ITT: dead games that autists still shill

ITT: dead games that autists still shill
>muh comfy
>muh it ain't me
Fuck off. 4 servers filled up with level 9001 autists who will exploit and will vote kick you because you didn't call them by their imaginary rank

Attached: header (1).jpg (460x215, 45K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Most Ameriboo and west cuck games are like that. You gotta go more with the Slavic ones like Arma if you want good online. However be weary, anglocucks sometimes do join servers and whine on the mic, but luckily there’s still a good population on non anglos that tell them to stfu and stop spamming side chat.

You clearly bought this game on sale or played on a free weekend and got your FNG ass handed to you by people that actually know the maps and the game. Go back home and let the real men fight this war, pussy.

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shut the FRACK up faggio

Doesn't change the fact that it's a dead game. Go ahead, take a screenie of the server list right now. Do it. Post it. She's dead, Jim

You're supposed to run through the jungle not suck cocks through the jungle.

are you that same cunt that complains in every thread this game is mentioned in? What did they say to you that youve been so but blasted for the past month?

>Trying to understand an autistic NEET that woke up today to complain about video games
Don't do this.

Imagine being such a fucking butthurt fag that you keep crying about this game for this long. I'll be having fun while you shit the bed even more, you fucking fat bitch.

The game has literally never had a good population count and I entirely expected it to have a bad population count because it's a niche game for a niche group of people. I still have 967 hours in the game and I still enjoy it, so go ahead and tell me how mad I am again.

probably because the primary playerbase is at work, unlike you, neet

play HLL

Attached: 1561349887307.jpg (1920x1080, 748K)

sounds like you're incapable of having fun OP
maybe you should learn what fun is about
also you sound like a fag
eat shit, charlie

>Early access WW2 shooter

Attached: 1435955306824.jpg (224x225, 13K)




maybe its just me but, with 120 hr played i really don't see myself playing it even more.

the only thing i can that kind of sparks my interest are new updates but, even that doesn't get me to play it for more than a couple hours before i get bored.

How can a game be dead with at least 1500 active players at any given time?
Oh I get it, youre just a retard with potato reflexes who got shit on and now youre crying on Yea Forums lmao.

Its the retards that think if a game doesnt have fortnite level of players at all hours, its a dead game. I am so tired of this fucking meme. If you can join a full server during prime hours, a game is not dead.

Lmao that's complete bullshit and you know it. Post the server list right now

>call them by their imaginary rank
thank god I can finally go back to this game without being shot by friendlies RPers were the best thing about the other games

full on my server :^)

Just checked steamcharts and theres 1600 playing an hour ago. Im not a loser neet and am at work now, look it up yourself

*takes a puff from a fat stoagie*

Attached: Rising Storm 2 Vietnam - Steam Charts.png (799x395, 156K)

That includes people idling and on menus, idiot. Post the server list



How many people do you think are idling in menus?

I'm wigging out man!

the only reason to play this game is for vietnam nothing else

progression: doesn't even exist once you get to level 25 thats it you just played the entire game

Why do people even namefag on Yea Forums? It's just a voice drowned in thousands. why not namefag in a low pop board like /po/ or /k/?

Post the sever list, retard

Imagine playing games only for the soul purpose of seeing imaginary numbers go up. You might as well just kys

It is not often you see this large amount of both C O P E and S E E T H E coming from one person.

Didn't even exist at game launch. Used the double xp bug the first weekend and shot up to lvl 99 in 3 hours. Used my alt account till the ban cool down went and am still lvl 99.

Attached: 1362645430319.png (202x193, 24K)

The player base is absolutely garbage. The most mediocre players credit this game too much thinking there are tactics involved. Probably the most tactics involved at all for most pub matches are attacking with more than one dude at a time. Only when two equally highly skilled teams face off is it important to coordinate commander abilities. The main thing that matters in this game is kill count. Not running into objectives and getting killed. That comes naturally if your team keeps up the kill count. Anyone with decent FPS skills should be able to pubstomp in this game. I got an irl friend of mine that hasn't played FPS games in a year to come over and use my old desktop with a cheapo $8 walmart keyboard and he was in the top 20% at the end of the round which is insane considering there are semi regular players on this game.

ALSO, Europeans for the most part are TERRIBLE at this game even on their own EU servers.

Attached: rs2kdr.png (574x782, 452K)


I think the best part is they later made DLC's to pay through level caps. The first few rounds of DLC I didn't need because I was already lvl 99.

