*betrays her human fiance and humiliates him in front of his soldiers*

>*betrays her human fiance and humiliates him in front of his soldiers*
>*Betrays her father and her people and helps her Orc boyfriend to kill them*
>*Doesn't care about the genocide of the Night Elves but feels bad for her Orc boyfriend*

Was Blizzard always redpilled?

Is Blizzard getting redpilled here?

Attached: 1561555585002.jpg (1920x1941, 431K)

Other urls found in this thread:


More like cuckpilled

She literally always had a thing for thrall

Gas the dwarves race war now

is this legit?

Jaina was the cuck in this relationship. Thrall went off and plowed orc pussy instead of ORCing jaina. Also didnt she go for the Big Dragon Dick? Or did blizzard forget kalec exists again?

jaina was made for big green cock

What the fuck is Blizzard doing with Warcraft?

pretty sure they completely forgot about kalec

Its a shame especially when you consider that in the Hearthstone when you fight against him he says: "I wish Jaina was here..."

Behead those who insult the Alliance

>Caring about retail wow in 2019

Attached: 13020138.jpg (355x429, 110K)

And you dare to call us savages

can someone fill me in with the lore in BFA?


WoW is currently the best its ever been


user, the hell?

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i haven't played this extension, please tell me they didn't actually made them friends again

Attached: 1478153177284.gif (330x186, 1.59M)


sargaras stabs silithus and mcguffinite's oozing out of the wound, alliance and horde fight, burning darnashes to the ground, tyrande's eyes turn black as if that means anything. zandalari trolls join the horde, it's cool though because the zandalar we fought between cata and MOP were led by an OC old god the titans accidentally made in their eternal retardation. Some horde leaders break rank and now azshara's here with her octopus boyfriend going "yes, everything's going exactly as planed >:)"

They aren't friends : That cinematic make them look like a couple, especially when that look Saurfang gave Thrall … it REALLY felt like “Bro, make your move on that skinny human girl”.


Cool (you) generator user

>people falling for this weakass bait

wait what? Jaina went from pissed off crazy bitch to back to normal? Now They are trying to ship thrall and Jaina together? Fucking shippers man, they bitched about this at every bliz con

>*Betrays her father and her people and helps her Orc boyfriend to kill them*
C'mon now. Warbringers Jaina made it seem like she was the bad guy. Her father was leading a Navy to commit genocide on the Horde races, for no real reason.

BfA > MoP > WotLK > WoD > Cata > BC > Legion > vanilla/classic

oh no no no retailbros how could this happen to us

Beter than Legion at least, but that's not saying much.

>for no real reason.
See shit like theramore? That's the reason.

WoD should be top


Here's a (You). Everyone knows it's:

Vanilla > TBC > WotLK > Pandaria > Legion > Cata > BfA > Muh Orcs

Literally, unironically this. WoW has been steadily gotten better with every expansion.
>b-b-b--b-b-b--b-b-but Blizzard is dying!
People have been claiming Blizz is dying since WotLK. I guess if you repeat it every year it will someday come true.


shit bait

That was long after her father started the conflict. Was The Horde in the wrong? Yes. They are always in the wrong.

is this canon now?

Attached: file.png (893x650, 657K)

WoW is such a shitty cartoony children's level universe. How can anyone take this seriously or find it interesting. Everything in it looks like it was made by a 9 year old.

Attached: 1551644134421.jpg (872x685, 104K)

Obvious bait is obvious


cinematics scripts and dialogs were made by Christie Golden and I like them.
After all Warcraft is a nice fairy tale.It is nice to finally see some real friendship once in a while compared to real life where everybody wants to bite somebody else for his own sake.

Here's the none bait version

MoP > WotLK > BfA > WoD > Cata > BC > Legion > vanilla

So you confirm that Daelin was right. Btw there was no hint that he wanted to genocide them.

Who was in the wrong here?

Attached: jaina kill dad.webm (1280x720, 2.36M)

ugh this
we need more serious universes like in Life is Strange and Watchdogs

Jaina had an entire novel dedicated to her being in love with a dragon. It's pretty well known that she gets around the entirety of Azeroth.

>Wish Jaina was here
>Do I have to shout every line?
>This is a card game, I could eat this guy right now instead of deciding the fate of dalaran on a children's card game
>He keeps playing card me and Dad, is he trying to bully me with cards?

>there are people in this thread defending post-wotlk wow

>the more the camera moves, the more Jaina falls flat on the floor

Jaina for being not only a literal race traitor but also a patricide.

When will the alliance manchildren stop crying about Theramore? You lost, get over it.
Also Garithos was a pussy retard who trusted the living dead and in the end he became ghoul chow.

>there are people itt who are legit wotlkbabbies and think their opinions matter
lol sad

I find it amusing that they were somehow caught off-guard and scared batshit by the fandom shipping these two together that they had to resort to creating a new OC donut steel Mary Sue that Thrall instantly falls in love with and creates a situation where Jaina must hate Thrall and the Horde to the point of complete genocide. I still don't even understand why were they so against them being friendly to each other.

>it's another wrath babies rate their first xpac high when it's lead to ever single awful choice that WoW has taken for the past 10 years episode

Attached: really.png (119x167, 42K)

The alliance
They voted to not exterminate the orcs when they had the chance after the second war.

Attached: 1533450055138.jpg (1600x1638, 297K)

As opposed to this mess?

Jaina didn't help them kill her father, she was trying to prevent his death by asking him to stop on his doomed to fail genocide cruise.

Retard. She literally helped the Horde to invade Theramore so they could kill the Kul Tirians.

This post is bait, dont fall for it.

name one (ONE) thing that wasn't solved by violence in the history of Warcraft

This post is great, believe in it. Everything bad in WoW now started in WotLK but they will never admit it.

You have to be the biggest most idiotic nigger I have ever seen to actually believe this.
8.2 has killed the game and Nazjatar is complete dogshit.
8.2 didn't add any content, it added two new zones that have nothing to do in them except for more WQ's and Rep grings.
The new raid is also going to be another 1 boss raid.

The Horde for not killing the rest of the pinkskin faggots.

Attached: illidan cucked.webm (1280x720, 2.33M)

>get rid of threat being a thing
>give casters and healers no way to run out of mana
>get rid of down ranking
>introduced the cancer of a million difficulties for raids
>got rid of the hybrid tax
>tried to make raids on heroic have a weekly lockout attempt so they didn't get embarrassed like at the beginning when naxx got cleared in less than 24 hours when it came out
>made heroic 5 mans a joke
>dungeon finder

Actually kill yourself

The assault on lights hope was stopped twice by Fordring called Morgraine a cuck with daddy issues.

