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Other urls found in this thread:


>greatest generation voluntarily went to die for Israel


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Why is every Boomer comic the exact same?



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>falling for the meme that Israel controls the world.

First off, this is pre Israel.

Second, if you honestly think that Israel alone controls world affairs you are the dumbest /pol/ack on here. What actually controls the world is a tight nit group of business leaders and politicians. Does Israel have a role? Obviously. But their role is mainly kept up due to the US and Oil industry seeing them as an ally. They are a player but not the chess master.

why do booms see the youth as mentally handicapped people?

>source, my ass

That's pretty impressive for a 3DO

top zozle

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Actually made me chuckle

Did somebody say WATER MEMES?!

you could fly away and shit anywhere else lady, jesus

Yea Forums sees them as the mentally handicapped as well. It's just instead of political cartoons, Yea Forums uses wojak edits.

Theese are made by people not capable of googling the simplest things.

They literally died for the creation of Israel

They're projecting.

The greatest generation allows unchecked immigration for decades tells the gamer generation to fix it. The greatest generation didn't beat their bastard children enough and let 1969 and free love happen forever Fucking up the family dynamic. The world will be much better once those old fucks die off.

It's not too late to change your gamer ways

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It's funny how hard boomers project with comics like this.

Because they can't figure out how to use smart phones or computers, they assume young people can't understand books or images...rather than accept that they're just retarded.


yeah it sure was great to have traumatized all these young men in useless wars

>Boombers ruin our futures and are mad when we show disdain for the world they created.

This is truly the most anti-gamer era. Rise up!

why are the braindead zoomers always wearing hoodies with the hoods on?

>won greatest lottery
>lives in America

You can follow every single one of those and still be a gamer.
Actually you will be a better gamer by following those as all this responsibility will make you git gud quite quickly, as you won't lose time whinning like a bitch.

Me, I'm a gamer. My warzone: digital, virtual. My pussy: non existant. Friends? None. My future? 2077.Please tell me how you sacrificed more than me, grandpa, so I can call you a faggot.

>playing games means I can't do anything else
My brother in law is a Marine and he buys more vidya than I do.

I did a thing
It was funnier in my head

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Ngl, boomers are actual retards that can't understand that we aren't in the 1900s anymore.

It won't be easy or cheap but try to get citizens excited about space travel again. This whole strategy of keep paying every nerdowell to breed like rabbits is only going to devolve humans back in to waring tribes (because food will get scarce at some point and there will be about 10 billion people sooner than you think.)

If you are sure climate change is a problem, why would you pay people to have children? Fear of revolt? Coal and Nuclear power plants are not secret tech. Loads of people know how to build and operate them. More people means more demand for power, which means more development and pollution. You have no easy choices. Time to make a tough one. Stop feeding people who can't feed themselves without government money.

>submitting to your Jewish overlords as our eternal slave will make you a better gamer, goy!
Sorry Schlomo, not falling for your tricks

>Backwards Sega controller
Did I forget something?
I find it fun user, be proud.


Not bad.

Given how shit went, i would say it's more of a
>99 IQ
>100 IQ

Boomers are actual retards that directly caused 90% of the problems they incessantly whine about, but refuse to take responsibility for, because they're incapable of taking responsibility for anything. It's made me retroactively hate We Didn't Start the Fire

>detroit vs hiroshima.png

I fucking love boomers.

How is he playing WoW on an xbox using a genesis controller? Are boomers so lazy they can't even research the thing they're mad about?

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You hear it you lose

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>We didn't start the fire
>but we're accelerating the downfall of all you know
>We didn't start the fire
>but we'll insist our kids did and then blame it all themmmm!

>It was funnier in my head.
So then what compelled you to post it when the one on the right is wrong?

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The Greatest Generation
>Destroyed our economy
>Destroyed our natural resources
>Destroyed our climate
>Destroyed our mental stability
>Destroyed our job security

fucking americans glorifying war

This one had potential.

That's not an xbox nor a genesis controller

No, the Greatest Generation are the parents of boomers. They're the ones who grew up during the Depression and then went rooty tooty Nazi/Jap shooty.

its still 99% funny, just not 100%

To be fair, the actual subjects mentioned in the song actually weren't caused by boomers, so it was valid when it was made. However, what wasn't taken into account was that most of those things came about as the result of mistakes made due to ignorance and the people responsible for most of them would admit they were mistakes, while most of the shit boomers would later cause were directly caused by their incompetence and Boomers still refuse to admit they've made any mistakes.

