Ouya support ended, essentially bricking all systems

>ouya support ended, essentially bricking all systems
>no threads on Yea Forums

This place really does hate vidya, huh?

Attached: ouya.jpg (2500x1667, 424K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Now you can upgrade the motherboard with a RaspberryPi 4, and live again.

Digital only faggots WILL defend this.

this isn't going to happen to my $400 switch digital library one day is it?

Wii support was discontinued before the Ouya. Let that sink in.

Why would anyone buy Nintendo games digitally? Most of their games work without needing any patches. I've played BotW for hundreds of hours without ever downloading the day one patch and it plays fine.

>This place really does hate vidya, huh?
The Ouya was vidya?

Is it really bricked? Can't even turn on?

this is why day one patches are such a bad thing

Yea Forums is a place for shilling AAA games now

Bricking the system? Da phuc?

Remember: If you don't own if physically, you don't own it.
That said, with how many games require day 1 patches, you don't even own your current games in a playable form if you lose access to services.

I'll just go ahead and finish it myself.

Yes, the servers containing your digital purchases will be taken offline sooner or later. It happened with original Xbox and it happened with the Wii it will happen again.

Hahah digicucks BTFO thats why I buy physical so I will always have a copy of the game that can't be taken away.

You will also lose your "complete" physical games, because all games have a Day 1 patches these days.

That's bullshit I've had my PS4 since launch and I have never connected it to the internet and all the games run perfectly fine with no bugs.

Are you paying for beta code or the complete game, you need patches, which are on the server, for the compelte game you paid for.

Doesn't matter, hackers and modders will find a way to install patches just like they have for original Xbox and PS3.

Thats right, but once a system is jailbroken you have access to all the games, so it makes even less sense to insert a disc when you can copy all games to the hard drive.


>That said, with how many games require day 1 patches, you don't even own your current games in a playable form if you lose access to services.
Depends on the game. Most AAA western garbage is definitely unplayable or borderline unplayable without them. Niche weeb games and Nintendo games usually work fine without them.


>physicalfags really believe this
the only way to guarantee access is through piracy

This is possibly the worst post I've ever seen on Yea Forums. Congratulations.

Stop reddit spacing

>android based console dead
no shit, you can't play clickers with a controller

Ouya? more like Ouno

Remember when the ouya was announced they did a poll to see what games it can play and people thought they could play Skyrim, Call of Duty and Battlefield on it? Lmao those are the days.

Remember this?



yeah nah faggot go play cellphone games somewhere else.

so what you're saying is Day 1 patches suck dick