>saves everyone's asses
Hope Maelfurion chokes on his own feces and dies

Illidan is the biggest loser in the warcraft universe
>that quest where you have to bring his farewell letter to the closest people in his life and they just go "oh, too bad" and forget about him

Warbringers was basically false advertising at this point
>Renounces Daelin at launch of BfA when you solve her mommy issues as a bigot who couldn't save himself
>Annihilates the Zandalari, reducing them to a joke due to being playable but "doesnt go all the way"
>Now every other cinematic involves her despite having dealt with her issues because Golden has her as one of her pet characters and the game has become Disney's Proudmoores™

> forest will heal in time
> proceed to destroy even more trees

I'm just talking aesthetically. It just looks dumb, like an elementary schoolkid doodling in his math class. All the characters, all the environments, all the weapons and armors look like they were made in the mindset of what a small child thinks is cool.


Attached: Illidan brilliant plan.webm (1280x720, 2.55M)

>Annihilates the Zandalari, reducing them to a joke due to being playable but "doesnt go all the way"
lol this is what alliancekids believe

>*walk away while angrily stomp on the trees*
This guy is such an incel.

tbc did arenas and flying mounts, the cause of basically all evils

flying mounts are literally not a problem anymore, at least if you are not a pussy carebear alliance faggot

>Lost Rastakhan
>Lost Zul
>Left with OC Dindu stronk wimmin that is supposed to rival Jaina going by promotional art who is bland as fuck and will be forgotten
I was excited to play one but there's literally nothing proud about the race or interesting left.
t. blood elf poster

Garrosh should have clean all this filth

Attached: garrosh.jpg (1280x720, 75K)

You obviously didn't play wc3 : They were dealing with a Legion invasion so it made sense for him to get more power. And in fact you need Illidan in demon form to defeat the commander of the scourge.

I want Garrosh to throat fuck me while his sweaty orc balls slap against my chin

This, Wrath introduced a ton of cancer that is still in the game today.

What exactly is Rexxar btw? Is he one of the orcs that didn't get the legion AIDS?

I don't feel bad for him desu.
He had the perfect female right in front of him but never did anything.

Attached: wu720.webm (853x480, 1.01M)

half ogre half orc, mok nathal

half ogre half orc

Half orc half ogre or some shit iirc

More like Fans always wanted her to have a thing for Thrall, and therefore it is easy fanservice.

>t.blood elf poster
do the rest of the horde a favor and kys
>Lost Rastakhan
Indecisive faggot who was a dead man walking since the deal with bwonsamdi. Literally did nothing at all.
>Lost Zul
lol who cares
>Left with OC Dindu stronk wimmin that is supposed to rival Jaina going by promotional art who is bland as fuck and will be forgotten
She actually gets shit done and is cute, but what would I expect from a blood elf player aka alliance sympathizer

>kills millions in Outland, allies with Burning Legion forces
>muh ends justify the means
He was a massive cunt and contributed little to defeating Sargeras outside of training other demon hunters.

>>get rid of threat being a thing
Literally false

>>give casters and healers no way to run out of mana
Literally false

>>introduced the cancer of a million difficulties for raids
A good thing

>>got rid of the hybrid tax
Its calling better game design

>>make raids on heroic have a weekly lockout
good game design

>>made heroic 5 mans a joke
Literally false

>>dungeon finder
a good thing

Actually kill yourself

Blizzard hates OTP. They would destroy any and all possible good pairings so they can enforce their status quo and have constant conflict. Half the problems in WoW can be solved with a night of nonstop raunchy sex.

>contributed little to defeating Sargeras outside of training other demon hunters.
He did not even do that in a correct way, half of the demon hunters in Legion randomly explode or kill themselves and the rest go traitor

the wrathbabby screams in agony as you strike him

It wasn't just fans. A lot of Blizzard employees had been shipping them too. It was just that one guy in charge of writing who was absolutely against it.

the fuck is wrong with jaina? she goes from kneeling to practically laying flat on the ground

>Is Blizzard getting redpilled here?
not redpilled
what they want to happen

>dungeon finder
>a good thing
epic simply epic. Heres your (You) if it means that much

A lot of Blizzard employees are just fans and know nothing about writing, you're not helping your case.

And now that Metzen is gone we are finally getting Thrall X Jaina for real.
I can't wait for her to bear Orc babies!

Jaina doesn't really have a kneeling animation. That's her death animation in various speeds.

typical vanilla fag to dumb to even reply to someone correctly

I don't think you are talking about wow, but "wow the theme park shit lol I don't need to socialise".

After WotLK the game started dying and it happened because the game got worse. It stopped being an rpg.

Yes dungeon finder was the best thing to happen to WoW

But isn't Thrall married?

They wouldn't have given Thrall an ugly orc nigger wife if that's the route they wanted from the start

Thrall kinda forgot about his wife.

vsanilla and BC had by far the lowest numbers WoW has ever had

WoW has been "dying" for over a decade and its still going, funny how that works.


You cant seriously expect a reply with that weak of bait. Maybe try saying flying or something

>aha! i see you made a mistake in your post that in no way invalidates your message! you lose!
sad, but feel free to prove me wrong anytime. Also vanillafags are as shit as wrathbabbies, just a different flavor of shit.

Basically the only reason the Alliance couldn't sack Dazar'Alor into oblivion. It might have been the only thing he did, but it was pretty important.

>muh classic
Fuck yourself nostalnigger

You don't know Blizz dev : They have no respect for each others work.

Has she done anything of note besides cockblocking Jaina?

I bet you cried at the end of The Last of Us.

>>>introduced the cancer of a million difficulties for raids
>A good thing
Oh no, it's retarded


Golden deserves an Iranian windchime

She birthed a couple of orc scum for him I think.

how do we stop this cultural marxist bullshit.

This is clearly a reference to Black male white female relationships you see pushed on us by our (((chosen))) masters.

Us gamers should not stand for this.

Attached: D97vFmsX4AMRMHF.jpg (900x1200, 294K)

>Being literally to dumb to work out raid difficulty
>Being literally to shit at the game to play anything not hand holding easy mode

Yep its a vanilla baby

Attached: 1561565179016.png (880x2016, 281K)

It's objectively a great system. If you want to talk to people to form groups, nothing is stopping you, and in fact it is the only way to get into mythic groups.
Oh wait I forgot, listing your group in a list is SOULLESS, spamming for hours on LFG is SOUL.

I was always an orc deep down. I am ok with this.

>betrays her boyfriend
>helps to kill her father and her people
>fawns over their killers
Wow! Jaina is really progressive!

Attached: 15168871015142.jpg (665x429, 26K)

Honestly this bait is so pathetic its making me angry at just how little effort you're putting into it

His mom got ogred

>Doesn't care about the genocide of the Night Elves
Me either.

Horses control the media user, its useless to fight against them.

