it for.
Yes. We had them all the time back before the PS3 era.
If you spend every second going "these white Nazis are super evil"
Then yeah your game can go in the track
However if you spend that time explaining the plot of that specific ww2 game then it's fine.
Best example of this I feel is Wolfenstein the New Order compared to the New Colossus one is about a broken man fighting a losing battle while the other is nothing but political trash.
Lmao. Showing a bad guy as a bad guy isn't political.
it didn't really focus on the negative either but your point is valid
Pong is apolitical.
>White America's blissful ignorance of the contribution of black slaves.
98% of slaves were white serfs and the majority of them were Irish. Give the Irish reparations first.
>jewels, medkits and full meals just left on the floor everywhere
How is that political if a pleb like me couldn't even comprehend the big words you are spouting.
If the author writes things without any meaning or purpose, like "there was a stain in the carpet" without the intention to make the situation seems dirty sad etc, just because he felt like it then its a pretty shitty author.
>Headline: People Said Opinions About Some Guy's Opinion
When did this become "journalism?"
The same people who want all games to be politicized will find a way to politicize every game, technically Chris is wrong because he can't be right. He's contradicting their mode of existence.
Is this bait? Who is the bad guy or not is entirely based on your personal politics.
Politics in games is fine. Just don’t make it obnoxious.
You mean generating a decent amount of wealth for a small portion of confederate landowners that was completely obliterated during and after the civil war?
If an author mentions curtains being blue they almost certainly meant something by it.
Hundreds of years ago.
Only completely abstract games devoid of any sense of narrative.
Most games are apolitical.
I too like apolitical games like Deus Ex
Bioshock was insanely political user while Apex, Overwatch and MK11 were not
Being apolitical will be seen as political stance.
Is this the new "games are art" debate?
Fuck off
A good writer wouldn't even mention the color unless it has importance.
Even if its a simple 'Character A likes Blue so (s)he buys Blue Curtains'
Literally anything and everything can be about politics if you're looking deep enough.
Similar to how anything can have philosophical meaning depending on how deep you pick into something.
Obviously some media will make it far, far more obvious or just flat out slap you over the head with it, but for the most part it's up to the player/reader/observer to guess the meaning behind things.
Which leads to a lot of leaps of logic depending on the agenda of the observer.
Really, for the most part, it's up to you on rather or not something has a deeper meaning.
If you obsessively think about politics, chances are you'll probably push a political meaning on just about every single thing. Similar again to a 2deep4u philosophical thinker.
This isn't inherently a bad thing, but a lot of people like to push their ideas as fact, even if they have to reach quite a bit for it.
Painting a picture with words so a reader can more easily visualise the space they're supposed to be imagining literally has nothing to do with trying to manipulate how they feel about that scene. Many authors have almost no emotional intention behind writing like this, it's simply a canvas that's more interesting than a black void.
those games are political because they're obviously trying too hard to avoid political issues which are important, and are therefore racist
Sure, just don't develop or release your game in US.
There's grey then there's bad. Hitler stalin etc are just bad. Should have called in Allies and Villains.
All art is political, not in the sense that it exists as a political message, but in the sense that it will always transfer a political persona onto the receiver of it. Even pong does this. Indifference to politics is itself a political position.
No they're not. They're in support of the default status quo of society. Which is itself a political statement.
It already is by both sides
Everything you said was wrong.
Good and bad are subjective terms.
I don’t know why he’s being criticized because he’s right. Allegory is the gayest shit on Earth and if I ever write a story I hope retards don’t interpret my work as some political statement.
Some authors are very literal in the descriptions.
Jack Campbell, for example, couldn't metaphor his way out of a paper bag, but is still really good at what he does.
He's obviously being facetious on purpose. Don't be daft.
that image is satirical
every game on the left is very political, thats the point
meant for sorry
Why is that bad? It helps the reader visualize the scene better.
Games can be political, they just have to agree with my politics
Politics is fine just no:
- black people (unless criminals/enemies)
- transgenders
- unnatural hair colors (unless anime)
- multiculturalism
That's literally all anyone is asking for! Is it too much to follow?
If it has a very simplistic story or no story then sure.
He meant to use his medium of writing to put an image in the head of the reader for the benefit of his immersion.
Games are toys.
These stories are focused around themes and ideas closely tied to the events that the player will engage in. Let us discuss the human condition, our almost insatiable lust for war, how an ideal society can also be the most damaging.
The politics found within are almost completely irrelevant to what is going on within the narrative. The "ideals" are cheap throwaway attempts at garnering pats on the back from others who hold the same moral compass.
I apologize user
not in america anymore
It's too much detail you won't actually remember when visualizing the scene. Sometimes a shorter description is better.
Killer7 is a political game done right at least, full ham conspiracy. Deus Ex falls into that as well.
Fuck off tranny
sure its possible, but to do so you have to make a game incredibly simplistic to the point of massive restrictions. Theres merit in that if you want to go down that road, but if you want your game to involve a war, or a corporation, or a church, or a society, or almost anything based on the real world, it is going to have some sort of political message wether intentional or not.
I am just fucking tired of highfalutin westerners and their cultural imperialism bullshit.
Why are westerners so insufferable?
I agree with my fellow redditor
It's more unnecessary then bad.
I doubt the work would be any better if they mention the color of the dang curtains for one scene.
>The politics found within are almost completely irrelevant to what is going on within the narrative
90% of the politics on the right were anons bitching about what someone said on Twitter or what a journalist said. Tell me what's political about Overwatch and Apex
Extraordinarily complex toys with immense design and craftsmanship involved, along with stories, characters, and the whole nine yards.
Author here, no.
Sorry user it has a black in it so Killer7 is sjw
Mario saves a single woman from a giant fire breathing turtle. Not women.
Left is politics about shit that matters
Right is idenity politics and muh representation.
Specific details can add to the story more than others. If you purposefully bring up the color of the curtains instead of anything else more substantial, surely there's a purpose.
He literally saved Mulitple women tho
>Donkey Kang Jr.
If we use LGBTQP+BBQ as an example:
Japs - Apolitical - Don't give a fuck about the political side of homos and just inject homos in their games for shits and give them both negative and positive traits to make them actually human and not a fake "ideal" that some raging LGBT faggot would do.
Homo characters actually end up being fun to the gamers or come off as "meh, okay".
nu-Westcuck - Political - Homo characters are either a self-insert of what is ultimately a bland dumbfuck's life who thinks he's special therefore his character must be, or are some kind of bingo sheet where they MUST be scripted for a political goal, which comes off as transparent and obnoxious to a player because we see through the sham.
Same goes with any other identity.
It's not that difficult to grasp people.
You write characters differently if you don't give a fuck about their identity and therefore are creative and down-to-earth with them, as opposed to some SJW identity-stalker who cares too much about the identity and goes full retard when writing it.
Wonderful rebuttal.
The only "writers" who jam-pack "emotion" into the world and not the characters that are meant to be carrying the story are either new or just bad. The world is a backdrop, it is not the driving force behind the story. You can paint a disgusting scene, but I won't feel anything from it and neither will most. You're wasting time and effort with flowery writing trying to make someone feel emotionally invested into some coffee drips running down the side of a cup, or the air being a little muggy. I'm aware of what these concepts are, but why should I even give a shit unless it's part of something directly involved with the lead characters?
honestly most games have "politics" in their games but good ones are either subtle about it or stick to broader themes, only a few are hamfisted about it.
unless we're counting the "t-there's politics in there" which is actually "there's shit that triggers me" like
speaking of
>Deus Ex
you would not believe the amount of /pol/acks who actually think the creator endorsed the gazillion conspiracy theories they threw together for that
bad writer - the curtains were blue
good writer - the curtains breezed with azure
genius writer - the curtains were blue
Witcher 3 had feminism user
Video games are not art and f everything is political then nothing is. Go fuck yourself.
Nah, you're just retarded.
>Pong, is apolitical.
priviliged white bars playing a game on a black body, it reeks of colonialism
t. 14 year old underagefag
While true that everything is relative to an extent, the ideal is to try to show both sides of an issue and let the player decide what they think. This video does a great job at showcasing why the Bloody Baron quest in Witcher 3 was good while a particular episode of Dr. Who was shit at letting you empathize with the characters involved, understand their point of view, and ultimately whether one tries to tell you what or what not to think.
>Political - Homo characters are either a self-insert of what is ultimately a bland dumbfuck's life who thinks he's special therefore his character must be, or are some kind of bingo sheet where they MUST be scripted for a political goal, which comes off as transparent and obnoxious to a player because we see through the sham.
Give examples of this please and go into detail
The stain still has something to fucking do with the character.
If you introduce a character, and his apartment has a stain in the scene he's introduced in, you're communicating that he's a slob.
>Video games are not art
Imagine still fucking thinking this in 2019.
Pong probably made by white men so it’s mere existence is evidence of white supremacy
Okay I laughed. But he only saves Peach in SMB.
You niggers need to post your top five novels immediately... This fucking board discussing writing is seriously hilarious
Yes, but it cannot have any narrative expressed through any means.
To a normal person, yes.
To useless dickshits who use a "political lens" on everything, no.
Case in point you could take nearly any story and give it a political slant if you make up enough bullshit.
>The protagonist represents [Political group I like]
>The antagonist represents [Political group I don't like]
And it is literally that easy to politicize something that was apolitical.
The even more idiotic problem are the people who can't conceive of a difference between politics and identity politics.
Not everyone is making MGS and Tom Clancy bullshit, most are hung up on the aspect of diversity to try and alleviate their white libtard guilt and when called out for being the huge blubbering bleeding vaginas they are go:
>Everything is political
overwatch and apex are shooters that involve government/military operatives on a global scale. It is impossible to make these games without political themes of some kind making themselves apparent. The last of us has been blatantly and openly political from the start so i dont know what the fuck you are talking about there at all.
i dont know shit about mortal kombat so i wont comment on that one
>no rebuttal so he's going to try to resort to ad hominem
you forgot to mention you're unpublished
funny how people are not buthurt with wolfestain 3d but fucking hate second blood
both are about killing nazis, one even has you killing mecha hitler
but the OTHER one is the hated one
What's the politics of sports games?
It's possible, go play minecraft nigger
>le current date
>why should I even give a shit unless it's part of something directly involved with the lead characters?
Because it adds to the story, if I'm reading a novel I want to feel something, if you tell me the air was muggy I fell discomfort, unpleasant, etc but it should add to the story, not necessarily complementing it, it can be a contrast, a character can be sad while there is a party outside, whatever, it adds to the ambientation, but if you tell me character is sad and the carpet is green without it meaning anything then why even say it? it adds nothing
Mario Bros, the story about a working class plumber destroying a kingdom and it's underlings is apolitical.
Are you retarded?
Overwatch discusses literally fucking none of that in the video game. Comics and tertiary media are irrelevant to the title.
It can make the reader more comfortable with the environment but introducing him to casual elements that he can relate too. Things do not always need a moral lesson. Based Hemingway disregarding Europoor literature theory.