>greatest generation

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Thatd be baby boomers, dumb ass


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this seethes the /vpol/
not even going to open this thread

>Wanting to die so you can make rich people more rich
>If you survive, you end up with mental problems
>You end up homeless.
People who romanticize war are fucking idiots

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That would be Baby Boomers, not the Greatest Gen. Boomers worship the Greatest Generation and blame all gens after them for all the issues you listed, which were caused by them

Terrible that kids nowdays are unwilling to go die in a Middle Eastern shihole for oil interests and Israel.


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Yeah, they're literally nothing, but that's the closest thing they look like. Only other consoles that a kid today would be playing with 4 controller ports on the front is gamecube or dreamcast. And I can't think of a controller that has 2 rows of 3 buttons besides the genesis.

>some backwater religious sects in the Middle East at the other end of the planet are somehow a threat to America's freedom
Do American boomers actually believe this?

I'm gonna reply seriously knowing that no one will read.

What boomers feel when they see us young lads is exactly what you people feel when you see someone else is taking up on your hobbies.
When you see gamer girls, and women in tech, or left wing people, or jew people, or non-white people, and all you can do is reply with hatred and discrimination.
You fear what's different, what you don't understand. What you feel will fundamentally change the way you live, according to you, for the worse.
Because you need to accept that there're people different than you, with different realities, but you won't because it's easier to moan and cry on the internet.
Boomers see millenials and reply with comics about stuff being different; you people see anyone with a different gender, sexual horientation, race, creed or belief than you, and you reply with conspiracy theories and banter on a chinese cartoon board.
It all comes from the same basic fear of different things and feeling that you need to fight in order to keep yourself from changing to understand that there's more to the world than what you see from day to day.

>Destroyed our climate

>Greatest Generation
>Dying for Israel
lmao no.

Yup. Even /pol/cels still believe it.

You're right, I retract my last statements to replace them with this
>Destroyed blacks
Not saying that's a bad thing btw

>When you see gamer girls, and women in tech, or left wing people, or jew people, or non-white people, and all you can do is reply with hatred and discrimination.

But I don't do that because I'm left-wing and things change. So this is a conservative problem I guess?

yeah but the difference is that boomers are mad about things they caused, while millenials/zoomers/gen X are mad about things that were out of their control (and usually caused by boomers)

zoomer no swiping!

It's fucking shocking how retarded they can be when it comes to computers
>work at a shipping store
>often people have to either email us their shipping labels or print them out from our store computer
>store is busy as fuck the other day
>maybe mid 40s guy needs to print something from his email
>point him to the computer and get back to dealing with the line
>he comes back asking for help
>tell him he just needs to print it from his email
>"I don't know how to get to my email"
>tell him to just go to the email website and log in
>he still doesn't get it, tell him I'll help once the line is cleared
>a customer helps him figure out his email
>after the store dies down I check the computer to log him out of his email and see several tabs where he just fucking googled his email address
It's amazing to be that people live without having at least a basic grasp on the internet. Literally any information or entertainment you could ever want is at your fingertips, but they refuse to learn

Die for the jew
Play for the jew

> boomer
> zoomer
Can't everyone just get along and fight the real enemy, the fucking frogposters?

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First post best post holy shit.

I love this guy. Seems like all he does is draw his shitposting ideas

People are using the word "boomer" ITT to actually refer to Baby Boomers though

>You fear what's different, what you don't understand.
Into the trash it goes. I'm tired of this dumb argument. Look at the crime statistics. Look at the mean differences in IQ. Look at what kind of people vote to have more of those kinds of people. It's not some romanticized "you fear what's different". And even if it was, it's perfectly natural to prefer people who are similar to you. It's the basis of most friendships and good communities. It's the reason you're on this site.

Nice try, but you'll have to wake up earlier than that to try and pull the wool over my eyes merchant.

>It's boomers fault I'm addicted to social media and developing narcissistic tendencies!
Lots of butthurt zoomers in here. What happened to Fortnite, down for maintenance or something?

That's boomers, not the greatest generation.
The GG accomplished so much that boomers are the shit they are, and then they raised the millenials...

is there anything worse than people who make cartoons to prove a point?

Millenials were mostly raised by Gen X.

cause tribalism is always super effective

Child rapists?