The end is neigh


>being literally too shit to compete in the only raid difficulty
>being literally too shit to complete end game content because there is no easy mode


Attached: 1539496006387.png (850x708, 769K)


>alliancebois are too preoccupied with lore-friendly porn than actually playing the game

Eternal retardation? Fuck, this posts is good.

Warcraft only got popular because of WoW.

when MoP came out i thought it was shit and quit keep ya pandas to easter egs and drunks
also the lore ended at wc3 wow lore is absolute dogshit


>cow people good
>goat people good
>space goat people good
>bird ladies good
>bear people good
>dragon people good
This is your brain on contrarianism

Attached: 1555335722512.jpg (750x866, 83K)

Based Garrosh wouldn't stand for any of this racemixing shit

This, really. To be fair there WAS some mild shipteasing from Blizzard, but it really was mild

the new raid has 9 bosses including azshara wtf are you on about

>Kug Fu Panda Good
This is your bran on wow
the absolute levels of brainlet

so how many more lives will jaina ruin to satisfy her cock lust?

>I refuse to fail him... like I failed his father...
Kino line

Jaina was made for BBC and ORC COCK

>furries try to deflect to tauren again
classic furfag defense

Pandaren predate Kung Fu Panda by 6 years

In the preview pic it looks like she puts her hand on his belly like he's prego kek

>kung fu panda in strategy game good
>kung fu panda in mmo BAD

Why is one ok but not the other?

Are you fucking retarded?

Pandren existed a long time before kung fu panda

Like seriously, are you fucking retarded?

>on a crusade to eliminate all orc porn involving his precious jaina

Attached: CQbyRfF_d.jpg (640x512, 31K)

>not knowing what 1 boss raid means
no wonder ffxiv players call wow players retarded

For people without autism(read furries) there is a clear difference in art style between classic tauren and pandas. One appealed to furfags, the other did not.

TBC > vanilla > if you didn't quit in WotLK you deserve to be neutered

>You sacrificed your soul to uphold all of our values and save the world? HOW DARE YOU? GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY SIGHT YOU FUCKING CUNT! FUCK YOU!

Attached: sigh.webm (1088x720, 1.51M)

erm its actualy 4 years after around the time number 2 came out

>8.2 didn't add any content, it only added stuff to do




>muh april fools easter egg pandas
Did you even play wc3
MoP had the best atmosphere and "exploration" feel in WoW btw

Attached: rexxar_chen.jpg (640x512, 140K)

>he needs a reason to genocide hordes

Remember that time she helped Rexxar and Thrall kill her own father?

Just look at the backstory to Garrosh for further proof.

niovelty giant panda and cool panda bro good entire continent of what ever the guy in kung fu panda is
ye nah m8 ur a brainlet

K, time to replay WC3 and FT.

>One appealed to furfags, the other did not.
lol you are simply deluded
Just say you like cows better than pandas and be done with it. You'd still be wrong but at least you wouldn't come off as an illogical faggot.

Doesn't Thrall literally use Jaina though?
Abd anyway, he has a wife.

>New WQ's and two new reps to grind
>Actual content
You can't be serious...
You do understand that until the new raid comes out there is only WQ's to do and grinding the new rep.
You got to be a retard to think this is good.

chen is on a bonus campaign and hes a bro the giant panda is another easter egg MoP is an appeal to children

Good one, now do the other 5 examples

You can sperg however much you want but there ia no downside to the dungeon finder. Moan about how finding those 5 members in 3 hours is part of the exhperiunce but it was never fun. Also, quests being found on the other side of the continent for a dungeon is fucking retarded. Gonna get those 50 xp in wailing caverns by travelling down in gadgetzan...I'm sure loving that

Oh and sorry, the new raid will only be a one boss raid as well, so you can enjoy that as well!~

MoP > BfA > WotLK > WoD > Cata > Legion > literal dog shit > BC > vanilla

if you didn't quit in vanilla then come back to WoW in WotlK you deserve to be neutered

Posts like these are so low iq or bait. It’s like those people that pretend RE4 was a bad game because the ones that came after it were shit.

>pandaren are depicted as jolly asian stereotypes in w3

Are you actually underage or do you type like a retard on purpose.

>not actually content
So this... is the power of small think?

The only one of those that furries also picked up were female draenei after they slapped horse schlongs on them. Same thing with nelves for whatever reason, probably because druid is a furry class
You cant seriously pretend like furbolgs were anywhere near Pandaren, specifically female pandaren, in terms of furry bait

>The worst kind of content possible
>"I-It's still content though!!! Even though it's just a new grind that's the same thing we've already gotten!!!"

So it looks like Blizzard is actually portraying females realistically. Self indulgent, no regard for anything but the cocks they can stuff in their holes.

and people say its fake..

If nobody experiences it is it actually content?

Attached: bigthink.png (225x225, 4K)

someone summarize the new video for me please, i don't want to watch that crap

Basing dungeons around dungeon finder is actually retarded because they make them easy with no challenge since they base it over getting unlucky with clickers. You saw how hard people cried about when they made dungeons challenging again in cata because wrath babies think 5 man should be a joke

Yeah dude, pandaren are full of furry bait unlike tauren who are semi-naked muscled cow-men. Get a fucking grip/


Bros....they even have their own anime..how can we compete?

I don't know, but that isn't the case here so your question is a farce.

more like GREEN PILL

Attached: 1498154568973.png (264x264, 93K)

>how can we compete?
By being on the better game, baby. ;) Nice twitch viewers btw haha

I think the real farce here is 8.2

Dungeons should be about gimmicks and how you overcome those gimmicks not about the difficulty of 5 million health. Look at MOTHER. That was a neat gimmick

Yet they didnt have the pixar face that furfags love until WoD, but furfags already hopped onto Pandaren and Worgen by then.

Keep coping furfag. We all know that tauren are just played by dudebros making shitty cowpun names.

man early cata was so fucking good
then it all went to shit after firelands

Janina gets Thrall pregnant so they start their own faction

>The worst kind of content
>originally "no content"
Backtrack more cunt

Jaina and Thrall fall in love.
Sylvanas is evil and wants to attack the cow people for some reason.
That's it.

imagine just imagine
MoP is complete Dogshit and why is every panda whatever the guy in kungfu panda was called its actually horrific how brain dead you have to be to not see what a travesty MoP is was and will always be

but mother was trivially on all difficulties?