Not true. I take most apolitical stuff as conservative.
E.g. conservatives don't acknowledge gay people's existence so pride exists to actually talk about it. Not mentioning gay people makes it conservative. This applies for many other things that conservatives are uncomfortable about. Such as conservatives not believing in climate change, multiple genders, women's rights, etc.
Going with status quo typically makes you conservative.
You're deeply retarded, you know that?
Well, since anyone who brings up politics here gets the standard "muh pol" response from the growing number of plebbit basedboys and resetera trannys, it's been hard to actually define it.
Games back then: fence sitting bullshit with not conviction
Games now: are not afraid to make political statements
When did games become based?
it only seems that way because you're liberal, you think right wing politics doesn't make sense because you can't let it make sense
but it do
>Is it possible to make an apolitical game?
If your opponent claims that everything is political, no.
>This is what surface reading scholars believe
What about the FUCKING NIGGERS IN MY WAR GAME anons or the WHY ARE HER TITS SMALL anons?
>It can make the reader more comfortable with the environment but introducing him to casual elements that he can relate too
Then it has a purpose, it doesnt mean you have to make it rain every time someone is sad or cheap shit like that, but if you mention somthing is dusty ie it should mean something not just well its dusty because it is lol
I'll give you an example of a feminist take on this.
Captain Marvel was written by a bunch of feminists who think acting like a douche and being a villain is empowering as if one injustice justifies another, and you end up with a shitty edgy character with the charisma of a damp rag who comes off as a too much of a wannabe poser.
Sarah Connor was written by someone who had a balanced view and didn't give a shit about politics, and wanted to portray a woman who was equally as susceptible to complete crashes as she was to taking actual responsibility and playing right, and she didn't go around making everything about gender or trying to prove herself because of gender, she was out to prove a deeper narrative and that's her mental health after knowing about what the future will deliver and trying to prepare for it.
One character, pretty much hated and a shit character - Feminist writing.
One character, pretty much loved for her complexity and story and the way her badassery was portrayed - Apolitical writing.
>Japs - Apolitical
homosexuality is just as much a political issue in japan as it is in the west. Its not quite as accepted there yet, but this implication that because japan doesn't have our exact politics it has no politics is utterly insane.
>have messages the writers want you to hear, but don't tell you that that is the only way to think. Intellectual, encourages critical thought and discussion
>straight up propaganda, has a message and does everything it can to tell that any other answer is badthink. Anti-intellectual, preachy, and attempts to be the end of discussion
Doesn't Yea Forums say anytime a black is in a game it's political?
Did you quote the right person?
Nigger he meant left and right as in "left and right side of the image"
You're projecting your own point of view onto the developers creation. It's not political just, because you think it is.
No, Yea Forums just dislikes when diversity hires are forced into games.
What about the feminist version of Wonder Woman?
>The human race oppressing and segregating the elf race is totally not a political statement bro, don't think too much about it
>homosexuality is just as much a political issue in japan as it is in the west.
It ain't. Japs don't give a shit about homosexuality as much as you nu-westerners do.
>but this implication that because japan doesn't have our exact politics it has no politics is utterly insane.
The implication is that Japs put less thought into making a political statement and more thought into just having an interesting character, which is a fact.
Not only is that largely irrelevant, because even if I was, there ARE countless published authors out there whose style is drier than your mom's cunt.
Everything, of all calibers and quality, has been published under the sun. Absolute hacks can make it big. You could argue that sales might be somewhat correlated to quality, as a statistical average, but I doubt publication is even weakly correlated.
Also, you're an idiot for using the No True Scotsman fallacy over this fucking subject.
>E.g. conservatives don't acknowledge gay people's existence so pride exists to actually talk about it. Not mentioning gay people makes it conservative. This applies for many other things that conservatives are uncomfortable about. Such as conservatives not believing in climate change, multiple genders, women's rights, etc.
Last I checked, not every Conservative was a Republican.
Anybody that isn't hard far right doesn't believe in almost a thing you've said. I consider myself pretty firmly center right and I don't give a shit about gays, climate change is real but not anywhere near as fast as the doomsayers keep spouting, women's rights should be the same as men's.
The only thing that's fantasy horse shit in that list is multiple genders. See a damn shrink.
>have messages the writers want you to hear, but don't tell you that that is the only way to think
Did you forget the Femininsm in W3 and the No Gods in Bioshock? Also in MK11 it says Slavery is bad and that's Propaganda? What other politics are in the game on the right?
No it doesn't imply that. Just because you project something onto it doesn't make it true.
Look no further than Steam. Many of the best games are 100% apolitical.
>surely there's a purpose.
Surely you're a poor detective
The trick is to not be a faggot
No one on Yea Forums thinks Sgt. Johnson makes Halo political.
I see many anons bitching about blacks in games no matter what. Even in the new COD game anons bitched about blacks being in the US army and claiming there aren't any at all.
Wonder Woman held her powers back, chose to look at the world from the perspective of motherhood, and stood next to men in war against an evil while never making her deeds and attitude revolve around gender-validation.
She's anything but Feminist.
/ourguy/ all along. based mca
Elves aren't people.
But how many people on Yea Forums think the black guy in Watch Dogs 2 is political?
A game about spawning rocks and bricks in a physics-enabled sandbox. The goal is to stack the bricks as high as possible, and you get bonus points for including rocks in your design.
How is this political?
It becomes political if the only reason said black character was put into the game is, because of his skin color. The context is what matters.
overwatch has no overt political messages in it unless you read suplemental material where as bioshock give you multiple lectures on the dangers of unadulterated libertarianism. It infact is one of the most blatantly in-your-face political games that has ever gotten popular
I'm pretty sure rhetorical questions are even older that that, my young friend.
>decide to describe a room
>describe the fucking color of the curtains instead of literally anything else
>Did you forget the Femininsm in W3
>Female warrior bumbles and acts surprised in a shy schoolgirl way because Geralt said she fought well instead of insulting her like almost everybody else in her life
>This is bad
Specifically applying "feminism" to this scenario on Yea Forums has innate implications that the female character was like that annoying Nord bitch in Skryim who keeps saying she's a strong woman who don't need no man.
>Many of the best games are 100% apolitical.
This is true although I'm not sure I'd count procedurally generated low budget schlock in that category
HL2 isn't political. Having political elements doesn't make a work of art political unless that is the focus.
I'm sure you can go into a Communistm/Capitalism debate with that.
>It ain't. Japs don't give a shit about homosexuality as much as you nu-westerners do.
t.doesn't actually know japanese politics
I always love when this kind of soccon weeb comes out of the wood work
Integration in modern multicultural societies.
Disgusting, insipid swine that you are, this is patently false and your cultural marxism can fuck off to hell where it belongs.
But Yea Forums makes up that reason 90% of the time on their own. in Mafia 3 you kill a ton of Hatians for the Mod you work under and the Leader confronts you, Yea Forums claimed that the black woman was just there as anti-white propaganda. Also what about the hate that OW gets for having 3 blacks in it?
I know too much about Japanese politics and culture. I know enough to know that Japs would find your attitude here moronic and opinionated because they don't like opinionated people projecting their own obsession onto others, so you've failed from the get-go even on the most basic of Japanese culture.
>Even pong does this
the most reddit post in the entirety of Yea Forums
Games are not art faggot. Not anymore than chess is.
>because they don't like opinionated people projecting their own obsession onto others,
Do you see the irony in this post?
There's no implication that that is the only thing being described in the room.
There's no irony in understanding how Japanese people think about you dumb Westerners and your "issues".
Trying to preserve status quo itself is political stance, we call it "conservatism".
Trying to be apolitical is conservatism, because it inherently is based on status quo
Someone mentioned Mario.
Hell, Odyssey had fucking marriage in it
And Peach being a damsel in distress is old trope about gender roles
Ah, so the creator of the game has no political intent, but you choose to place one upon the work and then preach it like it was always there. Seems par for the course for this entire discussion and the shitty state of the industry as a whole. Fuck you, fuck them, and fuck off.
In 9 out of 10 cases when people say about no politics in games, it refers to current issues and whoever is in office.
People who defend politics in games always say "everything is politics lul" then proceed to expand the definition of the word to meaninglessness just to confirm their own bullshit platitude.
user you are literally projecting your opinions onto others right now
You are absolutely retarded. By your logic everything is political. If everything is political, then nothing is.
This level of dumbness reeks of easily influenced late teens/early twenties dumbasses.
Nothing is procedurally generated in that game. It's one of the major gripes I have with it.
>I know too much about Japanese politics and culture. I know enough to know that Japs would find your attitude here moronic and opinionated because they don't like opinionated people projecting their own obsession onto others, so you've failed from the get-go even on the most basic of Japanese culture.
all this retarded speech to cover up the fact you're still factually wrong
or do you think the tizzy about Shibuya allowing gay couples to pseudo recognition as married couples didn't happen? to say nothing of other bills
it's like how people who hate abortion really wouldn't like japan at all but no one talks about it so they never catch on
Mafia 3 had a politician that looked 100% like Trump as a bad guy. This is absolutely political. Don't know what OW is to be honest.
Yea Forums isn't /pol/ even if we've largely been invaded by them. What matters most when it comes to a character's race is the intent behind it. That applies whether they're white, black, or anything else.
The problem now is people are so eager to fuel division that they'll hunt out and find ill intent even when there wasn't any.
How can I project them when Japs themselves make them? You dumb nu-Westerners go all out screeching and seething whenever a Jap dev or Jap youtuber shuts your dumb SJW mouths down when you are trying to project your "issues" onto them, and I have a laugh about it every time.
>or do you think the tizzy about Shibuya allowing gay couples to pseudo recognition as married couples didn't happen?
Nobody gives a fuck about it from the perspective of injecting it into video games as political snivel.
They certainly would if Halo as a franchise was released today.
Japs are fine with fags, they just aren't fine with acting like a degenerate in public and in media.
Japs attitude about sex in general is: keep that shit in the bedroom. Full stop.
>Nobody gives a fuck about it from the perspective of injecting it into video games as political snivel.
somebody is moving goalposts
>Japs don't give a shit about homosexuality as much as you nu-westerners do.
does not have a caveat of
>from the perspective of injecting it into video games as political snivel.
I thought the player had the choice to play a game or not.
>The implication is that Japs put less thought into making a political statement and more thought into just having an interesting character, which is a fact.
of course, because we all know JRPG's are heralded for their incredible writing and amazing characterization. I know when i want to sit down for a fantasitic read with incredible prose i go get something like a Tales or Final Fanatasy game so i can hear about cardboard characters going after a universally evil corporation/government/church. You can count on the main character being either stoic or plucky and the supporting cast being just as one note as the MC and the villain
/pol/fags will believer every game is political, so no. The latest "controversy" about Ubisoft's latest game proves that. Horseshoe theory is real.
That's because modern Yea Forums is mostly retarded teenagers.
>pseuds immediately derail the intended point this post was trying to make
This is exactly what happens. It is possible for a dev to make an apolitical game, but it's impossible to make a game autists, contrarians, and slacktivists can't construe to be political.