I feel bad for anyone that isn't a boomer. Boomers get to fuck up the entire fucking economy and shit on everything, then laugh and complain all day towards the younger generations.

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Most people are just set in their ways. I still remember as a kid I had to help out my dad with the computer all the time. Whenever he was on the thing he never read what the pop-ups said. Just closed them immediately without reading. This lead to some problems or unwanted consequences, and then he'd yell at the computer for not doing what he wants. Rinse and repeat.

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Gen X is early millenial, late boomer.

I didn't know WoW got ported to Genesis

Wait a just a god damn second here.

I'd rather spend my life playing video games (which is a bit silly) than engage in a bloodbath just to make the rich even richer.

I chortled greatly

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As opposed to what? No alternative to tribalism has ever been tried, except arguably in the Roman Empire and you how that went. There has never been "multiculturalism" quite at this scale in the history of man.

>falling for the meme that Israel controls the world.

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Nigga if you don't sauce me up

Why even come on a video game board at all, and post this? Is this all you have time to do, be a smug asshole trying to shame people that don't want to die in whatever meaningless geopolitical skirmish that is flavor of the year? Are you some paid advocate for the military whose job is to go around coercing people to join ranks by inducing some kind of phantom guilt? Nobody has a personal connection to the current violence; it is so disconnected from anything meaningful and close to home that it flies in the face of natural logic for someone to decide to risk their life to fight for a cause that doesn't even directly mean anything to them, nor does it advance any sort of self-preservation.

Ah yes, the Goyest Generation as I like to call them.
>(((business leaders))) and (((politicians)))

>Look at the crime statistics
I'm guessing you're speaking about black people and/or inmigrants.
Crime statistics show that poor people are more likely to commit crimes than people who aren't poor. Or do you think that rich black people (insert any black comedian here) are inherently drawn to commit crimes?
Of course the poorer people, those who are systematically abused and generally lack the educations and oportunities other people have, will be more likely to commit a crime. Just as the current statistics show that white depressed people are more likely to be a school shooter than those who don't own guns.

You're only looking at the side of statistics that support your political argument, and you're choosing to believe those ideals that already support your vision of the world, because any other option would mean that you'd have to examine yourself critically but that'd be way too hard on your already poor image of yourself, wouldn't it?
It's the reason you're on this site. It doesn't challenge you to think differently and you only get fed by what you already thought before getting here.

My mom has a vertical disc tray in her pc and accidentally had a cd drop into the case. She asked for help and I opened up the case, had to remove the optical drive and put it back in after I got the cd out. Off handidly mentioned that I built my pc. She then suggested I could get a job with computers like taking off the panel and removing some cables was a grand task

Ah yes, it was because jews, not the fact that Hitler attacked everyone, and Japan following suit.


>Or do you think that rich black people (insert any black comedian here) are inherently drawn to commit crimes?
Why don't you look up some studies that control for net worth/income and find out? Have you?

People aren't paid to have children, they're given money because once the child is born it's more merciful to attempt to provide for it than to leave it at the mercy of someone who is only making enough money to provide for themselves.

Like boomers ever look at paintings

Good first toast.

>not the fact that Hitler attacked everyone
yeah the nigga just woke up one day and decided to attack everyone, it wasn't because jews had gained control of the banks and were oppressing people within their own country or anything.

same thing?

You do know that there was a study shown that the poorest white community in the US had less crime than the richest black community, right?

reddit post

>"When was the last time you read a book Dad?"

People actually don't learn about the commie civil war and the absolute state of weimar before hitler.

100% of illegal immigrants are criminals.

Wars being fought by men far greater than you is why you can act like a spoiled little worthless shit on a war related invention.

This is the best part. Most people dont read but complain about how no one buys books anymore.

Wealthy/educated blacks are statistically much more likely to commit a crime than even the poorest and least educated whites. "Inherently drawn to commit crimes" is an understatement. It is a matter of genetics, nothing can change this. Many Africans even have a specific gene which makes them more likely to attack you with a pointed object -- I'm not making this up, google it. Blacks are not equal.

>Japan following suit
Japan was attacking everyone before Hitler came into power

Looks like hitler had the last laugh

The funny thing is, most of the people who boast about living a multicultural life are students or academics. Of course it works. The university self-selects for intelligence. The Africans, Indians, etc. at a Western university are not representative of the populations. They've been selected for intelligence, willingness to learn English, and good behavior before they even got in.
No liberal ever has "black friends" from the hood.