Attached: 73465867898790890890000.png (1147x623, 406K)

Arthas should have killed this whore in wc3. fuck you uther you faggot

Except Wrath heroics had no gimmicks outside of shit vehicle combat. You just round up everything and AoE it down since you can't die even in pre-naxx gear

>le kug fu panda xD
Not an argument

>MoP is complete Dogshit
>Because I told so

Well wrath was the first step towards quests having vehicles and doing something different than kill 10 brown boars now red boars now blue boars

This is your typical brain dead vanilla baby

There is no content to do.
You think that adding new WQ's and two new reps to grind is actual content?
You gotta be out of your mind, and even if it actual content, which it's just a grind the point still stands that it's literally the worst kind of content.
I'm sorry that your so deluded into thinking that no matter what the content is, as long as it is something it can't be argued against.

>xpac that started MOUNTSPETSACHIEVEMENTS as """content"""
>hated by Asmongold who only does mounts,pets and achievements
??? Why are u deflecting so hard lmoa

>it's furry bain ONLY if it has a cute face!
Lol I love how you conveniently forget they were first depicted fighting with a loincloth and a big phallic object in Warcraft 3
Your brain is full of bull cum, get the fuck outta here.

You mean us bro? Of course we have more Twitch viewers.

>hated by asmongold
That's why, because your dear streamer told you so. MoP was a fucking blessing after Catashittism

>muh layering
So many old mmos had "channels" and no one cried about that. So why are you crying about the same thing in wow now?

>I see totempoles as penises
yeah whatever fag.

>instead of killing 10 brown boars now you kill 10 brown boars in a vehicle that handles like shit


>there is no content
>you think new things to do is content?
>okay it's content but it's content I don't like
>content for the sake of content isn't content

Asmongold loves mop you stupid retard, its the epitome of nu-wow """content""" that he does.
>Cata was shit

So this 100% Confirms they are moving away from factions in the next expac, right?
>Magni keep reminding everyone the world is literally ending because of the faction war.
>nearly all the key lore character have realised it's pointless.
>baine risks his life to save jaina's now-undead brother and she accepts him (also theres that whole shit about calia menethil being a light-infused undead).
>literally everyone who isn't sylvanas and nathanos risk their lives to save baine.
>green jesus is back and admits giving up warchief was a mistake since it completely shat on the last major chance of faction unity (after the lich king was killed).
>Kul'tirans will literally do whatever jaina tells them to do, who will in turn literally do whatever anduin tells her to do.
>Zandalari had their king killed by the alliance, but Talanji's whole character is based on the fact she's more accepting and forward-thinking than her father and clearly understands this was all sylvanas' fault (i.e. no alliance grudge).
Theres been factions working together before in previous expacs, but never to this extent - thrall even goes so far as to make a meta analysis of the fact it keeps happening and then nothing comes of it.
I can't even fathom how they could be going in any direction other than this expac ending with sylvanas being de-throned, baine or thrall becoming warchief, and the horde and alliance coming to a union of sorts. You'll still have the factions in name, but they'll all be working together to combat whatever the next threat is.

>so what if I insert them in my ass? they are still totems!
lol you are getting sadder by the post

i told you why and its actually an argument le brainlets
the entire continent is stereotypical childish bullshit its not fun its sikening and autism gold i have litterly never seen a stream he has done apparently he hates MoP good for him guess he has eyes atleast

>Asmongold loves mop
he doesn't, you don't even know what your favourite streamer likes

if you're an alliance player, you already gave up on the story

I think it's more along the lines of the horde and the alliance need to cooperate to beat down the old gods

I'm a random onlooker staring at your exchange with him, and from this post here, I'm starting to think you actually are gay, or are at least pretending to be gay

Still not coming back

Attached: D3P7Ve0X4AAAdDw.jpg (1200x675, 74K)

MoP is literally the last WoW xpac that had a soul in it, too bad you don't have one

Some vindictive faggot who wanted a leg up on everyone around him shouldn't be allowed to dictate major bits the story unchecked.

All that retard does is farm mounts, theres no way he doesnt like that shitheap

>"Sometimes, it feels like I did everything wrong"
That's because you did, Thrall.

All he does is cry everytime MoP is brought up what do you mean, he was so shit he cleared Throne of Thunder 3 months late.

That's why he hates it so much.

I know, right? Even though all the plot-important characters are Alliance or Alliance-friendly, we need even more representation.
I mean, how can you explain the Horde getting new quests? It is literally bias!

The subs are low and it also will reduce the cost to make one quest for both factions.
So it will happen.

he's on the bonus campaign that was the biggest marketing point to sell a mmo.
just like wow was heartstone's starting point

he thinks he ruined the expansion while it didn't at all, actually the last good wow expansion

More like Cuckliance.

stuipd bitch. his married.

>i-i-it wasn't me!
cute. retarded, but cute.

I mean he's a big hypocrite, and it works :
Thanks to him the Horde invaded all of the Night Elf territories, slaughtered countless innocents... with no consequences.

thinks MoP has any soul
ye nah sorry bright colours are not soul


Attached: 63eq61sli8wz.png (1016x801, 1.35M)

>any expansion with LFR

SoO was Cooperation.
Attacking Gul'dan outside of ToS was Cooperation.
This cinematic was full on thrall and jaina identifying openly that the "co-perating" of the past doesn't cut it anymore.

Thrall basically admitting he fucked up hard up till now (and he's right lmao)
jaina goes "we all have blood on our hands"
the rest of the video is about working together across factions but also hilariously enough can be a double entendre for the Thrall/Jaina relationship, with the arm grab not helping

good if they can pull it off, the faction fight has been the root cause of most of the stories bullshit because blizzard can never let either side score a win, to say nothing of the fact the factions make little sense and were irrelevant ages ago

Tough talk for someone who has PvP turned off lol

>slaughtered countless innocents
unless they give hard numbers somewhere it's irrelevant and the population will somehow be fielding massive armies next expansion because demographics make the entire lore impossible in itself

What's the bad thing? Hordechads got tons of purple elf pussy.

>pandaren must stay jolly happy all the time to not release the sha on their homeland
>the same sha that destroyed their first emperor
>while waging a war against a race of mantids and giant stone warmongers
>the major point in the expansion was the permanent destruction of a perfect region
mop is actually one of the darkest expansion, it's so sad to see all the people just saying "ew kung fu panda lol" because they haven't read a single quest log line

>doesn't do LFR
>doesn't angry at it
Problem solved, dilate.

it will heal nigga chill!

Didn't jaina have that dragon boyfriend? Did they just say "fuck it" and are going to pair these up because it's more convenient for the next expac?

They don't care about this game anymore do they? No wonder the sub numbers are lowest they've ever been.

Can't believe jaina just teleported away and left Shaw to walk back home from mulgor

>New content is solely there to keep you playing the game and is just a souless grind
>The new content may be bare bone rep grinds and more WQ's for you to do, but it's content so your wrong about it being bad
I can't believe there are people actually defending this kind content when it's literally as bare bone as a more WQ's to do and a new rep to grind.
Is this for real?