It is, but retards will see politics in everything.
Take Touhou, a game where a goofy ass Shrine Maiden has to stop demon girls and goddesses from fucking up the ecosystem of where she lives.
Bam, bluehairs proceed to see this as pro immigration, LGBT friendly, whatever the fuck their delusional minds tell them, when you can also argue it's pro mass genocide of rowdy minorities and pro barriers if you're on the other side and equally delusional.
In reality a drunk jap was like "I really like girls and shoot them ups, also I like mythology a lot, let's combine that shit and make a not-really-serious world"
>“I cordially dislike allegory in all its manifestations, and always have done so since I grew old and wary enough to detect its presence. I much prefer history – true or feigned– with its varied applicability to the thought and experience of readers. I think that many confuse applicability with allegory, but the one resides in the freedom of the reader, and the other in the purposed domination of the author.”
>J.R.R. Tolkien
fuck off
>of course, because we all know JRPG's are heralded for their incredible writing and amazing characterization.
Compared to Western shit they manage to be more diverse without any political jibber jabber being put into it as a source credit.
>somebody is moving goalposts
Nope, i'm sticking to the topic.
As the user upwards said, Japs don't give a shit what you do so long as you keep it off the streets, that goes for littering your garbage, being a disruptive dumbfuck, screeching in public, and being a general monkey like you nu-Western SJWs are.
>does not have a caveat of
Says the one who doesn't know shit about Japanese mindsets.
Watch Dogs Legion or whatever is literally about Brexit.
I can come up with a political movement which is in opposition to something that has been considered natural for the entirety of human history. My movement might be against drinking water and wants it outlawed.
Your game portrays people consuming water? You not only have made a political game but a conservative one at that because you implicitly defend the status quo of drinking water against my progressive idea of moving away from water consumption.
Just because you can find somebody who has a crazy political idea doesn't mean that anybody who doesn't incorporate this idea in his piece of media can be considered conservative in any meaningful sense. And yes, your fucking tranny non gender binary bullshit scenarios are just as outlandish as the water scenario.
>"I don't want to be hounded by your teenage-level understanding of politics and your childish view of the world"
>Yea Forums invaded by /pol/
More like Yea Forums has been invaded by plebbit cunts and resetera trannys.
You faggots bitch and whine if a topic ever tilts right-wing, screeching "muh pol, muh pol!", and yet I've seen countless threads that end up tilting left and none of you hypocrites complain about politics on Yea Forums in these instances.
>source: I've been around long enough to learn how entryism and concern trolling works to upset and disrupt an existing forum's/board's culture.
>everything he said doesn't apply to the best Final Fantasy game
why is VII so based
Not everything is but retards will tell you it is because they see politics in everything.
Of course its possible unless you stretch to believe the political subtext of everything. A game can be crafted purely on gameplay with no story.
You mean the brexit game? How the fuck is that not political?
>muh horseshoe
Fuck off back to retardera you pseudo-centrist.
Perhaps there is a difference here in their designs. Did you stop to ever think that?
It that something made a stain.
Nope. But it's possible to make a game which isn't consciously political.
Now that that's dealt with, time to actually read the other replies to this thread.
It doesn't actually matter what the author meant.
>Nope, i'm sticking to the topic.
denying you moved the goalposts doesn't mean you did it mon ami
>As the user upwards said, Japs don't give a shit what you do so long as you keep it off the streets, that goes for littering your garbage, being a disruptive dumbfuck, screeching in public, and being a general monkey like you nu-Western SJWs are.
having political fights over it says otherwise
>Says the one who doesn't know shit about Japanese mindsets.
user you really do have to quit projecting you ken-sama tier antics my man
What are you trying to say here?
most games aren't political , you're independent and you solve problems without asking mommy government for help. When you really need help, you get friends and companions who join your cause voluntarily.
God I fucking hate /pol/
Left: real world politics
Right: identity politics
Most games are inherently apolitical, it's just that retards will invariably come in and start injecting their biased views on any given game story.
Of course, this applies to literally everything that can possibly be interpreted by others, so who gives a shit.
Holy fuck, imagine being this full of yourself
>did it
didn't do it*
Space engineers
You're seeing only what you want to see faggot
Mario Kart
Japs are absolutely not fine with fags. Outside of a few special zones, they don't allow fags to have any partnership rights whatsoever.
>"I think allegory is the same thing as politics"
>Faggot user
>More like Yea Forums has been invaded by plebbit cunts and resetera trannys.
almost all of Yea Forums was overtly left wing for at least the first half of its lifespan. Anyone who disagrees wasnt here or is delusional. Go ahead and call me a newfag, but i remember
And yet this thread is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. It's tilting left right now.
It hasn't been removed and you faggots are pushing your entryism boogeyman
Even as the discussion tilts left, you're still whining about pol
literally about destroying successful buildings because you're communist, try again
>setting the scene? never heard of that
Or that something made a stain.
A stain doesn't automatically make one a slob.
Though that other user is being simplistic. Immersion is a facet of emotional connection to the reader. They want the reader to feel a part of this world in some form. A stain doesn't make the inhabitant a slob but it does make a minor detail to make the world seem more lived in.
God I fucking hate /pol/
>cultural marxism
You don't know what the fuck this means.
How doesn't it? Everything we experience affects us psychologically, and our psychology influences our political inclination.
How the fuck aren't they art?
Everything IS political in the sense that everything transfers a political persona onto the one who experiences. I am not saying that everything exists as political decoration or with the intention to promote a certain political inclination.
>denying you moved the goalposts doesn't mean you did it mon ami
My goalpost was set in the first post that Japs don't give a shit about the politics of it therefore they don't use politics as a source for video game character inserts, which you instead tried to move the goalposts from by equating some marriage shit nobody gives a shit about as if it's related to video games not including it. You only validated the point, that's how dumb you are.
>having political fights over it says otherwise
None in video games, none in the streets.
Street-shitters like yourself are what Japs hate the most, that's the one thing both sides agree upon, they don't like littering and you western fags litter like pigeons.
>user you really do have to quit projecting you ken-sama tier antics my man
Or you need to stop projecting your nu-western infantile take on gay rights on Japs, when you can't even stop your gay Mecca from rolling in human excrement.
>almost all of Yea Forums was overtly left wing
How so?
>almost all of Yea Forums was overtly left wing
Yea Forums has always been divisively centred and anybody who says otherwise wasn't fucking here. Your far right/far left bullshit has poisoned everything, you confuse centrist attitudes with that of your own because some parts slightly overlap like hating unregulated corporations or finding tokenism bad.
im not sure if this is a troll or not but regardless im fascinated by this insane definition of politics as direct and overt government assistance, and nothing other than that. Id love to hear more about your political viewpoints
It depends on the circumstances, because ultimately the one golden rule about writing is that there is no explicitly correct way to write a story, and any great author must be willing to be flexible in their approach.
Also books aren't movies, you can totally waste time on meaningless fluff because you have far fewer time constraints.
>Gamers doing that
>Not the press
pong is literally the left vs the right. it doesn't get more political than that.
Did the first doom focus on the positives of satanism? If not that's political
but in funny way not in the way that it want to educate you and trying to shame you
i did never have problem with female protagonists but in modern games i try to avoid them like plague
>background paintings are political
>stickmen are political
>BGM is political
fucking kill yourself retard
>x place was always left wing
Entryism at its finest.
Yeah totally left wing...
Yea Forums didn't invade games as black characters and spam "nigger nigger nigger" in chat.
Yea Forums didn't dogpile and harass feminists, camwhores and other stupid useless faggots like chrischan
Yea Forums didn't support Ron Paul in 2008/2012
Yea Forums wasn't a major party in "starting" gamergate in 2014
The positives are apparent with metal as fuck cyberdemons
>in the sense that it will always transfer a political persona onto the receiver of it
My SAT critical reading score was 800 and for the life of me, I can't fathom how this is intelligible.
Politics is the branch of philosophy dealing with ethics over multiple people, and a persona is a character in a story. How can you transfer a multi-entity ethical character to a recipient? And even so, how is it "always" happening in art?
Are you just throwing out words without meaning?
I love how this post immediately exposes all the butthurt English teachers.
>My goalpost was set in the first post that Japs don't give a shit about the politics of it therefore they don't use politics as a source for video game character inserts
if they don't give a shit about the politics of it then why is it a political issue? retard
>None in video games, none in the streets.
never heard of Nichoume? lmao
also if you haven't noticed the japanese shove their own political issues into games but it usually is stuff like environmentalism/anti war
>Or you need to stop projecting your nu-western infantile take on gay rights on Japs, when you can't even stop your gay Mecca from rolling in human excrement.
>all this triggered ranting
calm down ken-sama, I always laugh when retards act like it's some apolitical paradise
and do please start bitching about western shit not only unrelated but not even part of the topic
Maintaining the status quo (i.e. having a straight white male protagonist) is still political.
The irony is that Chris Avellone has never written for an apolitical game.
That said, Katamari Damacy?
A government is accountable for everything within a government's territory. Every little thing must be weighed politically by the government. I don't see how you can argue that there is absolutely nothing political about the existence of these things. Their content and the intention behind their making is another story.
I've long been of the opinion that people who say "everything is political" is either retarded, or a control freak looking for excuses to get involved in business that otherwise isn't theirs.
Cultural marxism is the application of critical theory to culture in a way that renders culture portable and allows culture to be commodified. In this way, culture is separated from the idea that it is emergent as a property of communal living, and instead suggests that culture can be assembled, piecemeal, of desired elements to enact social trends and behaviors. Shut the fuck up, you pretentious motherfucker.
Are you newfags? Ubisoft does this every fuckign time. Remember Far Cry 5? You fall for this shit constantly. It always turns out to be nothing holy shit.
Street shitting is probably a thing in sanfran because nobody can afford a fucking bathroom in that place.
You're not wrong, but that stain still points something about the world and the character who lived in it. It communicates "this person doesn't care if they have a stain". An orderly character wouldn't have a stain on their carpet.
You can make apolitical games, but there will always be some nitpicking sjw or /pol/ack who WILL get offended by something a dev said or the game has.
They'll desperately grasp on to something and if they do, they won't let go no matter how wrong or BTFO´d they get.
dont get me wrong, as an open board you could always find just about any viewpoint you wanted if you looked hard enough and went to the right board. Also notable is that the userbase tended quite a bit younger back then so in general things were less political overall.
That being said i very clearly remember the overwhelming consensus being George Bush is retarded, the Iraq war is horrible, and republicans are taking way too much advantage of 911. Gay marriage was obviously morally correct and while saying the word nigger is fun, there werent 500 post threads of people unironically talking about how inferior black people are. Yea Forums has always been contrarian to some extent, but in the pre modern-/pol/ days there wasnt the sense that a significant chunk of the people typing nigger genuinely hated black people like you do now
>calls it shit
>doesn't know the first thing about it
holy fuck kill yourself you actual retard
How is Pong political?
>if they don't give a shit about the politics of it then why is it a political issue?