I think killing them all was maybe a step too far though just send them all away. I wonder what Hitler's reputation will be 500 years from now. Charlemagne killed a whole metric fuckload of saxons and even cut thousands of heads off in a single day just to make a point and he gets metal albums and money with his face on it.

If that was where the story ended, history would probably remember Hitler differently.

That isn't where the story ended though.

You’re suffering from cognitive dissonance. You can’t know what others think and feel, you’re argument is nigger tier but it makes sense because you’re probably a nigger or some other non white shitskin.

doing something as retardedly menial and useless as that as a job during peak boomer would have given you a full time job with benefits and pension able to buy a house and support a family

It's just how it is. Goes back to ancient greeks

Yeah, that's why he decided to fuck up Poland, Norway, BeNeLux and so on, while creating plans on cucking said males out of existence as german soldiers bred their women in the lebensborn plan


>you are argument is nigger tier
Wow, Ben Shapiro over here blowing out the libs epic style.


Hitler didn't want war. The U.K. felt threatened because Germany was catching up to them. There are letters of him begging other world leaders not to get violent.
Also Churchil was in the pocket of Jewish bankers

The US military pays dog shit. E1's should be getting $40k a year, to start. Their pay is shit, so it's probably why it's full of diversity hires and greencard mercenaries.

Based conquering minded people.

Fallout would be generous if the entire planet entered nuclear war.

What about the tranny generation?

To be fair, is the Lebensborn plan really any different or better than subsidizing dysgenics via the welfare state?

yep, sure greatest

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>he fought for your right to do something
>but if you do it he's going to come to your school and publicly shame you for it anyway

Japan was fucking around in China, which was entirely unrelated to the war in the west. Hell japs tried to fuck with soviets but got their asses handed to them before the war really started.
Then they went apeshit by attacking pearl harbour

>can't even spell Lebensraum

>Germany was catching up to them
Invading several neighboring countries is "catching up" now?


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well, that will wipe itself on its own

>weimar before hitler
That is dangerous information. People would see the similarities right away.

It isnt bad at all. E1-E3/4 depending on the branch get housing and medical care. It isnt the best but you're supposed to be like 19 when you're that rank.

Join the Coast Guard. They hand out BAH to E2s and also give them comrats and extra pay for cutters my brother makes way more than I did at E2 and he also doesn't have to worry about dying for Israel he just stops Mexicans from bringing drugs into the country or does DUIs on boats.


>cucking yourself off to the government is admirable
why are grunts so retarded

And what boomers don't take into account is that people on their phones could be reading e-books, or could be reading thousands of shitposts on sites like these. It's not a book, but it's still reading

>Then they went apeshit by attacking pearl harbour
Based Yamamoto

>You fear what's different, what you don't understand.
lmao, I know all there is to know about those groups you listed off cunt.

shut the fuck up nigger, your argument is shit tier

Oh weird I met this guy in a bar when I was drunk. Nice dude

While I think any attempts to defend Hitler are hilarious and wrong, I also think you're not using your brain, user. Great Britain was still an empire then. They were quite literally exploiting shitskin countries through force for EZ money.


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These people always have profile pictures from their car wearing sunglasses

Yeah but rapidly and aggressively expanding towards neighboring empires doesn't sound like the actions of someone who really wants to avoid war.

more like the CRUMMY generation am I right?

Do we have an official name yet for the generation of people that come after millennials, or is it still just Gen Z (zoomers).

Debating with niggers and other shitskins isn’t usually worth the time because they don’t have an iq high enough to contemplate anything besides, “muh feelings.” Would you debate a retarded person?

>older folks who see kids playing video games think the same thing I think when I see a bunch of faggots shoehorning transsexual propaganda into video games
yeaaaaaah no.

This is the most boomer thing I've ever seen. I can't wait for them to go extinct.

American boomers also believe this country is still just as white as when they were growing up and that anyone who complains about this Brazilian tier muttshithole is just ungreatful for the magic dirt

Not to mention reading online is much easier to source your material than books are. I've picked up books about serial killers for example and things said in it I was unable to source later. The book was written in the 90s probably so it may have had outdated information but it was still sold on the shelf. For historical documents or accuracy the internet and a smart phone is far better than relying on a book that may not have been updated in years.

Wow, have you won awards for that argument? We should use it a case study in the formation of cohesive and rational responses.