It's a shame they made Jaina this bitter, jaded warmongering character, she used to be less one-dimensional. Also isn't she like 30? Why do they insist on making her look and sound like she's 50.

think about what you are saying it makes no sense its literal nonsense
your green text alone btfos MoP

B-B-B-B-B-B-But muh cartoony graphics! (which coincidentally, suddenly became a problem when MoP came out)

That's what i'm saying : Thanks to Thrall Orcs have the best of both worlds.

That's just semantics, an alliance between the two factions will still be them cooperating

>Even though all the plot-important characters are Alliance or Alliance-friendly
it took one year for alliance players to have content, the first raid is horde only, every major character is horde at the sole exception of jaina who just had her teen crisis, every CGI video was about sylvanas or orcs
just stop man

>Muh Theramore
>operates as an Alliance forward base
>claims neutrality

Attached: 1538100309125.png (967x802, 765K)

>Didn't jaina have that dragon boyfriend?
I believe she broke up with him long ago. Blizzard never seemed to commit to that relationship much
>Did they just say "fuck it" and are going to pair these up because it's more convenient for the next expac?
I mean, Thrall has a wife and kids. So probably not.

user you told me japan was the only into orcshit, corruption and NTR. wtf

>the brown of the Barrens is the only soul I need!

A reminder that wanting orcs to pound human/elven women is literally just fantasy BBC.

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why doesn't it make sense ?

silence ESL

...I wonder if She knows that Thrall has a wife and a kid... She is geting cucked so hard.

It's weird to think that the whole story beat for BFA's launch of jaina "realising her father might have been right all along" concluded almost immediately with "nope, he was just an assblasted racist"

To be fair she has always had a thing for orc boys.

That's why I'm into humans fucking goblin/gnome/pandaren/elf/draenei/dwarf/demon/dragon/worgen/troll/orc/tauren females. Also I think there's snake chicks with tits

That slut is literally made for BOC.

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She probably knows but doesn't care. She loves Thrall so much she helped him to kill her father.

>Also isn't she like 30? Why do they insist on making her look and sound like she's 50.

Its been around 25 years at least since WCIII in universe. If she was 18 during the WCIII campaign she would be 43 at least. Also constant fighting and being in a leader position really does things to fuck up your body.

blizzard is filled with cucks now?
transracial bullshit, female elf as leader of the horde
why are they shitting on their most devoted fanbase?
i bet they wouldn't do this back in the day, when they needed every single custumer

People told me that Jaina was redpilled now and was going to genocide the orcs after seeing that her father was right.
What happened?

Suck my green dick, retard. Every time. EVERY SINGLE TIME there is some plot progression in WoW, there come alliance plot analyzers like you who cry about Blizzard hating on alliance and how it is literal bias and how the devs love Horde. You did this in vanilla, you did this in every expansion that came after. Literally the SJWs of WoW.

I hope they remove faction grouping restrictions so I can be an Orc cumdump next expansion.

You simply can't resist Orc pheromones.

wh*te women are made for orc dick


Green Jesus happened

see She physically couldn't spend more than a few days without orc cock

>Carine motherfucking Bloodhoof died from poison
>a 12 foot tall bull monster who wields an axe the size of a house died from poison

They can never be forgiven for this

Why do they always waste so many resources on such boring dialogue?
Also I can't stand buff-ass orcs talking about "We must stand together to save the world!", its like I'm watching an anime

the most cucked you mean you fucking blizz shill

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alliance are cucks for mean green cock

Yep. The final mission would've been much easier with him.

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>having muscles makes you immune to toxins

Can I skip to the first expansion yet?
The base game is laughably bad

Her story unironically reads like NTR BLACKED cuck shit. There's not much more that needs to be said. She always comes crawling back.

XIV's story is so much better than this trite.

WoW lore was shit, well, from vanilla really. I hope mommy Azshara and her daddy N'Zoth kill everyone.

crop the image you stupid.

>you did this in every expansion that came after
no I didn't
alliance was forgotten in the first year of the expansion, it's a fact
>plot progression
there isn't any because blizzard is retarded
instead of having a sylvanas out for blood we get all this "muh honnor" and "morally grey" crap
don't pin the retarded story on the alliance

You've been able to do that for like 2 years dude

That isn't saying much

here's your (You) and shove it up your ass

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If he was so based why'd he die like a little bitch lmao

>the bitch that poisoned him comes back in legion as a shaman follower and just tells you to quit bitching about it and suck it up because she's trying to stop the legion now


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>my incel dog shit story is better than this incel dog shit story.

Laughing at your life! Bye bye now!

It says a lot about the state of WoW.

Because Thrall cheated in a duel

>no I didn't
cope some more
>alliance was forgotten in the first year of the expansion, it's a fact
That's what you claim in every expansion.
>there isn't any because blizzard is retarded
More like "I don't accept it because it doesn't fit my headcanon because I need the alliance to do certain things to fulfill my autism"


Explain to me the WoW lore, I can't grasp it because I always get it confused with every other fantasy out there. Fortnite lore is easier to follow.

>all Jaina porn is her with animals or Horde races
Where did it all go wrong WC3 bros?

Attached: 3D Human_ Jaina_Proudmoore Source_Filmmaker.png (499x993, 612K)

Have they ever shown Maiev without the helmet?

The current "lore"? No one actually knows, including the developers.

and yet here you are masturbating to it
what does that say about you and the rest of the alliancecucks?

yes, multiple times

it went wrong in wc3 when she killed her father so that she could get gangbanged by thrall, rexxar, and misha

Oh God THIS, it's literally the reason why WoW lore became the absolute clusterfuck that it is today. All the writers were just autistic fanboys who all wanted to write their own fanfiction and make them canon, not caring about continuity or quality or anything at all. What a disaster.

When she met Rexxar and his pets.

i can't say for sure, but most of the "art" of her helmetless has a consistent look so i'd assume so.

And being a powerful mage extends human lifespan.

Why is Sylvanas evil again

My OTPs: Illidan and Maiev, Azahara and N'Zoth, Jaina and Arthas, Anduin and Onyxia.

>New elf character who's the main villain.
>Uses mind magic to control people
>Only uses it on the bigger male characters
>First gay character
>Gathers a big harem of muscular men. All your favorites are going to be part of it!
>Mind magic doesn't work on orc jesus and we figure out it's because he's been asexual all along. The expansion story will be focusing on the sexual (de)awakening journey of orc jesus,
>New feature let's you play as a mage and priest hybrid who uses minions to fight enemies. You can take control of random enemies and level them up. At high levels you can also mind control noteworthy NPCs, but it will be hard since you'll be the only one on the server with that NPC.
>You can also marry in the game. Only same-sex at the start but other marriages are coming with the next patches after launch.

AMA if you want to ask something about the expansion.