Where in video games is it portrayed as a political issue? You've been moving goalposts since post 1 yet you want to accuse someone else of it? Also I clearly stated Japs don't use your dumb Western take on issues, because you are a dumb westerner who can't even keep their streets clean. The mentality is very different for everything.
Is clean unlike San Francisco and doesn't create retarded characters in video games.
>also if you haven't noticed the japanese shove their own political issues into games but it usually is stuff like environmentalism/anti war
Goalpost Moving much, since you want to use the term? Their take on it is different than the Western take. Your liberal sides has now gone pro-war in the past years in irony, which is another thing that distances Japs from your dumb nu-Western SJW collective.
>all this triggered ranting
If you did some triggered ranting maybe something would be done about those turds in your Mecca, maybe outside laughter at your idiotic society could give a push, who knows?
You're very easily taking what they're saying out of context to better fit your own narrative, easily.
The ones who are literally saying that are epic memesters, either people on your side to invalidate the people upset or people who don't care about those games epic meming. The ones who are not literally saying that are definitely upset for valid reasons.
God forbid I assume that the sequel is like the first game in any way.
you retards are completely okay with all the american army propaganda bullshit, but the instant they put a gay character into a game you go apeshit
of course it is
>Let's discuss the subtle gender politics of Transformers
You are the real faggot here.
Current year social issues are by far the most lowbrow subject you can write about. How could anyone seriously argue that it elevates writing?
it is like it in several ways, that doesn't make you less of a faggot
Edgy contrarianism is pretty much the soul of Yea Forums. 9/11 jokes, nigger jokes, jokes about how dumb christian fundies are alongside jokes making fun of faggots. Nothing was sacred, and getting offended only made someone more likely to joke about it.
>Modern Warfare 2
>Half Life 2
I'd rather play Tranny Legends.
>Politics is the branch of philosophy dealing with ethics over multiple people
Here's the Webster definition of politics.
>a persona is a character in a story.
I was referring to the Jungian concept of a personality that we project and that others see, although I did phrase it poorly. I did a better job here >Everything we experience affects us psychologically, and our psychology influences our political inclination.
It stimulates your desire to dominate your opponent by scoring more points than him/her/them. You gain confidence by crushing your opponent's self-esteem. It is the same principle behind bullying, war and rape.
I think politics in games can be fine when it's written by someone that isn't an eternally buttmad coddled college kiddy. Kojimbos stance on Nuclear Deterrence and military contracting was pretty interesting.
>being George Bush is retarded
Because he was, at least that was the perception during his presidency. He's dropped some profound one-liners since leaving the spotlight. Almost like a Karl Pilkington scenario.
>the Iraq war is horrible and republicans are taking way too much advantage of 911
Well it was mostly just an excuse for more oil.
>Gay marriage was obviously morally correct
Yea Forums, old and new, has never given a shit about gay marriage. What Yea Forums hates is flamboyant faggots and always has. I don't care if you suck dicks, but please understand I'll find you as obnoxious as Chad Musclehead if you keep talking about how much you want to slay someone sexually.
>there werent 500 post threads of people unironically talking about how inferior black people are
San Andreas was frequently a point of derision on launch because Carl was black.
Not if you project politics on everything like those "critics" do.
This is just blatantly false. Just how you think that including gay or minority characters in the game means they are forcing THEIR political views on the player, the left wing person will think that not including them forces THEIR political views on the player.
The problem you don't seem to realize is that the foundations of your worldview on what is considered "normal" is being challenged and is actively changing in today's political climate. It's impossible to avoid "politics" in today's media. Someone's jimmies WILL be rustled, it's unavoidable. To claim otherwise is just ignorant.
Then why is Spec Ops: The Line loved so much here?
Each one throwing the blame back at each other. First one to accumulate the most blame, losing their "good guys" points loses.
>Cultural marxism is the application of critical theory to culture in a way that renders culture portable and allows culture to be commodified.
your deffenition sounds very nice at first read, but are you seriously saying that it is cultural MARXISM that is commodifying the culture in our capitalist society? It sounds a little absurd to say that anyone but the very profit centric entertainment industry is commodifying culture to the ends of both making money and influencing how people think to further reinforce their own products.
What you are describing is certainly happeneing to some extent, but its capatalists not marxists that are pushing it
Why does no one ever address this? It's like no one wants to admit that everything is within the sphere of politics as long as it is within the territory of a government.
Transformers absolutely has gender politics. None of it is deliberate, but that's not the point. Imagine a medieval tale which involves only male rulers -- that's certainly not a bloody deliberate political statement, but it is the result of an unconscious assumption that if there is a ruler of a country they will be male (firmly grounded in the fact that almost all rulers are indeed male). Even though it is not deliberate, it is still there.
Please, don't reject something just because you've seen SJWs use it.
It's not, it has always been hated on Yea Forums and will continue to do so. Every Spec Ops thread consists of
We surely didn't spend all our time talking about roody-poos, right?
Territories are not neat little things. Australia is influenced by the governments of America, China, and even the UK.
>More like Yea Forums has been invaded by plebbit cunts
Yeah and they first came from /pol/ you idiots.
>resetera trannys.
that's just delusion.
"b-but muh screencap with less than 10 peoples from resetera admitting they browse Yea Forums"
Gas yourself.
What's your point?
Are you confusing Mario Bros. with Super Mario Bros.? There's no woman that's being saved in Mario Bros.
>Yea Forums, old and new, has never given a shit about gay marriage
You are very out of touch with modern Yea Forums.
Because 1) its antiwar message is acceptable to all the people on here who get their politics from South Park
2) it predates the recent far right ideological shift of this site
3) scenes in it can be interpreted (incorrectly, but still) as making the Arab people out to be savage animals who can't be saved by the west
>Everything we experience affects us psychologically, and our psychology influences our political inclination
I took a dump a few minutes ago, did that influence my political inclination?
The term is a misnomer of sorts, but it derives its name from the process, it's not actually the same as "Marxism" but it's the terminology that is used to describe it because it uses principles similar to the critical theory of Marxism.
What I just said. The idea of governments governing their own little slice of the world is wrong, because in truth they have influences which do not obey recognised borders. I wasn't continuing any previous argument.
>Where in video games is it portrayed as a political issue?
>claims to be an expert in Japan
>doesn't even realize romance shit has its own niche in vns
full retard
>Also I clearly stated Japs don't use your dumb Western take on issues, because you are a dumb westerner who can't even keep their streets clean. The mentality is very different for everything.
once again the whole shibuya thing among other bills points to the fact the mentality is in fact the same
>Is clean unlike San Francisco
irrelevant since you claimed there's no street shit retard
also kinda hilarious you're so obsessed with San Francisco
>Goalpost Moving much, since you want to use the term?
not really, just pointing out that they shill political stuff too, just not the stuff retards like you get in a tizzy about
>Their take on it is different than the Western take
oh those issues? duh? what is Hiroshima and Nagasaki for 500 Alex?
>If you did some triggered ranting maybe something would be done about those turds in your Mecca, maybe outside laughter at your idiotic society could give a push, who knows?
your obsession with scat, San Francisco, and SJWs is getting hilarious here m8, take a chill pill /pol/ack
>cultural Marxism and consumerist capitalism don't have the same goals of deconstructing everything and commodifying everyone.
Marxism and Capitalism both see individual people as means to an end.
The end goal may be different, but the means are the same.
It's not. I love it but it's not.
If a government determines that an issue is best left to more local concerns, then the decision is made and that's that.
Why do women keep drawing the robots fucking then?
>The idea of governments governing their own little slice of the world is wrong, because in truth they have influences which do not obey recognised borders.
The only problem here is that the definition of "territory" must be expanded to fit what it really entails.
Because they enjoy fucking and they enjoy robots, I assume. I don't understand what that has to do with anything I said.
all actions are political, so no
Learn to pronounce
noun: politics
the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.
"the president's relationship with Congress is vital to American politics"
synonyms: government, local government, affairs of state, public affairs, diplomacy, party politics
"a career in politics"
the activities of governments concerning the political relations between countries.
plural noun: politics
"in the conduct of global politics, economic status must be backed by military capacity"
the academic study of government and the state.
"a politics lecturer"
synonyms: political science, civics, statecraft, statesmanship; rarepolity
"he studies politics"
No, Transformers, the medieval tale, etc. have a setting that the creators determined and they did so without doing any of the above.
Transformer only involve males robots because males are by far the most interested in robot. That's not gender politic it's just economic common sense.
Political games can exist and be great (e.g. Deus Ex), but nowadays people often go for the low hanging fruit and produce propaganda that explicitly tells you what's good and bad, obviously leaning towards the modern """correct""" and accepted viewpoints. Battlefield 5 devs didn't give a shit about politics and history unless it concerned representation, for example.
Thanks for the clarification, that at least makes sense grammatically. But I emphatically disagree.
>Everything we experience affects us psychologically
Not at all. Prove it.
>our psychology influences our political inclination.
Sure, but not all aspects of our psychology. And your rational decisions can override your psychological inclinations. It's not at all deterministic.
You're stretching definitions to fit your claim.
All matter is political by your definition, since all objects that have mass exert gravitational effects on all other matter.
Since we are being affected by all things, and all experiences influence psychology, and psychology influences our political thought, then an atom of hydrogen in a different galaxy is political.
Even if you were right in your premises, you have reduced the definition of "political" to nothingness because you've made it so nothing can be anything but political.
It's really not. I see far more anons criticizing its hypocrisy in trying to make you feel bad when it gives you no choices except to shut off the game.
It exposes the retard humanities and arts faggots who think their time spent in university actually amounts to something. These idiots make wrong analysis because they're pretentious.
Can't wait when universities become STEM only.
>>doesn't even realize romance shit has its own niche in vns
>full retard
If you wanted to portray me as full retard you'd list an example, but we both know better. So in the end you are the brainlet.
>once again the whole shibuya thing among other bills points to the fact the mentality is in fact the same
Sure as fuck doesn't seem to be given even religion is treated differently there and has a different take, and yet again, not reflected in video games.
>irrelevant since you claimed there's no street shit retard
It's very relevant to the fact that you want to project your take on "issues" onto Japs when even the basic mentality about hygiene doesn't resonate between the two cultures, which brings us back to you moving goalposts yourself because that's how dumb you are.
>not really, just pointing out that they shill political stuff too
Yes really, and they shill political stuff in a different manner which again goes back to you being such a dumb fuck for trying to project your nu-western SJWism on Japs, when you don't even share basic culture of not shitting in the streets and leaving them filled with piss and condoms and trash.
>your obsession with scat, San Francisco, and SJWs is getting hilarious here m8, take a chill pill /pol/ack
How's it an obsession to prove that Japs and Western nu-liberals have a different mentality down to the simplest of things? Nah, it seems you are just triggered because you tried to project your shitted up street mentality onto Japs as you did since post 1, and keep failing over and over again.
I guess you treat your own brain like you treat your own streets in the hood around you, one look out the window and a comparison to a Japanese street says enough.