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They conquered Korea, and conquered China, and started to mess with Western owned territories in China, which annoyed the Western world but they couldn't do anything about it because of the aftermath of the first World War limited their resources to maintain those territories. They set their eyes on the Philippines and other Pacific Islands, and knew that they were US controlled territories thus Pearl Harbor.
>fucked with soviets and got their asses handed

>but it's still reading
lol no it isn't

>Actual, genuine retards think the "greatest generation" fought for Israel
Literal zoomer internet education holy shit. This is what poorly told memes does to a young fragile brain.

Guy on the right looks like Linus

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Tide tasters?

risking your life in the name of patriotism is retarded. i never say it out loud, but it just is, it makes no sense whatsoever

Because thats what zoomies are

I wouldn't claim I was right with no argument while spamming the nigger word a bunch. That doesn't sound or look intelligent, doesn't contribute to an actual discussion/conversation and is subhuman-tier or "nigger"-tier as you so hamfistedly and epically put it.

Well they did blow up a tower with around 2000 people in it. Yeah we overreacted more than a little bit but the fear is understandable.

This, the world has lived on long enough, it's time we zoomers pull the plug and destroy ourselves once the people keeping our vile failed generation alive dies out


Israel didn't exist at that time though

it's always nice to die pointlessly in a war that was started because some dumb reason and they consider the lives of others meaningless if it makes profit

What did they fight for then and what happened to Palestine in the aftermath of the holocaust and WW2?



Most people don't join the army because they are patriotic but rather because they don't have any other options

The Jews are now trying to cuck all whites out of existence with low IQ brown people, after our ancestors fought and died for them. How is that better?

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Every single time I see this one
>even the recruiter thinks the kid is a retard

They were buttfucking every other nation in close proximity to their own except Australia. Every island nation near them was a target. They fucked the Philippines so hard modern Filipino still hate them.

I find it funnier that mostly it's boomers who won't get drafted or is crippled/fat/unstable so they won't get called in.

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>why don't you look up studies that correct for historical factors and discrimination? Have you?

Also, I've never seen any study that shows how many crimes were actually committed, but rather arrests/convictions. If you think those things are equal I ask that you follow your own advice and do research.

uh I think you lost the plot there

Dab on them haters?

>Never say it out loud

Risking your life to defend you and your loved one's way of life is good. Some past wars were rational and the veterans are heroes. Enlisting because
>Muh country
is retarded though. If it's just to feed the elite's greed and not protect your way of life you're a retarded little cunt and should be called a retarded little cunt.

linus looks like a british gay guy from the 90s

Ask the brits who pulled this shit. Soviets and french fought against an invader, americans fought to protect their SEA interests

Made me feel, my grandfather died twoo weeks ago.

probably, it's like the fifth or sixth time in the last century that the american government pulls the exact same shit, and the populace bites hook, line and sinker

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>all this zoomer cope


Why do you people pretend there's nothing between boomer and zoomer?


I-is this trolling? Or is this faggot actually THIS dumb?

It’s not pre Israel retard, Zionism existed before world war 2

So basically if you enlisted for any war other than world war II

Millenials are apathic zombies. It's anyone born after 2000 or before 1970 that has agency.


isn't there a view that opposes both jewish supremacy or the views of a retarded german supremacist that suffered from syphilis ?

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Why did FDR's council of jews convince him and his wife to go around the country telling Americans how bad Germany was and why we needed to go to war with them before Japan attacked us? Why did he spend a lot of time and money trying to convince the American population that entering WW2 on the Allied side was a thing we needed to do despite it being incredibly unpopulat in America at the time?

I'd much rather be looking for a pale of water

There have been studies where they ask people who have been victims of crimes what race the perpetrator was. The percentage of blacks matches up with the arrests. You have literally zero proof of your "blacks get arrested more often" narrative except your presupposition (important word right there) that blacks are a persecuted minority.

>Turn 18
>Angry dad who was never told about condoms and never wanted you wants you gone immediately
>Go into the army as an alternative to homelessness
>20 years later walk around with some pretty funny ideas about your own greatness
Do other countries do this

>No liberal ever has "black friends" from the hood.
Yeah in the same why I'm not friends with backwards, mentally retarded hicks. Nothing to do with race, everything to do with education/ culture.

There was until they decided to call everyone who wanted their own country that was also white a nazi.