Oh! The expansion will be revealed at Blizzcon in a shocking reveal where a bunch of noteable characters get mind captured. Garros Hellscream is easily captured and revealed to be gay. He will be seen in scenes servicing the evil elf eagerly.

They really ruined garrosh with MoP. There are plenty of example in Cata, when he became warchief, were he is shown to be a decent, honorable leader that just wants to secure stability for the horde - the horde's stonetalon mountains questchain is a perfect example of that.
Then MoP comes along and out of no-where he's a full on conquistador, that then turns into a full on Orc-supremacist. The main argument is that his rage was corrupted by the sha and y'shaarj, but it really doesn't take away from the fact that MoP was supposed to be a "holiday expac" (they said this at the blizzcon is was announced at) with no-big bad to worry about, but then they realised half way through that was shit and they needed a villain fast.

appealing to the same retards that post shit like this

Only once, and it's just a generic Nelf model.
She was always "evil" for some reason but here attacking people and starting WW3 makes 0 sense considering her priority is to stay alive.


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Being undead makes you evil. I'm serious. Some are better at fighting it, others aren't. 180 personality changes after undead is confirmed to be part of their condition. They still don't have free will.

Those weird leveling dungeons?
Yknow what I'd actually prefer is if the base game was F2P and free of monthly subcosts, then I could actually play through that stuff at my own pace, and once I get to the good parts I'd be willing to pay a sub again

Can't wait for the spoiler reveal where Anduin is actually her and Arthas's kid and Varian adopted him after losing his wife and child in the Stonemason uprising to save them both from scandal.

Pretty sure theyve said stonetalon is non canon or something now. Guess the creator didnt get the memo garrosh was bad

It was considered "problematic" for a white woman wanting to genocide a race in 2019.

And no I'm not kidding. This shit was hot fire internally.


Wouldn't mind. I just wish Onyxia was alive as Lady Prestor and the made many dragon babies.

So when is Sylvannas gonna get killed?


Horde faggots can't stop their bbc fantasies.

Attached: 15453805950640.png (850x1252, 1.69M)

well then...

Attached: yikes.png (200x200, 69K)

Stonetalon is canon

>Th-thrall stole m-my waifu.
Superior orc cock cope.

I this same thing in an actual leak...

Honestly it wouldn't bother me. Would make Sylvanas hate him 1000x more and make for some spicy drama.

While I can understand working with the Orcish Horde, the part about developing feelings for Thrall is going too far.

Also, Jaina broke off her romantic relationship with Arthas before the beginning of Warcraft 3 because she would rather be a powerful mage than a queen. Ironic since she ended up becoming both.

Unfortunately for the alliance men (and fortunately for the alliance women) it is reality

God I wish that were me.

That's because she didn't marry a toxic human male who would tell her what to do.
Now she can lead the people she betrayed, be the most OP mage, AND have that sweet BGC.

Im surprised they didnt make her gay for sylvanas

God King Anduin's Eastern Kingdom Reich when?

Literally she, Assumi and Alex are the only reasons to look for WoW porn.

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So bottom line Jaina doesn't hate the Horde again? We've just basically been going around in circles?

No you can just buy a story skip to get to the latest expansion. Considering FFXI (a game older than wow) is still doing monthly subs you're never getting your wish. Free trial is up to 35 though

Do you guys think it's possible for Thrall to impregnate Jaina? Their child could be the next Med'an.

>Currently rotting in hell as he has to watch an Orc swoop in and fuck his gf

Jesus Christ, Arthas can't get a break.

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>old gods worshipping biatch trying to stop the legion
what a surprise! /sarcasm

Sargeras did literally nothing wrong!

She should have gotten killed and rezzed as his Lich Queen, desu.

In today's LBGT obsessed world I'm surprised this wasnt her making peace with Sylvanas and placing her hand on Sylvanas's breast.

Arthas died a virgin. Maybe he sucked off Muradin a few times as a lad but that's it.

My fucking negro.

um no sweetie it is not cheating if the good guy wins. have sex

I would pay to see this

I think Jaina is just "Thralll is one of the Good Ones" while Justifably having Reed about Garrosh and Sylvanas versions.

Basically see it how the Governments are okay with Tyrants and Despots as long as it is THEIR Tyrant or Despot.

It's not. The quest designer in charge of Stonetalon didn't follow the story outline of the game development team. That's literally it.

I think some novel implies that he and Jaina shagged.

Attached: arthas_amp_amp_jaina_ice_ph_prVK-1.jpg (1500x1000, 1.39M)

>multibillionaire company
>make shit story and gameplay 3 yrs straight



Uh sweetie 2007 was more than 3 years ago

People who stick after such torture are perfect mindbroken drones.

>I'm listening now father...
>Raises his ship out of the abyss
>Goes home and immediately gets arrested, cries with mum, and decides Dad was always a dick and leaves

What a disappointment.

How can they be so incompetent as to let it through? Multiple people worked on that shit and nobody said anything?

It's not even implied. Arthas took her virginity Arthas: ROTLK.

>Not Trolled
Whatever floats on your boat though. Everyone's got different direction with these.

>2005 was 3 years ago

Imagine unironically caring about fucking WoW lore after the trashheap that was cataclysm. This game died with Arthas. Arthas is the only good major character they made, the story would have been cooler if they expanded on the scarlet crusades corruption. Trash

No Trolled is when you mention FFXIV in a wow thread

she is a woman. what do you expect?

>People still care about WoW lore after the continuous rapings it took

utter pleb levels, I shouldn't even be feeding you this...

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It is tho, i don't remember his name but he was one of the main guy writing garrosh and then an other writer (don't remember his name too) came and ruined what the first one was building up. Go check the official forum or Garrosh's wiki, everyone knows it's canon and it's stated nowhere that Stonetalon is not canon.

Blizzard fans are the ultimate fanboys, up there with Star Wars. WoW is the poster boy for the sunk-cost fallacy, at this point they've dedicated 15 years of their lives to it. It never gets any better, but they're so ensnared by nostalgia for the good old days they can't stop.

Lore died with WoW, maybe in some parts of W3 even. I'm just in for few characters and fan fiction at thsi point.

>Literal who donut OC

>Anduin and Onyxia.
good taste

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Make 3rrd panel of this that is that gif of Hulk buttfucking Scarlet Witch in the pussy.

I was going by general consensus.
Worgens are much more common now in WoW 3d porn.

they have no need to put in any amount of effort because people will gobble up their shit anyway.

They don't actually check to see if who they hire can competently form a story, or even if they are not retarded. Once they are in they are there for good baring shareholders needing more $$$.