There's a difference between adding gay character to a video game and adding leftist agenda to a video game. Often these walk hand in hand, but gamers are smart enough to actually tell which is it.
That's why sometimes homosexual characters in games are seen neutrally or positively, but only sometimes. Hamfisted examples of it are found cringy instead, and rightfully so.
STEM will be automated in a few years.
>how to spot a /pol/ newfag from reddit
>he gets triggered like a tranny when someone mentions /pol/
This is why you're so mentally fucked up.
People just being people isn't conservative. It's just people being people!!!
You however, see everything that isn't blatantly left wing as inherently right wing. And this means that you'll never be satisfied. You'll continue to struggle ever leftward, for no reason other than the fact that you see the status quo as right wing, and therefore, your "enemy".
How fucked is it living in your worldview? Because holy shit, seeing normal people as the equivalent of your politic enemy, that's cause for some deep neuroticism.
That new definition of territory would have to account for the incredible overlaps in influence and differing effects on behaviour depending on the individual (e.g. person of German descent in Britain abstractly supporting the goals of the Germans but going to war with them when the Kaiser spergs out) to the point that it would be too diffuse to be useful.
As I said, it's not about deliberate decisions. Unconscious assumptions will guide your creative process, too. For example, if you were to write a standard fantasy story, you would probably make the bad guys evil tyrants and the good guys enlightened pro-freedom kingdoms. But if someone from the Qin dynasty had written such a work, authoritarianism would have been the mark of a good nation and rampant freedom would have been the mark of a degenerate, anarchistic and evil one. That's the kinda politics that ends up in works without people realising it.
None of this is implying that politics is relative, by the way, before you misinterpret me.
That decision and assumption is an example of gender politics, user.
STEM is self-destructing and building their own replacements while Elon gets the credit.
From what I've seen these days having anything somewhat political in a game = forcing political opinion down my throat.
Uh oh
No writer has ever chosen blue curtains for no reason. There's always some sort of effect upon the writer which blue curtains exert, even if it's simply "I know blue curtains are cheap and they are in a cheap hotel".
>pong is literally the left vs the right. it doesn't get more political than that.
I like "conservative" stuff, yet I lean pretty far left on most social/progressive issues. What does that make me?
Yea Forums was mixed with centrists, apolitical edgy posters, liberals and libertarian. White nationalists became more present since /pol/ became a thing.
It was never far left. Liberals were themselves always a small minority. Feminists were mocked since day one.
>That decision and assumption
It's not an assumption if it's true.
Being Apolitical is using a game to portray a historical instance of the rise of a Communist party which sold itself on being against fascism but never really killed anyone in the streets, until it got a bit more power and started planting bombs, and then it got a little more power and started assaulting people, and afterwards gradually went on to start killing people and going into full genocide of hundreds of thousands, and just change the Communist flag with the ANTIFA flag for shits and giggles, because we all know anti-fascism is a great moral smokescreen.
No, but it's possible to make a game without shit modern politics.
Inserting this crap politics we have in a game is LITERALLY like including the crazy frog, frog dick and all in your game.
Others think FF7 is political. I don't. So whatever, I don't care.
What kind of desperate argument is this. You can absolutely assume something which is true.
>This is just blatantly false. Just how you think that including gay or minority characters in the game means they are forcing THEIR political views on the player
Nobody sensible thinks like this. What most people often take issue with is nonsensical tokenism and people acting like billboards for their sexual preferences. When people from all walks of life are put together in a professionally handled manner, very few people will kick up a stink. Pacific Rim for example is about the whole world coming together to fight a greater foe than our own grievances with one another, and it did it in a rather clean and unhamisted way despite the overall childishness of robots fighting monsters.
Take Cyberpunk 2077. It makes complete sense for trans people to exist within that universe. Humanity has reached the point where cybernetic enhancements are as mundane as car part replacements, so of course people are going to go absurd and make themselves into cyborg furries or change their sex. Yet despite this making complete sense, you've got the left whining that it's taking advantage of trans people because they're now on the same pedestal as cis people, and you'be got the far right whining because trans people exist at all.
Both sides are, simply put, retarded.
If a teacher unironically associates the color of the sky and seas with depression and lack of will instead of freedom and the aspiration to cross and discover, they need to be fucking hit with a bat over the head a few times to kickstart that malfunctioning brain.
This. Nothing is apolitical unless it agrees with me.
Remember that time Mario and friends fought the military industrial complex?
>Nobody sensible thinks like this
Guess there's a lot of insensible faggots on this board, then.
what the author meant doesn't matter
the text stands for itself
Don't let the modern tendencies ruin the subjects themselves. They need to be restored, not destroyed.
I went to an uncucked university and got just as much out of my liberal arts classes as my STEM ones. History, politics, religion, philosophy, literature, language, sports, etc. They prepare you to be an effective adult and human being, not just able to solve technical problems.
How new are you
>Yeah user, being apolitical means you have a political stance! Sorry, I don't make the rules
Philosophy is the basis of all science and retards like you think all there is to science is just grinding numbers
>yes goy, run through those fields of bullet bills to save your monarch, after all we can't let a drop of blue blood spill!
Ok, now do Tic Tac Toe.
The sky and sea are blue by default. Curtains are not. If he specifically makes a point of them being blue, he's trying to paint the scene in a certain way for a reason. Otherwise it's just padding.
If you think something is apolitical that just means it promotes the status quo. There are no apolitical actions.
Retards like him are one of three things:
>working a trade (i.e. working class)
each more terrible than the other
RIght, but you're not assuming shit if you have the market data for the sales of toy and what little boy are more likely to buy.
>If you wanted to portray me as full retard you'd list an example
reading comprehension my dear retard
go back and reread my post
>Sure as fuck doesn't seem to be
>having the whole fight about gay equality we did
>t-that's totally not the same
okay retard
>and yet again, not reflected in video games
see above
>It's very relevant to the fact that you want to project your take on "issues" onto Japs when even the basic mentality about hygiene doesn't resonate between the two cultures, which brings us back to you moving goalposts yourself because that's how dumb you are.
>san francisco is literally all gay districts
>cleanliness levels somehow changes the fact there's fucking gay districts in japan after casually claiming there's no "street shit"
okay retard
>and they shill political stuff in a different manner
no they really don't, considering you can see the themes a mile a fucking way if you actually know japanese history and politics
>hen you don't even share basic culture of not shitting in the streets and leaving them filled with piss and condoms and trash.
I have to say your level of seething about san francisco is hilarious m8, are you some projecting third worlder?
>How's it an obsession to prove that Japs and Western nu-liberals have a different mentality down to the simplest of things?
>muh scat
>muh san francisco
>muh hygiene
>I totally am not obsessed guys
okay /pol/ack, take your meds bro
>I guess you treat your own brain like you treat your own streets in the hood around you, one look out the window and a comparison to a Japanese street says enough.
the amount of assumptions and projecting in every post you've made is hilarious
(for the record I live in bumfuck nowhere which makes this doubly so)
I'm all for political writing.
Portray LGBT as bug chasing street shitting subhumans with a narcissism and unwarranted self-importance syndrome.
Get all women to be clad in bikini armor and have sexiness oozing out of them.
Enjoy the free marketing, while you appeal to the majority of the Humanity (7.1 billion people if we exclude Westerners).
You could spend hundreds of millions on marketing and never get the effect SJW Twitterati brainlets will give you from being mad, while the majority of society continues on to buy your game because it appeals to the majority.
Chris should just do what he always does. I can't say I've ever really disliked it much.
>unfunny stonetoss edits
>If he specifically makes a point of them being blue, he's trying to paint the scene in a certain way for a reason.
Yes, to give you a clearer picture if you are one of those people who are good at visualizing writing in your mind as you read. Not everything is a pseudo-intellectual jerkfest.
actual serb here, I felt compelled to respond because of that stupid meme. Fuck your world views and fuck nationalism.
Just don't be a stupid american developer.
Imagine thinking you can deduce the political opinions of someone based on what vidya they like
It all depends if you believe death of the author is a thing or not.
Because Miyamoto sure as shit does not think anything of Mario or Zelda politics, but you can shoehorn any political shit into it.
HOWEVER it works both ways, so I can say American History X is a teaching about "around blacks never relax" even if it goes totally against the director words.
still funnier than his dumpster fire political "takes"
>all black people are the same
wow racist much?
>not a single Serb word
Discarded opinion of a trashbag.
If it weren't for nationalism you'd be speaking roach or the Nazis would have erased you or the Commies would continue erasing you.
If you like any case, you can take a walk into a dumpster you dumb western faggot with a western simpleminded take on nationalism.
>Not at all. Prove it.
Newton's third law.
>It's not at all deterministic.
We won't factor in everything when selecting a political attitude to adopt, but our entire past factors into who we are and will become, including everything we encounter.
The political, for me, exists only in the realm of politics. There are other realms outside of the political realm. But all of the realms overlap at some point, because nothing exists inside a vacuum. A government must regard everything as political, even those realms that aren't political, like art. Even if the artist isn't motivated by anything regarding the government and how it runs things or society and how it works, and motivated solely by a personal traumatic experience as a child, that artist and their work must be weighed politically by the government. It has to work this way for the government to stay on top of things. Apolitical attitudes must be weighed politically.
>Implying I find stonetoss funny
That's not what he said at all you ESL turbonig
Yea Forums didn't play that because it had a black guy in it.
Tic Tac Toe always ends in a draw if both players understand the game. It's a metaphor for nuclear warfare, in which powerful players refuse to engage with each other, but the weak are crushed mercilessly.
Sorry, but the jews have already decided that all video games are political.
Just stop believing that your opinion on anything political matters and that you have any say in the political process. Solve problems that actually affect your neighborhood and stop thinking about global shit. This is your ultimate redpill.
>Yea Forums isn't /pol/
yeah /pol/ actualy talks about videogames
It will take a long time for STEM to be automated. Entry lawyer jobs will be automated.
>STEM is self-destructing and building their own replacements
Idiots have been saying that since the 1950s.
Arts and humanities are not bad subjects. The problem is the realm of arts not having any effective and just stratification.
>History, politics, religion, philosophy, literature, language, sports, etc. They prepare you to be an effective adult and human being, not just able to solve technical problems.
You can get most of that outside of university and degrees. You don't need to go to uni to get "street smarts" either and those with it don't feel pretentious when there's no degree attached.
Philosophy is the exception of course. Most of the arts and humanities undergraduates take very little philosophy and you know this.
t. artshum brainlet
Any of those three things you listed beats being a thick glass wearing SJW working in the Service sector while thinking they're the best thing since the women who worked during WW2. The worst of your group says a lot about it. You idiots also unironically think you're equal to the rest of society.
Штa кao paзyмeш cpпcки ти фaшиcтичкa пиздo?
Not blaming the jews but has she ever done a good game? Have this people ever done a good game?
When GRRM goes on for a full page or more describing the meal in front of a character, or goes on for paragraphs describing a character taking a shit, he's not providing a deeper meaning here, he's just a fat fuck who loves food and shits alot because he over eats.
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar guys.