You know what numbers are going up right now? The ones describing the current length of my penis. And it's ready for action. Bend over, faggot

>he still won't post the server list
Lmao I can see right through you, stop trying to sidestep. It's so obvious

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 89K)

This game is ruined by minmaxers who sit at the edge of the map with all their foliage turned off sniping at people for easy kills.

>there's 1500 players active constantly!
>well then prove it, post the server list
>w-well u-uh I, uh... Um...

Tactical shooters have the dumbest/shittiest players. They all suck ass at the game they play.

>n-no steam is just lying about how many people are playing the game!

>newfag seething because he keeps running around like an autist and gets dome'd by someone with common sense
Every time a sale happens.

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Steam is just saying how many people have the game open.
Why won't you post the server list? You have it installed, right?

>ITT: scrub whines about player numbers because he quite clearly got shitted on in game

The hubris is really incredible in these games. Then you get dudes that mainly played arena shooters for years that enter this game and absolutely dominate to the point of being accused of hacking. RS2's player base is the worst offender because a lot of them think there are tactics involved when in fact the most important thing to win in this game is individual FPS skills and not tactics which might as well be thrown out the window on this title.

Just so I can see butthurt posts like this

>obviously all those people opened the game just to idle at the menu
This is some pretty hardcore cope.

People have jobs, retard. But by all means, keep living in your delusional fantasy world where 500+ people are just idling at the main menu.

>You gotta go more with the Slavic ones like Arma if you want good online.
Nah, those are the kind of games that are actually filled with turbo autists that get mad if you don't call them by their imaginary rank and suck their dicks. Just like in Squad.

>all these excuses
Post the server list


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For me it was the small rotation of maps and the maps in general being total fucking shit that killed RS2 for me. I thought Tripwire had experience but they did a total amateur job with it.

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>be playing arma since forever
>ever since that one british dude started a youtube channel it gets flooded with lol so randumb retards

Fun Fact: If you piss off the Reddit Gay mafia in this game and they send Tripwire a video of you saying something to the effect of,
"Follow me to Foxtrot right now, get in Foxtrot now and receive a new skin, DLCs for every player that follows me to Foxtrot right now" they will permanently ban you despite the game having dedicated servers, or being a loyal customer since Ostfront 1941-1945 or clocking in more than 800 hours in the game? Truly amazing I'm glad they know I think Tripwire is a bunch of diversity hires now and lost all good artistic direction in all their games. Steampunk for KF2? It sucked in KF1 it really sucks now. Grow up.

Nigger what the fuck are you talking about

I got reported on reddit and permanently banned from all servers by the devs.

Just imagine being this bad at the game, that you come up with pure fabrications lmao.

You post it, lol

>this entire posts coming from a
>on Yea Forums

O I am laffin

~11:30am East Coast USA.
You ginormous faggot.

Attached: rs2_servelist.jpg (1920x1080, 411K)

>dead game
I still get into full matches.


For me it was the fact that the maps are too small for everyone to have automatic rifles. Kills the fun, and its like the other user said, it just revolves around how well you can handle a gun not tactics.

how will he EVER recover?

Now post one without bots and fake player counts, retard. Dead game

Did he lie about the shit community though? RO2 was the fucking same with autists doing "SO RANDOM XD" racism and other shit thinking they're too cool for school while sucking ass.

>Nah, those are the kind of games that are actually filled with turbo autists that get mad if you don't call them by their imaginary rank and suck their dicks. Just like in Squad.
t. retard that has never played squad

Attached: Squad.jpg (2560x1440, 626K)

>p-p-post the server list!
Have sex.

>your government lies to you everyday
is this true, Yea Forums?

shutup you puff

the cuck rising storm 2

Attached: smh.png (823x643, 351K)

Clearly you haven’t played Arma then. The community there is much nicer and more helpful anywhere else anglos congregate en mass. In fact every server that had a shitter in it it turned out to be an anglo either being obnoxious and racist or whining about getting killed and nobody helping him

>June 12th

>In fact every server that had a shitter in it it turned out to be an anglo either being obnoxious and racist or whining about
>being obnoxious and racist or whining

you're being pretty obnoxious, racist, and whiny right now bro

How's squad?
Is it ok to communicate through text instead of a mic too?

And what a surprise it’s on an anglo created platform

Those kind of games need a mic. It's more about communicating quicker.

>How's squad?
its pretty good
>is it okay to communicate through text

Attached: sks baynonet.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

I have buyer's remorse for this game so bad, it was such a waste of money.

From the games you can get into, no one wants to be squad leader or do their damn job. You either crush the other team or get crushed, there are very few close matches and servers are dead. The maps are mostly shit as well.

Most text communicators are more bearable than micfags so yes

This game is kino though.