Everyone else can have their own country just not you.

>Why is a race looking out for themselves
Naturally, a concieving white wouldn't understand.
FDR tried yet nobody wanted until THEY got attacked by japs, whom incidentally was allied to nazis. So yeah, gotta kick both their asses to stay safe.
Go whine how your gramps betrayed your race on your own board.

Based David it-guy

KYS boomer

No, you are us or them fash/antifa scum!

t, enlightened extremists who have meme wars where they don't even have to think of their own words to say because memes already have their own words

It's like if redcoats just sang God Save The Queen while American rebels threw copies of Common Sense at them.

>I prefer to be friends who are like me
W-woah.. hold that thought... Now imagine... Race is a factor as well

Yes? Enlisting wayward youth is what thet all do now. There are no real causes to fight for anymore for any first world country.

>become soldier
>fight for rights
>exercise them
>"lol how shameful"
Good for you patty

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Where are the funny boomer political comics? Stop talking about actual politics and post more dumb boomer shit please.

Idk user it makes no sense, must have been a Jewish cabal.

i mean i'm a fascist but i'm not a nazi

>Turn 18
>dad wants you gone immediately
why are americans like this?

These are the names of the people calling you Muhammad Tyrone, europe.

>Yea Forums thinks people are mentally challenged
Oh the irony

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Just fly a plane over Africa, drop two million copies of The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, wait a couple years and the entire continent will be a skyscraper-filled paradise.

>You can follow every single one of those and still be a gamer.
I doubt this

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You don't understand, Hitler did it because he CARES about the white race on a whole, not only his own little empire!

>why aren't kids today lining up to get sent to die in combat like our fathers?
Stupid boomer bitch

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>genocidal lunatic
>take over the world
Yes this is why we entered WW2
You are so fucking stupid it hurts, please kill yourself and your family

I find it bizarre honestly. It's not like computers went mainstream last year. Were talking half a century here.

I'm grateful that at 25 I still live at home rent free. Most of my friends are paying rent to their parents, which just baffles me.
>let your kid live rent free with you for 18 years
>decide to now start making them pay rent since you legally can
Why would parents do this to their kids?

Become an individualist who doesn't care about groups or any social identity.

My grandpa used to unironically wish that we would take all of the pig offal our meat industry produces and just rain it onto muslim countries from airplanes.

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LMAO while you cucks sit here arguing about your dead horse politics, AGAIN, /biz/ is currently on a rocket to becoming millionaires so they can actually CHANGE the world to their liking

Truly based.

You gotta remember that the people making and reading these are probably around 70 or 80 years by now

>parents wipe your ass until you're 4
>okay buddy, time to wipe your own ass now

that's their fucking job, user. Also, if you're a legal adult and you have a job and you live with someone and you aren't paying at least part of the rent then you're a freeloading bum.


But user, remember SEARS CATALOG?

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Then what the fuck is it?

>race is a factor as well
Nope, not a factor to whether I value someone. The same way I don't refuse to hang with people with different hair color, I wouldn't refuse to hang with people of a different race. Both are retarded.

lmao we didn't give a fuck about anyone but ourselves. We came out of the war as the only country with factories for a reason.

a rocket straight into dept

He’s a race traitor married to a gook

Wrong. They'd build shelters with them and use them as hats

That's different and you know it. By charging your kid for rent you're actively hindering them from moving out

Ask individualist whites in Europe how that goes. It's well known here that in European nightlife, whenever there's a fight between a Moroccan/Turk and a native, Moroccans will jump in to help even if they don't know any of the people involved in the actual fight. Meanwhiles whites ignore it, get away, or stand and watch.

>being sad at big box stores dying
Unironically one of the one things the internet has done right. Fuck it, if we can't have mom and pop shops then I'll get my stuff from Amazon before I get it from some captialismcube that is a wart on the ass of a fucking MALL.

>things are getting more convenient than ever before, we are doomed
Honestly he looks ready to kill himself in the last panel

Zoomers sure are fragile, just like their egoes when gently told to stop being such useless faggots

I just watched They Shall Not Grow Old and seeing all those kids either dead, wounded or horrified made me sad.

t. slave to jewish paper. Imagine making your relatives pay for anything. Imagine severing blood ties because you're not getting jewbux from your kin. Imagine being THIS much of an American.