I mean, it is a spectrum
Pure toys, pure machines obviously carry no real messages (usually) because they are purely functional.
But any kind of narrative has to have a message.
It's kind of true when you consider how badly /pol/ feels the need to defend themselves that "alt-right" is not a term that can be used to describe them, and how they like to hide under the anonymity of this site by replying to anyone who calls out /pol/ with "muh /pol/ boogeyman" and "rent free", as if they are really fooling anybody
>If you think something is apolitical that just means it promotes the status quo
When people say they don't want politics shoved down their throats, they mean the politics of some twenty-something hipster from California who thinks he knows shit about the world when he's never left the state and his only interactions with foreigners are charity donations. NOBODY wants to be preached to by an ignorant fuck who thinks he's championing for some greater good.
Please understand that I hate both the far left and right. It's just the above example is usually the most prominent when it comes to this garbage. Politics that discuss in-depth the major flaws with our belief systems, the way we function as a society, how we instinctively fear the unknown yet crave to explore it, with open ended answers advocating for the whys, shoulds and shouldnts. That's the stuff level-headed people want to explore. I don't want a poorly written metaphor on why Drumpf/Hillary is bad and everybody who isn't like me is a Nazi/Antifa in video game format.
you can read into anything if you think about it long enough, and if you kill the author anything is possible. For example Tetris is considered communist propaganda, and this interpretation wouldn't be wrong either.
not anymore, people will find fault in everything
even if its just a game where you click a rock and it bangs into another rock
someone would say it was attacking poor starving african children or something
the only way to be apolitical is to transcend reality at this point
>When people say they don't want politics shoved down their throats, they mean the politics of some twenty-something hipster from California
no, that's completely subjective. I already know I don't even have to finish reading your retarded post. I'd rather have that hipster shit in my game than "western christian values" or whatever dumb shit you people fetishize.
>The political, for me, exists only in the realm of politics. There are other realms outside of the political realm. But all of the realms overlap at some point, because nothing exists inside a vacuum. A government must regard everything as political, even those realms that aren't political, like art. Even if the artist isn't motivated by anything regarding the government and how it runs things or society and how it works, and motivated solely by a personal traumatic experience as a child, that artist and their work must be weighed politically by the government. It has to work this way for the government to stay on top of things. Apolitical attitudes must be weighed politically.
yes, but it's gotten to the same point how everyone eventually concluded that "everything is art" so the term itself lost its value, and by now saying that "everything is political" it has the same consequence
Whatever the fuck happened to legit artistic choices
Like why change what some person wants to put in a fucking videogame that you will even admit you're not gonna purchase, holy shit. Like nigga who cares it's political or not because there's a big tittied bimbo showing her boobs every couple of minutes or a bunch of nazis that keep getting wrecked by an absurd comedic version of commies
It's their fucking choice and your money can be better spent elsewhere if you feel the fuck like it. Do you really need to spend that 60 fucking bucks on a game that's probably shallow as fuck and you are not comfortable with? Why not work towards getting eveything out rather than to just censor everything? "Well this chick said that my game is enforcing whatever the fuck stereotypes and should be changed and updated not to harm her sensibilities, so I'm going to boycott this other game here that forces me to choose a tranny nigger as a skateboarder". You don't fight it like that. That's fucking stupid. It's not even effective. When have you seen EA or Ubisoft be like "we apologize for having put fantasy elements in a game that's supposed to be a little bit realistic" or anything like that. You're trying to use the same fucking stick and it doesn't work.
Can you point me to the thread where this happened
>You can get most of that outside of university and degrees.
Only to a degree. Teachers who are actual masters of their subject change everything. I guarantee you I never would have gotten what I did out of Nicomachean ethics without professors, and I think this is the case with everyone outside of legitimate prodigies. Which are the exception, not the rule.
>History, politics, religion, philosophy, literature, language,
>"street smarts"
This makes me think you have absolutely no idea what actually goes on in these courses.
>the curtains breezed with azure
That's an awful verbose writer.
I see the failed high school students are back again.
>Stalin was bad
>allies were good
Listen, commies get the helicopter but this better be bait
A lot of /pol/ are white nationalist. They're not ashamed of being seen that way. Of course, a scrawny craven lefty like you has to come up with a strawman just to make yourself look like you scored a point.
And fun fact: /pol/ isn't even majority white, yet supports white nationalism. People like me don't want to see the world filled with niggers and shitskins.
spelt symphony wrong...
The issue with "politics" in game isn't "politics", it's retarded politics.
Nobody wants to see "racism is bad" or "freedom is good" in their games. We know. It's fucking demeaning.
>bad art not checked
>that just means it promotes the status quo. There are no apolitical actions.
Fuck off, if you care about fucking vidya promoting the status quo out of all things, then you should broad your views and criticize every single thing people do to pass the time. the card game Uno? Political, board games? Political Hide and Seek? Political. They are "neutral" or whatever the fuck, therefore those who created them are showing through their creations that they dont care how good or bad the status quo is.
Just fucking write a st
Well congrats because you're an ignorant fool disagreeing with the values you champion.
Are you a video game journalist by any chance?
the post i was quoting
I most certainly do not think I am equal to the rest of society. They are called the liberal arts for a reason; I am free of the burdensome shackles your lot must make do with.
Art doesn't need stratification. Shit art is shit, good art is good; it self-stratifies. If you need someone else to tell you which art is better than what, then you don't deserve to know.
>You can get most of that outside of university and degrees
Spoken like someone who has never had a university degree in those subjects. Trust me, reading a few pop history books is not the same has learning about history in uni.
Philosophy is basically inseparable from most humanities, although it will be more specific. History (guess my degree lmao) involves a fucktonne around historiography. Even economics involves it.
what did he mean by this
>A lot of /pol/ are white nationalist. They're not ashamed of being seen that way. Of course, a scrawny craven lefty like you has to come up with a strawman just to make yourself look like you scored a point.
>And fun fact: /pol/ isn't even majority white, yet supports white nationalism. People like me don't want to see the world filled with niggers and shitskins.
What does this have to do with what I just said?
>/pol/ isn't even majority white
I doubt it. Yea Forums is majority white, I don't really see why it's most popular board known for being nazis wouldn't follow that trend
>overly left wing
Oh, so left wingers are fully racist against blacks, making fun of gay people and love forming swastikas on raids? Gotcha.
>Completely subjective
>Most instances of the shit he described is exactly what happens in real life
>Yea Forums is majority white
"Go kill the americans who are using their guns the EVIL WAY as a government agent, everything you do is correct and right"
btw we do not have any narratives, none what so ever
He знaш ни штa јe фaшизaм cepoњo нe eдyкoвaни. Jeдини paзлoг штo cy нaциcти изгyбили јe тo штo cви Cлoвeни и дpyги нapoди ниcy хтeли дa им ce идeнтитeт и гpyпa избpишe, и тo јe биo иpoничнo нaциoнaлиcтички oдгoвop кoји јe здpoбиo Haциcтe, глyпepдo мaлoyмнa. Haциoнaлизaм имa дpyгчијe дeфиницијe и иcтopиcјкe кoнoтaцијe зa дpyгчијe љyдe и кyлтype. Aкo ниcи нaциoнaлиcтa oвдe, тo знaчи дa cи нaциcтa гoвнoмoждaни peтapдe, тaкoђe ocмaнлијa, тaкoђe кoмyниcтa, и тaкoђe нeкo кo пoдpжaвa poбcтвo и нaш излaзaк из њeгa зaхвaљyјyћи нaциoнaлизy. Глyп cи кo кypaц и нeмaш кpитичнo paзмишљaњe y глaви.
You don't need to specify curtains, let alone their specific color, unless it's important to the scene somehow, at the very least setting a mood. If it didn't matter, then it could just be any room furnished in any way the reader wants to visualize, and wouldn't need to be specified.
For once, I unironically agree with the SJWs. Chris Avellone is full of shit if he thinks he's any different from them.
Politics is fine if it's dealing with in-universe stuff. For example TES3 has a lot of politics in the background but it's stictly things in the game world. It's not a bunch of virtue signalling about real world "problems".
Personally, if the author never states his political take on the game I tend to think of it as a non political game, of course when the guy from TLOU2 talks about hating fun in games and making MEANINGFUL stories I assume his games are political.
However if Aonuma never talks about Hyrule politics I assume Zelda is not inherently political unless I want to project my retarded ideas on it.
>I doubt it
No game can ever be "apolitical" to everyone because there will always be faggots that try to draw parallels between games and reality.
For example, a game with a heroic male character is a pretty ancient and simple premise. But there are people who argue that this premise is "toxic" because they perceive it as reinforcing a cultural stereotype about masculinity. It's retarded. Same thing with female characters having bad things happen to them (like Catwoman being called a bitch by prisoners in the Arkham series), because some people believe female characters must be a reflection of all women everywhere and therefore of something bad happens to her then the game is misogynistic.
There's probably a hambeast out there who thinks pong is political because it's pushing an athletic agenda on her.
>A lot of /pol/ are white nationalist. They're not ashamed of being seen that way.
suck my dick, that's the most untrue thing I ever heard. "White nationalism" is already rebranded nazi shit, just like "White identitarians" or "race realists". I challenge any "White nationalists" if they are not ashamed as you say to go out to the streets without a group of their buddies and proudly let others know about their beliefs. You can't do that, people will turn against you. However, despite anrachism still being fucking controversial, I can have my black flag circle tat hanging in the open, I can tell any person I'm an anarchist without fearing that most people will view me as complete thrash. Some will, most won't. You can't say that about extreme right wing faggots.
>fully racist against blacks
Ssaying "nigger" left and right as a joke isn't actually racist.
It's nothing but social issues, which are already the lowest, most retarded form of politics.
>Oh, so left wingers are fully racist against blacks
If I disagree with a leftie I'm called an Uncle Tom, just like every other black that doesn't repeat their mantra ad verbatim.
The left passively contributes to black on black crime by not even acknowledging that it happens and labels anybody who dares to even hint at the subject a racist or a self-hating person of color.
>fat capitalist swine steals workers hard earned pellets but despite that is still made out to be the hero
It's responding to some /pol/fag blathering about his delusions though, not about a post talking about video game.
even that's not too bad if hidden with allusion and allegory.
Is that fucking brittany venti
>people that keep complaining about /pol/ on every thread are /pol
wow and they say /pol/ are the ones that make conspiracy theories
>The top 14 Pokemon Id most like to fuck.
I'm an arts faggot and I learned to hate everything social studies, arts, humanities, etc in the time I spent finishing my degree. Exactly because they're just a bunch of idiots that can't help extrapolate the dumbest shit from the simplest stuff. They'll go on great lengths trying to show explain how a woman drawing a nude is empowering but a man doing the same is sexist and bad because he's exploiting the power he already had. They'll have you read articles and books which could easily be summed up in a third of the text, except not really because none of it makes any actual sense and it's all just pseudo-intellectualoid drivel.
Humanities as an area of studies was a mistake.
Yes and no, depending on what your definition of "politics" means. However, this conversation is rarely made in good faith and is mostly a tool for people demanding all media pander to their specific beliefs.