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>faggot yawns at Assumi
Now that's what I call gay

Attached: 1557936403579.png (225x225, 29K)

>look through the thread
>70% of it is pozzed horde retards self inserting as women and wanting men to fuck them
>alliance posters are all trying to call them out as the porn-addicted horde retards just keep screeching about dicks

Where were you when WoW lasted long enough for Alliance to become the based side?

Attached: dead_ted_rising.png (1015x768, 891K)


Worgen are also better


>bombing of theramore is instantly forgiven when Jaina gets wet for Thrall's BGC
the absolute state of alliance cucks, holy shit

I bet you jerk off to miama too.

I thought orcs were just big, angry warmongering warriors. Would they wanna fuck anything other than another orc?

>alliance filled to the absolute brim with trannies playing purple elves

>Jaina finds her apprentice glassed by the bomb
>Entire paragraph about how she tries to put her back together and weeps as her corpse runs through Jaina's hands like sand
>"Lol, whatever"

Jaina get a fucking backbone.

Isn't Garona half-orc? It's happened before

your cuckold hobby is reality. I did not argue with that

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Seeing no proof so far, lad. Maybe on your private servers, or something, but from this thread every Horde player can't go a sentence without mentioning some variation of dick.

>be blizzjews
>advertise new expansion as BATTLE for Azeroth
"we bring WAR back to the world of WARcraft :^)"
>whole expansion is about the two faction unite against the next "big bad"
how are they getting away with that?

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Ask the draenei.

Jaina really is the biggest roastie of all time.

Only the nicer looking work with Miama, but those are rare.

People are too ADD to read the story/they've given up long ago and just log in to do daily quests because their life is miserable

she looks like she fucks green dudes

>the horde's stonetalon mountains questchain is a only example of that.
He's still a big dumb nigger in LITERALLY EVERY OTHER ZONE

Orcs will fuck anything and in Thrall's case his story literally starts with him wanting to go balls deep in a human girl while being a slave.

>Literally streaming exploits for millions of dumb kids, while acknowledging you are exploiting
Streamers never learn.

I'm convinced that all the good forsaken you meet in the game like the argent dawn guy where probably evil as living humans.

Only story worth caring about is coming out at snails pace and every time I stop to read the story it has some reddit tier dogshit that I regret reading

What is it about Thrall that makes white roasties absolutely obsess over him?


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Now that would be funny.

>Thrall's case his story literally starts with him wanting to go balls deep in a human girl while being a slave.

>gets shorter and fatter with every new piece of shitty art
>that Snow White dwarf-tier pic

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Sylvanas is the only windrunner sister to not get Human'd; she and her crush both went undead. this whole war is just her lashing out because nobody is going to dick a corpse.

The solution, obviously, is for Anduin to bone and marry her, then boom war's over

9ft tall muscle bound Goliath that leeds an entire race of alphas and hes magic
i dno man take a guess

>MoP had the best atmosphere and "exploration" feel in WoW btw
No. People always say this but all the Chinese/Far East aesthetic feels completely out of place with the rest of the Warcraft universe. I love that setting (for example in the original Avatar), but it just doesn't work in this game.


Forsaken were a mistake, at least as part of Horde.

Orcs are literally every stereotype you have about a savage subhuman. They're violent, duplicitous, entitled, rapacious, chauvinistic animals and blizzards schitzophrenic attempts to retcon them into noble savages has fallen completely flat for everyone who isn't a Metzen larper.

Whos in charge of Blizzards story direction and why is he still hired

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>not male troll / male night elf
missed opportunity

Forsaken and night elves should have never joined the horde and alliance

His blue eyes.

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>Sylvanas is the only windrunner sister to not get Human'd
Eehhh...I don't know about that chief. There are rumors she got boned by self-ins...Nathanos while she was a living High Elf.

Attached: Sylvanas_timewalkers.jpg (698x1000, 110K)

just like actual china
i mean how can it even be on the same continent as europe, so out of place

Golden probably

>Sylvanas is the only windrunner sister to not get Human'd

Attached: maxresdefault[1].jpg (1280x720, 77K)

well bugmen arent human

it's not rumors : in a book one of her dark rangers tells to Nathanos that Sylv loves him. And he's like "lol whatever" like the big self-insert he is.

>women chimp out if an alpha male isnt showing them where they belong (bed kitchen) and beating them up

Give that man the Nobel Prize!

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And people thought Varian was a bitch?

The key to a permanent Alliance x Horde truce is letting orcs fuck all of their women.
Every warcrime would be instantly forgiven and Tyrande would stop being a seething femcel. Its a win/win.

The Windrunner Sisters were literally -made- for human cock

>continent hidden in mist that hasn't seen outsiders in thousands of years
>feels out of place with the rest of the world
Big think


Attached: e3-2018-christie-golden.jpg (1920x1080, 429K)

>The Legion is gone but my Tauren Shaman still isn't allowed to slowly tear that cow to elements for all the crimes she commited
Can't wait for Baine to be poisoned in a warchief-title fight with Sylvanas

I never said a diversity of settings was bad, but that this particular setting simply doesn't work in this universe. Or maybe it would, if it were done otherwise, but I doubt it. I'm not against RPGs set in fantasy medieval Europe having a China counterpart or anything like that.

>Nathanos just shows up
>is super important and is the only person Sylvanas trusts cause reasons
>gets jerked off at every opportunity and he jerks of Sylvanas
>why does this fucker read like a self insert character
Oh that makes sense have there been other characters that were this blatant?

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>have there been other characters that were this blatant?
Did you already forget about green jesus?

For the record, "Arthas compared Taretha to Jaina by appearance".
So yea Thrall always had a thing for Jaina.

Is this as bad as the jew writer who inserted himself into fucking blossom from the powerpuff girls in the remake?

In other words, he wrote a necrophilia romance story?

I agree to a certain degree. The forsaken along with the BEs should've really been a mercenary faction. Instead of cartoon "hurr look how evil we are!", the could be ACTUAL morally grey. Balancing undeath and their fleeting humanity while in a world that hates them (one where they didn't fucking deserve it).

Jaina is Golden's self-insert (and Anduin her son), Rhonin is Knaak's self-insert and of course you have Thrall.

Haven’t played in forever but heard jaina was crazy, this looks embarrassing

Was Thrall a plain old orc that was killed in a side quest in Vanilla canon?

Thrall, Rhonin, etc.
Im just suprised that people are now getting upset about self inserts.

who knew that ten thousand years of solitary confinement would have negative effects on someone
But that shit was the coolest thing according to 10 year old me

The hard-coded factions should have never been a thing. They should have gone with what they originally planned: you can play any race, each has their own rep, and you can gain rep with whichever ones you want. We would've avoided all the bullshit faction war, "WAR in Warcraft" rehashes.

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Sylvanas, Alleria, or Veressa anons?

