Minecraft combat is changing again


Thoughts on this? Obviously this is the first look at the new changes, so it will likely be polished for the final release. Could be part of 1.15

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>caring about minecraft updates
are you 12

>stop talking about videogames!

Minecraft's an unironically good game with an abysmal fanbase.

Minecraft has been out long enough that those 12 years who played it at launch are now posting here as 22 year olds.

I get the impression minecrafts fan base isn't as bad as it used to be. Most of the toxic kids moved to fortnite and the ones that remained are mostly fine.

>2009 was 10 years ago
where does all the time go

you're right, we need 37 more smash threads instead.


How about they update the fucking underground and cave system?

yeah, 12 inches deep in YOUR MOM

Yes please. 1.13 and 1.14 updated areas of the game that were servely lacking and were great updates, but I feel caves need it even more than oceans and villages do.

Maybe you're right, but it's left a bad taste in everyone's mouth that will probably never go away.

Honestly I've always felt as though Steel should've been in the game by using iron and coal, but it'd probably just end up as an annoying-to-get tier between iron and diamond.

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The armor/tool/weapon system is already perfect as it is.

The only thing they could add is an ore that makes tools and armor with high durability but low speed and protection as an exact opposite of gold.

Old world gen WHEN? Amplified is SHIT

how about adding actual dungeons?
and no, i'm not talking about ugly cubes with a spawner and a chest

nether rework please

22 is still zoomer age

Holy shit hoe meta is real

>newfags call others new because they care for minecraft


Honestly really good changes. Fuck the swing cooldown mechanic