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>Volume bigger than the last run of late '17
>Up 25% in just 3 days

Kike programming

Shit or get off the pot. If you plan to move on, alright, get to work and I won't charge you rent. If you're just holding some bum job and staying home then you're gonna pay up.

I'm convinced that the boomers who make these don't actually have grandchildren

You tell 'em

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You can tell it was some technophobe boomer who made this.

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No it doesn't.

Right, you only like the blacks who have been sufficiently Westernized to your liking.

t. seething incel wehraboo

Seeing how ugly he is, i think he did the world solid by not spawning another white creature like him

Malls are such a fucking eyesore, same with the huge stores like mall-shart, I'm glad they're getting closed down by the day now

Imagine letting your son play video games alone his room instead of making any efforts to improve him as a person.

No one said anything about "severing blood ties" either you fucking reactionary cunt.

look em in the eye and give em a firm handshake am i rite

This thread needs some KELLY

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He Bought?

>suggesting we bomb them

Doesn't Iran have nukes of their own?? I wouldn't be surprised if they did

>WW2 soldiers fought to become trannies
And yes, they should be shamed.
Everyone hates on boomers, but the “greatest” generation fucked up our futures just as hard.

Don't be cruel, they wouldn't be able to take it without passing out from all the real social contact with someone

What if i dont want to die for israel, but i still want to get the chance to kill sand niggers?

Getting a real job takes time if you don't have connections or a degree

t. seething nonwhite subhuman

>We only care about ourselves
>We came out of the war as the only country with factories for a reason.
What is the Marshall Plan.

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This is absolutely nothing if you have worked in the IT field.

I just got a job offer for something better but currently I work in a call center type job and I'm desensitized to how retarded boomers can be at this point.

My job involves both troubleshooting as well as helping file cases for financial aid from people requesting them for cars. You have no idea how retarded these fuckers are when it comes to everything.

The most common question we get is people requesting help for updating their in-vehicle systems, which is reasonable because the process involves extracting a zip folder onto a USB, and the online instructions are dogshit. You have no idea how much of a nightmare it is to try to walk people through this process when they ignore my explanations seemingly and can't find out how to open their fucking Start menu on windows.

It's also a very common thing that customers don't know what a "web browser" is, despite the fact that they are currently using one to speak with us since our support has to be accessed through the website. It's also very common for people to have the website that advertises our mobile app open on the PC to think that they are using the mobile app just by having the URL open. This particular one is so retarded that I never ask, but then I regret not asking because I find out they just had the web URL open and I just wasted my damn time helping with the app when they don't even have the app installed.

Finally, these fuckers are SO ENTITLED when it comes to getting their cars paid for. People will come in with 200k+ mile, 15 year old ass cars or even older, and then act like they shouldn't have to pay for shit on them. It is only baby boomers who do this too.

I really feel like baby boomers are the most entitled generation by far thanks to growing up in the most prosperous time in any country in the history of the world, and they just project that on millenials.

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What makes you think you can talk to me like that, jew slave? Off to work now! Shoo, shoo! You'd better get that 12 hour shift started right away, or Shlomo won't be buying his third Mercedes of the year!

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It was ok when literally every other major European power did it, but they couldn't handle it when it wasn't them that time.

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The only good thing about malls is that you can try on clothing before buying. Clothing is one of the only things I don't buy online because I want to make sure shit will fit

"here have a portrait of myself" lol

>Some 90+ year old guy wants to dress up in a skirt during his last few years left on earth after enduring horrors unknown to zoomers

the only good politcal cartoonist

>gifting someone a portrait of yourself
Damn, that's Kanye West-tier

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in fact it may lead to a resurgence of that type of stores
if people want things yesterday, they use online platforms
if they however prefer actual service they'll go to mom'n pops stores rather than deal with Wallmart zombies

Does "holding some bum job" give you an impression of someone working hard to find a new one or something? It certainly isn't meant to give you that impression. It's the exact opposite. Your statement makes no sense as I've already addressed that scenario.

Bankers rule the world

ah yes, /biz/, the intellectual board

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Blonde hair green eyes, bud. But keep latching on to identity politics to fill up that void where personal successes and meaningful relationships are supposed to be :v)

They bankroll their pensions on the backs of their children and grandchildren. Everyone blasts military spending, but if you look at the budget, over half of it is government dole to pensions and welfare.