Attached: 13900-new-comic-on-the-windrunners-three-sisters-world-of-warcraft-battle-for-azeroth-.png (1432x1040, 2.45M)

She went to his wedding.

I'd rather have a cute draenei wife user




>three elve roasties

Attached: BEB7A0B6-E9FD-4D2B-A031-907E7AD8E930.jpg (657x749, 69K)

Holy fuck the orcs look like the gayest shit in wow how do you fuck such and easy concept.

Attached: Ork-Nob.jpg (1107x980, 331K)

lets all three fight for your cock

Sylvanas but I ain't no waifufag.

And here comes the warhammerfaggot when no one asked him to
Back to your meme game

I was clarifying that Jaina does indeed know.

>xdddd waaaaagrh da emprah protects da wed wunz go fastah

Attached: 1561165883670.png (2988x2113, 2.72M)

>da emprah
Maybe he's into WHFB and not 40k.

rip rexxx

>check out the WoW forums to see what the consensus on the new patch is
>anyone who dares points out any flaws about 8.2 gets jumped on by a dozen people, including "mvp" greenposters, screeching that everyone complaining is just overreacting and that daddy Blizzard will totally fix it
I thought the blizzdrone thing was just a meme

>...I wonder if She knows that Thrall has a wife and a kid... She is geting cucked so hard.
>She went to his wedding.
cuckliance am I right

>Orc has a pistol
you take a guess at which one he likes.


He isn't lying though.
WoW has taken the concept of the noble savage and has beaten it to death. It IS gay when we're talking about Orcs of all creatures.

They will either be serial rapists or green jesuses like Thrall.

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Figures he is a 40kfag, every newfag memester always likes 40k

you mean you, cunt. Back to your reddit space and complain about how there are no women space marines.

Why does any mention warhammer make warcraftbabbies seethe so much?
Is it jealously? Or is it just insecurity whenever they are reminded their favorite game is a soulless mutt bootleg of a far superior ip?

honestly I kind of like the heroin addict elves

Attached: wow___valtrois_x_stellagosa_by_madmaddie-dbfjof3.jpg (862x926, 122K)

As did dragon aspects, Tyrande and Malfurion, and it took place in neutral territory. Am I right?

Maybe the issue is Orcs in general are always fucking boring since you either have to go full meme warhammer retard with them or muh noble savage wow orcs.

Attached: marisa 3.png (568x433, 122K)

I prefer fantasy.

But fuck me even 40k does it better than warcraft.

Attached: Warboss.jpg (1200x901, 355K)

More like it is because there are two different things entirely and the warhammercunts think every game that has orcs or elves in it tries to copy warhammer

>TFW 40k MMO will never happen.

Attached: noCUWtv.png (708x546, 913K)

You sound angry over fiction

Go back to the eternal crusade cuckshed

This is so sad, human women only fuck orcs now so all the human boys have to go after elf women....

Not everything needs to copy Warhammer you dib, stop making us look bad.

Attached: adrian smith chaos warrior.jpg (728x1083, 120K)

Nigga warcraft I was literally warhammer before they changed the name because license and shit.

Would be to good for this world.

Attached: wow erp.jpg (1200x1093, 112K)

You sound angry over getting btfo'd

why does everything in warhammer have ot be so fucking overdesigned? That chaos warrior looks fucking retarded

made even sadder by the fact elf women instinctively crave orcish cock too
human boys literally can't compete

No one has ever been able to provide a source for this.

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Didn't say they needed to copy just pointing out the obvious that the design is inferior, feel free to disagree

Why you hating? Each to their own, let the lads have their own orcs and we have our own orks.

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And then, where will the cucked Elf men turn into as well?

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the cucked elf men will turn to the draenei women

And it seems it did warhammer things better than warhammer itself, since Blizz keeps getting richer and GW struggles yearly to find new ways to milk its neckbeard customers dry.

>He doesn't know GW is on the incline of all inclines right now

my headcanon is the source

Elf men are for goblin girls


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Belves 2.0 were pretty great. Though why they'd bend over backwards for a tyrant after fighting to free themselves of one is beyond me.

Because Warhammer is supposed to be baroque and gothic. Baroque is all about balls to the wall detail. Combine that with 80s metal and you get Warhammer.

>actually painting Blizzard in a good light

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okay tranny

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The (You) master

Orc is the fantasy equivalent of BBC, so Jaina basically betrayed her father, her fiance, and changed her whole life just for some big orc cock. It is pretty on the nose fetish writing from Blizzard.

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Ironically the elf men go to colonize orc women.

its called SOUL

I won't let this post go unappreciated.

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>giving money to Blizzard

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I'd rather an orc gf if we're gonna be honest.

>malf slapping that tyrande ass as inceldan walks away

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When is blizzard going to focus on the most based race?

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I like this.
Thus, the circle of cuckoldry is complete.

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It's so good blizzard is giving up on every other major franchise.

Dunno, Ethereals haven't really been in the picture since TBC. Shame.

If that's true, it doesn't surprise me. Warhammer players are like battered housewives constantly coming back.

>Not stating facts because someone or something hurt you and/or for the memes

GW is doing the best right now that they've done in over a decade.

Overdesigned is a word used by retards whose brain melts if they have to look at something more complicated than a pokemon.

That cinematic got me hyped but I never started playing again. You saying it led to absolutely nothing?

Kek that image, Illidan literally SEETHING

>dwarfags keep calling Horde dirty
>dwarfags live in caves and never bathe

Goblins are still unfortunately mostly on the backburner.
Probably will never get that model update either, shame.

I think they will expand into San'layn soon user with the next expansion.

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Hey that sounds just like wow players with every expansion and patch that comes out, funny that.

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>WoWfag accusing anyone of having Stockholm syndrome
the ironing

Blizzard themselves said that it's an old god expansion.

Damn, Warhammer Orks would eat WoW's faggot orcs for breakfast.

Isn't that literally every expansion

>genuinely thinking WoW is more expensive that Warhammer
fucking lol

>Warhammer players are like battered housewives constantly coming back.
Injust play total war warhammer and read lore. I don't want GW to revive WHFB, let it be dead, safer that way.

My dad could beat up your dad

Only 40k greenskins are called orks. WHFB has orcs.

Sounds more like WoW customers, to be perfectly honest.

lol orks are a meme race

Jaina's mum has visions of the shit Jaina went through and absolves her for killing Daelin, claiming he was 'lost' long ago. It's rubbish. They play up his abusiveness as an uncaring and bordering on psychopathic dad.

Nobody said it was more expensive retard

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That's because you are not a meme faggot like 90% of warhammerfags aka WH40k players

every wh race is a meme race

You implied it. Also WoW is way more enjoyable than playing warhammer.

>When your writer begins to put his fetishes into your video game

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40k can be alright the dark eldar are cool

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