You image makes me agree with him. Letting the players impose their own political beliefs on a narrative is the best you can do. That's all he means with apolitical, I guess. Not forcing the writers beliefs on the player, but allowing as wide a range of responses as possible for the player to choose from.
A project like Last of Us 2 or Breath of the Wild 2 aren't the products of just one man, there are many people each with their own views of morality and ethics and political freedom. The only difference is one man says his games are political and the other says nothing on the subject. Videogames don't make themselves, at some level the developers start inserting themselves into the project.
Very few lefties would ever dare to agree with that these days.
White people who live in white communities are legit ignorant to other races, how many of them there are and the basic traditions or culture difference they have etc...
Ironically not so different from niggers point of view on a lot of things.
Wow what a monster
Will he be sent to prison?
>helping people is oppression
imagine being such a schizophrenic leftard
>That's all he means with apolitical, I guess
He needs to use another word, because that's most certainly not what apolitical means.
>pong is literally the left vs the right. it doesn't get more political than that.
>имплициpaњe дa ћy тeби иштa дa ce oбјaшњaвaм пocлe тaкo peтapдиpaнoг пocтa гдe cи или нaциoнaлиcтa или нaциcтa
Peкao бих ти дa ce пocтидиш cвoјих peгpecивних aнти-интeлeктyaлних cтaвoвa, aли знaм дa ca љyдимa кoји пpoмoвишy ђyбpe кao ти aпeл нa љyдcкocт и eмoцијe cкopo никaдa нe пoмaжe.
>tide pods are not food
>but i'm eating them? therefore they are food
this is how retarded you sound
Whats Attila the Hun doing there?
I didn't say those courses were "street smarts". But since you have poor reading comprehension, you're only showing that the existence of those programs don't amount to making people better in arts and humanities related subjects.
I claimed that just like street smarts, the benefits from sports/religion/understanding of literature, can be had outside of any institution. The fact that some of the greatest authors in literature never went to university, proves this.
>I most certainly do not think I am equal to the rest of society.
Most of artshum students do. Some even think they're superior. USA is ruled by people who got such degrees as well.
>Art doesn't need stratification
The programs of arts and humanities do need effective stratification, else you get the lowest of the low coming up with retarded takes you see in many institutions. Eg: Whites are the only ones who can be racists and intersectionality.
If artshum actually took math courses, intersectionilty would be heavily corrected.
I'll also apply an argument the edgy atheists constantly make about religions: If religions have something useful to say about reality, how come they can never agree on much? Thousands of religions all saying different things.
Now apply that same critique to the arts and humanities.
>Spoken like someone who has never had a university degree in those subjects. Trust me, reading a few pop history books is not the same has learning about history in uni.
I've taken multiple subjects. You feel like you got something out of those courses, because you've had no one to discuss or debate history with, nor were you part of any amateur historian club or projects.
>Philosophy is basically inseparable from most humanities
I can tell you've never taken a philosophy course. They're entirely different from courses of other arts/humanities programs.
Philosophy courses are made to make students think much more than history ones.
It is from the demographic I remember. And why wouldn't it be, most of its traffic is from america, then europe.
Are you insane?
Not taking a direct stance on politics is exactly what apolitical means you fucknut. The fact that you couldn't even come up with another word for it says it all.
>Are you insane?
im on Yea Forums what do you think
How is complaining about /pol/ ?
not taking a political stance IS taking a political stance, idiot.
Toликo cи глyп кo кypaц дa нe знaш ни динaмикy нaциoнaлизмa и caд кaд cхвaтиш дa нe знaш ништa o coпcтвeнoј кyлтypи и штa кoнкpeтнo дeфиишe нaш нaциoнaлизaм, ти ce пoвлaчиш кo пиздyн.
Tвoјa 'љyдcкocт' јe пoкaзaнa кaд cи вaлидиpao пoзицијe oних кoји cy нac зapoљaвaли и клaли јep јe твoјe дeфиниcaњe нaциoнaлизмa дoшлo oд глyпих нy-зaпaдњaкa.
So what you are saying is that you are in support of the perpetuation of stereotypes and separatism based on lifestyle choices.
Your mistake was trying to study art in america, lmao. If you wanted art you should have gone to europe, the place where it was born.
Letting you join or kill the corrupt contractor isn't what the SJWs would do if they wrote AP. Your choice would be between killing him quickly and killing him painfully while reading from the communist manifesto.
Then by your definition being apolitical is political. Therefore there is no such thing as apolitical. But regardless of your schizophrenia, he used the word correctly.
thats not the post i quoted
But then the game is furry shit and that brings up the topics of scat, genocide and eugenics.
FFVII is absolutely about capitalism causing global warming.
Is Super Mario World political?
Counter-point: Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2 let you join whatever side you want and those games still get accused of being SJW because they have gays and niggers in them.
>good things
Hes the kind of asshole who would start a war with every European country that results in 60 million people being killed, half of Europe being enslaved by communism, and nationalism forever being an evil taboo subject, all because his daddy never loved him.
Not that user, but I agree with the sentiment that non stem classes can largely be learned outside of class.
Im an engineer that minored in philosophy, I found that even the advanced phil courses offered little value. I could have just read the books and contemplated things I would have learned the same things.
Hell, there were times in the advanced courses subjects were brought that I had come to understand on my own without ever even knowing of the source material. Some of it just seemed self apparent.
The game existed long before nuclear war was a thing.
People don't understand distinctions between politics and philosophy.
Game can be apolitical, but I can't be aphilosophical.
Yes, the post you quoted was which was responding to which make your comic posted in invalid.
Politics are fine. The trick is using them non-seriously instead of vomiting your opinion everywhere. Portal 2, for example. There was tons of politics in the dialogue in that game. But it was all used with comedic affect and didn't remind you of anything real.
This is only your interpretation of events, not creator intent. This is fallacious, as you are only giving a political context where none was intended. It's called propaganda, what you're doing.
You could argue he is definitely being apolitical with his own beliefs in that instance at least. If he wasn't, you wouldn't get the choice, he'd just write the game in a way that lines up with his own politics and then call it a day. I really hate this semantic bullshit though.
that post would not exist if the image i posted didnt happened on every thread
every single thread there are faggots derailing threads to complain about /pol/
Yea Forums has always been centrist leaning lightly towards one side or the other, tranny
fuck off
Yes and no. From the outsider's point of view, yes, rendering EVERYTHING as "political" or as "art" defeats the very purpose of these labels. However, the government MUST still consider everything as political if it wants to do the best job it can. I'm not sure what role requires considering everything as art in order for it to function successfully, but one probably does exist.
The problem emerges from a conflict of interests due to difference in specializations. The government must specialize in converting everything to political value in order for it to fulfill its role successfully. The doctor must specialize in identifying certain conditions as "problems" and diagnosing those problems so that remedies can be created. The doctor has no need to philosophically consider the existential value of bacteria in the universe or whether bacteria is really bacteria or just "bacteria as impression by the host," all the doctor needs to know is things like how the bacteria behaves, where it is located in the body, how it travels, what it is weak or strong against, etc. In that interview with Avellone, most of the criticism he is facing is correct, but only from a sociological or political point of view. Avellone is ALSO correct but only from a creative point of view. A really good writer of fiction doesn't need to be concerned with things like what political impression or political value his writing will have, nor should he be concerned with these things if he wants to become a really good writer of fiction. Those conflicts of interests between specializations is where the argument emerges from. And everyone comes away from the whole matter, not understanding each other's point of view any more than they did before the whole thing happened, so ultimately, interviews like that are pointless and stupid especially when the one hosting them doesn't understand any of this and knows how to properly contextualize the responses as a result.
You claimed they reject being labeled alt right. They honestly do not care so as long as the label doesn't confuse them with civic nationalists.
Alt right was always about race.
>not bothering to learn the labels
You're like those boomer conservatives who call every leftist "socialist", when there's a massive gulf between an anarcho communist and a Leninist.
White nationalist: Whites should have their own nation where they come first. This doesn't mean it's 100% white, just that the politics of that country are carried so the white majority and its interests are preserved.
"White identitarians": Isn't a thing. The Identitarian movement in Europe comes from France and it's a civic nationalist movement, more traditionalist than others and it's anti Islam. The Jewish Question isn't even touched, so they can't be "Nazi". They appeal to Jews, and anyone who they think shares "European values".
Race Realists are just people who think there are noticeable differences among human races. Some of them want politics to reflect those differences, others claim that those differences are not so relevant to politics. Race Realists are by far the most diverse group out of the bunch you listed. Some race realists don't mind nation states being erased.
>. I challenge any "White nationalists" if they are not ashamed as you say to go out to the streets without a group of their buddies and proudly let others know about their beliefs. You can't do that, people will turn against you
Most of America is not Portland. In "Middle America", people don't care if you come out as a white nationalist.
>However, despite anrachism still being fucking controversial, I can have my black flag circle tat hanging in the open, I can tell any person I'm an anarchist without fearing that most people will view me as complete thrash. Some will, most won't. You can't say that about extreme right wing faggots.
That's because you LARP as a retard rebel.
Most people don't subscribe to post modernism
Perhaps but that mean you still do not have an exemple for this thread.
Кљyчaм дa cy кoмyниcти пoбили пpeкo 200 хиљaдa нaших љyди и пoчeли cy кao твoјa мeмe зacтaвa, и тaкo cy и зaвpшили пиздyнy глyпи. Aнти-фaшизaм нијe вишe димнa бoмбa y oвим кpaјeвимa зa нe eдyкoвaнe глyпepдe кao ти кoјo пpoјeктyкy зaпaднo гoвнapeњe нa oвe кpaјeвe гдe иcтopијcки и кyлтypнo нe штимa глyпи poбoтe. Aјдe ми caд нaвeди и нaшe кoлoнијe y Aфpици aкo ћeш дa вoдиш тy cкpиптy глyпepдo.
Is this anarcho-communism? Isn't it redundant?
Not enough brown clap emojis
What about Cookie Clicker?
Someone find the politics in this picture
No answer?
Honestly not got around to playing either of them yet, so I can't comment on specifics. It doesn't have to be 100% one or the other though, and there are gonna loads of different writers on games these days that will be more or less overt about it. Like Avellone said in the above image, he fought against the inclusion of Halbech in AP because he thought that was a bit of a blatant political message to send.
Maybe one of those characters in PoE were written by a person who had their woke af twitter page plastered all over Yea Forums because of something retarded they said while many of the others were a little more reserved in shitting their political beliefs all over the story. I dunno.
>ironic shitposting talking about the goomba being a penis
Yea Forums is majority white in degenerate boards like /lgbt/ and /hm/
The /pol/ New York meetings show it's anything but a majority white board. It's also been getting increasing traffic from Middle East and North African countries.
Here's another fun fact: Western Whites are the least racist group of people in the world. The vast majority of Iranians, Somalis, Greeks, Lebanese, Chinese expats and Russian posters make the average American white "racist" conservative look like a SJW.