If that is your view then he should of just abstained from reproducing and not engaged in betrayal of his race, Linus gets it on DOTR

>giving someone a framed portrait of yourself
I can't tell if this is autistic or just a massive power play

Hilarious how zoomers shit on boomers for being bad with computers, yet couldn't change a single relay in their own car without paying boomers to do it for them.

Boomers are retarded, the army is filled to the brim with gamers amd nerds. The section commanders in my platoon play magic the gathering for christ's sake.

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>thinks all good traits in a person are inherently Western
>on a Taiwanese goat milking forum

I concede. you dumb nigger

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>when you trick yourself into a false sense of self confidence over being a fucking NEET because you're in denial

>unwilling to change or adapt to current markets
>no, it's the youth who are the problem

do you think culture and social skills are genetically inborn you retard?
of course it is about education and upbringing.

race plays a role in intelligence and skills. about a 1-5% difference.


>hearing aids
Damn gays

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Ah, a fellow help desk chimp. I've got so many stories of the absolute stupidity of boomers I could fill an entire thread. I really didn't hate them until I started working this job, but god damn do I fucking hate boomers.
The worst part is their attitudes when they call. Fucking boomers.

Don't want him to shoot up a mall because inceldom brainwashed him.

>The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged

Randroids are the worst.


the goyim pledge

Why not just order pancakes then? Daily specials are a meme everywhere besides 5-star eateries anyhow.

Everyone knows Kelly is a massive Chad

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Motherfucker looks like the Quaker Oats Guy

Israel literally did not exist during ww1 or WW2 you absolute fucking morons.

The Marshall plan was basically just us throwing money at rubble. The American economic golden age that dems like to take credit for happened because our industries were the only good ones left to buy anything from. So basically we knew that money we gave everyone would end up coming right back to us lmao.

mad and projecting
cope more subhuman

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Mall? You mean synagogue

That's clever and subtle on several layers, self inserting while being an online cartoonist

>Boomers continually push a corporate mentality of "pay employees less, they're expendable, train them to work faster, give them longer hours, give them less vacation time and sick pay. Who cares if they're miserable, we'll get to milk more work from them for less money, if they quit over this treatment we'll fire them and replace them instantly"
>this causes all the employees that don't want to end up being ornery shits all the time to leave and find work in other fields, leaving only employees with shitty customer service skills due to boomers having to constantly rehire inexperienced workers or spoiled rich kids who are only getting a job because their parents forced them to
>Boomers also begin outsourcing their products to cheap labor countries to cut costs even further
>as a result Sears and other similar companies slowly lose their reputation for putting the customer first and guarnateeing a good customer experience in the event something goes wrong with your orders and having high quality standards
>this causes them to go bankrupt

Sorry Yurop, you lose again

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> "Why cant the retail monopoly i was comfortable with 40 years ago not still be a thing :( "

Also someone should teach this guy how to browse amazon. He would find some dinky catalog retarded too if he knew every product known to man was listed online for half the price

>this thread is full of SEETHING zoomers

>implying niggers would even get rand
>let alone have the patience to even finish the books

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Zionism did though you fucking retard

1 in 60 are now autistic for some reason that definitely isn't chemicals in water/food, vaccines, or older mothers.

This, Europeans blow each other up and the USA reaps the benefits.

just so you know, he's the political cartoonist for the Onion

That's what you basement neckbeards call places where you spend money these days?

>do you think culture and social skills are genetically inborn you retard?
Are we still pretending humans are dualistic creatures with a biological base and a cultural base? The two are linked. It's not a coincidence that Europeans, living in a harsh, cold climate evolved the way they did. Culture doesn't fall from the sky.

>putting what the character represents on their clothing rather than letting the reader infer it
classic sign of a mega-brainlet cartoonist


It's ironic because millennials had to look for a job during the Great Recession, so millennials have actually had it harder than pretty much every single generation other than "The Greatest Generation", who had to deal with both WW2 and the Depression.

I don't know why these entitled fucks blame us for everything when we have such a shit job market compared to what they have. I actually had a college HR course I had to take and the instructor was just a baby boomer and we literally went over multiple times how millennials are entitled, want higher job expectations, etc. Bitch, we don't have pensions or social security like you do.

Unironically, the thing I look forward the most to in the next years is watching all of these old fuckers slowly die and be lost to history as a generation of entitlement. We'll be writing the history books soon.

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Uh oh, looks like we got another NO TALENT PUNK WITH AN AXE TO GRIND over here folks.

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