
Attached: 1l1t.png (1426x752, 47K)

Fuck off chink shill.

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Steam keys are sold on dozens of stores. Try harder, Tim


I forgot to say that I'm gay not sure if it matters

It's okay when Valve does it

>game is exclusive to PS4

Attached: ps4 chad.jpg (750x1000, 84K)

Switch that and it'll be correct.

Now, find me a game like that?

tiananmen square massacre


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If a game is exclusively on Steam it's because the dev didn't bother to put it anywhere else, if it's exclusive to "Epic" store it's because it's not allowed to be anywhere else

You made this same joke yesterday. Get better material.

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3 threads uh? Do you do it for free too?

>Steam keys are sold on dozens of stores

So are Epic games.

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not for most games
also, please don't support randy pitchford

I've never seen anyone demanding games to be steam exclusives or being mad about some game on steam being available on other platforms.

Name one (1) game that is exclusive to steam because valve bought the exclusivity.

Tiamen Square. Worker's Rights. The Great Leap Forward. Chinese government. Winnie the Pooh.

Valve doesn't need to buy exclusivity when they're the only game in town

>Tiamen Square. Worker's Rights. The Great Leap Forward. Chinese government. Winnie the Pooh.

Agreed, but fuck Steam.

y-your mom.

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>only game in town
conveniently ignoring all the other online stores

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>cirno shilled out now
worst timeline

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Epic is poking hornets nest and that is why they are based

>this stale bait is still getting replies and is probably going to reach bump limit again
You fucktards are so pathetic

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Steams "competition" is pathetic.

GoG can't support a game like World War Z or Dark Souls, which is why they're not on it.