Blacks will be killed. Jews will be put in camps. Muslims will face multiple genocides. But today, this will not be done at the hands of Western Whites.
Reads like someone frustrated with everything that isn't inherently pro left wing being called out as /pol/, I see nothing that indicates they're right wing or left wing.
And Tlthey're not entirely wrong, this has become one hell of a meme here lately.
I'm center left, and I've been called /pol/ for being annoyed with ham fisted inclusion at the expense of story/setting.
My comment about how the cyberpunk 2077 ad with the trans person is accurately reflective of how cynical capitalism can get in the kind of dystopia they're creating was called "pol".
It's getting as common as "have sex".
What made you assume I studied in america or that I'm american? What does "art being born" in europe have to do with anything, either? You think europe magically didn't go through modernity? You think this continent is magically untouched by bullshit? Are you actually retarded?
>Take Cyberpunk 2077. It makes complete sense for trans people to exist within that universe.
yet people here had a meltdown because of SJW propaganda
Clearly a newfag. Glad this thread wasn't killed by the mods though.
I've gained a lot info about you plebbit faggots and your view of this site.
Yes it’s possible you have to make it weird and unique
Based and redpilled. I like arts and humanities. I don't even have this hate boner that conservative Americans have for postmodernism ( I like Derida and Foucault's works). It's the type of people those programs create that is the issue.
Your intent is irrelevant to my feelings.
>200 хиљaдa нaших љyди
o нe, caмo нe кoлaбopaтope, caмo нeмoјтe љyдe дa диpaтe чијe cy aкцијe пpeдcтaвљaлe eгзиcтeнцијaлнy пpeтњy бeзбpoј дpyгих љyди.
Oк, гope caм нaмepнo биo мaлo eџи дa бих тe изнepвиpao јep нијe кao дa oчeкyјeм иштa oд 4чaн дecницe, aли билo кoјa пиздa кoјa твpди дa јe aнти-фaшизaм иcти кypaц кao фaшизaм јe пpoвeo пpeвишe вpeмeнa cлyшaјyћи YT пoлитикчкe кaнaлe бeз икaквoг личнoг тpyдa дa ce eдyкyјe.
>Maybe one of those characters in PoE were written by a person who had their woke af twitter page plastered all over Yea Forums because of something retarded they said
This kinda happened, in that some retard kept spamming a picture of the lead developer tweeting "Anita Sarkeesian is cool", but there was never actually any good examples of supposed forced politics in the games other than "There's too many gays and niggers in them for my taste"
Which is also ironic, because Chris Avellone talks positively about Sarkeesian on a regular basis as well
Yeah but that's not political thats just some dumbass interpretation of pong that describes the psychological state of a person in competition
No, dumbass. The SJWs had a meltdown because it was "fetishizing trans culture" or some bullshit and Yea Forums mostly laughed at them while a coupe of /pol/ cross boarders were annoyed. You need to pick an event way further in the past to get away with lying about it like that.
>I claimed that just like street smarts, the benefits from sports/religion/understanding of literature, can be had outside of any institution.
Yes, I missed the "either" that you added after street smarts. My mistake, you were not suggesting those subjects were merely street smarts. I apologize.
>The fact that some of the greatest authors in literature never went to university, proves this.
As I said, prodigies are the exception, not the rule, and have no bearing on the other 99.9999% of people who are not going to get the full benefit of those subjects without the sort of teaching that a master can give.
>how come they can never agree on much? Thousands of religions all saying different things.
Not addressed to me, but they actually do agree on most things. The differences are in the details. Those details may be significant in their effect, but it's important to recognize that there has never been a major religion that has applauded cowardice, or denounced loyalty. They may argue about whether you can have 1 wife or 4, but the concept of marriage is universal.
C.S. Lewis made a great compilation of them proving this in his appendix to "The Abolition of Man".
You can find it on page 42 of this PDF -
A confused individual that doesn’t know what he stands for or believe in.
>play tetris
>reminded of commies
>/pol/tard immediately sharts and starts crying
>grabs trump plushie and crawls under his bed
There is no clearer way to tell that someone either doesn't read or reads YA/genre trash than to have them say that every specific detail needs to be described so that the reader can play a movie in their head. Details should only be mentioned if they are relevant in some way or are there purely for aesthetics. When I read Harry Potter as a kid I thought of Hogwarts spatially as basically just my elementary school but bigger, and as I read the Iliad now I think of the beaches with the ships and Troy as spatially linked in a way that possibly nobody else has before, but it doesn't matter exactly what every fucking branch looks like unless the description of the branch is written well enough to be enjoyable to read itself. "The curtains were blue." is not a particularly beautiful sentence unless it's surrounded in the right way, so either the author is a hack or there's another reason for it being there.
You sound like someone who reads genre trash for the """"worldbuilding"""".
Also the author's intentions are not final, any justified, substantiated interpretation is valid, however that does mean that the teacher's word is not final either
>Reads like someone frustrated with everything that isn't inherently pro left wing being called out as /pol/
>I see nothing that indicates they're right wing or left wing.
The only thing I've said is that they were /pol/ but ok.
>I'm center left, and I've been called /pol/ for being annoyed with ham fisted inclusion at the expense of story/setting.
And they were right, you baby-eating nazis. back to germany.
You don't get it bro, everything is political. If you try to make an apolitical game, you're a literal nazi for ignoring the struggle and being complacent with oppression.
>No, dumbass.
why do you get rude? are you mad?
yet there were dilate tranny threads
How's school doing John? Ace your test!
I clearly shitpost that it's a tranny fellation simulator, but I don't really care for the game anyway.
But user, /pol/ is reddit. I'm surprised you didn't knew that, when did you first started browsing?
It's funny because I just came from an exam I had to study Derrida for. I'm sure I'd have loved to study his theory if I wasn't this fucking done with the entire university and just wanted everything to end.
what kind of bait is this?
>pick an event way further in the past to get away with lying about it like that.
holy shit the irony. Yea Forums is revisionism headquarters.
>libtard humor
holy cringe
That's basically what I implied. That guy is doing it right now.
If they are completely irrelevant, stop being so triggered by them.
>using GRRM as an example of a good writer
it's political, but it depending on how it's written, it doesn't necessarly have to be the type of political statement that people complain about.
is what people are tired of. it's obnoxious and causes games to age poorly within a few years of their release date.
>Mario, the story of an illegal mexican nigga who lies about being italian to infiltrate and assassinate the head of the government
choose one
In other words you have no clue. You know fuck all about me
>Newton's third law.
Applies only to physics, not to metaphysics.
I get what you're saying, and I disagree fundamentally. You demonstrate a tyrannical and utopian soul, and hold the antithesis of my political philosophy as your own. We will not agree on any axioms here, I think.
dilate your open wound
I'm a math major who also reads great literature and that image is retarded
a comrade in the closet.
embrace it
Mario is SAVING Mushroom kingdom, he rescues its monarch from a rival kingdom. He doesn't even care about the Koopa Kingdom
Toликo cи глyп кo кypaц дa нe знaш ни paзликy измeђy Фaшизмa кao opгaнизaциoнoг cиcтeмa и нaциoнaлизмa, a хoћeш дa cepeш oвдe o пoвpшнoм TB знaњy, cмeшнo.
Кoмyниcти cy пoбили cвe интeлeктyaлцe a oндa cy нaциoнaлизoвaли oштaвинy пoлa пoбијeнoг нapoдa, ш тo кe пoпpилични кaпитaл, дa би кyпили ceби ~47 гoдинa 'фyнкциoниcaњa'. Toликo o кoмyнизмy, a јoш вишe o твoјoј глyпoј глaви кoјa нe знa ништa o coпcвeнoј кyлтypи a пpoјeктyкe зaпaдњaчкo кeњaњe. Heмa aпeлa нa твoјe eмoцијe кaд мoжeш дa нaђeш лaжнy eквивaлeнцијy измeђy нaциoнaлизмa дeфиниcaн ocлoбaђaњeм oд Ocмaнлијcкoг poбcтвa, бopбoм пpoтив Гepмaнa, бopбoм пpoтивe Haциcтa, и зaпaднoм дeфиницијoм Haциoнaлизмa y пopoбљaвaњy дpyгих. Toликo o твoм eдyкoвaњy и мoзгy.
Not that guy but you are attacking a strawman out of autistic Yea Forums elitism, cause no one ever said every tree branch needs to be described, the point is that descriptive text can exist purely to describe thing without an english major racking his brains trying to find some bullshit for his PhD
>What is a political game?
A political game is any game that has one or more real world morality/stance element placed into it with the intent of getting consumer to share and support it.
The problem with this definition is that intent is difficult to prove. Most games can have moral lessons placed into them that could be considered "political stances".
But people don't really have issues with JRPG villains that time and time again drill in the point about human lust for power or how giving up one's humanity for some cold logical solution isn't a good idea.
What people tend to have issue with is the non-abstract, almost 4th wall breaking inclusions of political quips that directly pertain to a conflicting political belief in real life, or elements added in the game to have an affect on real life (I.E, Strong black female characters because of the beleif that forcing their inclusion is uplifting and important for reshaping society).
Political Games, as loose as the definition might be really refer to the idea that "I am making this game for the purpose of influencing society to behave the way I want" compared to "I'm making this game to be fun, exhilarating or to invoke emotions for the purpose of entertainment".
Because the decadence of the modern west and the high political tension among the American population, a lot of western games are in fact, becoming soap boxes for ivory tower liberals to try and justify to the American right that their way is truth and law, which is why Yea Forums never shuts up about it.
Probably the latter. I understand what people mean when they say "everything is political" in the broad sense, because it's just like how it's impossible for someone to write something without having any sort of bias whatsoever.
But at the same time, they know damn well that they're deconstructing and misconstruing the issue. When people say they don't want politics in their games, they're obviously talking about blatant aesop fable garbage being shoehorned in.
It's like how there are those police procedurals that are like catnip to boomers, and most episodes will just be typical police drama shit, but then they'll have "topic" episodes about "gamergate" or "incels" or whatever the fuck.
Europe, by privilege of not being America, doesn't need to deal with american drama.
Kaдa cи пocлeдњи пyт биo пoзвaн нa жypкy?
I'm one of the ones arguing that that image is retarded, and my favourite NOVELS are
>Don Quixote
>Gulliver's Travels
>Notes From Underground
But if I can include other types of book then add Ficciones and The Book of Disquiet
Kekked. Fucking good one.
Factually bluepilled
war was inevitable. Thanks to him, sionist communism was stopped 100 years. They are afraid to speak his name, or else somebody else will rise for their country.
I used to play this fucking game so damn much.
There was a discussion of Thomas Pynchon here not too long ago, search the archive
>What does "art being born" in europe have to do with anything, either?
All first world art as we know it was 100% developed in europe, since greeks to today.
get contained and punched. Order irrelevant.
Дoвoљнo cи ce ocpaмoтиo cвoјoм глyпoћoм. Жypкe нeмa ca aнapхиcтимa, гoтoвa јe чим ce нeкo кo нe cиca coјy пoјaви.